static void
gst_net_client_clock_constructed (GObject * object)
  GstNetClientClock *self = GST_NET_CLIENT_CLOCK (object);
  GstClock *internal_clock;
  GList *l;
  ClockCache *cache = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_net_client_clock_parent_class)->constructed (object);

  G_LOCK (clocks_lock);
  for (l = clocks; l; l = l->next) {
    ClockCache *tmp = l->data;
    GstNetClientInternalClock *internal_clock =
        GST_NET_CLIENT_INTERNAL_CLOCK (tmp->clock);

    if (strcmp (internal_clock->address, self->priv->address) == 0 &&
        internal_clock->port == self->priv->port) {
      cache = tmp;

      if (cache->remove_id) {
        gst_clock_id_unschedule (cache->remove_id);
        cache->remove_id = NULL;

  if (!cache) {
    cache = g_new0 (ClockCache, 1);

    cache->clock =
        g_object_new (GST_TYPE_NET_CLIENT_INTERNAL_CLOCK, "address",
        self->priv->address, "port", self->priv->port, "is-ntp",
        self->priv->is_ntp, NULL);
    clocks = g_list_prepend (clocks, cache);

    /* Not actually leaked but is cached for a while before being disposed,
     * see gst_net_client_clock_finalize, so pretend it is to not confuse
     * tests. */

  cache->clocks = g_list_prepend (cache->clocks, self);

  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (cache->clock);
  if (gst_clock_is_synced (cache->clock))
    gst_clock_set_synced (GST_CLOCK (self), TRUE);
  self->priv->synced_id =
      g_signal_connect (cache->clock, "synced",
      G_CALLBACK (gst_net_client_clock_synced_cb), self);
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (cache->clock);

  G_UNLOCK (clocks_lock);

  self->priv->internal_clock = internal_clock = cache->clock;

  /* all systems go, cap'n */
static GstClockTime
gst_net_client_clock_get_internal_time (GstClock * clock)
  GstNetClientClock *self = GST_NET_CLIENT_CLOCK (clock);

  if (!gst_clock_is_synced (self->priv->internal_clock)) {
    GstClockTime now = gst_clock_get_internal_time (self->priv->internal_clock);
    return gst_clock_adjust_with_calibration (self->priv->internal_clock, now,
        self->priv->internal_base_time, self->priv->base_time, 1, 1);

  return gst_clock_get_time (self->priv->internal_clock);
static void
gst_net_client_clock_constructed (GObject * object)
  GstNetClientClock *self = GST_NET_CLIENT_CLOCK (object);
  GstClock *internal_clock;
  GstClockTime internal;
  GList *l;
  ClockCache *cache = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_net_client_clock_parent_class)->constructed (object);

  G_LOCK (clocks_lock);
  for (l = clocks; l; l = l->next) {
    ClockCache *tmp = l->data;
    GstNetClientInternalClock *internal_clock =
        GST_NET_CLIENT_INTERNAL_CLOCK (tmp->clock);

    if (strcmp (internal_clock->address, self->priv->address) == 0 &&
        internal_clock->port == self->priv->port) {
      cache = tmp;

      if (cache->remove_id) {
        gst_clock_id_unschedule (cache->remove_id);
        cache->remove_id = NULL;

  if (!cache) {
    cache = g_new0 (ClockCache, 1);

    cache->clock =
        g_object_new (GST_TYPE_NET_CLIENT_INTERNAL_CLOCK, "address",
        self->priv->address, "port", self->priv->port, "is-ntp",
        self->priv->is_ntp, NULL);
    clocks = g_list_prepend (clocks, cache);

  cache->clocks = g_list_prepend (cache->clocks, self);

  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (cache->clock);
  if (gst_clock_is_synced (cache->clock))
    gst_clock_set_synced (GST_CLOCK (self), TRUE);
  self->priv->synced_id =
      g_signal_connect (cache->clock, "synced",
      G_CALLBACK (gst_net_client_clock_synced_cb), self);
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (cache->clock);

  G_UNLOCK (clocks_lock);

  self->priv->internal_clock = internal_clock = cache->clock;

  /* gst_clock_get_time() values are guaranteed to be increasing. because no one
   * has called get_time on this clock yet we are free to adjust to any value
   * without worrying about worrying about MAX() issues with the clock's
   * internal time.

  /* update our internal time so get_time() give something around base_time.
     assume that the rate is 1 in the beginning. */
  internal = gst_clock_get_internal_time (internal_clock);
  gst_clock_set_calibration (internal_clock, internal,
      self->priv->base_time, 1, 1);

    GstClockTime now = gst_clock_get_time (internal_clock);

    if (GST_CLOCK_DIFF (now, self->priv->base_time) > 0 ||
        GST_CLOCK_DIFF (now, self->priv->base_time + GST_SECOND) < 0) {
      g_warning ("unable to set the base time, expect sync problems!");

  /* all systems go, cap'n */