static void
test_rtxsender_packet_retention (gboolean test_with_time)
  guint master_ssrc = 1234567;
  guint master_pt = 96;
  guint rtx_ssrc = 7654321;
  guint rtx_pt = 99;
  gint num_buffers = test_with_time ? 30 : 10;
  gint half_buffers = num_buffers / 2;
  guint timestamp_delta = 90000 / 30;
  guint timestamp = G_MAXUINT32 - half_buffers * timestamp_delta;
  GstHarness *h;
  GstStructure *pt_map = gst_structure_new ("application/x-rtp-pt-map",
      "96", G_TYPE_UINT, rtx_pt, NULL);
  GstStructure *ssrc_map = gst_structure_new ("application/x-rtp-ssrc-map",
      "1234567", G_TYPE_UINT, rtx_ssrc, NULL);

  h = gst_harness_new ("rtprtxsend");

  /* In both cases we want the rtxsend queue to store 'half_buffers'
     amount of buffers at most. In max-size-packets mode, it's trivial.
     In max-size-time mode, we specify almost half a second, which is
     the equivalent of 15 frames in a 30fps video stream.
  g_object_set (h->element,
      "max-size-packets", test_with_time ? 0 : half_buffers,
      "max-size-time", test_with_time ? 499 : 0,
      "payload-type-map", pt_map, "ssrc-map", ssrc_map, NULL);

  gst_harness_set_src_caps_str (h, "application/x-rtp, "
      "media = (string)video, payload = (int)96, "
      "ssrc = (uint)1234567, clock-rate = (int)90000, "
      "encoding-name = (string)RAW");

  /* Now push all buffers and request retransmission every time for all of them */
  for (gint i = 0; i < num_buffers; ++i, timestamp += timestamp_delta) {
    /* Request to retransmit all the previous ones */
    for (gint j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
      guint rtx_seqnum = 0x100 + j;
      gst_harness_push_upstream_event (h,
          create_rtx_event (master_ssrc, master_pt, rtx_seqnum));

      /* Pull only the ones supposed to be retransmited */
      if (j >= i - half_buffers)
        pull_and_verify (h, TRUE, rtx_ssrc, rtx_pt, rtx_seqnum);
    /* Check there no extra buffers in the harness queue */
    fail_unless_equals_int (gst_harness_buffers_in_queue (h), 0);

    /* We create RTP buffers with timestamps that will eventualy wrap around 0
       to be sure, rtprtxsend can handle it properly */
    push_pull_and_verify (h,
        create_rtp_buffer_with_timestamp (master_ssrc, master_pt, 0x100 + i,
            timestamp), FALSE, master_ssrc, master_pt, 0x100 + i);

  gst_structure_free (pt_map);
  gst_structure_free (ssrc_map);
  gst_harness_teardown (h);
Example #2
static void
session_harness_produce_rtcp (SessionHarness * h, gint num_rtcp_packets)
  /* due to randomness in rescheduling of RTCP timeout, we need to
     keep cranking until we have the desired amount of packets */
  while (gst_harness_buffers_in_queue (h->rtcp_h) < num_rtcp_packets)
    session_harness_crank_clock (h);