 * Reads and handles all Guacamole instructions from the given guac_socket
 * until end-of-stream is reached.
 * @param state
 *     The current state of the Guacamole input log interpreter.
 * @param path
 *     The name of the file being parsed (for logging purposes). This file
 *     must already be open and available through the given socket.
 * @param socket
 *     The guac_socket through which instructions should be read.
 * @return
 *     Zero on success, non-zero if parsing of Guacamole protocol data through
 *     the given socket fails.
static int guaclog_read_instructions(guaclog_state* state,
        const char* path, guac_socket* socket) {

    /* Obtain Guacamole protocol parser */
    guac_parser* parser = guac_parser_alloc();
    if (parser == NULL)
        return 1;

    /* Continuously read and handle all instructions */
    while (!guac_parser_read(parser, socket, -1)) {
        guaclog_handle_instruction(state, parser->opcode,
                parser->argc, parser->argv);

    /* Fail on read/parse error */
    if (guac_error != GUAC_STATUS_CLOSED) {
        guaclog_log(GUAC_LOG_ERROR, "%s: %s",
                path, guac_status_string(guac_error));
        return 1;

    /* Parse complete */
    return 0;

 * The thread which handles all user input, calling event handlers for received
 * instructions.
 * @param data
 *     A pointer to a guac_user_input_thread_params structure describing the
 *     user whose input is being handled and the guac_parser with which to
 *     handle it.
 * @return
 *     Always NULL.
static void* guac_user_input_thread(void* data) {

    guac_user_input_thread_params* params =
        (guac_user_input_thread_params*) data;

    int usec_timeout = params->usec_timeout;
    guac_user* user = params->user;
    guac_parser* parser = params->parser;
    guac_client* client = user->client;
    guac_socket* socket = user->socket;

    /* Guacamole user input loop */
    while (client->state == GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING && user->active) {

        /* Read instruction, stop on error */
        if (guac_parser_read(parser, socket, usec_timeout)) {

            if (guac_error == GUAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT)
                guac_user_abort(user, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, "User is not responding.");

            else {
                if (guac_error != GUAC_STATUS_CLOSED)
                    guac_user_log_guac_error(user, GUAC_LOG_WARNING,
                            "Guacamole connection failure");

            return NULL;

        /* Reset guac_error and guac_error_message (user/client handlers are not
         * guaranteed to set these) */
        guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        guac_error_message = NULL;

        /* Call handler, stop on error */
        if (guac_user_handle_instruction(user, parser->opcode, parser->argc, parser->argv) < 0) {

            /* Log error */
            guac_user_log_guac_error(user, GUAC_LOG_WARNING,
                    "User connection aborted");

            /* Log handler details */
            guac_user_log(user, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "Failing instruction handler in user was \"%s\"", parser->opcode);

            return NULL;


    return NULL;

int guac_parser_expect(guac_parser* parser, guac_socket* socket, int usec_timeout, const char* opcode) {

    /* Read next instruction */
    if (guac_parser_read(parser, socket, usec_timeout) != 0)
        return -1;

    /* Validate instruction */
    if (strcmp(parser->opcode, opcode) != 0) {
        guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        guac_error_message = "Instruction read did not have expected opcode";
        return -1;

    /* Return non-zero only if valid instruction read */
    return parser->state != GUAC_PARSE_COMPLETE;
