Example #1
 * return value - 0: remove ok, -1: no key to remove
int password_remove_char(void)
	int x;

	if (password_str_len == 0)
		return -1;

	password_string[--password_str_len] = '\0';
	x = render_string(SUBTITLE_FONT_IDX, 38, 85, password_string, strlen(password_string), 0);
	guilib_clear_area(x, 85, 172, 103);
	return 0;
Example #2
int render_string_and_clear(const int font, int start_x,
		  int start_y, char *string, int text_length, int inverted,
		  int clear_start_x, int clear_start_y, int clear_end_x, int clear_end_y)
	int x;
	int width;
	int height;
	long len = text_length;
	long lenLast = 0;
	long widthLast = 0;
	char *p = (char *)string;
	unsigned char *q;
	int nCharBytes;
	ucs4_t c;

	if (clear_start_x >= 0 && clear_start_y < start_y)
		if (clear_end_y < start_y)
			guilib_clear_area(clear_start_x, clear_start_y, clear_end_x, clear_end_y);
			clear_start_x = -1; // no more area to clear
			guilib_clear_area(clear_start_x, clear_start_y, clear_end_x, start_y - 1);
			clear_start_y = start_y;

	if (start_x < 0)
		width = 0;
		width = start_x;
	height = GetFontLinespace(font);
	while (len > 0 && width < LCD_BUF_WIDTH_PIXELS)
		lenLast = len;
		widthLast = width;
		width += get_UTF8_char_width(font, &p, &len, &nCharBytes);
	if (width > LCD_BUF_WIDTH_PIXELS)
		text_length -= lenLast;
		width = widthLast;

	if (start_x < 0) // to be centered
		start_x = (LCD_BUF_WIDTH_PIXELS - width) / 2;
		if (start_x < 0)
			start_x = 0;

	if (clear_start_y < start_y + height)
		if (clear_start_x < start_x)
			guilib_clear_area(clear_start_x, clear_start_y, start_x - 1,
				clear_end_y < start_x + height ? clear_end_y : start_x + height - 1);
		if (clear_end_x >= width)
			guilib_clear_area(width, clear_start_y, clear_end_x,
				clear_end_y < start_x + height ? clear_end_y : start_x + height - 1);
		if (clear_end_y >= start_y + height)
			clear_start_y = start_x + height;
			clear_start_x = -1;

	if (clear_start_x >= 0)
		guilib_clear_area(clear_start_x, clear_start_y, clear_end_x, clear_end_y);

	x = start_x;
	q = (unsigned char *)string;
	while (*q) {
		c = UTF8_to_UCS4(&q);
		x = draw_bmf_char(c,font-1,x,start_y, inverted, 1);
			return 0;
	return x;