static uint8_t getByte(const I2C_ABSTRACT_BUS* bus, boolean isLastByte){ const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c = (const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS*)bus; int8_t i; uint8_t b = 0; sda_high(i2c); for(i=7; i>=0; i--){ b <<= 1; scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(); if(pin_is_high(i2c->sda)){ b |= 1; } scl_low(i2c); halfDelay(); } // Put the ACK if(isLastByte){ sda_high(i2c); }else{ sda_low(i2c); } scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(i2c); scl_low(i2c); sda_high(i2c); return b; // return received byte }
// Send the start and address // return TRUE if acknowledged static boolean start(const I2C_ABSTRACT_BUS* bus, uint8_t addr, boolean writeMode){ boolean rtn = FALSE; const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c = (const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS*)bus; if(i2c){ sda_high(i2c); halfDelay(); scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(); sda_low(i2c); halfDelay(); scl_low(i2c); halfDelay(); // Send the device addr and direction // uint8_t addr = device->addr & 0xfe; if(writeMode==FALSE){ addr |= 1; }else{ addr &= 0xfe; } rtn = putByte(bus, addr); } return rtn; }
// Send the stop static void stop(const I2C_ABSTRACT_BUS* bus){ const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c = (const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS*)bus; sda_low(i2c); halfDelay(); scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(); sda_high(i2c); halfDelay(); }
// Return true if the slave acknowledges static boolean getAck(const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c){ sda_high(i2c); // allow slave to drive sda scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(); boolean rtn = pin_is_low(i2c->sda); scl_low(i2c); return rtn; }
// Send the start and address // return TRUE if acknowledged static boolean start(const I2C_DEVICE* device, boolean writeMode){ boolean rtn = FALSE; const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS* i2c = (const I2C_SOFTWARE_BUS*)(device->bus); if(i2c){ sda_high(i2c); halfDelay(); scl_high(i2c); halfDelay(); sda_low(i2c); halfDelay(); scl_low(i2c); halfDelay(); // Send the device addr and direction uint8_t addr = device->addr & 0xfe; if(writeMode==FALSE){ addr |= 1; } rtn = putByte(device->bus, addr); } return rtn; }
void BobDeint::filter( QQueue< FrameBuffer > &framesQueue ) { int insertAt = addFramesToDeinterlace( framesQueue ); while ( internalQueue.count() >= 2 ) { FrameBuffer dequeued = internalQueue.dequeue(); QByteArray videoFrameData2; VideoFrame *videoFrame1 = VideoFrame::fromData( ); VideoFrame *videoFrame2 = VideoFrame::create( videoFrameData2, w, h ); for ( int p = 0 ; p < 3 ; ++p ) { const int linesize = videoFrame1->linesize[ p ]; quint8 *src = videoFrame1->data[ p ] + linesize; quint8 *dst1 = videoFrame1->data[ p ]; quint8 *dst2 = videoFrame2->data[ p ]; memcpy( dst2, src, linesize ); //Copy second line into new frame (duplicate first line in new frame, simple deshake) dst2 += linesize; const int H = p ? h >> 2 : h >> 1; for ( int i = 0 ; i < H ; ++i ) { const bool notLast = i != H-1; memcpy( dst2, src, linesize ); dst2 += linesize; if ( notLast ) { VideoFilters::averageTwoLines( dst2, src, src + ( linesize << 1 ), linesize ); dst2 += linesize; } dst1 += linesize; if ( notLast ) VideoFilters::averageTwoLines( dst1, src - linesize, src + linesize, linesize ); else memcpy( dst1, src - linesize, linesize ); dst1 += linesize; src += linesize << 1; } if ( h & 1 ) //Duplicate last line for odd height memcpy( dst2, dst2 - linesize, linesize ); } const bool TFF = isTopFieldFirst( videoFrame1 ); videoFrame1->setNoInterlaced(); framesQueue.insert( insertAt++, FrameBuffer( TFF ? : videoFrameData2, dequeued.ts ) ); framesQueue.insert( insertAt++, FrameBuffer( !TFF ? : videoFrameData2, dequeued.ts + halfDelay( internalQueue.first(), dequeued ) ) ); } }