Example #1
/* <dict> .buildcolorrendering1 <crd> */
static int
zbuildcolorrendering1(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
    int code;
    es_ptr ep = esp;
    gs_cie_render *pcrd;
    ref_cie_render_procs procs;

    check_read_type(*op, t_dictionary);
    code = gs_cie_render1_build(&pcrd, mem, ".buildcolorrendering1");
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = zcrd1_params(op, pcrd, &procs, mem);
    if (code < 0 ||
    (code = cache_colorrendering1(i_ctx_p, pcrd, &procs,
				  (gs_ref_memory_t *) mem)) < 0
	) {
	rc_free_struct(pcrd, ".buildcolorrendering1");
	esp = ep;
	return code;
    /****** FIX refct ******/
    /*rc_decrement(pcrd, ".buildcolorrendering1"); *//* build sets rc = 1 */
    istate->colorrendering.dict = *op;
    make_istruct_new(op, a_readonly, pcrd);
    return (esp == ep ? 0 : o_push_estack);
Example #2
/* <dict> .builddevicecolorrendering1 <crd> */
static int
zbuilddevicecolorrendering1(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
    dict_param_list list;
    gs_cie_render *pcrd = 0;
    int code;

    check_type(*op, t_dictionary);
    code = dict_param_list_read(&list, op, NULL, false, iimemory);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = gs_cie_render1_build(&pcrd, mem, ".builddevicecolorrendering1");
    if (code >= 0) {
	code = param_get_cie_render1(pcrd, (gs_param_list *) & list,
	if (code >= 0) {
	    /****** FIX refct ******/
	    /*rc_decrement(pcrd, ".builddevicecolorrendering1"); *//* build sets rc = 1 */
    if (code < 0) {
	rc_free_struct(pcrd, ".builddevicecolorrendering1");
	return code;
    istate->colorrendering.dict = *op;
    make_istruct_new(op, a_readonly, pcrd);
    return 0;
Example #3
static int
test6(gs_state * pgs, gs_memory_t * mem)
    gs_color_space *pcs;
    gs_cie_abc *pabc;
    gs_cie_render *pcrd;
    static const gs_vector3 white_point =
    {1, 1, 1};
    static const gs_cie_render_proc3 encode_abc =
        {render_abc, render_abc, render_abc}
    int code;
    gs_color_space *rgb_cs;

    rgb_cs = gs_cspace_new_DeviceRGB(mem);

    gs_scale(pgs, 150.0, 150.0);
    gs_translate(pgs, 0.5, 0.5);
    gs_setcolorspace(pgs, rgb_cs);
    spectrum(pgs, 5);
    gs_translate(pgs, 1.2, 0.0);
    /* We must set the CRD before the color space. */
    code = gs_cie_render1_build(&pcrd, mem, "test6");
    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    gs_cie_render1_initialize(mem, pcrd, NULL, &white_point, NULL,
                              NULL, NULL, NULL,
                              NULL, NULL, NULL,
                              NULL, &encode_abc, NULL,
    gs_setcolorrendering(pgs, pcrd);
    gs_cspace_build_CIEABC(&pcs, NULL, mem);
    /* There should be an API for initializing CIE color spaces too.... */
    pabc = pcs->params.abc;
    pabc->common.points.WhitePoint = white_point;
    /* End of initializing the color space. */
    gs_setcolorspace(pgs, pcs);
    spectrum(pgs, 5);
    gs_free_object(mem, rgb_cs, "test6 rgb_cs");
    return 0;
Example #4
static int
pl_build_crd(gs_state *pgs)
    int code;
    /* nothing to do */
    if ( pl_pcrd_built == true )
        return gs_setcolorrendering(pgs, pl_pcrd);

    code = gs_cie_render1_build(&pl_pcrd, gs_state_memory(pgs), "build_crd");
    if ( code < 0 )
	return code;
    pl_pcrd_built = true;

    if ( pl_read_device_CRD(pl_pcrd, pgs) ) {
        dprintf("CRD initialized from device\n");
        return 0;

    code = gs_cie_render1_initialize(pgs->memory, 
                                     NULL, /* EncodeLMN */
                                     NULL, /* RangeLMN */
                                     NULL, /* MatrixABC */
    if ( code < 0 )
	return code; /* should not fail */
    code = gs_setcolorrendering(pgs, pl_pcrd);
    return code;
Example #5
 * Implement get_params for a sample device CRD.  A useful convention,
 * for devices that can provide more than one CRD, is to have a settable
 * parameter CRDName, which gives the name of the CRD in use.  This sample
 * code provides a constant CRDName: making it settable is left as an
 * exercise to the reader.
sample_device_crd_get_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist,
			     const char *crd_param_name)
    int ecode = 0;

    if (param_requested(plist, "CRDName") > 0) {
	gs_param_string cns;
	int code;

	cns.data = (const byte *)crd_param_name;
	cns.size = strlen(crd_param_name);
	cns.persistent = true;
	code = param_write_string(plist, "CRDName", &cns);
	if (code < 0)
	    ecode = code;
    if (param_requested(plist, crd_param_name) > 0) {
	gs_cie_render *pcrd;
	int code = gs_cie_render1_build(&pcrd, pdev->memory,
	if (code >= 0) {
	    gs_cie_transform_proc3 tpqr;

	    tpqr = bit_TransformPQR;
	    tpqr.driver_name = pdev->dname;
	    code = gs_cie_render1_initialize(pdev->memory, pcrd, NULL,
			&bit_WhitePoint, NULL /*BlackPoint*/,
			NULL /*MatrixPQR*/, &bit_RangePQR, &tpqr,
			NULL /*MatrixLMN*/, &bit_EncodeLMN, &bit_RangeLMN,
			&bit_MatrixABC, &bit_EncodeABC, NULL /*RangeABC*/,
	    if (code >= 0) {
		code = param_write_cie_render1(plist, crd_param_name, pcrd,
	    rc_decrement(pcrd, "sample_device_crd_get_params"); /* release */
	if (code < 0)
	    ecode = code;
    if (param_requested(plist, bit_TransformPQR.proc_name) > 0) {
	 * We definitely do not recommend the following use of a static
	 * to hold the address: this is a shortcut.
	gs_cie_transform_proc my_proc = bit_TransformPQR_proc;
	byte *my_addr = gs_alloc_string(pdev->memory, sizeof(my_proc),
	int code;

	if (my_addr == 0)
	    code = gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror);
	else {
	    gs_param_string as;

	    memcpy(my_addr, &my_proc, sizeof(my_proc));
	    as.data = my_addr;
	    as.size = sizeof(my_proc);
	    as.persistent = true;
	    code = param_write_string(plist, bit_TransformPQR.proc_name, &as);
	if (code < 0)
	    ecode = code;
    return ecode;