TEG_STATUS ejer2_restore_from_error() { if( last_country != -1) { tarjeta_desusar( &g_countries[ last_country ].tarjeta ); gui_tarjeta( -1 ); last_country = -1; return TEG_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return TEG_STATUS_ERROR; }
/* I'm receiving the card I've requested after finishing my turn */ TEG_STATUS clitok_tarjeta(char *str) { PARSER p; DELIM igualador={ ':', ':', ':' }; DELIM separador={ ',', ',', ',' }; int country,used; if( strlen(str)==0 ) goto error; p.igualador = &igualador; p.separador = &separador; p.data = str; if( parser_call( &p ) && p.hay_otro ) { country = atoi( p.token ); } else goto error; if( parser_call( &p ) && !p.hay_otro ) { used = atoi( p.token ); } else goto error; if( country < 0 || country >= COUNTRIES_CANT ) goto error; ESTADO_SET(PLAYER_STATUS_TARJETA); InsertTailList( &g_game.tarjetas_list, (PLIST_ENTRY) &g_countries[ country ].tarjeta ); g_game.tarjetas_cant++; if( used ) tarjeta_usar( &g_countries[ country ].tarjeta ); g_countries[ country ].tarjeta.numjug = WHOAMI(); if( used ) { textmsg(M_IMP,_("You received card: '%s' and 2 armies where placed there"), countries_get_name( country ) ); } else { textmsg(M_IMP,_("You received card: '%s'"), countries_get_name( country ) ); } gui_tarjeta( country ); return TEG_STATUS_SUCCESS; error: textmsg(M_ERR,"Error in clitok_tarjeta()"); return TEG_STATUS_ERROR; }