Example #1
/* integ(f_monomial,x,a b)=constant*(b^(degree+1)-a^(degree+1))/(degree+1) */
double integ_f_monomial(double a, double b, struct monomial_params * p)
  const int degreep1 = p->degree + 1;
  const double bnp1 = gsl_pow_int(b, degreep1);
  const double anp1 = gsl_pow_int(a, degreep1);
  return (p->constant / degreep1)*(bnp1 - anp1);
Example #2
// ============================================
void renorm(position *currentpos, double du, double doubleNUMu)
  long double alpha;
  double sum, term, term0; 
  double endPtCorr;
  int i,n;

    //term and term0 have a subtraction of roughly equal numbers and thus is not very accurate
    // alpha is ~1 with an error of 10^-4 or 5 for sample configs. This makes the routine 
    //nondeterministic between Fortran and C
Example #3
 * Test the identities:
 * Sum_{k=0}^n (n choose k) (2 y)^{n - k} H_k(x) = H_n(x + y)
 * and
 * Sum_{k=0}^n (n choose k) y^{n-k} He_k(x) = He_n(x + y)
 * see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HermitePolynomial.html (Eq. 55)
test_hermite_id1(const int n, const double x, const double y)
  double *a = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
  double *b = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
  double lhs, rhs;
  int k;

  a[0] = gsl_pow_int(2.0 * y, n);
  b[0] = gsl_pow_int(y, n);
  for (k = 1; k <= n; ++k)
      double fac = (n - k + 1.0) / (k * y);
      a[k] = 0.5 * fac * a[k - 1];
      b[k] = fac * b[k - 1];

  lhs = gsl_sf_hermite_phys_series(n, x, a);
  rhs = gsl_sf_hermite_phys(n, x + y);
  gsl_test_rel(lhs, rhs, TEST_TOL4, "identity1 phys n=%d x=%g y=%g", n, x, y);

  lhs = gsl_sf_hermite_prob_series(n, x, b);
  rhs = gsl_sf_hermite_prob(n, x + y);
  gsl_test_rel(lhs, rhs, TEST_TOL3, "identity1 prob n=%d x=%g y=%g", n, x, y);

Example #4
// ============================================
void renormBB(double bb[NUMBEAD], double du, double doubleNUMu)
  int n;
  double endPtCorr;
  double sum, term, term0;
  double alpha;


  #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)

  //term and term0 have a subtraction of roughly equal numbers and thus is not very accurate
  // alpha is ~1 with an error of 10^-4 or 5 for sample configs. This makes the routine 
  //nondeterministic between Fortran and C

  #pragma omp parallel for
Example #5
int AllSubsetsMetaAnalysis(gsl_vector * esVector, gsl_vector * varVector,
	gsl_vector * metaResultsVector, ST_uint4 from, ST_uint4 to ) {
	ST_retcode	rc;
	ST_uint4 	i, nStudies;
	ST_long		j, nSubsets;
	char 		buf[80];
	gsl_combination * comb;

	nStudies = esVector->size;
	nSubsets = gsl_pow_int(2, nStudies)-1 ;

	//for(i=1; i <= nStudies; i++) { 
	for(i=from; i <= to; i++) {
		comb = 	gsl_combination_calloc(nStudies, i);
		do { 
			if(j == nSubsets+1) {
				snprintf(buf, 80,"combLength %u Obs %u\n",i,  j);
				SF_error("Exceeded the maximum number of subsets!!!\n");
			if ((rc = MetaAnalysis(esVector, varVector, metaResultsVector, comb) )) return(rc);
			if ((rc = WriteOut(metaResultsVector, j, comb) )) return(rc);
			j += 1;
		} while (gsl_combination_next(comb) == GSL_SUCCESS);

Example #6
// Remove a polynomial from the data
CVector &PolynomialRemoved(CVector &vdX, CVector &vdY, int nOrder) {
  CVector *pvdPolyReduced, vdSubtract;
  CMatrix mdM, mdTemp;

  if(! vdX.Defined() || ! vdY.Defined()) {throw ELENotDefined; }
  if(vdX.m_pnDimSize[0] != vdY.m_pnDimSize[0]) {throw ELEDimensionMisMatch; }

  pvdPolyReduced = new CVector(vdY.m_pnDimSize[0]); // Make a deep copy of the original
  pvdPolyReduced->SetAllocated(true);		// We allocated the memory space

  // Set the polynomial reduction matrix
  mdM.Initialize(vdX.m_pnDimSize[0], nOrder+1);
  for(int i=0; i<vdX.m_pnDimSize[0]; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<=nOrder; j++) {
      mdM[i][j] = gsl_pow_int(double(vdX[i]), j);
    } // for j
  } // for i

  // Set the projection matrix
  mdTemp = mdM[LO_TRANSPOSE] * mdM;

  // Calculate the reduced vector
  vdSubtract = mdM * (mdTemp * (mdM[LO_TRANSPOSE] * vdY));
  *pvdPolyReduced = vdY - vdSubtract;

  if(vdX.Allocated()) { delete &vdX; } // This should call for the destructor
  if(vdY.Allocated()) { delete &vdY; } // This should call for the destructor
  return *pvdPolyReduced;
} // PolynomialRemoved
Example #7
/* Radial integrand. */
static double radial_integrand(double r, void *params)
    const inner_integrand_params *integrand_params = (const inner_integrand_params *) params;

    const double onebyr = 1 / r;
    return exp((integrand_params->A * onebyr + integrand_params->B) * onebyr - integrand_params->log_offset)
        * gsl_pow_int(r, integrand_params->prior_distance_power);
Example #8
/*assigns a temperature @code beta@ to an MPI rank*/
double /*beta*/ assign_beta(int rank,/*MPI rank*/ int R, /*MPI Comm size*/ int gamma)/*exponent: @code beta=(1-rank/R)^gamma@*/{
  double x=(double)(R-rank)/(double) R;
  double b=-1;
  b=gsl_pow_int(x, gamma);
  assert(b>=0 && b<=1.0);
  return b;
Example #9
void nround (const double *n,int size,unsigned int c,double *ret){
    int i;
    double m,up;
    for (i=0;i<size;i++){
        m = gsl_pow_int(10,c);
        up = n[i]*m;
        ret[i] = round(up)/m;
Example #10
ho_R (int n, int l, double b, double r)
  // b= sqrt(h/(wm) )                                               //
  double x=r/b;

  return    ho_A(n, l, b) * gsl_pow_int(x, (l + 1)) * exp (- x*x/ 2.) * gsl_sf_laguerre_n((n - 1), l + 1./2., x*x);
Example #11
void PSO::Swarm::init_network() {
  if (numInform < swarmSize-1) {
    double p = 1.-gsl_pow_int(1.-1./swarmSize,numInform);
    for (int i(0); i < swarmSize; ++i) {
      for (int j(0); j < swarmSize; ++j) {
        if (i == j) links.add_link(i,j);
        if (rng.uniform() < p) links.add_link(i,j);
Example #12
double I_xyz(int l1, double pax, int l2, double pbx, double gamma, int flags)
// 《量子化学》中册 P63 (10.6.8) (10.6.9) (10.6.10)
    int i;
    double sum = 0;

// BUG 2i 
    for (i = 0; i < floor((l1 + l2) * 0.5) + 1; i++) {
        sum += factorial_2(2*i - 1) / gsl_pow_int(2 * gamma, i) * \
                fi_l_ll_pax_pbx(2*i, l1, l2, pax, pbx, flags);
    return sum;
Example #13
void printDistance(config *newConfig, position *savePos)
  int i,n;
  double tempSum;

  #pragma omp parallel for private(i) reduction(+:tempSum)
  printf("%+.10f \n",tempSum/(NUMBEAD-2));

Example #14
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  // Define constants
  const int nArgs = 6;

  // Process arguments
  int c, timeCol=0, valueCol=1;
  extern char *optarg;
  char * dataFile, * basisFile, * priorFile, * idString=NULL;
  short readID = 0;
  int kSmooth = 8;
  int maxIter = 1e3;
  double nu=5;
  double tol=1e-9;
  double missingCode = 99.999;
  int minObs = 10;
  int basisRows, basisCols, dataRows;
  int i;

  // Parse options
  while ( (c=getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:i:m:n:s:t:h")) != -1 ) {
    switch(c) {
      case 'h':
        return 0;
      case 'c':
        valueCol = atoi(optarg);
        valueCol = (valueCol < 0) ? 0 : valueCol;
      case 'd':
        nu = atof(optarg);
        nu = (nu < 1) ? 1 : nu;
      case 'i':
        idString = optarg;
        readID = 1;
      case 'm':
        missingCode = atof(optarg);
      case 'n':
        minObs = atoi(optarg);
      case 's':
        kSmooth = atoi(optarg);
        kSmooth = (trunc(log2(kSmooth))-log2(kSmooth) > 1e-16) ?
          (int) gsl_pow_int(2, trunc(log2(kSmooth))) : kSmooth;
      case 't':
        timeCol = atoi(optarg);
        timeCol = (timeCol < 0) ? 1 : timeCol;
      case '?':
        if ( isprint(optopt) )
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument '%c'\n", optopt);
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);

  // Parse positional arguments
  if (argc-optind < nArgs) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough arguments\n");

  // Get file names and dimensions
  basisFile = argv[optind];
  basisRows = atoi( argv[optind+1] );
  basisCols = atoi( argv[optind+2] );

  dataFile = argv[optind+3];
  dataRows = atoi( argv[optind+4] );

  priorFile = argv[optind + 5];

  if (readID == 0)
    idString = dataFile;

  // Read basis to allocated matrix
  double* basisMat;
  basisMat = malloc(basisCols * basisRows * sizeof(double));
  checkPtr(basisMat, "out of memory");

  readToDoubleMatrix(basisFile, basisRows, basisCols, basisMat);

  // Read times to vector
  double* timeVec;
  timeVec = malloc(dataRows * sizeof(double));
  if (timeVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  int timesRead = readToDoubleVectorDynamic(dataFile, dataRows,
      timeCol, &timeVec);

  // Check for valid first time
  if (isnan(timeVec[0]))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- NaN at first time; aborting\n");

  // Read y values to vector
  double* yVec;
  yVec = malloc(dataRows * sizeof(double));
  if (yVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  int obsRead = readToDoubleVectorDynamic(dataFile, dataRows,
      valueCol, &yVec);

  // Check for valid first obs
  if (isnan(yVec[0]))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- NaN at first observation; aborting\n");

  // Check for agreement between timesRead and obsRead
  if (timesRead != obsRead)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- differing number of entries ");
    fprintf(stderr, "in time and data columns\n");

  // Read prior to vector
  double * priorVec;
  priorVec = malloc( (basisCols-1) * sizeof(double));
  if (priorVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  readToDoubleVector(priorFile, basisCols-1, 0, priorVec);

   * Handle coded missing values and restructure times
  int nObs = 0;
  int * validInd;
  validInd = calloc(sizeof(int), obsRead);

  // Find valid indices
  for (i=0; i<obsRead; i++)
    if (yVec[i] != missingCode)

  // Check for minimum number of observations
  if (nObs < minObs)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- read %d obs, minimum to process is %d\n",
        nObs, minObs);

  // Move valid data to head of timeVec and yVec
  for (i=0; i<nObs; i++)
    yVec[i] = yVec[validInd[i]];
    timeVec[i] = timeVec[validInd[i]];

  // Setup variables for estimation
  double logPosterior_l, logLikelihood_l, tau_l;
  double logPosterior_m, logLikelihood_m, tau_m;
  double * coef_l, * coef_m;

  coef_l = malloc(kSmooth * sizeof(double));
  if (coef_l==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");

  coef_m = malloc(basisCols * sizeof(double));
  if (coef_m==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");

  // Run wavelet model with t residuals for full basis
  int iter_m;
  iter_m = lmT(basisMat, basisRows, basisCols,
      yVec, nObs,
      nu, basisCols,
      maxIter, tol,

  // Run wavelet model with t residuals for restricted (smooth) basis
  int iter_l;
  iter_l = lmT(basisMat, basisRows, basisCols,
      yVec, nObs,
      nu, kSmooth,
      maxIter, tol,

  // Calculate test statistics (LLR & LPR)
  double llr, lpr;
  llr = logLikelihood_m - logLikelihood_l;
  llr *= 2;
  lpr = logPosterior_m - logPosterior_l;

   * Print output

  // Basic information
  fprintf(stdout, "%s %d %d %d %g ", idString, nObs, basisCols, kSmooth, nu);

  // Test statistics
  fprintf(stdout, "%g %g ", llr, lpr);

  // Other statistics
  fprintf(stdout, "%g ", sqrt(tau_m));

  // Coefficients for k = 1..m
  for (i=0; i<basisCols; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%g ", coef_m[i]);
  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

   * Free allocated memory

  // Free basisMat
  basisMat = NULL;

  // Free timeVec & yVec


  // Free coef vecs and prior vec



  return 0;
Example #15
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test +-Inf, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_POSINF)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test NaN, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test +Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test -Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, +Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF)");

  /* Test NaN, -Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot3 */

  y = gsl_hypot3 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, -1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, -1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (-1.0, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(-1, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e301, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.0000000000009999999999995e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e301, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e307, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307);
  y_expected = 1.0e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_int(-3.14,%d)", n);

    unsigned int n;
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_uint (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_uint(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test case for n at INT_MAX, INT_MIN */

    double u = 1.0000001;
    int n = INT_MAX;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

    n = INT_MIN;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (9.999999999999998890e-01, 1024);
  y_expected = GSL_DBL_MAX;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp DBL_MAX");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1e308, -2000);
  y_expected = 8.7098098162172166755761e-295;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1e308,-2000)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, 2000);
  y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN,2000)");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
    x /= 2;
    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_ldexp (x, 2000 + i);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d,%d)",i,2000+i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (0.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0;
  e_expected = 0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = 9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = -9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = -0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) exponent");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 0.5;
    e_expected = -1021;
    x /= 2;

    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_frexp (x, &e);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) fraction",i);
        gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) exponent", i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);  
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(-inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  /* Test constants in gsl_math.h */

    double x = log(M_E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "ln(M_E)");
    double x=pow(2.0,M_LOG2E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2^M_LOG2E");
    double x=pow(10.0,M_LOG10E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "10^M_LOG10E");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT2^2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT1_2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0/2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT1_2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT3, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT3^2");

    double x = M_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_PI");

    double x = 2 * M_PI_2;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2*M_PI_2");

    double x = 4 * M_PI_4;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "4*M_PI_4");

    double x = pow(M_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = pow(M_2_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 4/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = M_1_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_1_SQRTPI");

    double x = M_2_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_2_PI");

    double x = exp(M_LN10);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 10, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN10)");

    double x = exp(M_LN2);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN2)");

    double x = exp(M_LNPI);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LNPI)");

    double x = M_EULER;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 0.5772156649015328606065120900824, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_EULER");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
unsigned int
gsl_ran_binomial (const gsl_rng * rng, double p, unsigned int n)
  int ix;                       /* return value */
  int flipped = 0;
  double q, s, np;

  if (n == 0)
    return 0;

  if (p > 0.5)
      p = 1.0 - p;              /* work with small p */
      flipped = 1;

  q = 1 - p;
  s = p / q;
  np = n * p;

  /* Inverse cdf logic for small mean (BINV in K+S) */

  if (np < SMALL_MEAN)
      double f0 = gsl_pow_int (q, n);   /* f(x), starting with x=0 */

      while (1)
          /* This while(1) loop will almost certainly only loop once; but
           * if u=1 to within a few epsilons of machine precision, then it
           * is possible for roundoff to prevent the main loop over ix to
           * achieve its proper value.  following the ranlib implementation,
           * we introduce a check for that situation, and when it occurs,
           * we just try again.

          double f = f0;
          double u = gsl_rng_uniform (rng);

          for (ix = 0; ix <= BINV_CUTOFF; ++ix)
              if (u < f)
                goto Finish;
              u -= f;
              /* Use recursion f(x+1) = f(x)*[(n-x)/(x+1)]*[p/(1-p)] */
              f *= s * (n - ix) / (ix + 1);

          /* It should be the case that the 'goto Finish' was encountered
           * before this point was ever reached.  But if we have reached
           * this point, then roundoff has prevented u from decreasing
           * all the way to zero.  This can happen only if the initial u
           * was very nearly equal to 1, which is a rare situation.  In
           * that rare situation, we just try again.
           * Note, following the ranlib implementation, we loop ix only to
           * a hardcoded value of SMALL_MEAN_LARGE_N=110; we could have
           * looped to n, and 99.99...% of the time it won't matter.  This
           * choice, I think is a little more robust against the rare
           * roundoff error.  If n>LARGE_N, then it is technically
           * possible for ix>LARGE_N, but it is astronomically rare, and
           * if ix is that large, it is more likely due to roundoff than
           * probability, so better to nip it at LARGE_N than to take a
           * chance that roundoff will somehow conspire to produce an even
           * larger (and more improbable) ix.  If n<LARGE_N, then once
           * ix=n, f=0, and the loop will continue until ix=LARGE_N.
      /* For n >= SMALL_MEAN, we invoke the BTPE algorithm */

      int k;

      double ffm = np + p;      /* ffm = n*p+p             */
      int m = (int) ffm;        /* m = int floor[n*p+p]    */
      double fm = m;            /* fm = double m;          */
      double xm = fm + 0.5;     /* xm = half integer mean (tip of triangle)  */
      double npq = np * q;      /* npq = n*p*q            */

      /* Compute cumulative area of tri, para, exp tails */

      /* p1: radius of triangle region; since height=1, also: area of region */
      /* p2: p1 + area of parallelogram region */
      /* p3: p2 + area of left tail */
      /* p4: p3 + area of right tail */
      /* pi/p4: probability of i'th area (i=1,2,3,4) */

      /* Note: magic numbers 2.195, 4.6, 0.134, 20.5, 15.3 */
      /* These magic numbers are not adjustable...at least not easily! */

      double p1 = floor (2.195 * sqrt (npq) - 4.6 * q) + 0.5;

      /* xl, xr: left and right edges of triangle */
      double xl = xm - p1;
      double xr = xm + p1;

      /* Parameter of exponential tails */
      /* Left tail:  t(x) = c*exp(-lambda_l*[xl - (x+0.5)]) */
      /* Right tail: t(x) = c*exp(-lambda_r*[(x+0.5) - xr]) */

      double c = 0.134 + 20.5 / (15.3 + fm);
      double p2 = p1 * (1.0 + c + c);

      double al = (ffm - xl) / (ffm - xl * p);
      double lambda_l = al * (1.0 + 0.5 * al);
      double ar = (xr - ffm) / (xr * q);
      double lambda_r = ar * (1.0 + 0.5 * ar);
      double p3 = p2 + c / lambda_l;
      double p4 = p3 + c / lambda_r;

      double var, accept;
      double u, v;              /* random variates */


      /* generate random variates, u specifies which region: Tri, Par, Tail */
      u = gsl_rng_uniform (rng) * p4;
      v = gsl_rng_uniform (rng);

      if (u <= p1)
          /* Triangular region */
          ix = (int) (xm - p1 * v + u);
          goto Finish;
      else if (u <= p2)
          /* Parallelogram region */
          double x = xl + (u - p1) / c;
          v = v * c + 1.0 - fabs (x - xm) / p1;
          if (v > 1.0 || v <= 0.0)
            goto TryAgain;
          ix = (int) x;
      else if (u <= p3)
          /* Left tail */
          ix = (int) (xl + log (v) / lambda_l);
          if (ix < 0)
            goto TryAgain;
          v *= ((u - p2) * lambda_l);
          /* Right tail */
          ix = (int) (xr - log (v) / lambda_r);
          if (ix > (double) n)
            goto TryAgain;
          v *= ((u - p3) * lambda_r);

      /* At this point, the goal is to test whether v <= f(x)/f(m) 
       *  v <= f(x)/f(m) = (m!(n-m)! / (x!(n-x)!)) * (p/q)^{x-m}

      /* Here is a direct test using logarithms.  It is a little
       * slower than the various "squeezing" computations below, but
       * if things are working, it should give exactly the same answer
       * (given the same random number seed).  */

#ifdef DIRECT
      var = log (v);

      accept =
        LNFACT (m) + LNFACT (n - m) - LNFACT (ix) - LNFACT (n - ix)
        + (ix - m) * log (p / q);

#else /* SQUEEZE METHOD */

      /* More efficient determination of whether v < f(x)/f(M) */

      k = abs (ix - m);

      if (k <= FAR_FROM_MEAN)
           * If ix near m (ie, |ix-m|<FAR_FROM_MEAN), then do
           * explicit evaluation using recursion relation for f(x)
          double g = (n + 1) * s;
          double f = 1.0;

          var = v;

          if (m < ix)
              int i;
              for (i = m + 1; i <= ix; i++)
                  f *= (g / i - s);
          else if (m > ix)
              int i;
              for (i = ix + 1; i <= m; i++)
                  f /= (g / i - s);

          accept = f;
          /* If ix is far from the mean m: k=ABS(ix-m) large */

          var = log (v);

          if (k < npq / 2 - 1)
              /* "Squeeze" using upper and lower bounds on
               * log(f(x)) The squeeze condition was derived
               * under the condition k < npq/2-1 */
              double amaxp =
                k / npq * ((k * (k / 3.0 + 0.625) + (1.0 / 6.0)) / npq + 0.5);
              double ynorm = -(k * k / (2.0 * npq));
              if (var < ynorm - amaxp)
                goto Finish;
              if (var > ynorm + amaxp)
                goto TryAgain;

          /* Now, again: do the test log(v) vs. log f(x)/f(M) */

          /* This is equivalent to the above, but is a little (~20%) slower */
          /* There are five log's vs three above, maybe that's it? */

          accept = LNFACT (m) + LNFACT (n - m)
            - LNFACT (ix) - LNFACT (n - ix) + (ix - m) * log (p / q);

#else /* USE STIRLING */
          /* The "#define Stirling" above corresponds to the first five
           * terms in asymptoic formula for
           * log Gamma (y) - (y-0.5)log(y) + y - 0.5 log(2*pi);
           * See Abramowitz and Stegun, eq 6.1.40

          /* Note below: two Stirling's are added, and two are
           * subtracted.  In both K+S, and in the ranlib
           * implementation, all four are added.  I (jt) believe that
           * is a mistake -- this has been confirmed by personal
           * correspondence w/ Dr. Kachitvichyanukul.  Note, however,
           * the corrections are so small, that I couldn't find an
           * example where it made a difference that could be
           * observed, let alone tested.  In fact, define'ing Stirling
           * to be zero gave identical results!!  In practice, alv is
           * O(1), ranging 0 to -10 or so, while the Stirling
           * correction is typically O(10^{-5}) ...setting the
           * correction to zero gives about a 2% performance boost;
           * might as well keep it just to be pendantic.  */

            double x1 = ix + 1.0;
            double w1 = n - ix + 1.0;
            double f1 = fm + 1.0;
            double z1 = n + 1.0 - fm;

            accept = xm * log (f1 / x1) + (n - m + 0.5) * log (z1 / w1)
              + (ix - m) * log (w1 * p / (x1 * q))
              + Stirling (f1) + Stirling (z1) - Stirling (x1) - Stirling (w1);

      if (var <= accept)
          goto Finish;
          goto TryAgain;


  return (flipped) ? (n - ix) : (unsigned int)ix;
Example #17
static VALUE rb_gsl_pow_int(VALUE obj, VALUE xx, VALUE nn)
  VALUE x, ary, argv[2];
  size_t i, j, size;
  int n;
  gsl_vector *v = NULL, *vnew = NULL;
  gsl_matrix *m = NULL, *mnew = NULL;

  if (CLASS_OF(xx) == rb_cRange) xx = rb_gsl_range2ary(xx);
  switch (TYPE(xx)) {
  case T_FIXNUM:
  case T_BIGNUM:
  case T_FLOAT:
    return rb_float_new(gsl_pow_int(NUM2DBL(xx), FIX2INT(nn)));
  case T_ARRAY:
    n = FIX2INT(nn);
    size = RARRAY_LEN(xx);
    ary = rb_ary_new2(size);
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      x = rb_ary_entry(xx, i);
      //      rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(gsl_pow_int(RFLOAT(x)->value, n)));
      rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(gsl_pow_int(NUM2DBL(x), n)));
    return ary;
    if (NA_IsNArray(xx)) {
      struct NARRAY *na;
      double *ptr1, *ptr2;
      n = FIX2INT(nn);
      GetNArray(xx, na);
      ptr1 = (double*) na->ptr;
      size = na->total;
      ary = na_make_object(NA_DFLOAT, na->rank, na->shape, CLASS_OF(xx));
      ptr2 = NA_PTR_TYPE(ary, double*);
      for (i = 0; i < size; i++) ptr2[i] = gsl_pow_int(ptr1[i], n);
      return ary;
    if (VECTOR_P(xx)) {
      n = FIX2INT(nn);
      Data_Get_Struct(xx, gsl_vector, v);
      vnew = gsl_vector_alloc(v->size);
      for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) {
        gsl_vector_set(vnew, i, gsl_pow_int(gsl_vector_get(v, i), n));
      return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector, 0, gsl_vector_free, vnew);
    } else if (MATRIX_P(xx)) {
      n = FIX2INT(nn);
      Data_Get_Struct(xx, gsl_matrix, m);
      mnew = gsl_matrix_alloc(m->size1, m->size2);
      for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) {
          gsl_matrix_set(mnew, i, j, gsl_pow_int(gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j), n));
      return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix, 0, gsl_matrix_free, mnew);
    } else if (COMPLEX_P(xx) || VECTOR_COMPLEX_P(xx) || MATRIX_COMPLEX_P(xx)) {
      argv[0] = xx;
      argv[1] = nn;
      return rb_gsl_complex_pow_real(2, argv, obj);
    } else {
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Array or Vector or Matrix expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(xx)));
  /* never reach here */
  return Qnil;
Example #18
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_n(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Example #19
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10); y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1); y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1); y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0); y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0); y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");
  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1); y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0); y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0) ; y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1); y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1); y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1); y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0); y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0); y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0); y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10); y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20); y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20); y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1); y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1); y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9); y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9); y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++) {
      y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n); y_expected = pow(-3.14, n);
      gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_n(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite*/

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp(1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;
    s = gsl_isinf(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");
    s = gsl_isinf(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");
    s = gsl_isinf(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf(-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");
    s = gsl_isinf(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");
    s = gsl_isnan(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");
    s = gsl_isnan(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");
    s = gsl_isnan(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");
    s = gsl_finite(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");
    s = gsl_finite(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");
    s = gsl_finite(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/3.0, 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Example #20
gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (gsl_monte_function * f,
                           double xl[], double xu[],
                           size_t dim, size_t calls,
                           gsl_rng * r,
                           gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
                           double *result, double *abserr)
  double cum_int, cum_sig;
  size_t i, k, it;

  if (dim != state->dim)
      GSL_ERROR ("number of dimensions must match allocated size", GSL_EINVAL);

  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
      if (xu[i] <= xl[i])
          GSL_ERROR ("xu must be greater than xl", GSL_EINVAL);

      if (xu[i] - xl[i] > GSL_DBL_MAX)
          GSL_ERROR ("Range of integration is too large, please rescale",

  if (state->stage == 0)
      init_grid (state, xl, xu, dim);

      if (state->verbose >= 0)
          print_lim (state, xl, xu, dim);

  if (state->stage <= 1)
      state->wtd_int_sum = 0;
      state->sum_wgts = 0;
      state->chi_sum = 0;
      state->it_num = 1;
      state->samples = 0;
      state->chisq = 0;

  if (state->stage <= 2)
      unsigned int bins = state->bins_max;
      unsigned int boxes = 1;

      if (state->mode != GSL_VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE_ONLY)
          /* shooting for 2 calls/box */

          boxes = floor (pow (calls / 2.0, 1.0 / dim));
          state->mode = GSL_VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE;

          if (2 * boxes >= state->bins_max)
              /* if bins/box < 2 */
              int box_per_bin = GSL_MAX (boxes / state->bins_max, 1);

              bins = GSL_MIN(boxes / box_per_bin, state->bins_max);
              boxes = box_per_bin * bins;

              state->mode = GSL_VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED;

        double tot_boxes = gsl_pow_int ((double) boxes, dim);
        state->calls_per_box = GSL_MAX (calls / tot_boxes, 2);
        calls = state->calls_per_box * tot_boxes;

      /* total volume of x-space/(avg num of calls/bin) */
      state->jac = state->vol * pow ((double) bins, (double) dim) / calls;

      state->boxes = boxes;

      /* If the number of bins changes from the previous invocation, bins
         are expanded or contracted accordingly, while preserving bin
         density */

      if (bins != state->bins)
          resize_grid (state, bins);

          if (state->verbose > 1)
              print_grid (state, dim);

      if (state->verbose >= 0)
          print_head (state,
                      dim, calls, state->it_num, state->bins, state->boxes);

  state->it_start = state->it_num;

  cum_int = 0.0;
  cum_sig = 0.0;

  for (it = 0; it < state->iterations; it++)
      double intgrl = 0.0, intgrl_sq = 0.0;
      double tss = 0.0;
      double wgt, var, sig;
      size_t calls_per_box = state->calls_per_box;
      double jacbin = state->jac;
      double *x = state->x;
      coord *bin = state->bin;

      state->it_num = state->it_start + it;

      reset_grid_values (state);
      init_box_coord (state, state->box);
          volatile double m = 0, q = 0;
          double f_sq_sum = 0.0;

          for (k = 0; k < calls_per_box; k++)
              volatile double fval;
              double bin_vol;

              random_point (x, bin, &bin_vol, state->box, xl, xu, state, r);

              fval = jacbin * bin_vol * GSL_MONTE_FN_EVAL (f, x);

              /* recurrence for mean and variance (sum of squares) */

                double d = fval - m;
                m += d / (k + 1.0);
                q += d * d * (k / (k + 1.0));

              if (state->mode != GSL_VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED)
                  double f_sq = fval * fval;
                  accumulate_distribution (state, bin, f_sq);

          intgrl += m * calls_per_box;

          f_sq_sum = q * calls_per_box;

          tss += f_sq_sum;

          if (state->mode == GSL_VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED)
              accumulate_distribution (state, bin, f_sq_sum);
      while (change_box_coord (state, state->box));

      /* Compute final results for this iteration   */

      var = tss / (calls_per_box - 1.0)  ;

      if (var > 0) 
          wgt = 1.0 / var;
      else if (state->sum_wgts > 0) 
          wgt = state->sum_wgts / state->samples;
          wgt = 0.0;
     intgrl_sq = intgrl * intgrl;

     sig = sqrt (var);

     state->result = intgrl;
     state->sigma  = sig;

     if (wgt > 0.0)
         double sum_wgts = state->sum_wgts;
         double wtd_int_sum = state->wtd_int_sum;
         double m = (sum_wgts > 0) ? (wtd_int_sum / sum_wgts) : 0;
         double q = intgrl - m;

         state->samples++ ;
         state->sum_wgts += wgt;
         state->wtd_int_sum += intgrl * wgt;
         state->chi_sum += intgrl_sq * wgt;

         cum_int = state->wtd_int_sum / state->sum_wgts;
         cum_sig = sqrt (1 / state->sum_wgts);

/* This is the chisq formula from the original Lepage paper.  It
   computes the variance from <x^2> - <x>^2 and can suffer from
   catastrophic cancellations, e.g. returning negative chisq. */
         if (state->samples > 1)
             state->chisq = (state->chi_sum - state->wtd_int_sum * cum_int) /
               (state->samples - 1.0);
/* The new formula below computes exactly the same quantity as above
   but using a stable recurrence */
         if (state->samples == 1) {
           state->chisq = 0;
         } else {
           state->chisq *= (state->samples - 2.0);
           state->chisq += (wgt / (1 + (wgt / sum_wgts))) * q * q;
           state->chisq /= (state->samples - 1.0);
         cum_int += (intgrl - cum_int) / (it + 1.0);
         cum_sig = 0.0;

      if (state->verbose >= 0)
          print_res (state,
                     state->it_num, intgrl, sig, cum_int, cum_sig,
          if (it + 1 == state->iterations && state->verbose > 0)
              print_grid (state, dim);

      if (state->verbose > 1)
          print_dist (state, dim);

      refine_grid (state);

      if (state->verbose > 1)
          print_grid (state, dim);


  /* By setting stage to 1 further calls will generate independent
     estimates based on the same grid, although it may be rebinned. */

  state->stage = 1;  

  *result = cum_int;
  *abserr = cum_sig;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Example #21
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  float cp,S,sigma,gamma,pp,Topt;
  float q,Ab,Aw,Agf,grad_T,fi,mm,nn,Pmax,EVPmax;
  float Ec,Es,deltat,t_integracion,t_modelacion;
  float Lini,Lfin,deltaL;
  int niter,niterL,nzc;
  Vector zc_vector;
  int zczc,ii;
  float Ac,L,zc;
  float aclouds,awhite,ablack,Ts,d;
  float t,xx,As;
  float k1,k2,k3,k4;
  int j;
  float Tc,Tlb,Tlw,Tanual,I,a,EVP,E;
  float P;
  float k1c,k2c,k3c,k4c;
  float k1w,k2w,k3w,k4w;
  float k1b,k2b,k3b,k4b;
  float Bw,Bb;
  int it;
  Vector time,temperature,white_temperature,
  Matrix resultados;
  FILE *fl;
  char fname[1000];

  float k1p1,k1p2,k1p3,k1p4,k1p5;

  cp = 3.e13;	//erg*cm-2*K-1
  S = 2.89e13;	//erg*cm-2*año-1
  sigma = 1789.;	//erg*cm-2*año-1*K-4
  gamma = 0.3;	//año-1
  pp = 1.;	//adimensional
  Topt = 295.5;	//K
  q = 20.;	//K
  Ab = 0.25;	//adimensinal
  Aw = 0.75;	//adimensinal
  Agf = 0.50;	//adimensinal
  grad_T = (-0.0065);	//K*m-1, Trenberth 95, p.10
  fi = 0.1;
  mm = 0.35;
  nn = 0.1;
  Pmax = pow((1./mm),(1/nn)); //=36251 [mm/año], cuando ac=1.0
  EVPmax = Pmax;
  //EVPmax = 1511.; //[mm/año] corresponde a Ts=26 grados centígrados
  //Pmax = EVPmax;	//[mm/año]
  //ac_crit = mm*Pmax^nn;

  //experimento otro: cambiando estos parámetros
  Ec=1.;	//emisividad de las nubes
  Es=1.;	//emisividad de la superficie

  deltat = 0.01; //[años] tamaño de paso temporal para dTsdt y dadt
  t_integracion = 1; //[año] cada cuanto se guardan valores de las variables
  t_modelacion = 10000;	//[años] período de modelación por cada L
  niter = t_integracion/deltat;	//# de iteraciones en los RK4

    Lini = 1.992;
    Lfin = 4.004;
    deltaL = 0.004;
  Lini = 1.000;
  Lfin = 1.000;
  deltaL = 0.004;
  niterL = (Lfin-Lini)/deltaL;

  ////zc_vector = [1000.,2000.,3000.,4000.,5000.,6000.,7000.,8000.]
  FILE *ft=fopen("hdw-legacy.dat","w");

      L = deltaL*ii+Lini;
      printf("%d de %d, L = %.4lf\n",ii,niterL,L);
      //valores iniciales
      aclouds = 0.01	;//adimensional, 0 para reproducir modelo original, 0.01 para iniciar con area de nubes
      awhite = 0.01	;//adimensional
      ablack = 0.01	;//adimensional
      Ts=295.5	;//temperatura en la superficie, valor inicial para rk4

      d = t_modelacion ;//numero de años en el eje de las abscisas - iteraciones de t - dimension de los vectores de resultados



	  fprintf(ft,"%e %e %e %e %e\n",


	xx = pp - awhite - ablack;
	As = xx*Agf + ablack*Ab + awhite*Aw;

	  Ts = Ts+deltat*(k1/6+k2/3+k3/3+k4/6);

	    Tanual = Ts - 273.	;//(°C)
	    I = 12.*pow((Tanual/5.),1.5);
	    a = (6.7e-7)*gsl_pow_int(I,3) - (7.7e-5)*PowInt(I,2) + (1.8e-2)*I + 0.49;
	    EVP = 12.*16*pow((10.*(Ts - 273.)/I),a);
	    E = Min(1.,EVP/EVPmax);
	    E = 0.;

	  P = (1./Pmax)*pow((aclouds/mm),(1./nn));


	  else Bw=0;
	  else Bb=0;


	  xx = pp - awhite - ablack;
	  As = xx*Agf + ablack*Ab + awhite*Aw;
	}//end for time integration
      }//end for modelling time t

	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[0],L);
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[1],VecMin(temperature))	;//Ts
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[2],VecMean(temperature))	;//Ts
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[3],VecMax(temperature))	;//Ts
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[4],VecMin(white_area))	;//aw
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[5],VecMean(white_area))	;//aw
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[6],VecMax(white_area))	;//aw
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[7],VecMin(black_area))	;//ab
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[8],VecMean(black_area))	;//ab
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[9],VecMax(black_area))	;//ab
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[10],VecMin(clouds_area))	;//ac
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[11],VecMean(clouds_area))	;//ac
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[12],VecMax(clouds_area))	;//ac
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[13],VecMin(evap))	;//E
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[14],VecMean(evap))	;//E
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[15],VecMax(evap))	;//E
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[16],VecMin(prec))	;//P
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[17],VecMean(prec))	;//P
	fprintf(stdout,"Valor %s = %.6e\n",VARS[18],VecMax(prec))	;//P
      MatSet(resultados,ii,1,VecMin(temperature))	;//Ts
      MatSet(resultados,ii,2,VecMean(temperature))	;//Ts
      MatSet(resultados,ii,3,VecMax(temperature))	;//Ts
      MatSet(resultados,ii,4,VecMin(white_area))	;//aw
      MatSet(resultados,ii,5,VecMean(white_area))	;//aw
      MatSet(resultados,ii,6,VecMax(white_area))	;//aw
      MatSet(resultados,ii,7,VecMin(black_area))	;//ab
      MatSet(resultados,ii,8,VecMean(black_area))	;//ab
      MatSet(resultados,ii,9,VecMax(black_area))	;//ab
      MatSet(resultados,ii,10,VecMin(clouds_area))	;//ac
      MatSet(resultados,ii,11,VecMean(clouds_area))	;//ac
      MatSet(resultados,ii,12,VecMax(clouds_area))	;//ac
      MatSet(resultados,ii,13,VecMin(evap))	;//E
      MatSet(resultados,ii,14,VecMean(evap))	;//E
      MatSet(resultados,ii,15,VecMax(evap))	;//E
      MatSet(resultados,ii,16,VecMin(prec))	;//P
      MatSet(resultados,ii,17,VecMean(prec))	;//P
      MatSet(resultados,ii,18,VecMax(prec))	;//P


    }//end for ii

    fprintf(fl,"zc= %.0lf\n",zc);
    fprintf(fl,"Ac= %.2lf\n",Ac);

      fprintf(fl,"%10s ",VARS[j]);

    MatrixFprintf(fl,resultados,"%10.4f ");

  }//end for heights
}//end program
Example #22
/* Initializes MPI,
 * loads defaults, 
 *       command line arguments,
 *       hdf5 data,
 *       ode model from shared library @code dlopen@
 * allocates kernel, 
 *           ode model parameters
 *           MPI communivcation buffers
 * calls MCMC routines
 * finalizes and frees (most) structs
int/*always returns success*/
main(int argc,/*count*/ char* argv[])/*array of strings*/ {
  int i=0;
  int warm_up=0; // sets the number of burn in points at command line
  char lib_name[BUFSZ];
  ode_model_parameters omp[1];
  omp->size=(problem_size*) malloc(sizeof(problem_size));

  char global_sample_filename_stem[BUFSZ]="Sample.h5"; // filename basis
  char rank_sample_file[BUFSZ]; // filename for sample output
  char resume_filename[BUFSZ]="resume.h5";
  double seed = 1;
  double gamma= 2;
  double t0=-1;
  int sampling_action=SMPL_FRESH;
  int start_from_prior=no;
  int sensitivity_approximation=no;

  main_options cnf_options=get_default_options(global_sample_filename_stem, lib_name);
  int rank,R;
  char *h5file=NULL;

  /* process command line arguments
  for (i=0;i<argc;i++){
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--prior-start")==0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--hdf5")==0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-t")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--init-at-t")==0) {
      //printf("[main] t0=%f\n",t0);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-w")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--warm-up")==0) warm_up=strtol(argv[i+1],NULL,10);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--resume")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0) sampling_action=SMPL_RESUME;
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--sens-approx")==0) sensitivity_approximation=1;
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-l")==0) strcpy(cnf_options.library_file,argv[i+1]);
    //    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-n")==0) Tuning=0;
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0) cnf_options.sample_size=strtol(argv[i+1],NULL,0);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-o")==0) strncpy(cnf_options.output_file,argv[i+1],BUFSZ);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-a")==0) cnf_options.target_acceptance=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-i")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--initial-step-size")==0) cnf_options.initial_stepsize=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-m")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--initial-step-size-rank-multiplier")==0) cnf_options.initial_stepsize_rank_factor=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);

    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-g")==0) gamma=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--abs-tol")==0) cnf_options.abs_tol=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rel-tol")==0) cnf_options.rel_tol=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--seed")==0) seed=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) {

  /* load Data from hdf5 file
  if (h5file){
    printf("# [main] (rank %i) reading hdf5 file, loading data.\n",rank);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr,"# [main] (rank %i) no data provided (-d option), exiting.\n",rank);
  /* load model from shared library
  ode_model *odeModel = ode_model_loadFromFile(lib_name);  /* alloc */
  if (!odeModel) {
    fprintf(stderr, "# [main] (rank %i) Library %s could not be loaded.\n",rank,lib_name);
  } else printf( "# [main] (rank %i) Library %s loaded.\n",rank, lib_name);
  /* construct an output file from rank, library name, and user
   * supplied string.
  char *dot;
  char *lib_base;
  /* allocate a solver for each experiment for possible parallelization
  ode_solver **solver;
  int c,C=omp->size->C;
  int c_success=0;
  for (c=0;c<C;c++){
    if (solver[c]) c_success++;
  if (c_success==C) {
    printf("# [main] Solver[0:%i] for «%s» created.\n",C,lib_base);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "# [main] Solvers for «%s» could not be created.\n",lib_base);

  /* sensitivity analysis is not feasible for large models. So, it can
   *  be turned off.
  if (sensitivity_approximation){
    //printf("# [main] experimental: Sensitivity approximation activated.\n");
    for (c=0;c<C;c++) ode_solver_disable_sens(solver[c]);
    /* also: make sensitivity function unavailable; that way
     * ode_model_has_sens(model) will return «FALSE»;
  /* init solver 
  realtype solver_param[3] = {cnf_options.abs_tol, cnf_options.rel_tol, 0};

  const char **x_name=ode_model_get_var_names(odeModel);
  const char **p_name=ode_model_get_param_names(odeModel);
  const char **f_name=ode_model_get_func_names(odeModel);
  /* local variables for parameters and inital conditions as presented
     in ode model lib: */
  int N = ode_model_getN(odeModel);
  int P = ode_model_getP(odeModel);
  int F = ode_model_getF(odeModel);

  /* save in ode model parameter struct: */

  /* ode model parameter struct has pointers for sim results that need
     memory allocation: */

  /* get default parameters from the model file
  double p[P];
  gsl_vector_view p_view=gsl_vector_view_array(p,P);
  ode_model_get_default_params(odeModel, p, P);
  if (rank==0)  gsl_printf("default parameters",&(p_view.vector),GSL_IS_DOUBLE | GSL_IS_VECTOR);

  /* All MCMC meta-parameters (like stepsize) here are positive (to
   * make sense). Some command line arguments can override parameters
   * read from files; but, input files are processed after the command
   * line parameters. So, to check whether default parameters were
   * altered by the command line, the variable declaration defaults
   * are negative at first. Alterations to some meta-parameter p can
   * be checked by: if (cnf_options.p<0)
   * cnf_options.p=read_from_file(SOME FILE);

  /* load default initial conditions
  double y[N];
  gsl_vector_view y_view=gsl_vector_view_array(y,N);
  ode_model_get_initial_conditions(odeModel, y, N);

  /* initialize the ODE solver with initial time t, default ODE
   * parameters p and default initial conditions of the state y; In
   * addition error tolerances are set and sensitivity initialized.
  //printf("# [main] (rank %i) init ivp: t0=%g\n",rank,omp->t0);
  for (c=0;c<C;c++){
    ode_solver_init(solver[c], omp->t0, omp->E[c]->init_y->data, N, p, P);
    //printf("# [main] solver initialised.\n");    
    ode_solver_setErrTol(solver[c], solver_param[1], &solver_param[0], 1);
    if (ode_model_has_sens(odeModel)) {
      ode_solver_init_sens(solver[c], omp->E[0]->yS0->data, P, N);
  /* An smmala_model is a struct that contains the posterior
   * probablity density function and a pointer to its parameters and
   * pre-allocated work-memory.
  smmala_model* model = smmala_model_alloc(LogPosterior, NULL, omp);
  if (model){
    printf("[main] (rank %i) smmala_model allocated.\n",rank);
    fprintf(stderr,"[main] (rank %i) smmala_model could not be allocated.\n",rank);
  /* initial parameter values; after allocating an mcmc_kernel of the
   * right dimensions we set the initial Markov chain state from
   * either the model's default parametrization p, the prior's μ, or the
   * state of a previously completed mcmc run (resume).
  int D=omp->size->D;
  double init_x[D];
  double beta=assign_beta(rank,R,round(gamma));
  double tgac=cnf_options.target_acceptance;
  double m=cnf_options.initial_stepsize_rank_factor;
  double step=cnf_options.initial_stepsize;
  if (m>1.0 && rank>0) step*=gsl_pow_int(m,rank);
  printf("[main] (rank %i) likelihood log(normalisation constant): %g\n",rank,omp->pdf_lognorm);
  mcmc_kernel* kernel = smmala_kernel_alloc(beta,D,step,model,seed,tgac);
  int resume_load_status;
  if (sampling_action==SMPL_RESUME){
    resume_load_status=load_resume_state(resume_filename, rank, R, kernel);
    for (i=0;i<D;i++) init_x[i]=kernel->x[i];
  } else if (start_from_prior){     
    if (rank==0) printf("# [main] setting initial mcmc vector to prior mean.\n");
    for (i=0;i<D;i++) init_x[i]=gsl_vector_get(omp->prior->mu,i);
  } else {
    if (rank==0) printf("# [main] setting mcmc initial value to log(default parameters)\n");
    for (i=0;i<D;i++) init_x[i]=gsl_sf_log(p[i]);
  /* here we initialize the mcmc_kernel; this makes one test
   * evaluation of the log-posterior density function. 
  if (rank==0){
    printf("# [main] initializing MCMC.\n");
    printf("# [main] init_x:");
    for (i=0;i<D;i++) printf(" %g ",init_x[i]);
  mcmc_init(kernel, init_x);
  /* display the results of that test evaluation
  if (rank==0){
    printf("# [main] rank %i init complete .\n",rank);
    ode_solver_print_stats(solver[0], stdout);
  size_t SampleSize = cnf_options.sample_size;  
  /* in parallel tempering th echains can swap their positions;
   * this buffers the communication between chains.
  void *buffer=(void *) smmala_comm_buffer_alloc(D);
  /* Initialization of burin in length
  size_t BurnInSampleSize;
  if (warm_up==0){
    BurnInSampleSize = 7 * (int) sqrt(cnf_options.sample_size);
  } else {
  if (rank==0){
    printf("# Performing Burn-In with step-size (%g) tuning: %lu iterations\n",get_step_size(kernel),BurnInSampleSize);
  /* Burn In: these iterations are not recorded, but are used to find
   * an acceptable step size for each temperature regime.
  int mcmc_error;
  mcmc_error=burn_in_foreach(rank,R, BurnInSampleSize, omp, kernel, buffer);
  if (rank==0){
    fprintf(stdout, "\n# Burn-in complete, sampling from the posterior.\n");
  /* this struct contains all necessary id's and size arrays
   * for writing sample data to an hdf5 file in chunks
  hdf5block_t *h5block = h5block_init(cnf_options.output_file,
  /* The main loop of MCMC sampling
   * these iterations are recorded and saved to an hdf5 file
   * the file is set up and identified via the h5block variable.
  mcmc_error=mcmc_foreach(rank, R, SampleSize, omp, kernel, h5block, buffer, &cnf_options);
  append_meta_properties(h5block,&seed,&BurnInSampleSize, h5file, lib_base);

  /* clear memory */
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #23
/* f_monomial = constant * x^degree */
double f_monomial(double x, void * params)
  struct monomial_params * p = (struct monomial_params *) params;

  return p->constant * gsl_pow_int(x, p->degree);
Example #24
/* See Remark 2.17 */
double pkd_eval_square( int j, int k, point p) {
  double leg = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl( j, p.x);
  double pwr = gsl_pow_int( (1.0-p.y)/2.0, j);
  double jac = jacobi( k, 2.0*j+1.0, p.y);
  return leg*pwr*jac;
Example #25
void preconditionSPDE(config* currentConfig, config* newConfig, double du, double dt, double doubleNUMu, double bb[NUMBEAD], double GaussRandArray[NUMu], gsl_rng *RanNumPointer)
//generates a preconditioned step using the Stochastic Partial Differential Equation
//currentConfig is the incoming configuration that has LinvG and GradG calculated
//newConfig is a temp array that is used to make all of the calsulations without touching currentConfig.pos[*][*]
//newConfig.pos is saved to currentConfig.pos before exiting the function

  double qvvel = 0.0l;
  double qvpos = 0.0l;
  int i,n;

  double h=sqrt(2.0l * dt);
  double co=(4.0l-h*h)/(4.0l+h*h);
  double si=(4.0l*h)/(4.0l+h*h); //(h/2)*si
  double hOverTwoSi=(2.0l*h*h)/(4.0l+h*h); //(h/2)*si

  //for grahm shmidt
  double alpha, alphaNum, alphaDenom;

    generateBB(bb, du, dt, GaussRandArray, RanNumPointer);
    //need to make the bb orthogonal to pos without the linear term
    //store pos w/o linear term in newconfig.pos temporarily
    #pragma omp parallel for
      newConfig[n].pos[i]=currentConfig[n].pos[i]-currentConfig[0].pos[i]-(((double)(n))*(currentConfig[NUMBEAD-1].pos[i]-currentConfig[0].pos[i]))/((double)(NUMBEAD -1));
    //Gram Schmidt orthogonalization
    alphaNum = 0.0l;
    alphaDenom = 0.0l;
    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:alphaNum,alphaDenom)

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(n=0;n<NUMBEAD;n++){ bb[n]=bb[n]-alpha*newConfig[n].pos[i];}

    renormBB(bb, du, doubleNUMu);

    #pragma omp parallel for
      newConfig[n].pos[i]=hOverTwoSi*currentConfig[n].LinvG[i] + si*bb[n] + co*currentConfig[n].pos[i];

    //calculate the quadratic variation 
    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:qvpos,qvvel)

  //print the quadratic variation 
  qvvel *= 0.5/(2.0l*du*((double)(NUMBEAD-1)));
  qvpos *= 0.5/(2.0l*du*((double)(NUMBEAD-1)));
  printf("qvvel=%0.10f      qvpos=%0.10f \n",qvvel,qvpos);
