Example #1
static h2o_iovec_t __get_if_match_header_value(const h2o_req_t* req,
                                               const kstr_t* key)
    ssize_t header =
        h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_IF_MATCH, SIZE_MAX);

    if (-1 == header)
        return (h2o_iovec_t){.base = NULL, .len = 0 };

    return req->headers.entries[header].value;

 * @return 1 if the client wants an ETag; otherwise 0
static int __prefers_etag(const h2o_req_t* req)
    ssize_t header = h2o_find_header_by_str(
        &req->headers, "prefers", strlen("prefers"), SIZE_MAX);

    if (-1 == header)
        return 0;

    if (!strncmp(req->headers.entries[header].value.base, "ETag",
                 min(strlen("ETag"), req->headers.entries[header].value.len)))
        return 1;

    return 0;
Example #2
File: file.c Project: lhjay1/h2o
static int check_header(h2o_res_t *res, const h2o_token_t *header_name, const char *expected)
    size_t index = h2o_find_header(&res->headers, header_name, SIZE_MAX);
    if (index == SIZE_MAX)
        return 0;
    return h2o_lcstris(res->headers.entries[index].value.base, res->headers.entries[index].value.len, expected, strlen(expected));
Example #3
static void on_setup_ostream(h2o_filter_t *self, h2o_req_t *req, h2o_ostream_t **slot)
    h2o_iovec_t dest, method;
    ssize_t xru_index;

    /* obtain x-reproxy-url header, or skip to next ostream */
    if ((xru_index = h2o_find_header(&req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_X_REPROXY_URL, -1)) == -1) {
        h2o_setup_next_ostream(req, slot);
    dest = req->res.headers.entries[xru_index].value;
    h2o_delete_header(&req->res.headers, xru_index);

    /* setup params */
    switch (req->res.status) {
    case 307:
    case 308:
        method = req->method;
        method = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("GET"));
        req->entity = (h2o_iovec_t){NULL};

    /* request internal redirect (is deferred) */
    h2o_send_redirect_internal(req, method, dest.base, dest.len, 0);

    /* setup filter (that swallows the response until the timeout gets fired) */
    h2o_ostream_t *ostream = h2o_add_ostream(req, H2O_ALIGNOF(*ostream), sizeof(*ostream), slot);
    ostream->do_send = on_send;
Example #4
File: rproxy.c Project: Gwill/h2o
static void on_setup_ostream(h2o_filter_t *self, h2o_req_t *req, h2o_ostream_t **slot)
    struct rproxy_t *rproxy;
    ssize_t reproxy_header_index;
    h2o_buf_t reproxy_url;

    /* do nothing unless 200 */
    if (req->res.status != 200)
        goto SkipMe;
    if ((reproxy_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_X_REPROXY_URL, -1)) == -1)
        goto SkipMe;
    reproxy_url = req->res.headers.entries[reproxy_header_index].value;
    h2o_delete_header(&req->res.headers, reproxy_header_index);

    /* setup */
    rproxy = (void*)h2o_add_ostream(req, sizeof(struct rproxy_t), slot);
    rproxy->filter = self;
    rproxy->super.do_send = send_chunk;
    rproxy->reproxy_url = h2o_strdup(&req->pool, reproxy_url.base, reproxy_url.len).base;

    /* next ostream is setup when send_chunk receives EOS */

    h2o_setup_next_ostream(self, req, slot);
Example #5
File: chunked.c Project: Gwill/h2o
static void on_setup_ostream(h2o_filter_t *self, h2o_req_t *req, h2o_ostream_t **slot)
    chunked_encoder_t *encoder;

    /* do nothing if content-length is known */
    if (req->res.content_length != SIZE_MAX)
        goto Next;
    /* RFC 2616 4.4 states that the following status codes (and response to a HEAD method) should not include message body */
    if ((100 <= req->res.status && req->res.status <= 199) || req->res.status == 204 || req->res.status == 304)
        goto Next;
    else if (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("HEAD")) == 0)
        goto Next;
    /* we cannot handle certain responses (like 101 switching protocols) */
    if (req->res.status != 200) {
        req->http1_is_persistent = 0;
        goto Next;
    /* skip if content-encoding header is being set */
    if (h2o_find_header(&req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_TRANSFER_ENCODING, -1) != -1)
        goto Next;

    /* set content-encoding header */
    h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_TRANSFER_ENCODING, H2O_STRLIT("chunked"));

    /* setup filter */
    encoder = (void*)h2o_add_ostream(req, sizeof(chunked_encoder_t), slot);
    encoder->super.do_send = send_chunk;
    slot = &encoder->super.next;

    h2o_setup_next_ostream(self, req, slot);
Example #6
 * A request without neither Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header implies a zero-length request body (see 6th rule of RFC 7230
 * 3.3.3).
 * OTOH, section 3.3.3 states:
 *   A user agent SHOULD send a Content-Length in a request message when
 *   no Transfer-Encoding is sent and the request method defines a meaning
 *   for an enclosed payload body.  For example, a Content-Length header
 *   field is normally sent in a POST request even when the value is 0
 *   (indicating an empty payload body).  A user agent SHOULD NOT send a
 *   Content-Length header field when the request message does not contain
 *   a payload body and the method semantics do not anticipate such a
 *   body.
 * PUT and POST define a meaning for the payload body, let's emit a
 * Content-Length header if it doesn't exist already, since the server
 * might send a '411 Length Required' response.
 * see also: ML thread starting at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2016JulSep/0580.html
static int req_requires_content_length(h2o_req_t *req)
    int is_put_or_post =
        (req->method.len >= 1 && req->method.base[0] == 'P' && (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("POST")) ||
                                                                h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("PUT"))));

    return is_put_or_post && h2o_find_header(&req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_TRANSFER_ENCODING, -1) == -1;
Example #7
File: http1.c Project: ifzz/h2o
static int is_msie(h2o_req_t *req)
    ssize_t cursor = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_USER_AGENT, -1);
    if (cursor == -1)
        return 0;
    if (h2o_strstr(req->headers.entries[cursor].value.base, req->headers.entries[cursor].value.len, H2O_STRLIT("; MSIE ")) ==
        return 0;
    return 1;
Example #8
File: headers.c Project: herumi/h2o
void h2o_set_header(h2o_mempool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const h2o_token_t *token, const char *value, size_t value_len, int overwrite_if_exists)
    ssize_t cursor = h2o_find_header(headers, token, -1);
    if (cursor != -1) {
        if (overwrite_if_exists) {
            h2o_buf_t *slot = &headers->entries[cursor].value;
            slot->base = (char*)value;
            slot->len = value_len;
    } else {
        h2o_add_header(pool, headers, token, value, value_len);
Example #9
static h2o_header_t *find_header(h2o_headers_t *headers, h2o_headers_command_t *cmd)
    size_t index;

    if (h2o_iovec_is_token(cmd->name)) {
        index = h2o_find_header(headers, (void *)cmd->name, SIZE_MAX);
    } else {
        index = h2o_find_header_by_str(headers, cmd->name->base, cmd->name->len, SIZE_MAX);
    if (index == SIZE_MAX)
        return NULL;
    return headers->entries + index;
Example #10
static mrb_value h2o_mrb_req_send_file(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
    h2o_mruby_internal_context_t *mruby_ctx = (h2o_mruby_internal_context_t *)mrb->ud;
    char *fn;
    int status;
    h2o_iovec_t content_type;
    int content_type_header_removed = 0;

    if (mruby_ctx->state != H2O_MRUBY_STATE_UNDETERMINED)
        mrb_raise(mrb, E_RUNTIME_ERROR, "response already sent");

    mrb_get_args(mrb, "z", &fn);

    /* determine status and reason to be used */
    if ((status = mruby_ctx->req->res.status) == 0)
        status = 200;

    { /* determine content-type (removing existing header, since it is added by h2o_file_send) */
        ssize_t header_index;
        if ((header_index = h2o_find_header(&mruby_ctx->req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, -1)) != -1) {
            content_type = mruby_ctx->req->res.headers.entries[header_index].value;
            h2o_delete_header(&mruby_ctx->req->res.headers, header_index);
            content_type_header_removed = 1;
        } else {
            const char *ext = h2o_get_filext(fn, strlen(fn));
            h2o_mimemap_type_t *m = h2o_mimemap_get_type_by_extension(mruby_ctx->req->pathconf->mimemap, ext);
            if (m == NULL || m->type != H2O_MIMEMAP_TYPE_MIMETYPE) {
                m = h2o_mimemap_get_default_type(mruby_ctx->req->pathconf->mimemap);
                assert(m->type == H2O_MIMEMAP_TYPE_MIMETYPE);
            content_type = m->data.mimetype;

    if (h2o_file_send(mruby_ctx->req, status, mruby_ctx->req->res.reason, fn, content_type, H2O_FILE_FLAG_SEND_GZIP) == 0) {
        /* succeeded, return true */
        mruby_ctx->state = H2O_MRUBY_STATE_RESPONSE_SENT;
        return mrb_true_value();
    } else {
        /* failed, restore content-type header and return false */
        if (content_type_header_removed)
            h2o_add_header(&mruby_ctx->req->pool, &mruby_ctx->req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, content_type.base,
        return mrb_false_value();
Example #11
File: gzip.c Project: mingodad/h2o
static void on_setup_ostream(h2o_filter_t *self, h2o_req_t *req, h2o_ostream_t **slot)
    gzip_encoder_t *encoder;
    ssize_t i;

    if (req->version < 0x101)
        goto Next;
    if (req->res.status != 200)
        goto Next;
    if (h2o_memis(req->input.method.base, req->input.method.len, H2O_STRLIT("HEAD")))
        goto Next;
    if (req->res.mime_attr == NULL)
    if (!req->res.mime_attr->is_compressible)
        goto Next;
    /* 100 is a rough estimate */
    if (req->res.content_length <= 100)
        goto Next;
    /* skip if no accept-encoding is set */
    if ((i = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_ACCEPT_ENCODING, -1)) == -1)
        goto Next;
    if (!h2o_contains_token(req->headers.entries[i].value.base, req->headers.entries[i].value.len, H2O_STRLIT("gzip"), ','))
        goto Next;

    /* skip if content-encoding header is being set (as well as obtain the location of accept-ranges */
    size_t content_encoding_header_index = -1, accept_ranges_header_index = -1;
    for (i = 0; i != req->res.headers.size; ++i) {
        if (req->res.headers.entries[i].name == &H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_ENCODING->buf)
            content_encoding_header_index = i;
        else if (req->res.headers.entries[i].name == &H2O_TOKEN_ACCEPT_RANGES->buf)
            accept_ranges_header_index = i;
    if (content_encoding_header_index != -1)
        goto Next;

    /* adjust the response headers */
    req->res.content_length = SIZE_MAX;
    h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_ENCODING, H2O_STRLIT("gzip"));
    h2o_add_header_token(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_VARY, H2O_STRLIT("accept-encoding"));
    if (accept_ranges_header_index != -1) {
        req->res.headers.entries[accept_ranges_header_index].value = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("none"));
    } else {
        h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_ACCEPT_RANGES, H2O_STRLIT("none"));

    /* setup filter */
    encoder = (void *)h2o_add_ostream(req, sizeof(gzip_encoder_t), slot);
    encoder->super.do_send = send_gzip;
    encoder->super.stop = stop_gzip;
    slot = &encoder->super.next;

    encoder->bufs.capacity = 0;
    encoder->bufs.size = 0;
    encoder->zstream.zalloc = gzip_encoder_alloc;
    encoder->zstream.zfree = gzip_encoder_free;
    encoder->zstream.opaque = encoder;

    /* adjust preferred chunk size (compress by 8192 bytes) */
    if (req->preferred_chunk_size > BUF_SIZE)
        req->preferred_chunk_size = BUF_SIZE;

    h2o_setup_next_ostream(req, slot);
Example #12
File: file.c Project: ancuop/h2o
static int serve_with_generator(struct st_h2o_sendfile_generator_t *generator, h2o_req_t *req, const char *rpath, size_t rpath_len,
                                h2o_mimemap_type_t *mime_type)
    enum { METHOD_IS_GET, METHOD_IS_HEAD, METHOD_IS_OTHER } method_type;
    size_t if_modified_since_header_index, if_none_match_header_index;
    size_t range_header_index;

    /* determine the method */
    if (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET"))) {
        method_type = METHOD_IS_GET;
    } else if (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("HEAD"))) {
        method_type = METHOD_IS_HEAD;
    } else {
        method_type = METHOD_IS_OTHER;

    /* if-non-match and if-modified-since */
    if ((if_none_match_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_IF_NONE_MATCH, SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
        h2o_iovec_t *if_none_match = &req->headers.entries[if_none_match_header_index].value;
        char etag[H2O_FILECACHE_ETAG_MAXLEN + 1];
        size_t etag_len = h2o_filecache_get_etag(generator->file.ref, etag);
        if (h2o_memis(if_none_match->base, if_none_match->len, etag, etag_len))
            goto NotModified;
    } else if ((if_modified_since_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
        h2o_iovec_t *ims_vec = &req->headers.entries[if_modified_since_header_index].value;
        struct tm ims_tm, *last_modified_tm;
        if (h2o_time_parse_rfc1123(ims_vec->base, ims_vec->len, &ims_tm) == 0) {
            last_modified_tm = h2o_filecache_get_last_modified(generator->file.ref, NULL);
            if (!tm_is_lessthan(&ims_tm, last_modified_tm))
                goto NotModified;

    /* obtain mime type */
    if (mime_type->type == H2O_MIMEMAP_TYPE_DYNAMIC) {
        do_close(&generator->super, req);
        return delegate_dynamic_request(req, req->path_normalized.len, rpath, rpath_len, mime_type);
    assert(mime_type->type == H2O_MIMEMAP_TYPE_MIMETYPE);

    /* only allow GET or POST for static files */
    if (method_type == METHOD_IS_OTHER) {
        do_close(&generator->super, req);
        return 0;

    /* if-range */
    if ((range_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_RANGE, SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
        h2o_iovec_t *range = &req->headers.entries[range_header_index].value;
        size_t *range_infos, range_count;
        range_infos = process_range(&req->pool, range, generator->bytesleft, &range_count);
        if (range_infos == NULL) {
            h2o_iovec_t content_range;
            content_range.base = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(&req->pool, 32);
            content_range.len = sprintf(content_range.base, "bytes */%zu", generator->bytesleft);
            h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_RANGE, content_range.base, content_range.len);
            h2o_send_error(req, 416, "Request Range Not Satisfiable", "requested range not satisfiable",
            goto Close;
        generator->ranged.range_count = range_count;
        generator->ranged.range_infos = range_infos;
        generator->ranged.current_range = 0;
        generator->ranged.filesize = generator->bytesleft;

        /* set content-length according to range */
        if (range_count == 1)
            generator->bytesleft = range_infos[1];
        else {
            generator->ranged.mimetype = h2o_strdup(&req->pool, mime_type->data.mimetype.base, mime_type->data.mimetype.len);
            size_t final_content_len = 0, size_tmp = 0, size_fixed_each_part, i;
            generator->ranged.boundary.base = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(&req->pool, BOUNDARY_SIZE + 1);
            generator->ranged.boundary.len = BOUNDARY_SIZE;
            i = generator->bytesleft;
            while (i) {
                i /= 10;
            size_fixed_each_part = FIXED_PART_SIZE + mime_type->data.mimetype.len + size_tmp;
            for (i = 0; i < range_count; i++) {
                size_tmp = *range_infos++;
                if (size_tmp == 0)
                while (size_tmp) {
                    size_tmp /= 10;

                size_tmp = *(range_infos - 1);
                final_content_len += *range_infos;

                size_tmp += *range_infos++ - 1;
                if (size_tmp == 0)
                while (size_tmp) {
                    size_tmp /= 10;
            final_content_len += sizeof("\r\n--") - 1 + BOUNDARY_SIZE + sizeof("--\r\n") - 1 + size_fixed_each_part * range_count -
                                 (sizeof("\r\n") - 1);
            generator->bytesleft = final_content_len;
        do_send_file(generator, req, 206, "Partial Content", mime_type->data.mimetype, &h2o_mime_attributes_as_is,
                     method_type == METHOD_IS_GET);
        return 0;

    /* return file */
    do_send_file(generator, req, 200, "OK", mime_type->data.mimetype, &mime_type->data.attr, method_type == METHOD_IS_GET);
    return 0;

    req->res.status = 304;
    req->res.reason = "Not Modified";
    add_headers_unconditional(generator, req);
    h2o_send_inline(req, NULL, 0);
    do_close(&generator->super, req);
    return 0;
Example #13
File: file.c Project: lhjay1/h2o
static int on_req(h2o_handler_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req)
    h2o_file_handler_t *self = (void*)_self;
    h2o_buf_t vpath, mime_type;
    char *rpath;
    size_t rpath_len;
    struct st_h2o_sendfile_generator_t *generator = NULL;
    size_t if_modified_since_header_index, if_none_match_header_index;
    int is_dir;

    /* only accept GET (TODO accept HEAD as well) */
    if (! h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET")))
        return -1;

    /* prefix match */
    if (req->path.len < self->virtual_path.len
        || memcmp(req->path.base, self->virtual_path.base, self->virtual_path.len) != 0)
        return -1;

    /* normalize path */
    vpath = h2o_normalize_path(&req->pool, req->path.base + self->virtual_path.len - 1, req->path.len - self->virtual_path.len + 1);
    if (vpath.len > PATH_MAX)
        return -1;

    /* build path (still unterminated at the end of the block) */
    rpath = alloca(
        + (vpath.len - 1) /* exclude "/" at the head */
        + self->max_index_file_len
        + 1);
    rpath_len = 0;
    memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, self->real_path.base, self->real_path.len);
    rpath_len += self->real_path.len;
    memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, vpath.base + 1, vpath.len - 1);
    rpath_len += vpath.len - 1;

    /* build generator (as well as terminating the rpath and its length upon success) */
    if (rpath[rpath_len - 1] == '/') {
        h2o_buf_t *index_file;
        for (index_file = self->index_files; index_file->base != NULL; ++index_file) {
            memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, index_file->base, index_file->len);
            rpath[rpath_len + index_file->len] = '\0';
            if ((generator = create_generator(&req->pool, rpath, &is_dir)) != NULL) {
                rpath_len += index_file->len;
            if (is_dir) {
                /* note: apache redirects "path/" to "path/index.txt/" if index.txt is a dir */
                char *path = alloca(req->path.len + index_file->len + 1);
                size_t path_len = sprintf(path, "%.*s%.*s", (int)req->path.len, req->path.base, (int)index_file->len, index_file->base);
                return redirect_to_dir(req, path, path_len);
            if (errno != ENOENT)
    } else {
        rpath[rpath_len] = '\0';
        generator = create_generator(&req->pool, rpath, &is_dir);
        if (generator == NULL && is_dir)
            return redirect_to_dir(req, req->path.base, req->path.len);
    /* return error if failed */
    if (generator == NULL) {
        if (errno == ENOENT) {
            h2o_send_error(req, 404, "File Not Found", "file not found");
        } else {
            h2o_send_error(req, 403, "Access Forbidden", "access forbidden");
        return 0;

    if ((if_none_match_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_IF_NONE_MATCH, SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
        h2o_buf_t *if_none_match = &req->headers.entries[if_none_match_header_index].value;
        if (h2o_memis(if_none_match->base, if_none_match->len, generator->etag_buf, generator->etag_len))
            goto NotModified;
    } else if ((if_modified_since_header_index = h2o_find_header(&req->headers, H2O_TOKEN_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
        h2o_buf_t *if_modified_since = &req->headers.entries[if_modified_since_header_index].value;
        if (h2o_memis(if_modified_since->base, if_modified_since->len, generator->last_modified_buf, H2O_TIMESTR_RFC1123_LEN))
            goto NotModified;

    /* obtain mime type */
    mime_type = h2o_mimemap_get_type(self->mimemap, h2o_get_filext(rpath, rpath_len));

    /* return file */
    do_send_file(generator, req, 200, "OK", mime_type);
    return 0;

    req->res.status = 304;
    req->res.reason = "Not Modified";
    h2o_send_inline(req, NULL, 0);
    do_close(&generator->super, req);
    return 0;
Example #14
static int send_headers(h2o_http2_conn_t *conn, h2o_http2_stream_t *stream)
    h2o_timestamp_t ts;

    h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, &stream->req.pool, &ts);

    /* cancel push with an error response */
    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        if (400 <= stream->req.res.status)
            goto CancelPush;
        if (stream->cache_digests != NULL) {
            ssize_t etag_index = h2o_find_header(&stream->req.headers, H2O_TOKEN_ETAG, -1);
            if (etag_index != -1) {
                h2o_iovec_t url = h2o_concat(&stream->req.pool, stream->req.input.scheme->name, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("://")),
                                             stream->req.input.authority, stream->req.input.path);
                h2o_iovec_t *etag = &stream->req.headers.entries[etag_index].value;
                if (h2o_cache_digests_lookup_by_url_and_etag(stream->cache_digests, url.base, url.len, etag->base, etag->len) ==
                    goto CancelPush;

    /* reset casper cookie in case cache-digests exist */
    if (stream->cache_digests != NULL && stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.capacity_bits != 0) {
        h2o_add_header(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE,
                       H2O_STRLIT("h2o_casper=; Path=/; Expires=Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"));

    /* CASPER */
    if (conn->casper != NULL) {
        /* update casper if necessary */
        if (stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.track_all_types || is_blocking_asset(&stream->req)) {
            if (h2o_http2_casper_lookup(conn->casper, stream->req.path.base, stream->req.path.len, 1)) {
                /* cancel if the pushed resource is already marked as cached */
                if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id))
                    goto CancelPush;
        if (stream->cache_digests != NULL)
            goto SkipCookie;
        /* browsers might ignore push responses, or they may process the responses in a different order than they were pushed.
         * Therefore H2O tries to include casper cookie only in the last stream that may be received by the client, or when the
         * value become stable; see also: https://github.com/h2o/h2o/issues/421
        if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
            if (!(conn->num_streams.pull.open == 0 && (conn->num_streams.push.half_closed - conn->num_streams.push.send_body) == 1))
                goto SkipCookie;
        } else {
            if (conn->num_streams.push.half_closed - conn->num_streams.push.send_body != 0)
                goto SkipCookie;
        h2o_iovec_t cookie = h2o_http2_casper_get_cookie(conn->casper);
        h2o_add_header(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE, cookie.base, cookie.len);

    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        /* for push, send the push promise */
        if (!stream->push.promise_sent)
            h2o_http2_stream_send_push_promise(conn, stream);
        /* send ASAP if it is a blocking asset (even in case of Firefox we can't wait 1RTT for it to reprioritize the asset) */
        if (is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);
    } else {
        /* raise the priority of asset files that block rendering to highest if the user-agent is _not_ using dependency-based
         * prioritization (e.g. that of Firefox)
        if (conn->num_streams.priority.open == 0 && stream->req.hostconf->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets &&
            h2o_http2_scheduler_get_parent(&stream->_refs.scheduler) == &conn->scheduler && is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);

    /* send HEADERS, as well as start sending body */
    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id))
        h2o_add_header_by_str(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_STRLIT("x-http2-push"), 0, H2O_STRLIT("pushed"));
    h2o_hpack_flatten_response(&conn->_write.buf, &conn->_output_header_table, stream->stream_id,
                               conn->peer_settings.max_frame_size, &stream->req.res, &ts, &conn->super.ctx->globalconf->server_name,
    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_SEND_BODY);

    return 0;

    h2o_add_header_by_str(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_STRLIT("x-http2-push"), 0, H2O_STRLIT("cancelled"));
    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_END_STREAM);
    h2o_linklist_insert(&conn->_write.streams_to_proceed, &stream->_refs.link);
    if (stream->push.promise_sent) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
        h2o_http2_encode_rst_stream_frame(&conn->_write.buf, stream->stream_id, -H2O_HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
		h2o_http2_encode_rst_stream_frame(&conn->_write.buf, stream->stream_id, H2O_HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
    return -1;
Example #15
static void log_access(h2o_logger_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req)
    struct st_h2o_access_logger_t *self = (struct st_h2o_access_logger_t *)_self;
    h2o_access_log_filehandle_t *fh = self->fh;
    char *line, *pos, *line_end;
    size_t element_index;

    /* note: LOG_ALLOCA_SIZE should be much greater than NI_MAXHOST to avoid unnecessary reallocations */
    line = alloca(LOG_ALLOCA_SIZE);
    pos = line;
    line_end = line + LOG_ALLOCA_SIZE;

    for (element_index = 0; element_index != fh->num_elements; ++element_index) {
        struct log_element_t *element = fh->elements + element_index;

/* reserve capacity + suffix.len */
#define RESERVE(capacity)                                                                                                          \
    do {                                                                                                                           \
        if ((capacity) + element->suffix.len > line_end - pos) {                                                                   \
            size_t off = pos - line;                                                                                               \
            line = expand_line_buf(line, line_end - line, off + (capacity) + element->suffix.len);                                 \
            pos = line + off;                                                                                                      \
        }                                                                                                                          \
    } while (0)

        switch (element->type) {
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY:
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_BYTES_SENT: /* %b */
            RESERVE(sizeof("18446744073709551615") - 1);
            pos += sprintf(pos, "%llu", (unsigned long long)req->bytes_sent);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_PROTOCOL: /* %H */
            pos += h2o_stringify_protocol_version(pos, req->version);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_REMOTE_ADDR: /* %h */ {
            struct sockaddr_storage ss;
            socklen_t sslen;
            if ((sslen = req->conn->get_peername(req->conn, (void *)&ss)) != 0) {
                size_t l = h2o_socket_getnumerichost((void *)&ss, sslen, pos);
                if (l != SIZE_MAX)
                    pos += l;
                    *pos++ = '-';
            } else {
                *pos++ = '-';
        } break;
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_METHOD: /* %m */
            RESERVE(req->input.method.len * 4);
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.method.base, req->input.method.len);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_QUERY: /* %q */
            if (req->input.query_at != SIZE_MAX) {
                size_t len = req->input.path.len - req->input.query_at;
                RESERVE(len * 4);
                pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.path.base + req->input.query_at, len);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUEST_LINE: /* %r */
            RESERVE((req->input.method.len + req->input.path.len) * 4 + sizeof("  HTTP/1.1"));
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.method.base, req->input.method.len);
            *pos++ = ' ';
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.path.base, req->input.path.len);
            *pos++ = ' ';
            pos += h2o_stringify_protocol_version(pos, req->version);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_STATUS: /* %s */
            RESERVE(sizeof("2147483647") - 1);
            pos += sprintf(pos, "%d", req->res.status);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: /* %t */
            RESERVE(H2O_TIMESTR_LOG_LEN + 2);
            *pos++ = '[';
            pos = append_safe_string(pos, req->processed_at.str->log, H2O_TIMESTR_LOG_LEN);
            *pos++ = ']';
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_URL_PATH: /* %U */
            size_t path_len = req->input.query_at == SIZE_MAX ? req->input.path.len : req->input.query_at;
            RESERVE(req->input.scheme->name.len + (sizeof("://") - 1) + (req->input.authority.len + path_len) * 4);
            pos = append_safe_string(pos, req->input.scheme->name.base, req->input.scheme->name.len);
            pos = append_safe_string(pos, H2O_STRLIT("://"));
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.authority.base, req->input.authority.len);
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.path.base, path_len);
        } break;
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_AUTHORITY: /* %V */
            RESERVE(req->input.authority.len * 4);
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->input.authority.base, req->input.authority.len);
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_HOSTCONF: /* %v */
            RESERVE(req->hostconf->authority.hostport.len * 4);
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, req->hostconf->authority.hostport.base, req->hostconf->authority.hostport.len);

        case ELEMENT_TYPE_LOGNAME:     /* %l */
        case ELEMENT_TYPE_REMOTE_USER: /* %u */
            *pos++ = '-';

#define EMIT_HEADER(headers, _index)                                                                                               \
    do {                                                                                                                           \
        ssize_t index = (_index);                                                                                                  \
        if (index != -1) {                                                                                                         \
            const h2o_header_t *header = (headers)->entries + index;                                                               \
            RESERVE(header->value.len * 4);                                                                                        \
            pos = append_unsafe_string(pos, header->value.base, header->value.len);                                                \
        } else {                                                                                                                   \
            RESERVE(1);                                                                                                            \
            *pos++ = '-';                                                                                                          \
        }                                                                                                                          \
    } while (0)
            EMIT_HEADER(&req->headers, h2o_find_header(&req->headers, element->data.header_token, SIZE_MAX));
            EMIT_HEADER(&req->headers, h2o_find_header_by_str(&req->headers, element->data.header_string.base,
                                                              element->data.header_string.len, SIZE_MAX));
            EMIT_HEADER(&req->res.headers, h2o_find_header(&req->res.headers, element->data.header_token, SIZE_MAX));
            EMIT_HEADER(&req->res.headers, h2o_find_header_by_str(&req->res.headers, element->data.header_string.base,
                                                                  element->data.header_string.len, SIZE_MAX));

            assert(!"unknown type");

#undef RESERVE

        pos = append_safe_string(pos, element->suffix.base, element->suffix.len);

    write(fh->fd, line, pos - line);

    if (line_end - line != LOG_ALLOCA_SIZE)
Example #16
static int send_headers(h2o_http2_conn_t *conn, h2o_http2_stream_t *stream)
    h2o_timestamp_t ts;
    size_t num_casper_entries_before_push = 0;

    h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, &stream->req.pool, &ts);

    /* cancel push with an error response */
    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        if (400 <= stream->req.res.status)
            goto CancelPush;
        h2o_add_header_by_str(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_STRLIT("x-http2-pushed"), 0, H2O_STRLIT("1"));

    if (stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.capacity_bits != 0) {
        /* extract the client-side cache fingerprint */
        if (conn->casper == NULL)
            h2o_http2_conn_init_casper(conn, stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.capacity_bits);
        size_t header_index = -1;
        while ((header_index = h2o_find_header(&stream->req.headers, H2O_TOKEN_COOKIE, header_index)) != -1) {
            h2o_header_t *header = stream->req.headers.entries + header_index;
            h2o_http2_casper_consume_cookie(conn->casper, header->value.base, header->value.len);
        num_casper_entries_before_push = h2o_http2_casper_num_entries(conn->casper);
        /* update casper if necessary */
        if (stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.track_all_types || is_blocking_asset(&stream->req)) {
            ssize_t etag_index = h2o_find_header(&stream->req.headers, H2O_TOKEN_ETAG, -1);
            h2o_iovec_t etag = etag_index != -1 ? stream->req.headers.entries[etag_index].value : (h2o_iovec_t){};
            if (h2o_http2_casper_lookup(conn->casper, stream->req.path.base, stream->req.path.len, etag.base, etag.len, 1)) {
                /* cancel if the pushed resource is already marked as cached */
                if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id))
                    goto CancelPush;

    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        /* for push, send the push promise */
        if (!stream->push.promise_sent)
            h2o_http2_stream_send_push_promise(conn, stream);
        /* send ASAP if it is a blocking asset (even in case of Firefox we can't wait 1RTT for it to reprioritize the asset) */
        if (is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);
    } else {
        /* for pull, push things requested, as well as send the casper cookie if modified */
        if (conn->peer_settings.enable_push) {
            size_t i;
            for (i = 0; i != stream->req.http2_push_paths.size; ++i)
                h2o_http2_conn_push_path(conn, stream->req.http2_push_paths.entries[i], stream);
            /* send casper cookie if it has been altered (due to the __stream itself__ or by some of the pushes) */
            if (conn->casper != NULL && num_casper_entries_before_push != h2o_http2_casper_num_entries(conn->casper)) {
                h2o_iovec_t cookie = h2o_http2_casper_build_cookie(conn->casper, &stream->req.pool);
                h2o_add_header(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE, cookie.base, cookie.len);
        /* raise the priority of asset files that block rendering to highest if the user-agent is _not_ using dependency-based
         * prioritization (e.g. that of Firefox)
        if (conn->num_streams.open_priority == 0 && stream->req.hostconf->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets &&
            h2o_http2_scheduler_get_parent(&stream->_refs.scheduler) == &conn->scheduler && is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);

    /* send HEADERS, as well as start sending body */
    h2o_hpack_flatten_response(&conn->_write.buf, &conn->_output_header_table, stream->stream_id,
                               conn->peer_settings.max_frame_size, &stream->req.res, &ts,
    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_SEND_BODY);

    return 0;

    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_END_STREAM);
    h2o_linklist_insert(&conn->_write.streams_to_proceed, &stream->_refs.link);
    if (stream->push.promise_sent) {
        h2o_http2_encode_rst_stream_frame(&conn->_write.buf, stream->stream_id, H2O_HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
    return -1;