Example #1
File: main.c Project: bhdminh/uGFX
static void _createWidgets(void) {
    GWidgetInit wi;

    // Apply some default values for GWIN
    wi.g.show = TRUE;

    // Create a surprise label behind the frame window
    wi.g.width = 100;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.y = 100;
    wi.g.x = 150;
    wi.text = "Surprise!";
    gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);

    // Apply the frame parameters    
    wi.g.width = 300;
    wi.g.height = 200;
    wi.g.y = 10;
    wi.g.x = 10;
    wi.text = "Colorpicker";

    // Apply the button parameters
    wi.g.width = 60;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 10;
    wi.g.y = 10;
    wi.text = "Random";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

    // Apply the slider parameters
    wi.g.width = 200;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 80;
    wi.g.y += 0;
    wi.text = "Red";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghSliderR = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
    gwinSliderSetRange(ghSliderR, 0, 255);
    gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSliderR, 180);

    // Apply the button parameters
    wi.g.width = 60;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 10;
    wi.g.y += 25;
    wi.text = "Random";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

    // Apply the slider parameters
    wi.g.width = 200;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 80;
    wi.g.y += 0;
    wi.text = "Green";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghSliderG = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
    gwinSliderSetRange(ghSliderG, 0, 255);
    gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSliderG, 60);

    // Apply the button parameters
    wi.g.width = 60;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 10;
    wi.g.y += 25;
    wi.text = "Random";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghButton3 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

    // Apply the slider parameters
    wi.g.width = 200;
    wi.g.height = 20;
    wi.g.x = 80;
    wi.g.y += 0;
    wi.text = "Blue";
    wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
    ghSliderB = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
    gwinSliderSetRange(ghSliderB, 0, 255);
    gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSliderB, 235);

    // Color Preview
    wi.g.width = 270;
    wi.g.height = 65;
    wi.g.x = 10;
    wi.g.y = 90;
    ghWindow1 = gwinWindowCreate(0, &wi.g);
Example #2
static void createSettingsFrame(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

	wi.g.show = FALSE;

	wi.g.width = 320;
	wi.g.height = 190;
	wi.g.y = 25;
	wi.g.x = 0;
	wi.text = "Settings";
	ghFrame1 = gwinFrameCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_FRAME_CLOSE_BTN);// | GWIN_FRAME_MINMAX_BTN);

	// Apply some default values for GWIN
	wi.customDraw = 0;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	wi.g.show = true;

	// Apply the list parameters
	wi.g.width = 65;
	wi.g.height = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.x = 10;
	wi.text = "Month";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;

	// Create the actual list
	ghListMonth = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE);
	char item[20];
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
		sprintf(item, "%s", months[i]);
		gwinListAddItem(ghListMonth, item, true);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghListMonth, scrollSmooth);

	// Apply some default values for GWIN
	wi.customDraw = 0;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	wi.g.show = true;

	// Apply the list parameters
	wi.g.width = 25;
	wi.g.height = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.x = 80;
	wi.text = "Day";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;

	// Create the actual list
	ghListDay = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE);
	for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
		sprintf(item, "%i", i);
		gwinListAddItem(ghListDay, item, true);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghListDay, scrollSmooth);

	// Apply some default values for GWIN
	wi.customDraw = 0;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	wi.g.show = true;

	// Apply the list parameters
	wi.g.width = 45;
	wi.g.height = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.x = 110;
	wi.text = "Year";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;

	// Create the actual list
	ghListYear = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE);
	for (i = 2016; i <= 2030; i++) {
		sprintf(item, "%i", i);
		gwinListAddItem(ghListYear, item, true);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghListYear, scrollSmooth);

	wi.g.width = 25;
	wi.g.height = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.x = 160;
	wi.text = "Hour";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;

	// Create the actual list
	ghListHour = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE);
	for (i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
		sprintf(item, "%i", i);
		gwinListAddItem(ghListHour, item, true);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghListHour, scrollSmooth);

	wi.g.width = 25;
	wi.g.height = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.x = 190;
	wi.text = "Min";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;

	// Create the actual list
	ghListMin = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE);
	for (i = 1; i <= 60; i++) {
		sprintf(item, "%i", i);
		gwinListAddItem(ghListMin, item, true);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghListMin, scrollSmooth);

	// create Slider1
	wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 235; wi.g.width = 20; wi.g.height = 100; wi.text = "B";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
	ghSliderBl = gwinSliderCreate(NULL, &wi);

	// create Slider2
	wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 260; wi.g.width = 20; wi.g.height = 100; wi.text = "C";
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
	ghSliderCt = gwinSliderCreate(NULL, &wi);

	// Apply the checkbox parameters
	wi.g.width = 60;        // includes text
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.y = 75;
	wi.g.x = 10;
	wi.text = " 12 Hr";
	ghCheckBoxHR = gwinCheckboxCreate(NULL, &wi);

	// create button widget: ghBtnSettings
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 235;
	wi.g.y = 130;
	wi.g.width = 50;
	wi.g.height = 27;
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
	wi.text = "Save";
	wi.customDraw = gwinButtonDraw_Rounded;
	//wi.customParam = &iconSettings;
	//wi.customStyle = &WhiteWidgetStyle;
	ghBtnSave = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinSetFont(ghBtnSave, dejavu_sans_16_anti_aliased_u);

	// Create label widget: ghlblDateTime
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 75;
	wi.g.y = 75;
	wi.g.width = 150;
	wi.g.height = 17;
	wi.g.parent = ghFrame1;
	wi.text = "00/00/00 00:00:00";
	wi.customDraw = gwinLabelDrawJustifiedLeft;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	//wi.customStyle = &syBar;
	ghlblDateTime = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetBorder(ghlblDateTime, FALSE);
	gwinSetFont(ghlblDateTime, dejavu_sans_16_anti_aliased_u);