Example #1
gui_main_loop ()
    struct t_hook *hook_fd_keyboard;

    /* catch SIGWINCH signal: redraw screen */
    util_catch_signal (SIGWINCH, &gui_main_signal_sigwinch);

    /* hook stdin (read keyboard) */
    hook_fd_keyboard = hook_fd (NULL, STDIN_FILENO, 1, 0, 0,
                                &gui_key_read_cb, NULL);

    gui_window_ask_refresh (1);

    while (!dogechat_quit)
        /* execute timer hooks */
        hook_timer_exec ();

        /* auto reset of color pairs */
        if (gui_color_pairs_auto_reset)
            gui_color_reset_pairs ();
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_last = time (NULL);
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset = 0;
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_pending = 1;

        gui_main_refreshs ();
        if (gui_window_refresh_needed && !gui_window_bare_display)
            gui_main_refreshs ();

        if (gui_signal_sigwinch_received)
            (void) hook_signal_send ("signal_sigwinch",
                                     DOGECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, NULL);
            gui_signal_sigwinch_received = 0;

        gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_pending = 0;

        /* execute fd hooks */
        hook_fd_exec ();

    /* remove keyboard hook */
    unhook (hook_fd_keyboard);
Example #2
gui_main_end (int clean_exit)
    if (clean_exit)
         * final refreshs, to see messages just before exiting
         * (if we are upgrading, don't refresh anything!)
        if (!weechat_upgrading)
            gui_main_refreshs ();
            if (gui_window_refresh_needed)
                gui_main_refreshs ();

        /* disable bracketed paste mode */
        gui_window_set_bracketed_paste_mode (0);

        /* disable mouse */
        gui_mouse_disable ();

        /* remove bar items and bars */
        gui_bar_item_end ();
        gui_bar_free_all ();

        /* remove filters */
        gui_filter_free_all ();

        /* free clipboard buffer */
        if (gui_input_clipboard)
            free (gui_input_clipboard);

        /* delete layouts */
        gui_layout_remove_all ();

        /* delete all windows */
        while (gui_windows)
            gui_window_free (gui_windows);
        gui_window_tree_free (&gui_windows_tree);

        /* delete all buffers */
        while (gui_buffers)
            gui_buffer_close (gui_buffers);

        gui_init_ok = 0;

        /* delete global history */
        gui_history_global_free ();

        /* reset title */
        if (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_window_title)
            && CONFIG_STRING(config_look_window_title)[0])
            gui_window_set_title (NULL);

        /* end color */
        gui_color_end ();

        /* free some variables used for chat area */
        gui_chat_end ();

        /* free some variables used for nicklist */
        gui_nicklist_end ();

        /* free some variables used for hotlist */
        gui_hotlist_end ();

    /* end of Curses output */
    refresh ();
    endwin ();
Example #3
gui_main_loop ()
    struct t_hook *hook_fd_keyboard;
    struct timeval tv_timeout;
    fd_set read_fds, write_fds, except_fds;
    int max_fd;
    int ready;

    /* catch SIGTERM signal: quit program */
    util_catch_signal (SIGTERM, &gui_main_signal_sigterm);
    util_catch_signal (SIGQUIT, &gui_main_signal_sigquit);

    /* catch SIGHUP signal: reload configuration */
    util_catch_signal (SIGHUP, &gui_main_signal_sighup);

    /* catch SIGWINCH signal: redraw screen */
    util_catch_signal (SIGWINCH, &gui_main_signal_sigwinch);

    /* hook stdin (read keyboard) */
    hook_fd_keyboard = hook_fd (NULL, STDIN_FILENO, 1, 0, 0,
                                &gui_key_read_cb, NULL);

    gui_window_ask_refresh (1);

    while (!weechat_quit)
        /* reload config, if SIGHUP received */
        if (gui_reload_config)
            gui_reload_config = 0;
            log_printf (_("Signal SIGHUP received, reloading configuration "
            command_reload (NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);

        /* execute hook timers */
        hook_timer_exec ();

        /* auto reset of color pairs */
        if (gui_color_pairs_auto_reset)
            gui_color_reset_pairs ();
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_last = time (NULL);
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset = 0;
            gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_pending = 1;

        gui_main_refreshs ();
        if (gui_window_refresh_needed && !gui_window_bare_display)
            gui_main_refreshs ();

        if (gui_signal_sigwinch_received)
            (void) hook_signal_send ("signal_sigwinch",
                                     WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, NULL);
            gui_signal_sigwinch_received = 0;

        gui_color_pairs_auto_reset_pending = 0;

        /* wait for keyboard or network activity */
        FD_ZERO (&read_fds);
        FD_ZERO (&write_fds);
        FD_ZERO (&except_fds);
        max_fd = hook_fd_set (&read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds);
        hook_timer_time_to_next (&tv_timeout);
        ready = select (max_fd + 1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds,
        if (ready > 0)
            hook_fd_exec (&read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds);

    /* remove keyboard hook */
    unhook (hook_fd_keyboard);