/* Reconfigures the encoder with the new properties */
static GstVaapiEncoderStatus
gst_vaapi_encoder_reconfigure_internal (GstVaapiEncoder * encoder)
  GstVaapiEncoderClass *const klass = GST_VAAPI_ENCODER_GET_CLASS (encoder);
  GstVideoInfo *const vip = GST_VAAPI_ENCODER_VIDEO_INFO (encoder);
  GstVaapiEncoderStatus status;
  GstVaapiVideoPool *pool;
  guint codedbuf_size;

  /* Generate a keyframe every second */
  if (!encoder->keyframe_period)
    encoder->keyframe_period = (vip->fps_n + vip->fps_d - 1) / vip->fps_d;

  status = klass->reconfigure (encoder);
    return status;

  if (!gst_vaapi_encoder_ensure_context (encoder))
    goto error_reset_context;

  codedbuf_size = encoder->codedbuf_pool ?
      gst_vaapi_coded_buffer_pool_get_buffer_size (GST_VAAPI_CODED_BUFFER_POOL
      (encoder)) : 0;
  if (codedbuf_size != encoder->codedbuf_size) {
    pool = gst_vaapi_coded_buffer_pool_new (encoder, encoder->codedbuf_size);
    if (!pool)
      goto error_alloc_codedbuf_pool;
    gst_vaapi_video_pool_set_capacity (pool, 5);
    gst_vaapi_video_pool_replace (&encoder->codedbuf_pool, pool);
    gst_vaapi_video_pool_unref (pool);

  /* ERRORS */
    GST_ERROR ("failed to initialize coded buffer pool");
    GST_ERROR ("failed to update VA context");
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GstVaapiDisplay *display;
  GstVaapiSurface *surface;
  GstVaapiID surface_id;
  GstVaapiSurface *surfaces[MAX_SURFACES];
  GstVaapiVideoPool *pool;
  gint i;

  static const GstVaapiChromaType chroma_type = GST_VAAPI_CHROMA_TYPE_YUV420;
  static const guint width = 320;
  static const guint height = 240;

  if (!video_output_init (&argc, argv, NULL))
    g_error ("failed to initialize video output subsystem");

  display = video_output_create_display (NULL);
  if (!display)
    g_error ("could not create Gst/VA display");

  surface = gst_vaapi_surface_new (display, chroma_type, width, height);
  if (!surface)
    g_error ("could not create Gst/VA surface");

  surface_id = gst_vaapi_surface_get_id (surface);
  g_print ("created surface %" GST_VAAPI_ID_FORMAT "\n",
      GST_VAAPI_ID_ARGS (surface_id));

  gst_vaapi_object_unref (surface);

  pool = gst_vaapi_surface_pool_new (display, GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_ENCODED,
      width, height);
  if (!pool)
    g_error ("could not create Gst/VA surface pool");

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_SURFACES; i++) {
    surface = gst_vaapi_video_pool_get_object (pool);
    if (!surface)
      g_error ("could not allocate Gst/VA surface from pool");
    g_print ("created surface %" GST_VAAPI_ID_FORMAT " from pool\n",
        GST_VAAPI_ID_ARGS (gst_vaapi_surface_get_id (surface)));
    surfaces[i] = surface;

  /* Check the pool doesn't return the last free'd surface */
  surface = gst_vaapi_object_ref (surfaces[1]);

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    gst_vaapi_video_pool_put_object (pool, surfaces[i]);

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    surfaces[i] = gst_vaapi_video_pool_get_object (pool);
    if (!surfaces[i])
      g_error ("could not re-allocate Gst/VA surface%d from pool", i);
    g_print ("created surface %" GST_VAAPI_ID_FORMAT " from pool (realloc)\n",
        GST_VAAPI_ID_ARGS (gst_vaapi_surface_get_id (surfaces[i])));

  if (surface == surfaces[0])
    g_error ("Gst/VA pool doesn't queue free surfaces");

  for (i = MAX_SURFACES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (!surfaces[i])
    gst_vaapi_video_pool_put_object (pool, surfaces[i]);
    surfaces[i] = NULL;

  /* Unref in random order to check objects are correctly refcounted */
  gst_vaapi_display_unref (display);
  gst_vaapi_video_pool_unref (pool);
  gst_vaapi_object_unref (surface);
  video_output_exit ();
  return 0;