Example #1
static void on_connection_ready(struct st_h2o_http1client_t *client)
    h2o_iovec_t proxy_protocol = h2o_iovec_init(NULL, 0);
    int chunked = 0;
    h2o_iovec_t connection_header = h2o_iovec_init(NULL, 0);
    h2o_httpclient_properties_t props = {
        &proxy_protocol, &chunked, &connection_header,
    h2o_iovec_t method;
    h2o_url_t url;
    h2o_header_t *headers;
    size_t num_headers;
    h2o_iovec_t body;

    client->super._cb.on_head = client->super._cb.on_connect(&client->super, NULL, &method, &url, (const h2o_header_t **)&headers,
                                                             &num_headers, &body, &client->proceed_req, &props, client->_origin);

    if (client->super._cb.on_head == NULL) {

    h2o_iovec_t reqbufs[3];
    size_t reqbufcnt = 0;
    if (props.proxy_protocol->base != NULL)
        reqbufs[reqbufcnt++] = *props.proxy_protocol;
    reqbufs[reqbufcnt++] = build_request(client, method, url, *props.connection_header, headers, num_headers);

    client->_is_chunked = *props.chunked;
    client->_method_is_head = h2o_memis(method.base, method.len, H2O_STRLIT("HEAD"));

    if (client->proceed_req != NULL) {
        if (body.base != NULL) {
            h2o_buffer_init(&client->_body_buf, &h2o_socket_buffer_prototype);
            if (h2o_buffer_append(&client->_body_buf, body.base, body.len) == 0) {
                on_send_request(client->sock, "Internal error");
        h2o_socket_write(client->sock, reqbufs, reqbufcnt, on_req_body_done);
    } else {
        if (client->_is_chunked) {
            assert(body.base != NULL);
            reqbufcnt += encode_chunk(client, reqbufs + reqbufcnt, body);
        } else if (body.base != NULL) {
            reqbufs[reqbufcnt++] = body;
        h2o_socket_write(client->sock, reqbufs, reqbufcnt, on_send_request);

    /* TODO no need to set the timeout if all data has been written into TCP sendbuf */
    client->super._timeout.cb = on_send_timeout;
    h2o_timer_link(client->super.ctx->loop, client->super.ctx->io_timeout, &client->super._timeout);

    client->super.timings.request_begin_at = h2o_gettimeofday(client->super.ctx->loop);
Example #2
File: http1.c Project: ifzz/h2o
void finalostream_send(h2o_ostream_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req, h2o_iovec_t *inbufs, size_t inbufcnt, int is_final)
    struct st_h2o_http1_finalostream_t *self = (void *)_self;
    struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn = (struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *)req->conn;
    h2o_iovec_t *bufs = alloca(sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * (inbufcnt + 1));
    int bufcnt = 0;

    assert(self == &conn->_ostr_final);

    if (!self->sent_headers) {
        conn->req.timestamps.response_start_at = *h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, NULL, NULL);
        /* build headers and send */
        const char *connection = req->http1_is_persistent ? "keep-alive" : "close";
        bufs[bufcnt].base = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(
            &req->pool, flatten_headers_estimate_size(req, conn->super.ctx->globalconf->server_name.len + strlen(connection)));
        bufs[bufcnt].len = flatten_headers(bufs[bufcnt].base, req, connection);
        self->sent_headers = 1;
    memcpy(bufs + bufcnt, inbufs, sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * inbufcnt);
    bufcnt += inbufcnt;

    if (bufcnt != 0) {
        h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, bufs, bufcnt, is_final ? on_send_complete : on_send_next_push);
    } else {
        on_send_complete(conn->sock, 0);
Example #3
static void on_read(h2o_socket_t *sock, const char *err)
    struct st_h2o_tunnel_t *tunnel = sock->data;
    h2o_socket_t *dst;
    assert(tunnel != NULL);
    assert(tunnel->sock[0] == sock || tunnel->sock[1] == sock);

    if (err != NULL) {

    if (sock->bytes_read == 0)


    if (tunnel->sock[0] == sock)
        dst = tunnel->sock[1];
        dst = tunnel->sock[0];

    h2o_iovec_t buf;
    buf.base = sock->input->bytes;
    buf.len = sock->input->size;
    h2o_socket_write(dst, &buf, 1, on_write_complete);
Example #4
File: http1.c Project: deweerdt/h2o
static void send_bad_request(struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn)
    const static h2o_iovec_t resp = {H2O_STRLIT("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n"
                                                "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"
                                                "Connection: close\r\n"
                                                "Content-Length: 11\r\n"
                                                "Bad Request")};

    assert(conn->req.version == 0 && "request has not been parsed successfully");
    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, (h2o_iovec_t *)&resp, 1, send_bad_request_on_complete);
Example #5
static int do_write_req(h2o_httpclient_t *_client, h2o_iovec_t chunk, int is_end_stream)
    struct st_h2o_http1client_t *client = (struct st_h2o_http1client_t *)_client;

    client->_body_buf_is_done = is_end_stream;

    if (client->_body_buf == NULL)
        h2o_buffer_init(&client->_body_buf, &h2o_socket_buffer_prototype);

    if (chunk.len != 0) {
        if (h2o_buffer_append(&client->_body_buf, chunk.base, chunk.len) == 0)
            return -1;

    if (client->sock->_cb.write != NULL)
        return 0;

    assert(client->_body_buf_in_flight == NULL || client->_body_buf_in_flight->size == 0);

    swap_buffers(&client->_body_buf, &client->_body_buf_in_flight);

    if (client->_body_buf_in_flight->size == 0) {
        /* return immediately if the chunk is empty */
        on_req_body_done(client->sock, NULL);
        return 0;

    h2o_iovec_t iov = h2o_iovec_init(client->_body_buf_in_flight->bytes, client->_body_buf_in_flight->size);
    if (client->_is_chunked) {
        h2o_iovec_t bufs[3];
        size_t bufcnt = encode_chunk(client, bufs, iov);
        h2o_socket_write(client->sock, bufs, bufcnt, on_req_body_done);
    } else {
        h2o_socket_write(client->sock, &iov, 1, on_req_body_done);
    return 0;
Example #6
void h2o_http1_upgrade(h2o_http1_conn_t *conn, h2o_iovec_t *inbufs, size_t inbufcnt, h2o_http1_upgrade_cb on_complete, void *user_data)
    h2o_iovec_t *bufs = alloca(sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * (inbufcnt + 1));

    conn->upgrade.data = user_data;
    conn->upgrade.cb = on_complete;

    bufs[0].base = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(
        flatten_headers_estimate_size(&conn->req, conn->super.ctx->globalconf->server_name.len + sizeof("upgrade") - 1));
    bufs[0].len = flatten_headers(bufs[0].base, &conn->req, "upgrade");
    memcpy(bufs + 1, inbufs, sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * inbufcnt);

    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, bufs, (int)(inbufcnt + 1), on_upgrade_complete);
Example #7
File: http1.c Project: ifzz/h2o
static void proceed_pull(struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn, size_t nfilled)
    h2o_iovec_t buf = {conn->_ostr_final.pull.buf, nfilled};
    int is_final;

    if (buf.len < MAX_PULL_BUF_SZ) {
        h2o_iovec_t cbuf = {buf.base + buf.len, MAX_PULL_BUF_SZ - buf.len};
        is_final = h2o_pull(&conn->req, conn->_ostr_final.pull.cb, &cbuf);
        buf.len += cbuf.len;
    } else {
        is_final = 0;

    /* write */
    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, &buf, 1, is_final ? on_send_complete : on_send_next_pull);
Example #8
File: http1.c Project: ifzz/h2o
void h2o_http1_upgrade(h2o_req_t *req, h2o_iovec_t *inbufs, size_t inbufcnt, h2o_http1_upgrade_cb on_complete, void *user_data)
    struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn = (void *)req->conn;

    assert(req->version <= 0x200); /* TODO find a better way to assert instanceof(req->conn) == struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t */

    h2o_iovec_t *bufs = alloca(sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * (inbufcnt + 1));

    conn->upgrade.data = user_data;
    conn->upgrade.cb = on_complete;

    bufs[0].base =
        h2o_mem_alloc_pool(&conn->req.pool, flatten_headers_estimate_size(&conn->req, conn->super.ctx->globalconf->server_name.len +
                                                                                          sizeof("upgrade") - 1));
    bufs[0].len = flatten_headers(bufs[0].base, &conn->req, "upgrade");
    memcpy(bufs + 1, inbufs, sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * inbufcnt);

    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, bufs, inbufcnt + 1, on_upgrade_complete);
Example #9
void h2o_websocket_proceed(h2o_websocket_conn_t *conn)
    int handled;

    /* run the loop until getting to a point where no more progress can be achieved */
    do {
        handled = 0;
        if (!h2o_socket_is_writing(conn->sock) && wslay_event_want_write(conn->ws_ctx)) {
            if (wslay_event_send(conn->ws_ctx) != 0) {
                goto Close;
            /* avoid infinite loop when user want send more bufers count than ours in on_msg_callback() */
            if (conn->_write_buf.cnt < sizeof(conn->_write_buf.bufs) / sizeof(conn->_write_buf.bufs[0])) {
                handled = 1;
        if (conn->sock->input->size != 0 && wslay_event_want_read(conn->ws_ctx)) {
            if (wslay_event_recv(conn->ws_ctx) != 0) {
                goto Close;
            handled = 1;
    } while (handled);

    if (!h2o_socket_is_writing(conn->sock) && conn->_write_buf.cnt > 0) {
        /* write */
        h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, conn->_write_buf.bufs, conn->_write_buf.cnt, on_write_complete);

    if (wslay_event_want_read(conn->ws_ctx)) {
        h2o_socket_read_start(conn->sock, on_recv);
    } else if (h2o_socket_is_writing(conn->sock) || wslay_event_want_write(conn->ws_ctx)) {
    } else {
        /* nothing is going on... close the socket */
        goto Close;


Example #10
File: http1.c Project: deweerdt/h2o
static void proceed_pull(struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn, size_t nfilled)
    h2o_iovec_t buf = {conn->_ostr_final.pull.buf, nfilled};
    h2o_send_state_t send_state;

    if (buf.len < MAX_PULL_BUF_SZ) {
        h2o_iovec_t cbuf = {buf.base + buf.len, MAX_PULL_BUF_SZ - buf.len};
        send_state = h2o_pull(&conn->req, conn->_ostr_final.pull.cb, &cbuf);
        if (send_state == H2O_SEND_STATE_ERROR) {
            conn->req.http1_is_persistent = 0;
        buf.len += cbuf.len;
    } else {
        send_state = H2O_SEND_STATE_IN_PROGRESS;

    /* write */
    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, &buf, 1, h2o_send_state_is_in_progress(send_state) ? on_send_next_pull : on_send_complete);
Example #11
static ssize_t send_callback(wslay_event_context_ptr ctx, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, int flags, void *_conn)
    h2o_websocket_conn_t *conn = _conn;
    h2o_iovec_t buf;

    /* return WOULDBLOCK if pending (TODO: queue fixed number of chunks, instead of only one) */
    if (h2o_socket_is_writing(conn->sock)) {
        wslay_event_set_error(conn->ws_ctx, WSLAY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK);
        return -1;

    /* copy data */
    conn->_write_buf = h2o_mem_realloc(conn->_write_buf, len);
    memcpy(conn->_write_buf, data, len);

    /* write */
    buf.base = conn->_write_buf;
    buf.len = len;
    h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, &buf, 1, on_write_complete);

    return len;
Example #12
static void on_send_request(h2o_socket_t *sock, const char *err)
    struct st_h2o_http1client_t *client = sock->data;


    if (err != NULL) {
        on_error_before_head(client, "I/O error (send request)");

    if (client->_is_chunked) {
        client->_is_chunked = 0;
        h2o_iovec_t last = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("0\r\n"));
        h2o_socket_write(client->sock, &last, 1, on_send_request);

    client->super.timings.request_end_at = h2o_gettimeofday(client->super.ctx->loop);

    h2o_socket_read_start(client->sock, on_head);
    client->super._timeout.cb = on_head_timeout;
    h2o_timer_link(client->super.ctx->loop, client->super.ctx->first_byte_timeout, &client->super._timeout);
Example #13
File: http1.c Project: ifzz/h2o
static void handle_incoming_request(struct st_h2o_http1_conn_t *conn)
    size_t inreqlen = conn->sock->input->size < H2O_MAX_REQLEN ? conn->sock->input->size : H2O_MAX_REQLEN;
    int reqlen, minor_version;
    struct phr_header headers[H2O_MAX_HEADERS];
    size_t num_headers = H2O_MAX_HEADERS;
    ssize_t entity_body_header_index;
    h2o_iovec_t expect;

    /* need to set request_begin_at here for keep-alive connection */
    if (conn->req.timestamps.request_begin_at.tv_sec == 0)
        conn->req.timestamps.request_begin_at = *h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, NULL, NULL);

    reqlen = phr_parse_request(conn->sock->input->bytes, inreqlen, (const char **)&conn->req.input.method.base,
                               &conn->req.input.method.len, (const char **)&conn->req.input.path.base, &conn->req.input.path.len,
                               &minor_version, headers, &num_headers, conn->_prevreqlen);
    conn->_prevreqlen = inreqlen;

    switch (reqlen) {
    default: // parse complete
        conn->_reqsize = reqlen;
        if ((entity_body_header_index = fixup_request(conn, headers, num_headers, minor_version, &expect)) != -1) {
            conn->req.timestamps.request_body_begin_at = *h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, NULL, NULL);
            if (expect.base != NULL) {
                if (!h2o_lcstris(expect.base, expect.len, H2O_STRLIT("100-continue"))) {
                    set_timeout(conn, NULL, NULL);
                    h2o_send_error(&conn->req, 417, "Expectation Failed", "unknown expectation",
                static const h2o_iovec_t res = {H2O_STRLIT("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")};
                h2o_socket_write(conn->sock, (void *)&res, 1, on_continue_sent);
            if (create_entity_reader(conn, headers + entity_body_header_index) != 0) {
            if (expect.base != NULL) {
                /* processing of the incoming entity is postponed until the 100 response is sent */
        } else {
            set_timeout(conn, NULL, NULL);
    case -2: // incomplete
        if (inreqlen == H2O_MAX_REQLEN) {
            // request is too long (TODO notify)
            close_connection(conn, 1);
    case -1: // error
        /* upgrade to HTTP/2 if the request starts with: PRI * HTTP/2 */
        if (conn->super.ctx->globalconf->http1.upgrade_to_http2) {
            /* should check up to the first octet that phr_parse_request returns an error */
            static const h2o_iovec_t HTTP2_SIG = {H2O_STRLIT("PRI * HTTP/2")};
            if (conn->sock->input->size >= HTTP2_SIG.len && memcmp(conn->sock->input->bytes, HTTP2_SIG.base, HTTP2_SIG.len) == 0) {
                h2o_accept_ctx_t accept_ctx = {conn->super.ctx, conn->super.hosts};
                h2o_socket_t *sock = conn->sock;
                struct timeval connected_at = conn->super.connected_at;
                /* destruct the connection after detatching the socket */
                conn->sock = NULL;
                close_connection(conn, 1);
                /* and accept as http2 connection */
                h2o_http2_accept(&accept_ctx, sock, connected_at);
        close_connection(conn, 1);