int Downloader::download(bool wait) { if (!isStarted) { isStarted = true; downloadError = 0; if (!dlFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { errorStr += "can not open file " + dest + "\n"; return 1; } if (reply == NULL) reply = network->get(request); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(downloadedFileWrite())); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished ()), this, SLOT(handleDownload())); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(slotError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); //QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(slotSslErrors(QList<QSslError>))); if (wait) { QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), &loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exec(); } return downloadError; }
UpdateDialog::UpdateDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString& releaseNotes, const QString& latestVersion, const QUrl& downloadURL) : QDialog(parent), _latestVersion(latestVersion), _downloadUrl(downloadURL) { Ui::Dialog dialogUI; dialogUI.setupUi(this); QString updateRequired = QString("You are currently running build %1, the latest build released is %2." "\n\nPlease download and install the most recent release to access the latest features and bug fixes.") .arg(Application::getInstance()->applicationVersion(), latestVersion); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); QPushButton* downloadButton = findChild<QPushButton*>("downloadButton"); QPushButton* skipButton = findChild<QPushButton*>("skipButton"); QPushButton* closeButton = findChild<QPushButton*>("closeButton"); QLabel* updateContent = findChild<QLabel*>("updateContent"); updateContent->setText(updateRequired); connect(downloadButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(handleDownload())); connect(skipButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(handleSkip())); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(close())); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "show", Qt::QueuedConnection); }
/* * main(): This function is the entry point for the server program of Share Your Playlist application. * This function creates the upload and download sockets and waits for client connections. * We have implemented all the 3 methods used in concurrency in servers namely: * 1. Multi-process approach using fork() for handling upload and download functionalities * 2. Non-blocking I/O using select() for monitoring two ports on server * 3. Multi-threaded approach for data redundancy between servers */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in sockserv; unsigned int alen; int upload_sock, download_sock, i, slave_sock, fds[2], *fd = NULL; struct sockaddr *addr; socklen_t *addrlen; //binds sockets for upload and download functionality upload_sock = passiveTCP(UPLOAD_PORT); download_sock = passiveTCP(DOWNLOAD_PORT); printf("Upload sock : %d\n", upload_sock); printf("Download sock : %d\n", download_sock); fds[0] = upload_sock; fds[1] = download_sock; while (1) { //calls function to identify which port client connected to slave_sock = network_accept_any(fds, 2, &fd); //Initializing thread attributes for prstats thread (void) pthread_attr_init(&ta); (void) pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&ta, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); (void) pthread_mutex_init(&stats.st_mutex, 0); /*if(pthread_create(&th, &ta, (void * (*)(void *))prstats, 0) < 0) fatal("prstats thread failed");*/ //Based on socket that obtained the connection, we use multi-process approach using fork() to provide concurrency //Based on upload/download, the respective functions are called in the child processes. if (*fd == upload_sock) { switch (fork()) { case 0: close(*fd); exit(handleUpload(slave_sock)); default: close(slave_sock); break; } } if (*fd == download_sock) { switch (fork()) { case 0: close(*fd); exit(handleDownload(slave_sock)); default: close(slave_sock); break; } } } }
void DlgFmncPrjImpelb::handleRequest( DbsFmnc* dbsfmnc , ReqFmnc* req ) { if (req->ixVBasetype == ReqFmnc::VecVBasetype::CMD) { reqCmd = req; if (req->"cmdset") == 0) { } else { cout << "\tinvalid command!" << endl; }; if (!req->retain) reqCmd = NULL; } else if (req->ixVBasetype == ReqFmnc::VecVBasetype::REGULAR) { if (req->dpchapp->ixFmncVDpch == VecFmncVDpch::DPCHAPPFMNCINIT) { handleDpchAppFmncInit(dbsfmnc, (DpchAppFmncInit*) (req->dpchapp), &(req->dpcheng)); } else if (req->dpchapp->ixFmncVDpch == VecFmncVDpch::DPCHAPPDLGFMNCPRJIMPELBDATA) { DpchAppData* dpchappdata = (DpchAppData*) (req->dpchapp); if (dpchappdata->has(DpchAppData::CONTIAC)) { handleDpchAppDataContiac(dbsfmnc, &(dpchappdata->contiac), &(req->dpcheng)); }; } else if (req->dpchapp->ixFmncVDpch == VecFmncVDpch::DPCHAPPDLGFMNCPRJIMPELBDO) { DpchAppDo* dpchappdo = (DpchAppDo*) (req->dpchapp); if (dpchappdo->ixVDo != 0) { if (dpchappdo->ixVDo == VecVDo::BUTDNECLICK) { handleDpchAppDoButDneClick(dbsfmnc, &(req->dpcheng)); }; } else if (dpchappdo->ixVDoImp != 0) { if (dpchappdo->ixVDoImp == VecVDoImp::BUTRUNCLICK) { handleDpchAppDoImpButRunClick(dbsfmnc, &(req->dpcheng)); } else if (dpchappdo->ixVDoImp == VecVDoImp::BUTSTOCLICK) { handleDpchAppDoImpButStoClick(dbsfmnc, &(req->dpcheng)); }; }; } else if (req->dpchapp->ixFmncVDpch == VecFmncVDpch::DPCHAPPFMNCALERT) { handleDpchAppFmncAlert(dbsfmnc, (DpchAppFmncAlert*) (req->dpchapp), &(req->dpcheng)); }; // IP handleRequest.upload --- BEGIN } else if (req->ixVBasetype == ReqFmnc::VecVBasetype::UPLOAD) { handleUpload(dbsfmnc, req->filename); // IP handleRequest.upload --- END // IP --- BEGIN } else if (req->ixVBasetype == ReqFmnc::VecVBasetype::DOWNLOAD) { req->filename = handleDownload(dbsfmnc); // IP --- END // IP handleRequest.timer --- BEGIN } else if (req->ixVBasetype == ReqFmnc::VecVBasetype::TIMER) { handleTimer(dbsfmnc, req->sref); // IP handleRequest.timer --- END }; };