Example #1
guac_socket* guac_socket_nest(guac_socket* parent, int index) {

    /* Allocate socket and associated data */
    guac_socket* socket = guac_socket_alloc();
    __guac_socket_nest_data* data = malloc(sizeof(__guac_socket_nest_data));

    /* Store file descriptor as socket data */
    data->parent = parent;
    socket->data = data;

    /* Set write handler */
    socket->write_handler  = __guac_socket_nest_write_handler;

    return socket;

guac_socket* guac_socket_open(int fd) {

    /* Allocate socket and associated data */
    guac_socket* socket = guac_socket_alloc();
    __guac_socket_fd_data* data = malloc(sizeof(__guac_socket_fd_data));

    /* Store file descriptor as socket data */
    data->fd = fd;
    socket->data = data;

    /* Set read/write handlers */
    socket->read_handler   = __guac_socket_fd_read_handler;
    socket->write_handler  = __guac_socket_fd_write_handler;
    socket->select_handler = __guac_socket_fd_select_handler;

    return socket;

guac_socket* guac_socket_open_secure(SSL_CTX* context, int fd) {

    /* Create new SSL structure */
    SSL* ssl = SSL_new(context);
    if (ssl == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate socket and associated data */
    guac_socket* socket = guac_socket_alloc();
    guac_socket_ssl_data* data = malloc(sizeof(guac_socket_ssl_data));

    /* Init SSL */
    data->context = context;
    data->ssl = ssl;
    SSL_set_fd(data->ssl, fd);

    /* Accept SSL connection, handle errors */
    if (SSL_accept(ssl) <= 0) {

        guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR;
        guac_error_message = "SSL accept failed";

        return NULL;

    /* Store file descriptor as socket data */
    data->fd = fd;
    socket->data = data;

    /* Set read/write handlers */
    socket->read_handler   = __guac_socket_ssl_read_handler;
    socket->write_handler  = __guac_socket_ssl_write_handler;
    socket->select_handler = __guac_socket_ssl_select_handler;
    socket->free_handler   = __guac_socket_ssl_free_handler;

    return socket;

Example #4
guac_client* guac_client_alloc() {

    int i;
    pthread_rwlockattr_t lock_attributes;

    /* Allocate new client */
    guac_client* client = malloc(sizeof(guac_client));
    if (client == NULL) {
        guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
        guac_error_message = "Could not allocate memory for client";
        return NULL;

    /* Init new client */
    memset(client, 0, sizeof(guac_client));

    client->state = GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING;
    client->last_sent_timestamp = guac_timestamp_current();

    /* Generate ID */
    client->connection_id = guac_generate_id(GUAC_CLIENT_ID_PREFIX);
    if (client->connection_id == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate buffer and layer pools */
    client->__buffer_pool = guac_pool_alloc(GUAC_BUFFER_POOL_INITIAL_SIZE);
    client->__layer_pool = guac_pool_alloc(GUAC_BUFFER_POOL_INITIAL_SIZE);

    /* Allocate stream pool */
    client->__stream_pool = guac_pool_alloc(0);

    /* Initialize streams */
    client->__output_streams = malloc(sizeof(guac_stream) * GUAC_CLIENT_MAX_STREAMS);

    for (i=0; i<GUAC_CLIENT_MAX_STREAMS; i++) {
        client->__output_streams[i].index = GUAC_CLIENT_CLOSED_STREAM_INDEX;

    /* Init locks */
    pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(&lock_attributes, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);

    pthread_rwlock_init(&(client->__users_lock), &lock_attributes);

    /* Set up socket to broadcast to all users */
    guac_socket* socket = guac_socket_alloc();
    client->socket = socket;
    socket->data   = client;

    socket->read_handler   = __guac_socket_broadcast_read_handler;
    socket->write_handler  = __guac_socket_broadcast_write_handler;
    socket->select_handler = __guac_socket_broadcast_select_handler;
    socket->flush_handler  = __guac_socket_broadcast_flush_handler;
    socket->lock_handler   = __guac_socket_broadcast_lock_handler;
    socket->unlock_handler = __guac_socket_broadcast_unlock_handler;

    return client;
