Example #1
File: gui.c Project: MrYawe/snake
 * \fn guiPlay(BoardSize size)
 * \brief This function is the main game loop
 * \details Function that create a new game, perform the game loop and display the game with SDL
 * \param size Variable representing the size of the Board (Small, Medium or Large)
int guiPlay(BoardSize size)
     /**   VARIABLES   **/

    /***** SDL Variables *****/
    SDL_Event event;    //Variable to capture mouse/keyboard events
    SDL_Surface* screen;//Buffer that will contain the pixels to render on the screen

    /***** General Variables *****/
    Assets assets;  //Variable that will contain all the assets used in the game
    Timer timer;    //Variable used to control the actions based on the time

    /***** Structure Variables *****/
    bool continueGameMove1, continueGameMove2;	//Variable used to check if the snake x is dead
    bool snake1InDebuff, snake2InDebuff;

    Game game;		//Variable to access the game
    Board board;	//Variable to access the board
    Snake snake1;	//Variable to access the first snake
    Snake snake2;	//Variable to access the first snake

	 /**   INITIALIZATION   **/

	/***** SDL Initialization *****/
    SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);				//Initialization of the SDL Library
    SDL_WM_SetCaption("Larasnake", NULL);	//Set the title and icon name of the displayed window
    screen = guiCreateScreen(size);

    /***** General Variables *****/
    srand(time(NULL));  //Initialization of the random function
    timer = guiCreateTimer();
    assets = guiLoadAssets(size);

    /***** Structure Variables *****/
    continueGameMove1 = true;
    continueGameMove2 = true;
    snake1InDebuff = false;
    snake2InDebuff = false;

    game = gameCreate(size);
    board = gameGetBoard(game);

    guiSetFieldType(game, assets, size);

    snake1 = gameGetSnake(game, 1);
    snake2 = gameGetSnake(game, 2);

    //music of the game
    Mix_Music *musiqueGame = Mix_LoadMUS("./sound/musiqueGame.mp3"); //music of the game
    Mix_PlayMusic(musiqueGame, -1); //loop  --PLAY HERE
    Mix_VolumeMusic(MIX_MAX_VOLUME / 6); //half of the maximum sound

     /**      GAME LOOP     **/
    gameFeed(game, true); //first ham appeared
    while (gameGetIsPlaying(game)) {
        timer->start = SDL_GetTicks(); // Start of the current frame

        guiEvent(&event, snake1, game); // catch player event and set the direction of snake1
        if(!gameGetIsPaused(game)) {
            if(gameGetPauseTimer(game)==0) //know if we don't leave the pause
                if(boardGetType(board)) //if we have to change the background
                    boardSetType(board, false); //disable change flag
                    guiChangeBackground(screen, assets,size);
                    guiSetFieldType(game, assets, size);
                    printf("MAP CHANGED\n"); //the map is now changed
              ////// Move of snake 1 (player) //////
              timer->snake1MoveTimer += SDL_GetTicks() - timer->snake1LastMove;
              if (timer->snake1MoveTimer >= snakeGetSpeed(snake1)) {  // test if we wait enough time to move the snake 1
                  continueGameMove1 = gameMoveSnake(game, snake1);   // move th snake1. if snake1 is dead continueGameMove1=false
                  timer->snake1MoveTimer = 0;                         // set the move timer to 0 when the snake move
              timer->snake1LastMove = SDL_GetTicks();

              ////// Move of snake 2 (AI) //////
              timer->snake2MoveTimer += SDL_GetTicks() - timer->snake2LastMove;
              if (timer->snake2MoveTimer >= snakeGetSpeed(snake2)) {  // test if we wait enough time to move the snake 2
                  snakeSetDirection(snake2, iaSurviveDepth(board, snake2, snake1));  // let ia choose the best direction of snake2
                  continueGameMove2 = gameMoveSnake(game, snake2);   // move the snake2. if snake2 is dead continueGameMove2=false
                  timer->snake2MoveTimer = 0;                        // set the move timer to 0 when the snake move
              timer->snake2LastMove = SDL_GetTicks();

              ///////////////// Debuff snake1 /////////////////
              if (!itemListIsEmpty(snakeGetItemList(snake1))) {
                  if (!snake1InDebuff) {
                      snake1InDebuff = true;
                      timer->snake1LastDebuff = SDL_GetTicks();
                  } else {
                      timer->snake1DebuffTimer += SDL_GetTicks() - timer->snake1LastDebuff;
                      if(timer->snake1DebuffTimer >= ITEM_DEBUFF_INTERVAL) {
                          gameItemDebuff(snakeGetItemList(snake1)->next, snake1);
                          snake1InDebuff = false;
                          timer->snake1DebuffTimer = 0;
                      timer->snake1LastDebuff = SDL_GetTicks();

              ///////////////// Debuff snake2 /////////////////
              if (!itemListIsEmpty(snakeGetItemList(snake2))) {
                  if (!snake2InDebuff) {
                      snake2InDebuff = true;
                      timer->snake2LastDebuff = SDL_GetTicks();
                  } else {
                      timer->snake2DebuffTimer += SDL_GetTicks() - timer->snake2LastDebuff;
                      if(timer->snake2DebuffTimer >= ITEM_DEBUFF_INTERVAL) {
                          gameItemDebuff(snakeGetItemList(snake2)->next, snake2);
                          snake2InDebuff = false;
                          timer->snake2DebuffTimer = 0;
                      timer->snake2LastDebuff = SDL_GetTicks();

              ///////// Item pop /////////
              timer->itemPopTimer += SDL_GetTicks() - timer->itemLastPop;
              if(timer->itemPopTimer >= ITEM_POP_INTERVAL) {
                  gameFeed(game, false); //Function called to put some food on the board
                  timer->itemPopTimer = 0;
              timer->itemLastPop = SDL_GetTicks();
              ///////// Item pop /////////

//>>>>>>> 43afef4547198632093d7b891941aa8c99643d24


        /////// Draw ///////
        guiDrawGame(screen, game, assets, size);  // draw the board on screen with surfaces stored in the Assets struct
        guiReloadScreen(screen);            // reload all the screen

        if(!continueGameMove1 || !continueGameMove2) // if one snake die the game is over

        ////// Framerate management //////
        timer->end = SDL_GetTicks();                           // Get the time after the calculations
        timer->delay = FRAME_MS - (timer->end - timer->start); // Calculate how long to delay should be

        if(timer->delay > 0) {
            SDL_Delay(timer->delay);                           // Delay processing

    int idWinner;
    if(continueGameMove1) {
        if(snakeGetId(snake1) == 1)
            idWinner = 1;
            idWinner = 2;
    } else {
        if(snakeGetId(snake1) == 1)
            idWinner = 2;
            idWinner = 1;

    ////// Free //////
    Mix_FreeMusic(musiqueGame); //free the music

    return idWinner;
	virtual void ProcessEvent(Rocket::Core::Event& event)
		GUIEvent guiEvent( event );
		m_pEvent->OnEvent( guiEvent );