static void
gst_base_rtp_audio_payload_set_meta (GstBaseRTPAudioPayload * payload,
    GstBuffer * buffer, guint payload_len, GstClockTime timestamp)
  GstBaseRTPPayload *basepayload;
  GstBaseRTPAudioPayloadPrivate *priv;

  basepayload = GST_BASE_RTP_PAYLOAD_CAST (payload);
  priv = payload->priv;

  /* set payload type */
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (buffer, basepayload->pt);
  /* set marker bit for disconts */
  if (priv->discont) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (payload, "Setting marker and DISCONT");
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (buffer, TRUE);
    priv->discont = FALSE;
  GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer) = timestamp;

  /* get the offset in RTP time */
  GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (buffer) = priv->bytes_to_rtptime (payload, priv->offset);

  priv->offset += payload_len;

  /* Set the duration from the size */
  GST_BUFFER_DURATION (buffer) = priv->bytes_to_time (payload, payload_len);

  /* remember the last rtptime/timestamp pair. We will use this to realign our
   * RTP timestamp after a buffer discont */
  priv->last_rtptime = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (buffer);
  priv->last_timestamp = timestamp;
Example #2
static GstBuffer *
generate_test_buffer (guint seq_num, guint ssrc)
    GstBuffer *buf;
    guint8 *payload;
    guint i;
    GstRTPBuffer rtp = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;
    gsize size = 10;

    buf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (size, 0, 0);
    GST_BUFFER_DTS (buf) = GST_MSECOND * 20 * seq_num;
    GST_BUFFER_PTS (buf) = GST_MSECOND * 20 * seq_num;

    gst_rtp_buffer_map (buf, GST_MAP_READWRITE, &rtp);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, 0);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtp, seq_num);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtp, 160 * seq_num);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtp, ssrc);

    payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        payload[i] = 0xff;

    gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

    return buf;
Example #3
static GstBuffer *
generate_test_buffer (GstClockTime gst_ts,
    gboolean marker_bit, guint seq_num, guint32 rtp_ts, guint ssrc)
  GstBuffer *buf;
  guint8 *payload;
  guint i;

  buf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (payload_size, 0, 0);
  GST_BUFFER_DTS (buf) = gst_ts;
  GST_BUFFER_PTS (buf) = gst_ts;

  gst_rtp_buffer_map (buf, GST_MAP_READWRITE, &rtp);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, payload_type);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (&rtp, marker_bit);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtp, seq_num);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtp, rtp_ts);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtp, ssrc);

  payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
  for (i = 0; i < payload_size; i++)
    payload[i] = 0xff;

  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

  return buf;
Example #4
static gboolean
set_headers (GstBuffer ** buffer, guint idx, gpointer user_data)
  HeaderData *data = user_data;
  GstRTPBuffer rtp = { NULL, };

  if (!gst_rtp_buffer_map (*buffer, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtp))
    goto map_failed;

  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtp, data->ssrc);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, data->pt);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtp, data->seqnum);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtp, data->rtptime);
  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

  /* increment the seqnum for each buffer */

  return TRUE;
  /* ERRORS */
    GST_ERROR ("failed to map buffer %p", *buffer);
    return FALSE;
Example #5
static GstBuffer *
generate_test_buffer_full (GstClockTime dts,
    guint seq_num, guint32 rtp_ts, guint ssrc)
  GstBuffer *buf;
  guint8 *payload;
  guint i;

  buf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (TEST_BUF_SIZE, 0, 0);
  GST_BUFFER_DTS (buf) = dts;

  gst_rtp_buffer_map (buf, GST_MAP_READWRITE, &rtp);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, TEST_BUF_PT);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtp, seq_num);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtp, rtp_ts);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtp, ssrc);

  payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
  for (i = 0; i < TEST_BUF_SIZE; i++)
    payload[i] = 0xff;

  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

  return buf;
Example #6
void gst_al_rtp_buffer_set_params(GstAlBuf *buf, gint ssrc,
                                  gint payload_type, gint version, gint sequence)
	GstBuffer *buffer = buf->m_buffer;
	gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc(buffer, ssrc);
	gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type(buffer, payload_type);
	gst_rtp_buffer_set_version(buffer, version);
	gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq(buffer, sequence);
Example #7
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_sbc_pay_flush_buffers (GstRtpSBCPay * sbcpay)
  guint available;
  guint max_payload;
  GstBuffer *outbuf;
  guint8 *payload_data;
  guint frame_count;
  guint payload_length;
  struct rtp_payload *payload;

  if (sbcpay->frame_length == 0) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (sbcpay, "Frame length is 0");
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  available = gst_adapter_available (sbcpay->adapter);

  max_payload =
      gst_rtp_buffer_calc_payload_len (GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_MTU (sbcpay) -

  max_payload = MIN (max_payload, available);
  frame_count = max_payload / sbcpay->frame_length;
  payload_length = frame_count * sbcpay->frame_length;
  if (payload_length == 0)      /* Nothing to send */
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  outbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (payload_length +

  /* get payload */
  gst_rtp_buffer_map (outbuf, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtp);

  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_PT (sbcpay));

  /* write header and copy data into payload */
  payload_data = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
  payload = (struct rtp_payload *) payload_data;
  memset (payload, 0, sizeof (struct rtp_payload));
  payload->frame_count = frame_count;

  gst_adapter_copy (sbcpay->adapter, payload_data +
      RTP_SBC_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE, 0, payload_length);

  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

  gst_adapter_flush (sbcpay->adapter, payload_length);

  /* FIXME: what about duration? */
  GST_BUFFER_PTS (outbuf) = sbcpay->timestamp;
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (sbcpay, "Pushing %d bytes", payload_length);

  return gst_rtp_base_payload_push (GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD (sbcpay), outbuf);
Example #8
static GstFlowReturn gst_rtp_sbc_pay_flush_buffers(GstRtpSBCPay *sbcpay)
	guint available;
	guint max_payload;
	GstBuffer *outbuf;
	guint8 *payload_data;
	guint frame_count;
	guint payload_length;
	struct rtp_payload *payload;

	if (sbcpay->frame_length == 0) {
		GST_ERROR_OBJECT(sbcpay, "Frame length is 0");
		return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

	available = gst_adapter_available(sbcpay->adapter);

	max_payload = gst_rtp_buffer_calc_payload_len(
		0, 0);

	max_payload = MIN(max_payload, available);
	frame_count = max_payload / sbcpay->frame_length;
	payload_length = frame_count * sbcpay->frame_length;
	if (payload_length == 0) /* Nothing to send */
		return GST_FLOW_OK;

	outbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate(payload_length +


	payload_data = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload(outbuf);
	payload = (struct rtp_payload *) payload_data;
	memset(payload, 0, sizeof(struct rtp_payload));
	payload->frame_count = frame_count;

	gst_adapter_copy(sbcpay->adapter, payload_data +
			RTP_SBC_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE, 0, payload_length);
	gst_adapter_flush(sbcpay->adapter, payload_length);

	GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(outbuf) = sbcpay->timestamp;
	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(sbcpay, "Pushing %d bytes", payload_length);

	return gst_basertppayload_push(GST_BASE_RTP_PAYLOAD(sbcpay), outbuf);
static GstBuffer *
create_rtp_buffer (guint32 ssrc, guint8 payload_type, guint16 seqnum)
  GstRTPBuffer rtpbuf = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;
  guint payload_size = 29;
  guint64 timestamp = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (seqnum, 90000, 30);
  GstBuffer *buf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (payload_size, 0, 0);

  gst_rtp_buffer_map (buf, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtpbuf);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtpbuf, ssrc);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtpbuf, payload_type);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtpbuf, seqnum);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtpbuf, (guint32) timestamp);
  memset (gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtpbuf), 0x29, payload_size);
  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtpbuf);
  return buf;
Example #10
static void
gst_rtp_dtmf_prepare_rtp_headers (GstRTPDTMFSrc * dtmfsrc, GstBuffer * buf)
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (buf, dtmfsrc->current_ssrc);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (buf, dtmfsrc->pt);
  /* Only the very first packet gets a marker */
  if (dtmfsrc->first_packet) {
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (buf, TRUE);
  } else if (dtmfsrc->last_packet) {
    dtmfsrc->payload->e = 1;

  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (buf, dtmfsrc->seqnum);

  /* timestamp of RTP header */
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (buf, dtmfsrc->rtp_timestamp);
Example #11
static void
lock_check_cb (GstPad * pad, int i)
  GstBuffer *inbuf;

  if (i % 2) {
    fail_unless (buffers == NULL);
  } else {
    GstRTPBuffer rtpbuffer = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;

    fail_unless (buffers && g_list_length (buffers) == 1);
    gst_rtp_buffer_map (buffers->data, GST_MAP_READ, &rtpbuffer);
    fail_unless_equals_int (66, gst_rtp_buffer_get_ssrc (&rtpbuffer));
    fail_unless_equals_int64 (200 - 57 + 1000 + i,
        gst_rtp_buffer_get_timestamp (&rtpbuffer));
    fail_unless_equals_int (100 + 1 + i, gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (&rtpbuffer));
    gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtpbuffer);

    inbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (10, 0, 0);
    GST_BUFFER_PTS (inbuf) = i * 1000 + 500;
    GST_BUFFER_DURATION (inbuf) = 1000;
    gst_rtp_buffer_map (inbuf, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtpbuffer);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_version (&rtpbuffer, 2);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtpbuffer, 98);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtpbuffer, 44);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtpbuffer, 200 + i);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtpbuffer, 2000 + i);
    gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtpbuffer);
    fail_unless (gst_pad_push (pad, inbuf) == GST_FLOW_OK);

    g_list_foreach (buffers, (GFunc) gst_buffer_unref, NULL);
    g_list_free (buffers);
    buffers = NULL;
Example #12
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_asf_pay_handle_packet (GstRtpAsfPay * rtpasfpay, GstBuffer * buffer)
  GstRTPBasePayload *rtppay;
  GstAsfPacketInfo *packetinfo;
  guint8 flags;
  guint8 *data;
  guint32 packet_util_size;
  guint32 packet_offset;
  guint32 size_left;
  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;

  rtppay = GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD (rtpasfpay);
  packetinfo = &rtpasfpay->packetinfo;

  if (!gst_asf_parse_packet (buffer, packetinfo, TRUE,
          rtpasfpay->asfinfo.packet_size)) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Error while parsing asf packet");
    gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  if (packetinfo->packet_size == 0)
    packetinfo->packet_size = rtpasfpay->asfinfo.packet_size;

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Packet size: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT
      ", padding: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT, packetinfo->packet_size,

  /* update padding field to 0 */
  if (packetinfo->padding > 0) {
    GstAsfPacketInfo info;
    /* find padding field offset */
    guint offset = packetinfo->err_cor_len + 2 +
        gst_asf_get_var_size_field_len (packetinfo->packet_field_type) +
        gst_asf_get_var_size_field_len (packetinfo->seq_field_type);
    buffer = gst_buffer_make_writable (buffer);
    switch (packetinfo->padd_field_type) {
        gst_buffer_memset (buffer, offset, 0, 4);
        gst_buffer_memset (buffer, offset, 0, 2);
        gst_buffer_memset (buffer, offset, 0, 1);
    gst_asf_parse_packet (buffer, &info, FALSE, 0);

  if (packetinfo->padding != 0)
    packet_util_size = rtpasfpay->asfinfo.packet_size - packetinfo->padding;
    packet_util_size = packetinfo->packet_size;
  packet_offset = 0;
  while (packet_util_size > 0) {
    /* Even if we don't fill completely an output buffer we
     * push it when we add an fragment. Because it seems that
     * it is not possible to determine where a asf packet
     * fragment ends inside a rtp packet payload.
     * This flag tells us to push the packet.
    gboolean force_push = FALSE;
    GstRTPBuffer rtp = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;

    /* we have no output buffer pending, create one */
    if (rtpasfpay->current == NULL) {
      GST_LOG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Creating new output buffer");
      rtpasfpay->current =
          gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate_len (GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_MTU (rtpasfpay),
          0, 0);
      rtpasfpay->cur_off = 0;
      rtpasfpay->has_ts = FALSE;
      rtpasfpay->marker = FALSE;
    gst_rtp_buffer_map (rtpasfpay->current, GST_MAP_READWRITE, &rtp);
    data = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
    data += rtpasfpay->cur_off;
    size_left = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload_len (&rtp) - rtpasfpay->cur_off;

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Input buffer bytes consumed: %"
        G_GUINT32_FORMAT "/%" G_GSIZE_FORMAT, packet_offset,
        gst_buffer_get_size (buffer));

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Output rtpbuffer status");
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Current offset: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Size left: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT, size_left);
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Has ts: %s",
        rtpasfpay->has_ts ? "yes" : "no");
    if (rtpasfpay->has_ts) {
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Ts: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT, rtpasfpay->ts);

    flags = 0;
    if (packetinfo->has_keyframe) {
      flags = flags | 0x80;
    flags = flags | 0x20;       /* Relative timestamp is present */

    if (!rtpasfpay->has_ts) {
      /* this is the first asf packet, its send time is the 
       * rtp packet timestamp */
      rtpasfpay->has_ts = TRUE;
      rtpasfpay->ts = packetinfo->send_time;

    if (size_left >= packet_util_size + 8) {
      /* enough space for the rest of the packet */
      if (packet_offset == 0) {
        flags = flags | 0x40;
        GST_WRITE_UINT24_BE (data + 1, packet_util_size);
      } else {
        GST_WRITE_UINT24_BE (data + 1, packet_offset);
        force_push = TRUE;
      data[0] = flags;
      GST_WRITE_UINT32_BE (data + 4,
          (gint32) (packetinfo->send_time) - (gint32) rtpasfpay->ts);
      gst_buffer_extract (buffer, packet_offset, data + 8, packet_util_size);

      /* updating status variables */
      rtpasfpay->cur_off += 8 + packet_util_size;
      size_left -= packet_util_size + 8;
      packet_offset += packet_util_size;
      packet_util_size = 0;
      rtpasfpay->marker = TRUE;
    } else {
      /* fragment packet */
      data[0] = flags;
      GST_WRITE_UINT24_BE (data + 1, packet_offset);
      GST_WRITE_UINT32_BE (data + 4,
          (gint32) (packetinfo->send_time) - (gint32) rtpasfpay->ts);
      gst_buffer_extract (buffer, packet_offset, data + 8, size_left - 8);

      /* updating status variables */
      rtpasfpay->cur_off += size_left;
      packet_offset += size_left - 8;
      packet_util_size -= size_left - 8;
      size_left = 0;
      force_push = TRUE;

    /* there is not enough room for any more buffers */
    if (force_push || size_left <= 8) {

      gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtp, rtppay->current_ssrc);
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (&rtp, rtpasfpay->marker);
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_PT (rtppay));
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtp, rtppay->seqnum + 1);
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtp, packetinfo->send_time);
      gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

      /* trim remaining bytes not used */
      if (size_left != 0) {
        gst_buffer_set_size (rtpasfpay->current,
            gst_buffer_get_size (rtpasfpay->current) - size_left);

      GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (rtpasfpay->current) = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer);

      rtppay->timestamp = packetinfo->send_time;

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpasfpay, "Pushing rtp buffer");
      ret = gst_rtp_base_payload_push (rtppay, rtpasfpay->current);
      rtpasfpay->current = NULL;
      if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
        gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
        return ret;
  gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
  return ret;
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_mpa_pay_flush (GstRtpMPAPay * rtpmpapay)
  guint avail;
  GstBuffer *outbuf;
  GstFlowReturn ret;
  guint16 frag_offset;
  GstBufferList *list;

  /* the data available in the adapter is either smaller
   * than the MTU or bigger. In the case it is smaller, the complete
   * adapter contents can be put in one packet. In the case the
   * adapter has more than one MTU, we need to split the MPA data
   * over multiple packets. The frag_offset in each packet header
   * needs to be updated with the position in the MPA frame. */
  avail = gst_adapter_available (rtpmpapay->adapter);

  ret = GST_FLOW_OK;

  list =
      gst_buffer_list_new_sized (avail / (GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_MTU (rtpmpapay) -
          RTP_HEADER_LEN) + 1);

  frag_offset = 0;
  while (avail > 0) {
    guint towrite;
    guint8 *payload;
    guint payload_len;
    guint packet_len;
    GstRTPBuffer rtp = { NULL };
    GstBuffer *paybuf;

    /* this will be the total length of the packet */
    packet_len = gst_rtp_buffer_calc_packet_len (4 + avail, 0, 0);

    /* fill one MTU or all available bytes */
    towrite = MIN (packet_len, GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD_MTU (rtpmpapay));

    /* this is the payload length */
    payload_len = gst_rtp_buffer_calc_payload_len (towrite, 0, 0);

    /* create buffer to hold the payload */
    outbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (4, 0, 0);

    gst_rtp_buffer_map (outbuf, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtp);

    payload_len -= 4;

    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtp, GST_RTP_PAYLOAD_MPA);

     *  0                   1                   2                   3
     *  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
     * |             MBZ               |          Frag_offset          |
     * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (&rtp);
    payload[0] = 0;
    payload[1] = 0;
    payload[2] = frag_offset >> 8;
    payload[3] = frag_offset & 0xff;

    avail -= payload_len;
    frag_offset += payload_len;

    if (avail == 0)
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (&rtp, TRUE);

    gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

    paybuf = gst_adapter_take_buffer_fast (rtpmpapay->adapter, payload_len);
    gst_rtp_copy_meta (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (rtpmpapay), outbuf, paybuf,
        g_quark_from_static_string (GST_META_TAG_AUDIO_STR));
    outbuf = gst_buffer_append (outbuf, paybuf);

    GST_BUFFER_PTS (outbuf) = rtpmpapay->first_ts;
    GST_BUFFER_DURATION (outbuf) = rtpmpapay->duration;
    gst_buffer_list_add (list, outbuf);

  ret = gst_rtp_base_payload_push_list (GST_RTP_BASE_PAYLOAD (rtpmpapay), list);

  return ret;
Example #14
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_mpa_pay_flush (GstRtpMPAPay * rtpmpapay)
  guint avail;
  GstBuffer *outbuf;
  GstFlowReturn ret;
  guint16 frag_offset;

  /* the data available in the adapter is either smaller
   * than the MTU or bigger. In the case it is smaller, the complete
   * adapter contents can be put in one packet. In the case the
   * adapter has more than one MTU, we need to split the MPA data
   * over multiple packets. The frag_offset in each packet header
   * needs to be updated with the position in the MPA frame. */
  avail = gst_adapter_available (rtpmpapay->adapter);

  ret = GST_FLOW_OK;

  frag_offset = 0;
  while (avail > 0) {
    guint towrite;
    guint8 *payload;
    guint payload_len;
    guint packet_len;

    /* this will be the total lenght of the packet */
    packet_len = gst_rtp_buffer_calc_packet_len (4 + avail, 0, 0);

    /* fill one MTU or all available bytes */
    towrite = MIN (packet_len, GST_BASE_RTP_PAYLOAD_MTU (rtpmpapay));

    /* this is the payload length */
    payload_len = gst_rtp_buffer_calc_payload_len (towrite, 0, 0);

    /* create buffer to hold the payload */
    outbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (payload_len, 0, 0);

    payload_len -= 4;

    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (outbuf, GST_RTP_PAYLOAD_MPA);

     *  0                   1                   2                   3
     *  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
     * |             MBZ               |          Frag_offset          |
     * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
    payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (outbuf);
    payload[0] = 0;
    payload[1] = 0;
    payload[2] = frag_offset >> 8;
    payload[3] = frag_offset & 0xff;

    gst_adapter_copy (rtpmpapay->adapter, &payload[4], 0, payload_len);
    gst_adapter_flush (rtpmpapay->adapter, payload_len);

    avail -= payload_len;
    frag_offset += payload_len;

    if (avail == 0)
      gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (outbuf, TRUE);

    GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (outbuf) = rtpmpapay->first_ts;
    GST_BUFFER_DURATION (outbuf) = rtpmpapay->duration;

    ret = gst_basertppayload_push (GST_BASE_RTP_PAYLOAD (rtpmpapay), outbuf);

  return ret;
Example #15
static void
test_basic (const gchar * elem_name, int count, check_cb cb)
  GstElement *rtpmux = NULL;
  GstPad *reqpad1 = NULL;
  GstPad *reqpad2 = NULL;
  GstPad *src1 = NULL;
  GstPad *src2 = NULL;
  GstPad *sink = NULL;
  GstBuffer *inbuf = NULL;
  GstCaps *src1caps = NULL;
  GstCaps *src2caps = NULL;
  GstCaps *sinkcaps = NULL;
  GstCaps *caps;
  int i;

  rtpmux = gst_check_setup_element (elem_name);

  reqpad1 = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpmux, "sink_1");
  fail_unless (reqpad1 != NULL);
  reqpad2 = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpmux, "sink_2");
  fail_unless (reqpad2 != NULL);
  sink = gst_check_setup_sink_pad_by_name (rtpmux, &sinktemplate, "src");

  src1 = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&srctemplate, "src");
  src2 = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&srctemplate, "src");
  fail_unless (gst_pad_link (src1, reqpad1) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
  fail_unless (gst_pad_link (src2, reqpad2) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (src1, getcaps_func);
  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (src2, getcaps_func);
  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (sink, getcaps_func);
  gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (sink, setcaps_func);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (src1), "caps", &src1caps);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (src2), "caps", &src2caps);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (sink), "caps", &sinkcaps);

  src1caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 1, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 11, NULL);
  src2caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 2, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 12, NULL);
  sinkcaps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 13, NULL);

  caps = gst_pad_peer_get_caps (src1);
  fail_unless (gst_caps_is_empty (caps));
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  gst_caps_set_simple (src2caps, "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3, NULL);
  caps = gst_pad_peer_get_caps (src1);
  fail_unless (gst_caps_is_equal (caps, sinkcaps));
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  g_object_set (rtpmux, "seqnum-offset", 100, "timestamp-offset", 1000,
      "ssrc", 55, NULL);

  fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (rtpmux,
  gst_pad_set_active (sink, TRUE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src1, TRUE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src2, TRUE);

  gst_caps_set_simple (sinkcaps,
      "payload", G_TYPE_INT, 98, "seqnum-base", G_TYPE_UINT, 100,
      "clock-base", G_TYPE_UINT, 1000, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 66, NULL);
  caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "payload", G_TYPE_INT, 98, "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3,
      "seqnum-base", G_TYPE_UINT, 56, "clock-base", G_TYPE_UINT, 57,
      "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 66, NULL);
  fail_unless (gst_pad_set_caps (src1, caps));

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    inbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (10, 0, 0);
    gst_buffer_set_caps (inbuf, caps);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_version (inbuf, 2);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (inbuf, 98);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (inbuf, 44);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (inbuf, 200 + i);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (inbuf, 2000 + i);
    fail_unless (gst_pad_push (src1, inbuf) == GST_FLOW_OK);

    cb (src2, i);

    g_list_foreach (buffers, (GFunc) gst_buffer_unref, NULL);
    g_list_free (buffers);
    buffers = NULL;

  gst_pad_set_active (sink, FALSE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src1, FALSE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src2, FALSE);
  fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (rtpmux,
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, "src");
  gst_object_unref (reqpad1);
  gst_object_unref (reqpad2);
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, "sink_1");
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, "sink_2");
  gst_element_release_request_pad (rtpmux, reqpad1);
  gst_element_release_request_pad (rtpmux, reqpad2);

  gst_caps_unref (caps);
  gst_caps_replace (&src1caps, NULL);
  gst_caps_replace (&src2caps, NULL);
  gst_caps_replace (&sinkcaps, NULL);

  gst_check_teardown_element (rtpmux);
/* Copy fixed header and extension. Replace current ssrc by ssrc1,
 * remove OSN and replace current seq num by OSN.
 * Copy memory to avoid to manually copy each rtp buffer field.
static GstBuffer *
_gst_rtp_buffer_new_from_rtx (GstRTPBuffer * rtp, guint32 ssrc1,
    guint16 orign_seqnum, guint8 origin_payload_type)
  GstMemory *mem = NULL;
  GstRTPBuffer new_rtp = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;
  GstBuffer *new_buffer = gst_buffer_new ();
  GstMapInfo map;
  guint payload_len = 0;

  /* copy fixed header */
  mem = gst_memory_copy (rtp->map[0].memory,
      (guint8 *) rtp->data[0] - rtp->map[0].data, rtp->size[0]);
  gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buffer, mem);

  /* copy extension if any */
  if (rtp->size[1]) {
    mem = gst_memory_copy (rtp->map[1].memory,
        (guint8 *) rtp->data[1] - rtp->map[1].data, rtp->size[1]);
    gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buffer, mem);

  /* copy payload and remove OSN */
  payload_len = rtp->size[2] - 2;
  mem = gst_allocator_alloc (NULL, payload_len, NULL);

  gst_memory_map (mem, &map, GST_MAP_WRITE);
  if (rtp->size[2])
    memcpy (, (guint8 *) rtp->data[2] + 2, payload_len);
  gst_memory_unmap (mem, &map);
  gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buffer, mem);

  /* the sender always constructs rtx packets without padding,
   * But the receiver can still receive rtx packets with padding.
   * So just copy it.
  if (rtp->size[3]) {
    guint pad_len = rtp->size[3];

    mem = gst_allocator_alloc (NULL, pad_len, NULL);

    gst_memory_map (mem, &map, GST_MAP_WRITE);[pad_len - 1] = pad_len;
    gst_memory_unmap (mem, &map);

    gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buffer, mem);

  /* set ssrc and seq num */
  gst_rtp_buffer_map (new_buffer, GST_MAP_WRITE, &new_rtp);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&new_rtp, ssrc1);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&new_rtp, orign_seqnum);
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&new_rtp, origin_payload_type);
  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&new_rtp);

  gst_buffer_copy_into (new_buffer, rtp->buffer,

  return new_buffer;
 * gst_basertppayload_push:
 * @payload: a #GstBaseRTPPayload
 * @buffer: a #GstBuffer
 * Push @buffer to the peer element of the payloader. The SSRC, payload type,
 * seqnum and timestamp of the RTP buffer will be updated first.
 * This function takes ownership of @buffer.
 * Returns: a #GstFlowReturn.
gst_basertppayload_push (GstBaseRTPPayload * payload, GstBuffer * buffer)
  GstFlowReturn res;
  GstClockTime timestamp;
  guint32 rtptime;
  GstBaseRTPPayloadPrivate *priv;

  if (payload->clock_rate == 0)
    goto no_rate;

  priv = payload->priv;

  gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (buffer, payload->current_ssrc);

  gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (buffer, payload->pt);

  /* update first, so that the property is set to the last
   * seqnum pushed */
  payload->seqnum = priv->next_seqnum;
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (buffer, payload->seqnum);

  /* can wrap around, which is perfectly fine */

  /* add our random offset to the timestamp */
  rtptime = payload->ts_base;

  timestamp = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer);
  if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp)) {
    gint64 rtime;

    rtime = gst_segment_to_running_time (&payload->segment, GST_FORMAT_TIME,

    rtime = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (rtime, payload->clock_rate, GST_SECOND);

    /* add running_time in clock-rate units to the base timestamp */
    rtptime += rtime;
  } else {
    /* no timestamp to convert, take previous timestamp */
    rtptime = payload->timestamp;
  gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (buffer, rtptime);

  payload->timestamp = rtptime;

  /* set caps */
  gst_buffer_set_caps (buffer, GST_PAD_CAPS (payload->srcpad));

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (payload,
      "Pushing packet size %d, seq=%d, rtptime=%u, timestamp %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buffer), payload->seqnum, rtptime,
      GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp));

  res = gst_pad_push (payload->srcpad, buffer);

  return res;

  /* ERRORS */
        ("subclass did not specify clock-rate"));
    gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
Example #18
static void
test_basic (const gchar * elem_name, const gchar * sink2, int count,
    check_cb cb)
  GstElement *rtpmux = NULL;
  GstPad *reqpad1 = NULL;
  GstPad *reqpad2 = NULL;
  GstPad *src1 = NULL;
  GstPad *src2 = NULL;
  GstPad *sink = NULL;
  GstBuffer *inbuf = NULL;
  GstCaps *src1caps = NULL;
  GstCaps *src2caps = NULL;
  GstCaps *sinkcaps = NULL;
  GstCaps *caps;
  GstSegment segment;
  int i;

  rtpmux = gst_check_setup_element (elem_name);

  reqpad1 = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpmux, "sink_1");
  fail_unless (reqpad1 != NULL);
  reqpad2 = gst_element_get_request_pad (rtpmux, sink2);
  fail_unless (reqpad2 != NULL);
  sink = gst_check_setup_sink_pad_by_name (rtpmux, &sinktemplate, "src");

  src1 = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&srctemplate, "src");
  src2 = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&srctemplate, "src");
  fail_unless (gst_pad_link (src1, reqpad1) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
  fail_unless (gst_pad_link (src2, reqpad2) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
  gst_pad_set_query_function (src1, query_func);
  gst_pad_set_query_function (src2, query_func);
  gst_pad_set_query_function (sink, query_func);
  gst_pad_set_event_function (sink, event_func);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (src1), "caps", &src1caps);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (src2), "caps", &src2caps);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (sink), "caps", &sinkcaps);

  src1caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 1, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 11, NULL);
  src2caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 2, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 12, NULL);
  sinkcaps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 13, NULL);

  caps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (src1, NULL);
  fail_unless (gst_caps_is_empty (caps));
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  gst_caps_set_simple (src2caps, "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3, NULL);
  caps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (src1, NULL);
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  g_object_set (rtpmux, "seqnum-offset", 100, "timestamp-offset", 1000,
      "ssrc", 55, NULL);

  fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (rtpmux,
  gst_pad_set_active (sink, TRUE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src1, TRUE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src2, TRUE);

  fail_unless (gst_pad_push_event (src1,
          gst_event_new_stream_start ("stream1")));
  fail_unless (gst_pad_push_event (src2,
          gst_event_new_stream_start ("stream2")));

  gst_caps_set_simple (sinkcaps,
      "payload", G_TYPE_INT, 98, "seqnum-offset", G_TYPE_UINT, 100,
      "timestamp-offset", G_TYPE_UINT, 1000, "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 66, NULL);
  caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
      "payload", G_TYPE_INT, 98, "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 3,
      "seqnum-offset", G_TYPE_UINT, 56, "timestamp-offset", G_TYPE_UINT, 57,
      "ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, 66, NULL);
  fail_unless (gst_pad_set_caps (src1, caps));
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  caps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (sink, NULL);
  fail_if (gst_caps_is_empty (caps));

  gst_segment_init (&segment, GST_FORMAT_TIME);
  segment.start = 100000;
  fail_unless (gst_pad_push_event (src1, gst_event_new_segment (&segment)));
  segment.start = 0;
  fail_unless (gst_pad_push_event (src2, gst_event_new_segment (&segment)));

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    GstRTPBuffer rtpbuffer = GST_RTP_BUFFER_INIT;

    inbuf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (10, 0, 0);
    GST_BUFFER_PTS (inbuf) = i * 1000 + 100000;
    GST_BUFFER_DURATION (inbuf) = 1000;

    gst_rtp_buffer_map (inbuf, GST_MAP_WRITE, &rtpbuffer);

    gst_rtp_buffer_set_version (&rtpbuffer, 2);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (&rtpbuffer, 98);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (&rtpbuffer, 44);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (&rtpbuffer, 200 + i);
    gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (&rtpbuffer, 2000 + i);
    gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtpbuffer);
    fail_unless (gst_pad_push (src1, inbuf) == GST_FLOW_OK);

    if (buffers)
      fail_unless (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffers->data) == i * 1000, "%lld",
          GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffers->data));

    cb (src2, i);

    g_list_foreach (buffers, (GFunc) gst_buffer_unref, NULL);
    g_list_free (buffers);
    buffers = NULL;

  gst_pad_set_active (sink, FALSE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src1, FALSE);
  gst_pad_set_active (src2, FALSE);
  fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (rtpmux,
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, "src");
  gst_object_unref (reqpad1);
  gst_object_unref (reqpad2);
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, "sink_1");
  gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name (rtpmux, sink2);
  gst_element_release_request_pad (rtpmux, reqpad1);
  gst_element_release_request_pad (rtpmux, reqpad2);

  gst_caps_unref (caps);
  gst_caps_replace (&src1caps, NULL);
  gst_caps_replace (&src2caps, NULL);
  gst_caps_replace (&sinkcaps, NULL);

  gst_check_teardown_element (rtpmux);