static void handle_elif() #endif { if (iftop) { if (iftop->state == EXPECT_ELSE) { /* last cond was false... */ int cond; ifstate_t *p = iftop; /* pop previous condition */ iftop = p->next; FREE((char *) p); #ifdef LEXER *--outp = '\0'; add_input(sp); #endif cond = cond_get_exp(0); #ifdef LEXER if (*outp++) { yyerror("Condition too complex in #elif"); while (*outp++); #else if (*outp != '\n') { yyerror("Condition too complex in #elif"); #endif } else handle_cond(cond); } else {/* EXPECT_ENDIF */ /* * last cond was true...skip to end of * conditional */ skip_to("endif", (char *) 0); } } else { yyerrorp("Unexpected %celif"); } } static void handle_else (void) { if (iftop) { if (iftop->state == EXPECT_ELSE) { iftop->state = EXPECT_ENDIF; } else { skip_to("endif", (char *) 0); } } else { yyerrorp("Unexpected %cendif"); } } static void handle_endif (void) { if (iftop && (iftop->state == EXPECT_ENDIF || iftop->state == EXPECT_ELSE)) { ifstate_t *p = iftop; iftop = p->next; FREE((char *) p); } else { yyerrorp("Unexpected %cendif"); } } #define BNOT 1 #define LNOT 2 #define UMINUS 3 #define UPLUS 4 #define MULT 1 #define DIV 2 #define MOD 3 #define BPLUS 4 #define BMINUS 5 #define LSHIFT 6 #define RSHIFT 7 #define LESS 8 #define LEQ 9 #define GREAT 10 #define GEQ 11 #define EQ 12 #define NEQ 13 #define BAND 14 #define XOR 15 #define BOR 16 #define LAND 17 #define LOR 18 #define QMARK 19 static char _optab[] = {0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 26, 56, 0, 0, 0, 18, 14, 0, 10, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 50, 40, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 0, 1}; static char optab2[] = {BNOT, 0, 0, LNOT, '=', NEQ, 7, 0, 0, UMINUS, 0, BMINUS, 10, UPLUS, 0, BPLUS, 10, 0, 0, MULT, 11, 0, 0, DIV, 11, 0, 0, MOD, 11, 0, '<', LSHIFT, 9, '=', LEQ, 8, 0, LESS, 8, 0, '>', RSHIFT, 9, '=', GEQ, 8, 0, GREAT, 8, 0, '=', EQ, 7, 0, 0, 0, '&', LAND, 3, 0, BAND, 6, 0, '|', LOR, 2, 0, BOR, 4, 0, 0, XOR, 5, 0, 0, QMARK, 1}; #define optab1 (_optab-' ') static int cond_get_exp (int priority) { int c; int value, value2, x; #ifdef LEXER do c = exgetc(); while (is_wspace(c)); if (c == '(') { #else if ((c = exgetc()) == '(') { #endif value = cond_get_exp(0); #ifdef LEXER do c = exgetc(); while (is_wspace(c)); if (c != ')') { yyerror("bracket not paired in #if"); if (!c) *--outp = '\0'; } #else if ((c = exgetc()) != ')') yyerrorp("bracket not paired in %cif"); #endif } else if (ispunct(c)) { if (!(x = optab1[c])) { yyerrorp("illegal character in %cif"); return 0; } value = cond_get_exp(12); switch (optab2[x - 1]) { case BNOT: value = ~value; break; case LNOT: value = !value; break; case UMINUS: value = -value; break; case UPLUS: value = value; break; default: yyerrorp("illegal unary operator in %cif"); } } else { int base; if (!isdigit(c)) { #ifdef LEXER if (!c) { #else if (c == '\n') { #endif yyerrorp("missing expression in %cif"); } else yyerrorp("illegal character in %cif"); return 0; } value = 0; if (c != '0') base = 10; else { c = *outp++; if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { base = 16; c = *outp++; } else base = 8; } for (;;) { if (isdigit(c)) x = -'0'; else if (isupper(c)) x = -'A' + 10; else if (islower(c)) x = -'a' + 10; else break; x += c; if (x > base) break; value = value * base + x; c = *outp++; } outp--; } for (;;) { #ifdef LEXER do c = exgetc(); while (is_wspace(c)); if (!ispunct(c)) break; #else if (!ispunct(c = exgetc())) break; #endif if (!(x = optab1[c])) break; value2 = *outp++; for (;; x += 3) { if (!optab2[x]) { outp--; if (!optab2[x + 1]) { yyerrorp("illegal operator use in %cif"); return 0; } break; } if (value2 == optab2[x]) break; } if (priority >= optab2[x + 2]) { if (optab2[x]) *--outp = value2; break; } value2 = cond_get_exp(optab2[x + 2]); switch (optab2[x + 1]) { case MULT: value *= value2; break; case DIV: if (value2) value /= value2; else yyerrorp("division by 0 in %cif"); break; case MOD: if (value2) value %= value2; else yyerrorp("modulo by 0 in %cif"); break; case BPLUS: value += value2; break; case BMINUS: value -= value2; break; case LSHIFT: value <<= value2; break; case RSHIFT: value >>= value2; break; case LESS: value = value < value2; break; case LEQ: value = value <= value2; break; case GREAT: value = value > value2; break; case GEQ: value = value >= value2; break; case EQ: value = value == value2; break; case NEQ: value = value != value2; break; case BAND: value &= value2; break; case XOR: value ^= value2; break; case BOR: value |= value2; break; case LAND: value = value && value2; break; case LOR: value = value || value2; break; case QMARK: #ifdef LEXER do c = exgetc(); while (isspace(c)); if (c != ':') { yyerror("'?' without ':' in #if"); outp--; return 0; } #else if ((c = exgetc()) != ':') yyerrorp("'?' without ':' in %cif"); #endif if (value) { cond_get_exp(1); value = value2; } else value = cond_get_exp(1); break; } } outp--; return value; } static void handle_cond (int c) { ifstate_t *p; if (!c) skip_to("else", "endif"); p = ALLOCATE(ifstate_t, TAG_COMPILER, "handle_cond"); p->next = iftop; iftop = p; p->state = c ? EXPECT_ENDIF : EXPECT_ELSE; }
static int yylex1(void) { register char *yyp; register int c; register int c1, c2; for (;;) { if (lex_fatal) { return -1; } switch(c = mygetc()) { case EOF: if (inctop) { struct incstate *p; p = inctop; (void)fclose(yyin); /*(void)fprintf(stderr, "popping to %s\n", p->file);*/ free(current_file); nexpands = 0; current_file = p->file; current_line = p->line + 1; current_incfile = p->incfnum; pragma_strict_types = p->pragma_strict_types; yyin = p->yyin; slast = p->slast; lastchar = p->lastchar; inctop = p->next; if (p->nbuf) { nbuf = p->nbuf; outp = defbuf + DEFMAX - nbuf; memcpy(outp, p->outp, nbuf); free((char *)p->outp); } else { nbuf = 0; outp = defbuf + DEFMAX; } store_line_number_info(current_incfile, current_line); incdepth--; free((char *)p); break; } if (iftop) { struct ifstate *p = iftop; lexerror(p->state == EXPECT_ENDIF ? "Missing #endif" : "Missing #else"); while (iftop) { p = iftop; iftop = p->next; free((char *)p); } } return -1; case '\n': { nexpands=0; store_line_number_info(current_incfile, current_line); current_line++; total_lines++; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\v': break; case '+': TRY('+', F_INC); TRY('=', F_ADD_EQ); return c; case '-': TRY('>', F_ARROW); TRY('-', F_DEC); TRY('=', F_SUB_EQ); return c; case '&': TRY('&', F_LAND); TRY('=', F_AND_EQ); return c; case '|': TRY('|', F_LOR); TRY('=', F_OR_EQ); return c; case '^': TRY('=', F_XOR_EQ); return c; case '<': if (gobble('<')) { TRY('=', F_LSH_EQ); return F_LSH; } TRY('=', F_LE); return c; case '>': if (gobble('>')) { TRY('=', F_RSH_EQ); return F_RSH; } TRY('=', F_GE); return c; case '*': TRY('=', F_MULT_EQ); return c; case '%': TRY('=', F_MOD_EQ); return F_MOD; case '/': if (gobble('*')) { skip_comment(); break; } else if (gobble('/')) { skip_comment2(); break; } TRY('=', F_DIV_EQ); return c; case '=': TRY('=', F_EQ); return c; case ';': case '(': case ')': case ',': case '{': case '}': case '~': case '[': case ']': case '?': case '@': return c; case '!': TRY('=', F_NE); return F_NOT; case ':': TRY(':', F_COLON_COLON); return ':'; case '.': if (gobble('.')) { if (gobble('.')) return F_VARARG; else return F_RANGE; } return c; case '#': if (lastchar == '\n') { char *ssp = 0; int quote; yyp = yytext; do { c = mygetc(); } while (isspace(c)); for (quote = 0;;) { if (c == '"') quote ^= 1; /*gc - handle comments cpp-like! 1.6.91 @@@*/ while (!quote && c == '/') { if (gobble('*')) { skip_comment(); c = mygetc(); } else break; } if (!ssp && isspace(c)) ssp = yyp; if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) break; SAVEC; c = mygetc(); } if (ssp) { *ssp++ = 0; while (isspace(*ssp)) ssp++; } else { ssp = yyp; } *yyp = 0; if (strcmp("define", yytext) == 0) { handle_define(ssp); } else if (strcmp("if", yytext) == 0) { #if 0 short int nega=0; /*@@@ allow #if !VAR gc 1.6.91*/ if (*ssp=='!'){ ssp++; nega=1;} if (isdigit(*ssp)) { char *p; long l; l = strtol(ssp, &p, 10); while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) lexerror("Condition too complex in #if"); else handle_cond(nega ? !(int)l : (int)l); } else if (isalunum(*ssp)) { char *p = ssp; while (isalunum(*p)) p++; if (*p) { *p++ = 0; while (isspace(*p)) p++; } if (*p) lexerror("Condition too complex in #if"); else { struct defn *d; d = lookup_define(ssp); if (d) { handle_cond(nega ? !atoi(d->exps) : atoi(d->exps));/* a hack! */ } else { handle_cond(nega?1:0); /* cpp-like gc*/ } } } else lexerror("Condition too complex in #if"); #else int cond; myungetc(0); add_input(ssp); cond = cond_get_exp(0); if (mygetc()) { lexerror("Condition too complex in #if"); while (mygetc()) ; } else handle_cond(cond); #endif } else if (strcmp("ifdef", yytext) == 0) { deltrail(ssp); handle_cond(lookup_define(ssp) != 0); } else if (strcmp("ifndef", yytext) == 0) { deltrail(ssp); handle_cond(lookup_define(ssp) == 0); } else if (strcmp("else", yytext) == 0) { if (iftop && iftop->state == EXPECT_ELSE) { struct ifstate *p = iftop; /*(void)fprintf(stderr, "found else\n");*/ iftop = p->next; free((char *)p); (void)skip_to("endif", (char *)0); store_line_number_info(current_incfile, current_line); current_line++; total_lines++; } else { lexerror("Unexpected #else"); } } else if (strcmp("endif", yytext) == 0) { if (iftop && (iftop->state == EXPECT_ENDIF || iftop->state == EXPECT_ELSE)) { struct ifstate *p = iftop; /*(void)fprintf(stderr, "found endif\n");*/ iftop = p->next; free((char *)p); } else { lexerror("Unexpected #endif"); } } else if (strcmp("undef", yytext) == 0) { struct defn *d; deltrail(ssp); if ((d = lookup_define(ssp)) != NULL ) d->undef++; } else if (strcmp("echo", yytext) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ssp); } else if (strcmp("include", yytext) == 0) { /*(void)fprintf(stderr, "including %s\n", ssp); */ handle_include(ssp, 0); } else if (strcmp("pragma", yytext) == 0) { deltrail(ssp); handle_pragma(ssp); } else if (strcmp("error", yytext) == 0) { handle_exception(ERROR, ssp); } else if (strcmp("warning", yytext) == 0) { handle_exception(WARNING, ssp); } else { lexerror("Unrecognised # directive"); } myungetc('\n'); break; } else goto badlex; case '\'': yylval.number = mygetc(); if (yylval.number == '\\') { int tmp = mygetc(); switch (tmp) { case 'n': yylval.number = '\n'; break; case 't': yylval.number = '\t'; break; case 'b': yylval.number = '\b'; break; case 'a': yylval.number = '\a'; break; case 'v': yylval.number = '\v'; break; case '\'': case '\\': case '"': yylval.number = tmp; break; default: lexwarning("Bad character escape sequence"); yylval.number = tmp; break; } } if (!gobble('\'')) lexerror("Illegal character constant"); return F_NUMBER; case '"': yyp = yytext; *yyp++ = c; for (;;) { c = mygetc(); if (c == EOF) { lexerror("End of file in string"); return string("\"\""); } else if (c == '\n') { lexerror("Newline in string"); return string("\"\""); } SAVEC; if (c == '"') break; if (c == '\\') { c = mygetc(); if ( c == '\n' ) { yyp--; store_line_number_info(current_incfile, current_line); current_line++; total_lines++; } else if ( c == EOF ) { /* some operating systems give EOF only once */ myungetc(c); } else *yyp++ = c; } } *yyp = 0; return string(yytext); case '0': c = mygetc(); if ( c == 'X' || c == 'x' || c == 'o') { char *endptr; long long value; int base = 16; if (c == 'o') base = 8; yyp = yytext; for (;;) { c = mygetc(); if (!isxdigit(c)) break; SAVEC; } myungetc(c); *yyp = '\0'; value = strtoll(yytext, &endptr, base); if (*endptr != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", yytext); lexwarning("Invalid digits in octal number number"); } return number(value); } myungetc(c); c = '0'; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': yyp = yytext; *yyp++ = c; for (;;) { c = mygetc(); if (!isdigit(c)) break; SAVEC; } if (c == '.') { if (isdigit(c1 = mygetc())) { SAVEC; c = c1; SAVEC; for (c = mygetc(); isdigit(c); c = mygetc()) SAVEC; if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { c1 = mygetc(); if (c1 == '-' || c1 == '+') { c2 = mygetc(); if (isdigit(c2)) { SAVEC; c = c1; SAVEC; c = c2; SAVEC; for (c = mygetc(); isdigit(c); c = mygetc()) SAVEC; } else { myungetc(c2); myungetc(c1); } } else if (isdigit(c1)) { SAVEC; c = c1; SAVEC; for (c = mygetc(); isdigit(c); c = mygetc()) SAVEC; } else myungetc(c1); } myungetc(c); *yyp = 0; return real(strtod(yytext, NULL)); } myungetc(c1); } myungetc(c); *yyp = 0; if (*yytext == '0') { /* OCTALS */ char *endptr; long long value; value = strtoll(yytext, &endptr, 010); if (*endptr != '\0') lexwarning("Invalid digits in octal number"); if (value != 0) lexwarning("Obsolete octal format used. Use 0o111 syntax"); return number(value); } return number(atoll(yytext)); default: if (isalpha(c) || c == '_') { int r; yyp = yytext; *yyp++ = c; for (;;) { c = mygetc(); if (!isalunum(c)) break; SAVEC; } *yyp = 0; myungetc(c); if (!expand_define()) { r = lookup_resword(yytext); if (r >= 0) { return r; } else return ident(yytext); } break; } goto badlex; } } badlex: { lexerror("Illegal character (hex %02x) '%c'", c, c); return ' '; } }