Example #1
static int
exp1_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
         const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
         gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(exp1_J, exp1_N, exp1_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x2 = gsl_vector_get(x, 1);
  double x3 = gsl_vector_get(x, 2);
  double x4 = gsl_vector_get(x, 3);
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < exp1_N; ++i)
      double ti = 0.02*(i + 1.0);
      double term1 = exp(x1*ti);
      double term2 = exp(x2*ti);

      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 0, -x3*ti*term1);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 1, -x4*ti*term2);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 2, -term1);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 3, -term2);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #2
static int
vardim_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
           const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
           gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(vardim_J, vardim_N, vardim_P);
  size_t i;
  double sum = 0.0;
  gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_submatrix(&J.matrix, 0, 0, vardim_P, vardim_P);


  for (i = 0; i < vardim_P; ++i)
      double xi = gsl_vector_get(x, i);
      sum += (i + 1.0) * (xi - 1.0);

  for (i = 0; i < vardim_P; ++i)
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, vardim_P, i, i + 1.0);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, vardim_P + 1, i, 2*(i + 1.0)*sum);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #3
static int
boxbod_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
           const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
           gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(boxbod_J, boxbod_N, boxbod_P);
  double b[boxbod_P];
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < boxbod_P; i++)
      b[i] = gsl_vector_get(x, i);

  for (i = 0; i < boxbod_N; i++)
      double xi = boxbod_X[i];
      double term = exp(-b[1] * xi);

      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 0, 1.0 - term);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 1, b[0] * term * xi);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #4
static int
wood_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
         const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
         gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(wood_J, wood_N, wood_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x3 = gsl_vector_get(x, 2);
  double s90 = sqrt(90.0);
  double s10 = sqrt(10.0);


  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 0, 0, -20.0*x1);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 0, 1, 10.0);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 1, 0, -1.0);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 2, 2, -2.0*s90*x3);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 2, 3, s90);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 3, 2, -1.0);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 4, 1, s10);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 4, 3, s10);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 5, 1, 1.0/s10);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 5, 3, -1.0/s10);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #5
static int
meyer_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
          const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
          gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(meyer_J, meyer_N, meyer_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x2 = gsl_vector_get(x, 1);
  double x3 = gsl_vector_get(x, 2);
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < meyer_N; ++i)
      double ti = 45.0 + 5.0*(i + 1.0);
      double term1 = ti + x3;
      double term2 = exp(x2 / term1);

      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 0, term2);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 1, x1*term2/term1);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 2, -x1*x2*term2/(term1*term1));

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #6
static int
powell3_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
            const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
            gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(powell3_J, powell3_N, powell3_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x2 = gsl_vector_get(x, 1);

  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 0, 0, 1.0e4*x2);
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 0, 1, 1.0e4*x1);

  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 1, 0, -exp(-x1));
  gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, 1, 1, -exp(-x2));

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #7
static int
beale_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
          const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
          gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(beale_J, beale_N, beale_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x2 = gsl_vector_get(x, 1);
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < beale_N; ++i)
      double term = pow(x2, (double) i);

      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 0, term*x2 - 1.0);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 1, (i + 1.0) * x1 * term);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #8
static int
lin2_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
         const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
         gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(lin2_J, lin2_N, lin2_P);
  size_t i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < lin2_N; ++i)
      for (j = 0; j < lin2_P; ++j)
          gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, j, (i + 1.0) * (j + 1.0));

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)x;      /* avoid unused parameter warning */
  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #9
static int
wnlin_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
          const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
          gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(wnlin_J, wnlin_N, wnlin_P);
  double A = gsl_vector_get (x, 0);
  double lambda = gsl_vector_get (x, 1);
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < wnlin_N; i++)
      gsl_vector_view v = gsl_matrix_row(&J.matrix, i);
      double ti = i;
      double swi = sqrt(wnlin_W[i]);
      double e = exp(-lambda * ti);

      gsl_vector_set(&v.vector, 0, e);
      gsl_vector_set(&v.vector, 1, -ti * A * e);
      gsl_vector_set(&v.vector, 2, 1.0);

      gsl_vector_scale(&v.vector, swi);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #10
static int
box_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
        const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
        gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(box_J, box_N, box_P);
  double x1 = gsl_vector_get(x, 0);
  double x2 = gsl_vector_get(x, 1);
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < box_N; ++i)
      double ti = (i + 1.0) / 10.0;
      double term1 = exp(-x1*ti);
      double term2 = exp(-x2*ti);
      double term3 = exp(-10.0*ti) - exp(-ti);

      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 0, -ti*term1);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 1, ti*term2);
      gsl_matrix_set(&J.matrix, i, 2, term3);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #11
/* Compute Gibbs sampling pieces X'*y, and X'*X */
void olsg(gsl_vector *y, gsl_matrix *X, gsl_vector *XTy, gsl_matrix *XTX)
  gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasTrans,1.0,X,y, 0.0 , XTy);

  /* XTX stored in lower triangle only */
  gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans,1.0,X,0.0,XTX);
Example #12
File: lls.c Project: pa345/lib
lls_fold(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_vector *b,
         gsl_vector *wts, lls_workspace *w)
  const size_t n = A->size1;

  if (A->size2 != w->p)
      GSL_ERROR("A has wrong size2", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (n != b->size)
      GSL_ERROR("b has wrong size", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (n != wts->size)
      GSL_ERROR("wts has wrong size", GSL_EBADLEN);
      int s = 0;
      size_t i;
      double bnorm;

      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          gsl_vector_view rv = gsl_matrix_row(A, i);
          double *bi = gsl_vector_ptr(b, i);
          double wi = gsl_vector_get(wts, i);
          double swi = sqrt(wi);

          /* A <- sqrt(W) A */
          gsl_vector_scale(&rv.vector, swi);

          /* b <- sqrt(W) b */
          *bi *= swi;
      /* ATA += A^T W A, using only the upper half of the matrix */
      s = gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasUpper, CblasTrans, 1.0, A, 1.0, w->ATA);
      if (s)
        return s;

      /* ATb += A^T W b */
      s = gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, A, b, 1.0, w->ATb);
      if (s)
        return s;

      /* bTb += b^T W b */
      bnorm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(b);
      w->bTb += bnorm * bnorm;

      return s;
} /* lls_fold() */
Example #13
int GlmTest::resampSmryCase(glm *model, gsl_matrix *bT, GrpMat *GrpXs, gsl_matrix *bO, unsigned int i )
    int status, isValid=TRUE;

    unsigned int j, k, id;
    gsl_vector_view yj, oj, xj;
    gsl_matrix *tXX = NULL;
    unsigned int nRows=tm->nRows, nParam=tm->nParam;
    if (bootID == NULL) {
       tXX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParam, nParam);
       while (isValid==TRUE) { // if all isSingular==TRUE
           if (tm->reprand!=TRUE) GetRNGstate();
           for (j=0; j<nRows; j++) {
               // resample Y, X, offsets accordingly
               if (tm->reprand==TRUE)
                   id = (unsigned int) gsl_rng_uniform_int(rnd, nRows);
               else id = (unsigned int) nRows * Rf_runif(0, 1);
               xj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Xref, id);
               gsl_matrix_set_row(GrpXs[0].matrix, j, &xj.vector);
               yj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Yref, id);
               gsl_matrix_set_row(bT, j, &yj.vector);
               oj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Eta, id);
               gsl_matrix_set_row(bO, j, &oj.vector);
           if (tm->reprand!=TRUE) PutRNGstate();
           if (status!=GSL_EDOM) break;
          //  if (calcDet(tXX)>eps) break; 
       for (k=2; k<nParam+2; k++) 
           subX2(GrpXs[0].matrix, k-2, GrpXs[k].matrix);
    else {
       for (j=0; j<nRows; j++) {
           id = (unsigned int) gsl_matrix_get(bootID, i, j);
           // resample Y and X and offset
           yj=gsl_matrix_row(model->Yref, id);
           gsl_matrix_set_row (bT, j, &yj.vector);
           oj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Eta, id);
           gsl_matrix_set_row(bO, j, &oj.vector);
           xj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Xref, id);
           gsl_matrix_set_row(GrpXs[0].matrix, j, &xj.vector);
       for (k=2; k<nParam+2; k++) 
           subX2(GrpXs[0].matrix, k-2, GrpXs[k].matrix);


   return SUCCESS;
Example #14
//int GlmTest::resampAnovaCase(glm *model, gsl_matrix *Onull, gsl_matrix *bT, gsl_matrix *bX, gsl_matrix *bO, gsl_matrix *bOnull, unsigned int i)
int GlmTest::resampAnovaCase(glm *model, gsl_matrix *bT, gsl_matrix *bX, gsl_matrix *bO, unsigned int i)
    int status, isValid=TRUE;

    unsigned int j, id, nP;
    gsl_vector_view yj, xj, oj; 
    nP = model->Xref->size2;
    gsl_matrix *tXX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nP, nP);
    unsigned int nRows=tm->nRows;

    if (bootID == NULL) {
       while (isValid==TRUE) {
            if (tm->reprand!=TRUE) GetRNGstate();
            for (j=0; j<nRows; j++) {   
                if (tm->reprand==TRUE)
                   id=(unsigned int)gsl_rng_uniform_int(rnd, nRows);
                else id=(unsigned int) nRows*Rf_runif(0, 1);
                // resample Y and X and offset
                yj=gsl_matrix_row(model->Yref, id);
                xj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Xref, id);
                oj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Eta, id);
                gsl_matrix_set_row (bT, j, &yj.vector);
                gsl_matrix_set_row(bX, j, &xj.vector);
                gsl_matrix_set_row(bO, j, &oj.vector);
             if (tm->reprand!=TRUE) PutRNGstate();
             if (status!=GSL_EDOM) break;
   else {
       for (j=0; j<nRows; j++) {   
          id = (unsigned int) gsl_matrix_get(bootID, i, j);
          // resample Y and X and offset
          yj=gsl_matrix_row(model->Yref, id);
          xj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Xref, id);
          oj = gsl_matrix_row(model->Oref, id);
          gsl_matrix_set_row (bT, j, &yj.vector);
          gsl_matrix_set_row(bX, j, &xj.vector);
          gsl_matrix_set_row(bO, j, &oj.vector);


   return SUCCESS;
Example #15
File: rnd.cpp Project: cran/mvabund
int rwishart(const gsl_rng *r, const unsigned int n, const unsigned int dof, const gsl_matrix *scale, gsl_matrix *result)
    unsigned int k,l;
    gsl_matrix *work = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);

    for(k=0; k<n; k++){
	gsl_matrix_set( work, k, k, sqrt( gsl_ran_chisq( r, (dof-k) ) ) );
	for(l=0; l<k; l++)
	    gsl_matrix_set( work, k, l, gsl_ran_ugaussian(r) );

    return 0;
Example #16
static VALUE rb_gsl_blas_dsyrk(VALUE obj, VALUE u, VALUE t, VALUE a, VALUE aa,
             VALUE b, VALUE cc)
  gsl_matrix *A = NULL, *C = NULL;
  double alpha, beta;
  CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo;
  Need_Float(a);  Need_Float(b);
  Uplo = FIX2INT(u);
  Trans = FIX2INT(t);
  alpha = NUM2DBL(a);
  beta = NUM2DBL(b);
  Data_Get_Struct(aa, gsl_matrix, A);
  Data_Get_Struct(cc, gsl_matrix, C);
  gsl_blas_dsyrk(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, beta, C);
  return cc;
Example #17
static int
thurber_df (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransJ, const gsl_vector * x,
            const gsl_vector * u, void * params, gsl_vector * v,
            gsl_matrix * JTJ)
  gsl_matrix_view J = gsl_matrix_view_array(thurber_J, thurber_N, thurber_P);
  double b[thurber_P];
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < thurber_P; i++)
      b[i] = gsl_vector_get(x, i);

  for (i = 0; i < thurber_N; i++)
      double xi = thurber_X[i];
      double d, n, d_sq;

      n = b[0] + b[1]*xi + b[2]*xi*xi + b[3]*xi*xi*xi;
      d = 1.0 + b[4]*xi + b[5]*xi*xi + b[6]*xi*xi*xi;
      d_sq = d * d;

      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 0, 1.0 / d);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 1, xi / d);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 2, (xi * xi) / d);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 3, (xi * xi * xi) / d);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 4, -xi * n / d_sq);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 5, -xi * xi * n / d_sq);
      gsl_matrix_set (&J.matrix, i, 6, -xi * xi * xi * n / d_sq);

  if (v)
    gsl_blas_dgemv(TransJ, 1.0, &J.matrix, u, 0.0, v);

  if (JTJ)
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &J.matrix, 0.0, JTJ);

  (void)params; /* avoid unused parameter warning */

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #18
static VALUE rb_gsl_blas_dsyrk2(VALUE obj, VALUE u, VALUE t, VALUE a, VALUE aa,
             VALUE b, VALUE cc)
  gsl_matrix *A = NULL, *C = NULL, *Cnew = NULL;
  double alpha, beta;
  CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo;
  Need_Float(a);  Need_Float(b);
  Uplo = FIX2INT(u);
  Trans = FIX2INT(t);
  alpha = NUM2DBL(a);
  beta = NUM2DBL(b);
  Data_Get_Struct(aa, gsl_matrix, A);
  Data_Get_Struct(cc, gsl_matrix, C);
  Cnew = gsl_matrix_alloc(C->size1, C->size2);
  gsl_matrix_memcpy(Cnew, C);
  gsl_blas_dsyrk(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, beta, Cnew);
  return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix, 0, gsl_matrix_free, Cnew);
Example #19
int PoissonGlm::EstIRLS(gsl_matrix *Y, gsl_matrix *X, gsl_matrix *O, gsl_matrix *B, double *a)
    initialGlm(Y, X, O, B);

    gsl_rng *rnd=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
    unsigned int i, j;   
    int status;
    double yij, mij, vij, wij, tol, hii, uij, wei;
    gsl_vector_view Xwi, Xi, vj, hj, dj;

    gsl_matrix *WX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *TMP = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParams, nParams);   

    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) {
       if ( a!=NULL ) theta[j]=a[j]; 
       // estimate mu and beta   
       iterconv[j] = betaEst(j, maxiter, &tol, theta[j]); 
       if ((mmRef->warning==TRUE)&(iterconv[j]==maxiter)) 
           printf("Warning: EstIRLS reached max iterations, may not converge in the %d-th variable (dev=%.4f, err=%.4f)!\n", j, dev[j], tol);
       gsl_matrix_memcpy (WX, X);
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
            mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
            // get variance
            vij = varfunc( mij, theta[j] );
            gsl_matrix_set(Var, i, j, vij); 
            // get weight
            wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, theta[j]));  
            gsl_matrix_set(wHalf, i, j, wij);             
            // get (Pearson) residuals
            yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
            gsl_matrix_set(Res, i, j, (yij-mij)/sqrt(vij));        
            // get PIT residuals for discrete data
            wei = gsl_rng_uniform_pos (rnd); // wei ~ U(0, 1)
            uij = wei*cdf(yij, mij, theta[j]);
            if (yij>0) uij=uij+(1-wei)*cdf((yij-1),mij,theta[j]);
            gsl_matrix_set(PitRes, i, j, uij);
            // get elementry log-likelihood    
            ll[j] = ll[j] + llfunc( yij, mij, theta[j]);
            // W^1/2 X
            Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (WX, i);
            gsl_vector_scale(&Xwi.vector, wij);            

       // X^T * W * X
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, 0.0, XwX);
       status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (mmRef->warning==TRUE)
             printf("Warning: singular matrix in calculating pit-residuals. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
          gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, mintol, XwX);
          gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert (XwX);

       // Calc varBeta
       dj = gsl_matrix_diagonal (XwX);
       vj = gsl_matrix_column (varBeta, j);       
       gsl_vector_memcpy (&vj.vector, &dj.vector);

       // hii is diagonal element of H=X*(X'WX)^-1*X'*W
       hj = gsl_matrix_column (sqrt1_Hii, j);
       gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight,CblasLower,1.0,XwX,Xref,0.0,TMP); // X*(X'WX)^-1
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           Xwi=gsl_matrix_row(TMP, i);
           Xi=gsl_matrix_row(Xref, i);
           wij=gsl_matrix_get(wHalf, i, j);
           gsl_blas_ddot(&Xwi.vector, &Xi.vector, &hii);
           gsl_vector_set(&hj.vector, i, MAX(mintol, sqrt(MAX(0, 1-wij*wij*hii))));
   // standardize perason residuals by rp/sqrt(1-hii) 
//   gsl_matrix_div_elements (Res, sqrt1_Hii);
//   subtractMean(Res);  // have mean subtracted


   return SUCCESS;    
Example #20
File: dsyrk.c Project: robfr/pmm
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    /* declare variables */
    gsl_matrix *A, *C;
    double arg;
    size_t n;
    unsigned int i,j;
    long long complexity;

    cpu_set_t aff_mask;

    /* parse arguments */
    if(argc != NARGS+1) {
        return PMM_EXIT_ARGFAIL;
    if(sscanf(argv[1], "%lf", &arg) == 0) {

    n = (size_t)arg;

    /* calculate complexity */
    complexity = n*n*(long long)n;

    /* set processor affinity */
    CPU_SET(0, &aff_mask);

    if(sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(aff_mask), &aff_mask) < 0) {
        printf("could not set affinity!\n");
        return PMM_EXIT_ARGFAIL;

    /* initialise data */
    A = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, n);
    C = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, n);

    for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
        for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
            gsl_matrix_set(A, i, j, 10.0*(rand()/((double)RAND_MAX+1)));

            if(j<n-i) {
                gsl_matrix_set(C, i, j, 10.0*(rand()/((double)RAND_MAX+1)));
    //gsl_matrix_set_all(A, 2.5);
    //gsl_matrix_set_all(C, 7.3);

    /* initialise timer */

    /* start timer */

    /* execute routine */
    gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasUpper, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, A, 1.0, C);

    /* stop timer */

    /* get timing result */

    /* destroy timer */


    return PMM_EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #21
     * C++ version of gsl_blas_dsyrk().
     * @param Uplo Upper or lower triangular
     * @param Trans Transpose type
     * @param alpha A constant
     * @param A A matrix
     * @param beta Another constant
     * @param C Another matrix
     * @return Error code on failure
    int dsyrk( CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, double alpha,
	       matrix const& A, double beta, matrix& C ){
      return gsl_blas_dsyrk( Uplo, Trans, alpha, A.get(), beta, C.get() ); }
Example #22
gsl_multifit_linear_Lsobolev(const size_t p, const size_t kmax,
                             const gsl_vector *alpha, gsl_matrix *L,
                             gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *work)
  if (p > work->pmax)
      GSL_ERROR("p is larger than workspace", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (p <= kmax)
      GSL_ERROR("p must be larger than derivative order", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (kmax + 1 != alpha->size)
      GSL_ERROR("alpha must be size kmax + 1", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (p != L->size1)
      GSL_ERROR("L matrix is wrong size", GSL_EBADLEN);
  else if (L->size1 != L->size2)
      GSL_ERROR("L matrix is not square", GSL_ENOTSQR);
      int s;
      size_t j, k;
      gsl_vector_view d = gsl_matrix_diagonal(L);
      const double alpha0 = gsl_vector_get(alpha, 0);

      /* initialize L to alpha0^2 I */
      gsl_vector_add_constant(&d.vector, alpha0 * alpha0);

      for (k = 1; k <= kmax; ++k)
          gsl_matrix_view Lk = gsl_matrix_submatrix(work->Q, 0, 0, p - k, p);
          double ak = gsl_vector_get(alpha, k);

          /* compute a_k L_k */
          s = gsl_multifit_linear_Lk(p, k, &Lk.matrix);
          if (s)
            return s;
          gsl_matrix_scale(&Lk.matrix, ak);

          /* LTL += L_k^T L_k */
          gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, &Lk.matrix, 1.0, L);

      s = gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(L);
      if (s)
        return s;

      /* copy Cholesky factor to upper triangle and zero out bottom */
      gsl_matrix_transpose_tricpy('L', 1, L, L);

      for (j = 0; j < p; ++j)
          for (k = 0; k < j; ++k)
            gsl_matrix_set(L, j, k, 0.0);

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #23
int PoissonGlm::betaEst( unsigned int id, unsigned int iter, double *tol, double th)
   int status, isValid;
  // unsigned int j, ngoodobs;
   unsigned int i, step, step1; 
   double wij, zij, eij, mij, yij; //, bij;   
   double dev_old, dev_grad=1.0;
   gsl_vector_view Xwi;
   gsl_matrix *WX, *XwX;
   gsl_vector *z, *Xwz;
   gsl_vector *coef_old = gsl_vector_alloc(nParams);
   gsl_vector_view bj=gsl_matrix_column (Beta, id);

   // Main Loop of IRLS begins
   z = gsl_vector_alloc(nRows);
   WX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams); 
   XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParams, nParams);
   Xwz = gsl_vector_alloc(nParams);
   *tol = 1.0;
   gsl_vector_memcpy (coef_old, &bj.vector);
   while ( step<iter ) {
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) { // (y-m)/g'
           yij = gsl_matrix_get(Yref, i, id);
           eij = gsl_matrix_get(Eta, i, id);
           mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, id);
        //   if (mij<mintol) mij=mintol;
        //   if (mij>maxtol) mij=maxtol;
           zij = eij + (yij-mij)*LinkDash(mij);
           if (Oref!=NULL) 
              zij = zij - gsl_matrix_get(Oref, i, id);
           // wt=sqrt(weifunc);
           wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, th));
           // W^1/2*z[good]
           gsl_vector_set(z, i, wij*zij); 
           // W^1/2*X[good]
           Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (Xref, i);
           gsl_matrix_set_row (WX, i, &Xwi.vector);
           Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (WX, i);
           gsl_vector_scale(&Xwi.vector, wij); 
       // in glm2, solve WXb=Wz, David suggested not good 
       // So back to solving X'WXb=X'Wz
       gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower,CblasTrans,1.0,WX,0.0,XwX); 
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (mmRef->warning==TRUE) {
             printf("Warning: singular matrix in betaEst: ");
             gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX); 
             gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower,CblasTrans,1.0,Xref,0.0,XwX);
          //  displaymatrix(Xref, "Xref");
	  // displaymatrix(XwX, "XX^T");
          //   printf("calc(XX')=%.8f\n", calcDet(XwX)); 
             if (status==GSL_EDOM)  
                printf("X^TX is singular - check case resampling or input design matrix!\n");
             else {
                for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
                   mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, id);
                   wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, th));
                   if (wij<mintol) printf("weight[%d, %d]=%.4f is too close to zero\n", i, id, wij);
             printf("An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
          gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
          gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower,CblasTrans,1.0,WX,mintol,XwX); 
       gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve (XwX, Xwz, &bj.vector);

   // Debug for nan
/*   if (gsl_vector_get(&bj.vector, 1)!=gsl_vector_get(&bj.vector, 1)) {
       displayvector(&bj.vector, "bj");
       displayvector(z, "z");
       gsl_vector_view mj=gsl_matrix_column(Mu, id);
       displayvector(&mj.vector, "mj");
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++){
           printf("%.4f ", sqrt(weifunc(mij, th)));
       displaymatrix(XwX, "XwX");
       // Given bj, update eta, mu
       dev_old = dev[id];
       isValid=predict(bj, id, th);

       step1 = 0;
       // If divergent or increasing deviance, half step
       // (step>1) -> (step>0) gives weired results for NBin fit       
       // below works for boundary values, esp BIN fit but not NBin fit
       while ((dev_grad>eps)&(step>1)){
            gsl_vector_add (&bj.vector, coef_old);
            gsl_vector_scale (&bj.vector, 0.5);
       //     dev_old=dev[id];
            isValid=predict(bj, id, th);
            if (*tol<eps) break;
            if (step1>10) {
            //   printf("\t Half step stopped at iter %d: gradient=%.8f\n", step1, dev_grad);
       if (isValid==TRUE) gsl_vector_memcpy (coef_old, &bj.vector);
       if (*tol<eps) break;


   return step;
Example #24
// Wald Test used in both summary and anova (polymophism)
int GlmTest::GeeWald(glm *Alt, gsl_matrix *LL, gsl_vector *teststat)

    unsigned int i, j, l;
    double alpha, result, sum=0;
    unsigned int nP = Alt->nParams;
    unsigned int nDF = LL->size1;
    unsigned int nVars=tm->nVars, nRows=tm->nRows;
    int status;

    gsl_vector *LBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(nVars*nDF);
    gsl_matrix *w1jX1=gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nP);
    gsl_matrix *XwX=gsl_matrix_alloc(nP, nP);
    gsl_matrix *Rl2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(nDF, nP);
    gsl_matrix *IinvN = gsl_matrix_alloc(nDF, nDF);
    gsl_matrix *IinvRl = gsl_matrix_alloc(nVars*nDF, nVars*nDF);
    gsl_vector *tmp = gsl_vector_alloc(nVars*nDF);
    gsl_vector_view tmp2, wj, LBj, bj; //, dj; 
    gsl_matrix_view Rl;

    GrpMat *Z = (GrpMat*)malloc(nVars*sizeof(GrpMat));
    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++){
       Z[j].matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(nP, nRows);
       // w1jX1 = W^1/2 * X
       wj=gsl_matrix_column(Alt->wHalf, j);
       for (i=0; i<nP; i++)
           gsl_matrix_set_col (w1jX1, i, &wj.vector);
       gsl_matrix_mul_elements (w1jX1, Alt->Xref);

       // LBeta = L*Beta       
       LBj=gsl_vector_subvector(LBeta, j*nDF, nDF);
       bj=gsl_matrix_column(Alt->Beta, j);

       // Z = (X^T W X)^-1 * X^T W^1/2. 
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower,CblasTrans,1.0,w1jX1,0.0,XwX);
       status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (tm->warning==TRUE) 
             printf("Warning:singular matrix in wald test. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
       gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans,CblasTrans,1.0,XwX,w1jX1,0.0, Z[j].matrix);

       gsl_matrix_memcpy(Rl2, LL);
       gsl_blas_dtrmm (CblasRight,CblasLower,CblasNoTrans,CblasNonUnit,1.0,XwX,Rl2); // L*(X'WX)^-1
       gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, Rl2, LL, 0.0, IinvN); // L*(X^T*W*X)^-1*L^T 

       if ( (tm->punit!=NONE) || (tm->corr==IDENTITY) ) {
          status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (IinvN);
          if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
             if (tm->warning==TRUE) 
             printf("Warning:singular IinvN in wald test.\n");
          tmp2=gsl_vector_subvector(tmp, 0, nDF);
          gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve (IinvN, &LBj.vector, &tmp2.vector);
          gsl_blas_ddot (&LBj.vector, &tmp2.vector, &result);
          gsl_vector_set(teststat, j+1, sqrt(result));
          sum = sum + result;

       if (tm->corr!=IDENTITY) {
          // IinvRl=L*vSandRl*L^T 
          for (l=0; l<=j; l++) {
              alpha = gsl_matrix_get(Rlambda, j, l);
              // borrow XwX space to store vSandRl
              gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans,CblasTrans,alpha,Z[j].matrix,Z[l].matrix, 0.0, XwX); 
              // Rl2 = L*vSandRl*L^T
          } // end l
       }  // end if (tm->corr) 

    } // end for j=1:nVars       

    if ( tm->corr==IDENTITY ) 
        gsl_vector_set(teststat, 0, sqrt(sum));
    else {
        status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (IinvRl);
        if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
           if (tm->warning==TRUE) 
           printf("Warning:singular matrix in multivariate wald test.\n");
        gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve (IinvRl, LBeta, tmp);
        gsl_blas_ddot (LBeta, tmp, &result);
        gsl_vector_set(teststat, 0, sqrt(result));

    // free memory
    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) 

    return SUCCESS;
Example #25
int GlmTest::GeeScore(gsl_matrix *X1, glm *PtrNull, gsl_vector *teststat)

    double result, alpha, sum=0;
    unsigned int i, j, l, nP = X1->size2;
    unsigned int nVars=tm->nVars, nRows=tm->nRows;
    int status;

    gsl_vector *U = gsl_vector_alloc(nVars*nP);
    gsl_matrix *kRlNull = gsl_matrix_alloc(nVars*nP, nVars*nP);
    gsl_matrix_set_zero (kRlNull);
    gsl_matrix *XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nP, nP);
    gsl_vector *tmp=gsl_vector_alloc(nVars*nP);
    gsl_vector_view wj, uj, rj, tmp2; //, dj;
    gsl_matrix_view Rl;

    GrpMat *Z = (GrpMat*)malloc(nVars*sizeof(GrpMat));
    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) {
        Z[j].matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nP);
        // get W^1/2 * X
        wj = gsl_matrix_column (PtrNull->wHalf, j);
        for (i=0; i<nP; i++)
            gsl_matrix_set_col (Z[j].matrix, i, &wj.vector);
        gsl_matrix_mul_elements (Z[j].matrix, X1);

        uj=gsl_vector_subvector(U, j*nP, nP);
        rj=gsl_matrix_column(PtrNull->Res, j);
        gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, Z[j].matrix, &rj.vector, 0, &uj.vector);

        if ( (tm->punit!=NONE) || (tm->corr==IDENTITY) ) {
           gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1, Z[j].matrix, 0, XwX);
           if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
              if (tm->warning==TRUE)
                  printf("Warning: singular matrix in score test. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
           tmp2=gsl_vector_subvector(tmp, 0, nP);
           gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(XwX, &uj.vector, &tmp2.vector);
           gsl_blas_ddot(&uj.vector, &tmp2.vector, &result);
           gsl_vector_set(teststat, j+1, result);
           sum = sum+result;           

        if ( tm->corr!=IDENTITY) {
            for (l=0; l<=j; l++) { // lower half
                alpha = gsl_matrix_get(Rlambda, j, l);
                gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, alpha, Z[j].matrix, Z[l].matrix, 0, &Rl.matrix);
    } // end for j=1:nVars

    // multivariate test stat   
    if ( tm->corr==IDENTITY ) gsl_vector_set(teststat, 0, sum);
    else {    
        status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (kRlNull);
        if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
           if (tm->warning==TRUE) 
              printf("Warning:singular kRlNull in multivariate score test.\n");
        gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve (kRlNull, U, tmp);
        gsl_blas_ddot (U, tmp, &result);
        gsl_vector_set(teststat, 0, result);

   // clear memory
    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) gsl_matrix_free(Z[j].matrix);

    return SUCCESS;

Example #26
int NBinGlm::nbinfit(gsl_matrix *Y, gsl_matrix *X, gsl_matrix *O, gsl_matrix *B)

    initialGlm(Y, X, O, B);

    gsl_rng *rnd=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
    unsigned int i, j; //, isConv;
    double yij, mij, vij, hii, uij, wij, wei;
    double th, tol, dev_th_b_old;
    int status;
 //   gsl_vector_view b0j, m0j, e0j, v0j;
    gsl_matrix *WX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *TMP = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParams, nParams);   
    gsl_vector_view Xwi, Xi, vj, dj, hj;

    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) {  
        betaEst(j, maxiter, &tol, maxtol); //poisson
        // Get initial theta estimates
        if (mmRef->estiMethod==CHI2) {
           th = getDisper(j, 1.0); 
           while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
//printf("th=%.2f, iterconv[%d]=%d\n", th, j, iterconv[j]);
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               betaEst(j, 1.0, &tol, th);  // 1-step beta
               th = getDisper(j, th)/th; 
               tol = ABS((dev[j]-dev_th_b_old)/(ABS(dev[j])+0.1));
               if (tol<eps) break;
         }  }
        else if (mmRef->estiMethod==NEWTON) {
            th = thetaML(0.0, j, maxiter);
            while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               th = thetaML(th, j, maxiter2);
               betaEst(j, maxiter2, &tol, th);  
               if (tol<eps) break;
        }  } 
       else {
           th = getfAfAdash(0.0, j, maxiter);
/*           lm=0;
           for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
               yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
               mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
               lm = lm + llfunc( yij, mij, th);
           } */
           while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               betaEst(j, maxiter2, &tol, th);  
               th = getfAfAdash(th, j, 1.0);
               if (tol<eps) break;
       if ((iterconv[j]==maxiter)&(mmRef->warning==TRUE)) 
           printf("Warning: reached maximum itrations - negative binomial may NOT converge in the %d-th variable (dev=%.4f, err=%.4f, theta=%.4f)!\n", j, dev[j], tol, th);

       // other properties based on mu and phi
       theta[j] = th;
       gsl_matrix_memcpy(WX, Xref);  
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
           mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
           vij = varfunc( mij, th);
           gsl_matrix_set(Var, i, j, vij); 
           wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, th));
           gsl_matrix_set(wHalf, i, j, wij); 
           gsl_matrix_set(Res, i, j, (yij-mij)/sqrt(vij));        
           ll[j] = ll[j] + llfunc( yij, mij, th);
           // get PIT residuals for discrete data
           wei = gsl_rng_uniform_pos (rnd); // wei ~ U(0, 1)
           uij=wei*cdf(yij, mij, th);
           if (yij>0) uij=uij+(1-wei)*cdf((yij-1),mij,th);
           gsl_matrix_set(PitRes, i, j, uij);
           // W^1/2 X
           Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (WX, i);
           gsl_vector_scale(&Xwi.vector, wij);

       // X^T * W * X
       gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, 0.0, XwX);
       status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (mmRef->warning==TRUE)
             printf("Warning: singular matrix in calculating pit-residuals. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
          gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
          gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, mintol, XwX);
          gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert (XwX); // (X'WX)^-1

       // Calc varBeta
       vj = gsl_matrix_column (varBeta, j);
       dj = gsl_matrix_diagonal (XwX);
       gsl_vector_memcpy (&vj.vector, &dj.vector);

       // hii is diagonal element of H=X*(X'WX)^-1*X'*W
       hj = gsl_matrix_column (sqrt1_Hii, j);
       gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight,CblasLower,1.0,XwX,Xref,0.0,TMP); // X*(X'WX)^-1
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           Xwi=gsl_matrix_row(TMP, i);
           Xi=gsl_matrix_row(Xref, i);
           wij=gsl_matrix_get(wHalf, i, j);
           gsl_blas_ddot(&Xwi.vector, &Xi.vector, &hii);
           gsl_vector_set(&hj.vector, i, MAX(mintol, sqrt(MAX(0, 1-wij*wij*hii))));
//printf("hii=%.4f, wij=%.4f, sqrt(1-wij*wij*hii)=%.4f\n", hii, wij, sqrt(1-wij*wij*hii));
   } // end nVar for j loop
//   gsl_matrix_div_elements (Res, sqrt1_Hii);
//   subtractMean(Res);


   return SUCCESS;    
Example #27
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	const int MAX_ITER  = 50;
	const double RELTOL = 1e-2;
	const double ABSTOL = 1e-4;

	 * Some bookkeeping variables for MPI. The 'rank' of a process is its numeric id
	 * in the process pool. For example, if we run a program via `mpirun -np 4 foo', then
	 * the process ranks are 0 through 3. Here, N and size are the total number of processes 
	 * running (in this example, 4).

	int rank;
	int size;

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);               // Initialize the MPI execution environment
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // Determine current running process
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // Total number of processes
	double N = (double) size;             // Number of subsystems/slaves for ADMM

	/* Read in local data */

	int skinny;           // A flag indicating whether the matrix A is fat or skinny
	FILE *f;
	int m, n;
	int row, col;
	double entry;

	 * Subsystem n will look for files called An.dat and bn.dat 
	 * in the current directory; these are its local data and do not need to be
	 * visible to any other processes. Note that
	 * m and n here refer to the dimensions of the *local* coefficient matrix.

	/* Read A */
	char s[20];
	sprintf(s, "data/A%d.dat", rank + 1);
	printf("[%d] reading %s\n", rank, s);

	f = fopen(s, "r");
	if (f == NULL) {
		printf("[%d] ERROR: %s does not exist, exiting.\n", rank, s);
	mm_read_mtx_array_size(f, &m, &n);	
	gsl_matrix *A = gsl_matrix_calloc(m, n);
	for (int i = 0; i < m*n; i++) {
		row = i % m;
		col = floor(i/m);
		fscanf(f, "%lf", &entry);
		gsl_matrix_set(A, row, col, entry);

	/* Read b */
	sprintf(s, "data/b%d.dat", rank + 1);
	printf("[%d] reading %s\n", rank, s);

	f = fopen(s, "r");
	if (f == NULL) {
		printf("[%d] ERROR: %s does not exist, exiting.\n", rank, s);
	mm_read_mtx_array_size(f, &m, &n);
	gsl_vector *b = gsl_vector_calloc(m);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
		fscanf(f, "%lf", &entry);
		gsl_vector_set(b, i, entry);

	m = A->size1;
	n = A->size2;
	skinny = (m >= n);

	 * These are all variables related to ADMM itself. There are many
	 * more variables than in the Matlab implementation because we also
	 * require vectors and matrices to store various intermediate results.
	 * The naming scheme follows the Matlab version of this solver.

	double rho = 1.0;

	gsl_vector *x      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *u      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *z      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *y      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *r      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *zprev  = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *zdiff  = gsl_vector_calloc(n);

	gsl_vector *q      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *w      = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
	gsl_vector *Aq     = gsl_vector_calloc(m);
	gsl_vector *p      = gsl_vector_calloc(m);

	gsl_vector *Atb    = gsl_vector_calloc(n);

	double send[3]; // an array used to aggregate 3 scalars at once
	double recv[3]; // used to receive the results of these aggregations

	double nxstack  = 0;
	double nystack  = 0;
	double prires   = 0;
	double dualres  = 0;
	double eps_pri  = 0;
	double eps_dual = 0;

	/* Precompute and cache factorizations */

	gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, A, b, 0, Atb); // Atb = A^T b

	 * The lasso regularization parameter here is just hardcoded
	 * to 0.5 for simplicity. Using the lambda_max heuristic would require 
	 * network communication, since it requires looking at the *global* A^T b.

	double lambda = 0.5;
	if (rank == 0) {
		printf("using lambda: %.4f\n", lambda);

	gsl_matrix *L;

	/* Use the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency; see section 4.2 of the paper */
	if (skinny) {
		/* L = chol(AtA + rho*I) */
		L = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);

		gsl_matrix *AtA = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);
		gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1, A, 0, AtA);

		gsl_matrix *rhoI = gsl_matrix_calloc(n,n);
		gsl_matrix_scale(rhoI, rho);

		gsl_matrix_memcpy(L, AtA);
		gsl_matrix_add(L, rhoI);

	} else {
		/* L = chol(I + 1/rho*AAt) */
		L = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);

		gsl_matrix *AAt = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);
		gsl_blas_dsyrk(CblasLower, CblasNoTrans, 1, A, 0, AAt);
		gsl_matrix_scale(AAt, 1/rho);

		gsl_matrix *eye = gsl_matrix_calloc(m,m);

		gsl_matrix_memcpy(L, AAt);
		gsl_matrix_add(L, eye);


	/* Main ADMM solver loop */

	int iter = 0;
	if (rank == 0) {
		printf("%3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "#", "r norm", "eps_pri", "s norm", "eps_dual", "objective");		
    double startAllTime, endAllTime;
	startAllTime = MPI_Wtime();
	while (iter < MAX_ITER) {

        /* u-update: u = u + x - z */
		gsl_vector_sub(x, z);
		gsl_vector_add(u, x);

		/* x-update: x = (A^T A + rho I) \ (A^T b + rho z - y) */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(q, z);
		gsl_vector_sub(q, u);
		gsl_vector_scale(q, rho);
		gsl_vector_add(q, Atb);   // q = A^T b + rho*(z - u)

        double tmp, tmpq;
		gsl_blas_ddot(x, x, &tmp);
		gsl_blas_ddot(q, q, &tmpq);

		if (skinny) {
			/* x = U \ (L \ q) */
			gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(L, q, x);
		} else {
			/* x = q/rho - 1/rho^2 * A^T * (U \ (L \ (A*q))) */
			gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, A, q, 0, Aq);
			gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(L, Aq, p);
			gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, A, p, 0, x); /* now x = A^T * (U \ (L \ (A*q)) */
			gsl_vector_scale(x, -1/(rho*rho));
			gsl_vector_scale(q, 1/rho);
			gsl_vector_add(x, q);

		 * Message-passing: compute the global sum over all processors of the
		 * contents of w and t. Also, update z.

		gsl_vector_memcpy(w, x);
		gsl_vector_add(w, u);   // w = x + u

		gsl_blas_ddot(r, r, &send[0]); 
		gsl_blas_ddot(x, x, &send[1]);
		gsl_blas_ddot(u, u, &send[2]);
		send[2] /= pow(rho, 2);

		gsl_vector_memcpy(zprev, z);

		// could be reduced to a single Allreduce call by concatenating send to w
		MPI_Allreduce(w->data, z->data,  n, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Allreduce(send,    recv,     3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		prires  = sqrt(recv[0]);  /* sqrt(sum ||r_i||_2^2) */
		nxstack = sqrt(recv[1]);  /* sqrt(sum ||x_i||_2^2) */
		nystack = sqrt(recv[2]);  /* sqrt(sum ||y_i||_2^2) */

		gsl_vector_scale(z, 1/N);
		soft_threshold(z, lambda/(N*rho));

		/* Termination checks */

		/* dual residual */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(zdiff, z);
		gsl_vector_sub(zdiff, zprev);
		dualres = sqrt(N) * rho * gsl_blas_dnrm2(zdiff); /* ||s^k||_2^2 = N rho^2 ||z - zprev||_2^2 */

		/* compute primal and dual feasibility tolerances */
		eps_pri  = sqrt(n*N)*ABSTOL + RELTOL * fmax(nxstack, sqrt(N)*gsl_blas_dnrm2(z));
		eps_dual = sqrt(n*N)*ABSTOL + RELTOL * nystack;

		if (rank == 0) {
			printf("%3d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n", iter, 
					prires, eps_pri, dualres, eps_dual, objective(A, b, lambda, z));

		if (prires <= eps_pri && dualres <= eps_dual) {

		/* Compute residual: r = x - z */
		gsl_vector_memcpy(r, x);
		gsl_vector_sub(r, z);


	/* Have the master write out the results to disk */
	if (rank == 0) { 
        endAllTime = MPI_Wtime();
        printf("Elapsed time is: %lf \n", endAllTime - startAllTime);

		f = fopen("data/solution.dat", "w");
		gsl_vector_fprintf(f, z, "%lf");

	MPI_Finalize(); /* Shut down the MPI execution environment */

	/* Clear memory */
