Example #1
char *menuBar(struct cart *cart)
// Return HTML for the menu bar (read from a configuration file);
// we fixup internal CGI's to add hgsid's and include the appropriate js and css files.
char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
char *menuStr, buf[4096], uiVars[128];
FILE *fd;
int len, offset, err;
char *navBarFile = "inc/globalNavBar.inc";
struct stat statBuf;
regex_t re;
regmatch_t match[2];
char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
if (cart)
    safef(uiVars, sizeof(uiVars), "%s=%u", cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(cart));
    uiVars[0] = 0;

if(docRoot == NULL)
    // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. don't bother with menu when running from command line)
    return NULL;

jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
jsIncludeFile("jquery.plugins.js", NULL);

// Read in menu bar html
safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", docRoot, navBarFile);
fd = mustOpen(buf, "r");
fstat(fileno(fd), &statBuf);
len = statBuf.st_size;
menuStr = needMem(len + 1);
mustRead(fd, menuStr, statBuf.st_size);
menuStr[len] = 0;

if (cart)
    // fixup internal CGIs to have hgsid
    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "/cgi-bin/hg[A-Za-z]+(%c%c?)", '\\', '?');
    err = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED);
	errAbort("regcomp failed; err: %d", err);
    struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0);
    for(offset = 0; offset < len && !regexec(&re, menuStr + offset, ArraySize(match), match, 0); offset += match[0].rm_eo)
	dyStringAppendN(dy, menuStr + offset, match[0].rm_eo);
	if(match[1].rm_so == match[1].rm_eo)
	    dyStringAppend(dy, "?");
	dyStringAppend(dy, uiVars);
	if(match[1].rm_so != match[1].rm_eo)
	    dyStringAppend(dy, "&");
    if(offset < len)
	dyStringAppend(dy, menuStr + offset);
    menuStr = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
    stripRegEx(menuStr, "<\\!-- LOGIN_START -->.*<\\!-- LOGIN_END -->", REG_ICASE);

    {  // Provide optional official mirror servers menu items
    char *geoMenu = geoMirrorMenu();
    char *pattern = "<!-- OPTIONAL_MIRROR_MENU -->";
    char *newMenuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, pattern, geoMenu);
    menuStr = newMenuStr;

    // Provide view menu for some CGIs.
    struct dyString *viewItems = dyStringCreate("");
    boolean hasViewMenu = TRUE;
    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
	safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "../cgi-bin/hgGenome?%s&hgGenome_doPsOutput=1", uiVars);
    	dyStringPrintf(viewItems, "<li><a href='%s' id='%s'>%s</a></li>\n", buf, "pdfLink", "PDF/PS");
	hasViewMenu = FALSE;
    if (hasViewMenu)
	struct dyString *viewMenu = dyStringCreate("<li class='menuparent' id='view'><span>View</span>\n<ul style='display: none; visibility: hidden;'>\n");
	dyStringAppend(viewMenu, viewItems->string);
	dyStringAppend(viewMenu, "</ul>\n</li>\n");
    	menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- OPTIONAL_VIEW_MENU -->", viewMenu->string);

    // Provide context sensitive help links for some CGIs.
    char *link = NULL;
    char *label = NULL;
    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#BLATAlign";
        label = "Help on Blat";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Track Hubs";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgNearHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Gene Sorter";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTablesHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Table Browser";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Genome Graphs";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Sessions";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp";
        label = "Help on VisiGene";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgCustom"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/customTrack.html";
        label = "Help on Custom Tracks";
    // Don't overwrite any previously set defaults
    if(!contextSpecificHelpLink && link)
        contextSpecificHelpLink = link;
    if(!contextSpecificHelpLabel && label)
        contextSpecificHelpLabel = label;
    char buf[1024];
    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "<li><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>", contextSpecificHelpLink, contextSpecificHelpLabel);
    menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- CONTEXT_SPECIFIC_HELP -->", buf);
return menuStr;
Example #2
int documentLink(struct hash *ra, char *term, char *docTerm,char *dir,
                 char *title,boolean genericDoc)
// Compare controlled vocab based on term value
boolean docsPrinted = 0;
char *s;
if (title == NULL)
    title = docTerm;

//can use hg.conf to direct links back to main UCSC server if a mirror doesn't
//want all the PDFs
char *baseUrl = cfgOptionDefault("hgEncodeVocabDocBaseUrl", "");
// add links to protocol doc if it exists
char docUrl[PATH_LEN];
char docFile[PATH_LEN];
// parse setting
s = hashFindVal(ra,docTerm);
if (s != NULL)
    if (sameWord(s,"missing"))
        char *docSetting = cloneString(s);
        char *settings=docSetting;
        int count=0;
        while ((s = nextWord(&settings)) != NULL)
            char *docTitle = NULL;
            char *fileName = NULL;
            if (strchr(s,':')) // lab Specific setting
                docTitle = strSwapChar(s,':',0);
                fileName = docTitle + strlen(docTitle) + 1;
                docTitle = title;
                fileName = s;
            if (count>0)
            docTitle = htmlEncode(strSwapChar(docTitle,'_',' '));
            if (sameWord(fileName,"missing"))
                safef(docUrl,  sizeof(docUrl),  "%s%s%s", baseUrl, dir, fileName);
                safef(docFile, sizeof(docFile), "%s%s", hDocumentRoot(), docUrl);
                printf(" <A TARGET=_BLANK HREF=%s>%s</A>\n", docUrl,docTitle);
else if (genericDoc)
    { // generate a standard name
    safef(docUrl,  sizeof(docUrl),  "%s%s%s_protocol.pdf", baseUrl, dir, term);
    safef(docFile, sizeof(docFile), "%s%s", hDocumentRoot(), docUrl);
    if (fileExists(docFile))
        printf(" <A TARGET=_BLANK HREF=%s>%s</A>\n", docUrl,title);
return docsPrinted;
Example #3
char *webTimeStampedLinkToResource(char *fileName, boolean wrapInHtml)
// If wrapInHtml
//   returns versioned link embedded in style or script html (free after use).
// else
//   returns full path of a versioned path to the requested resource file (js, or css).
// NOTE: png, jpg and gif should also be supported but are untested.
// In production sites we use a versioned softlink that includes the CGI version. This has the following benefits:
// a) flushes user's web browser cache when the user visits a GB site whose version has changed since their last visit;
// b) enforces the requirement that static files are the same version as the CGIs (something that often fails to happen in mirrors).
// (see notes in redmine #3170).
// In dev trees we use mtime to create a pseudo-version; this forces web browsers to reload css/js file when it changes,
// so we don't get odd behavior that can be caused by caching of mis-matched javascript and style files in dev trees.
// In either case, the actual file has to have been previously created by running make in the appropriate directory (kent/src/hg/js
// or kent/src/hg/htdocs/style).
char baseName[PATH_LEN];
char extension[FILEEXT_LEN];
splitPath(fileName, NULL, baseName, extension);
boolean js = sameString(".js",extension);
boolean style = !js && sameString(".css",extension);
boolean image = !js
             && !style
             && (  sameString(".png",extension)
                || sameString(".jpg",extension)
                || sameString(".gif",extension));
if (!js && !style) // && !image) NOTE: This code has not been tested on images but should work.
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: unknown resource type for %s.\n", fileName);

// Build and verify directory
char *dirName = "";
if (js)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.javaScriptDir", "js");
else if (style)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleDir","style");
else if (image)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleImagesDir","style/images");
struct dyString *fullDirName = NULL;
char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
if (docRoot != NULL)
    fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, dirName);
    // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
    fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s", dirName);
if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(fullDirName)))
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: dir: %s doesn't exist.\n",

// build and verify real path to file
struct dyString *realFileName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), fileName);
if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(realFileName)))
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: file: %s doesn't exist.\n",

// build and verify link path including timestamp in the form of dir/baseName + timeStamp or CGI Version + ext
long mtime = fileModTime(dyStringContents(realFileName));
struct dyString *linkWithTimestamp;

char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
if (scriptName == NULL)
    scriptName = cloneString("");
boolean nonVersionedLinks = FALSE;
if (endsWith(scriptName, "qaPushQ"))
    nonVersionedLinks = TRUE;
if (nonVersionedLinks)
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, extension);
else if ((cfgOption("versionStamped") == NULL) &&  (hIsPreviewHost() || hIsPrivateHost()))
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-%ld%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, mtime, extension);
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-v%s%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, CGI_VERSION, extension);

if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp)))
    errAbort("Cannot find correct version of file '%s'; this is due to an installation error\n\nError details: %s does not exist",
             fileName, dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp));

// Free up all that extra memory
char *linkFull = dyStringCannibalize(&linkWithTimestamp);
char *link = linkFull;
if (docRoot != NULL)
    link = cloneString(linkFull + strlen(docRoot) + 1);

if (wrapInHtml) // wrapped for christmas
    struct dyString *wrapped = dyStringNew(0);
    if (js)
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<script type='text/javascript' SRC='/%s'></script>\n", link);
    else if (style)
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='/%s' TYPE='text/css' />\n", link);
    else // Will be image, since these are the only three choices allowed
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<IMG src='/%s' />\n", link);
    link = dyStringCannibalize(&wrapped);

return link;
Example #4
char *menuBar(struct cart *cart, char *db)
// Return HTML for the menu bar (read from a configuration file);
// we fixup internal CGI's to add hgsid's and include the appropriate js and css files.
// Note this function is also called by hgTracks which extends the menu bar
//  with a View menu defined in hgTracks/menu.c
char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
char *menuStr, buf[4096], uiVars[128];
FILE *fd;
char *navBarFile = "inc/globalNavBar.inc";
struct stat statBuf;
char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
if (cart)
    safef(uiVars, sizeof(uiVars), "%s=%s", cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(cart));
    uiVars[0] = 0;

if(docRoot == NULL)
    // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. don't bother with menu when running from command line)
    return NULL;

jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
jsIncludeFile("jquery.plugins.js", NULL);

// Read in menu bar html
safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", docRoot, navBarFile);
fd = mustOpen(buf, "r");
fstat(fileno(fd), &statBuf);
int len = statBuf.st_size;
menuStr = needMem(len + 1);
mustRead(fd, menuStr, statBuf.st_size);
menuStr[len] = 0;

if (cart)
    char *newMenuStr = menuBarAddUiVars(menuStr, "/cgi-bin/hg", uiVars);
    menuStr = newMenuStr;

    // Provide hgTables options for some CGIs.
    char hgTablesOptions[1024] = "";
    char *track = (cart == NULL ? NULL :
                   (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene") ?
                    cartOptionalString(cart, "hgg_type") :
                    cartOptionalString(cart, "g")));
    if (track && cart && db &&
        (endsWith(scriptName, "hgc") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgTrackUi") ||
         endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene")))
        struct trackDb *tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(db, track);
        if (tdb)
	    struct trackDb *topLevel = trackDbTopLevelSelfOrParent(tdb); 
	    safef(hgTablesOptions, sizeof  hgTablesOptions, 
		    topLevel->grp, topLevel->track, tdb->table);
	    menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "../cgi-bin/hgTables?", hgTablesOptions);

    stripRegEx(menuStr, "<\\!-- LOGIN_START -->.*<\\!-- LOGIN_END -->", REG_ICASE);

    {  // Provide optional official mirror servers menu items
    char *geoMenu = geoMirrorMenu();
    char *pattern = "<!-- OPTIONAL_MIRROR_MENU -->";
    char *newMenuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, pattern, geoMenu);
    menuStr = newMenuStr;

    // Provide view menu for some CGIs.
    struct dyString *viewItems = dyStringCreate("");
    boolean hasViewMenu = TRUE;
    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
	safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "../cgi-bin/hgGenome?%s&hgGenome_doPsOutput=1", uiVars);
    	dyStringPrintf(viewItems, "<li><a href='%s' id='%s'>%s</a></li>\n", buf, "pdfLink", "PDF/PS");
	hasViewMenu = FALSE;
    if (hasViewMenu)
	struct dyString *viewMenu = dyStringCreate("<li class='menuparent' id='view'><span>View</span>\n<ul style='display: none; visibility: hidden;'>\n");
	dyStringAppend(viewMenu, viewItems->string);
	dyStringAppend(viewMenu, "</ul>\n</li>\n");
    	menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- OPTIONAL_VIEW_MENU -->", viewMenu->string);
    else if (!endsWith(scriptName, "hgTracks"))
    	replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- OPTIONAL_VIEW_MENU -->", "");

    // Provide context sensitive help links for some CGIs.
    char *link = NULL;
    char *label = NULL;
    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#BLATAlign";
        label = "Help on Blat";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Track Hubs";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgNearHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Gene Sorter";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTablesHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Table Browser";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Genome Graphs";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html";
        label = "Help on Sessions";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp";
        label = "Help on VisiGene";
    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgCustom"))
        link = "../goldenPath/help/customTrack.html";
        label = "Help on Custom Tracks";
    // Don't overwrite any previously set defaults
    if(!contextSpecificHelpLink && link)
        contextSpecificHelpLink = link;
    if(!contextSpecificHelpLabel && label)
        contextSpecificHelpLabel = label;
    char buf[1024];
    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "<li><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>", contextSpecificHelpLink, contextSpecificHelpLabel);
    menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- CONTEXT_SPECIFIC_HELP -->", buf);
return menuStr;