/* Input is available on the given connection. Add it to the input buffer and * see if there are any complete lines in it. */ static void add_input(struct file_info *fi){ fi->input_buffer = realloc(fi->input_buffer, fi->amount_received + 100); int n = read(fi->fd, &fi->input_buffer[fi->amount_received], 100); if (n < 0) { perror("read"); exit(1); } if (n > 0) { fi->amount_received += n; for (;;) { char *p = index(fi->input_buffer, '\n'); if (p == 0) { break; } *p++ = 0; handle_line(fi, fi->input_buffer); int n = fi->amount_received - (p - fi->input_buffer); memmove(fi->input_buffer, p, n); fi->amount_received = n; if (fi->fd == 0) { printf("> "); fflush(stdout); } } } }
void process_user_input(int fd, struct user_iobuf *userbuf, void (*handle_line)(char *, void *), void *cbdata) { int nread; char *ret; assert(userbuf != NULL); assert(userbuf->buf != NULL); /* A real program would propagate this error back to the select loop or * implement some other form of error handling */ if (userbuf->cur >= (USERBUF_SIZE - 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "process_user_input error: buffer full; line too long!\n"); exit(-1); } nread = read(fd, userbuf->buf + userbuf->cur, (USERBUF_SIZE - userbuf->cur)); if (nread > 0) { userbuf->cur += nread; } while ((ret = strchr(userbuf->buf, '\n')) != NULL) { *ret = '\0'; handle_line(userbuf->buf, cbdata); /* Shift the remaining contents of the buffer forward */ memmove(userbuf->buf, ret + 1, USERBUF_SIZE - (ret - userbuf->buf)); userbuf->cur -= (ret - userbuf->buf + 1); } }
int main(void) { char line_buf[LINE_SIZE]; int with_title = 1; int ret; int done = 0; af86.init(); print_greeting(&af86); while (1) { print_prompt(&af86, with_title, done); with_title = 0; memset(line_buf, 0, LINE_SIZE); if (read_line(line_buf) < 0) break; ret = handle_line(&af86, line_buf); if (ret < 0) break; else if (ret == 1) with_title = 1; else if (ret == 2) done = 1; else if (ret == 3) { with_title = 1; done = 0; } } return 0; }
struct osmo_config_list *osmo_config_list_parse(void *ctx, const char *filename) { struct osmo_config_list *entries; size_t n; char *line; FILE *file; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) return NULL; entries = alloc_entries(ctx); if (!entries) { fclose(file); return NULL; } n = 2342; line = NULL; while (getline(&line, &n, file) != -1) { handle_line(entries, line); free(line); line = NULL; } fclose(file); return entries; }
void doit() { char ch; int match = 1; long linenum = 0; stralloc fifoline = { 0 }; linenum = 0; /* try duming data in 23 seconds */ alarm(dumpfreq); buffer_putsflush(buffer_2, ARGV0 "entering main loop\n"); /* forever read from pipe line by line and handle it */ while(1) { while(match) { if(flagdumpasap == 1) dumpcheck(flagdumpasap, flagchanged, flagchildrunning, flagsighup); ++linenum; if(buffer_get(&wr, &ch, 1) == 1) { if(getln(&wr, &fifoline, &match, '\n') == -1) continue; buffer_put(buffer_2, &ch, 1); buffer_putflush(buffer_2, fifoline.s, fifoline.len); handle_line(&fifoline, ch); } } } }
rdConfUnit* rdConfLoader::load_conf(const char* conf_filename) { std::ifstream conf_file(conf_filename, std::ifstream::in); if (conf_file.fail()) { return NULL; } char line[MAX_LINE_LEN]; rdConfUnit* root = new(std::nothrow) rdConfUnit(rdConfUnit::UT_GROUP); if (NULL != root) { rdConfUnit* current = root; while (conf_file.good()) { conf_file.getline(line, MAX_LINE_LEN); if (is_white_line(line) || is_comment_line(line)) { continue; } if (0 != handle_line(line, root, current)) { delete root; root = NULL; break; } } } conf_file.close(); return root; }
void handle_shell_entry(char *line, t_state *state) { char **cmds; char *new_line; char *tmp; int i; i = 0; cmds = ft_strsplitwith_quote(line, ";", 0); state->cmds_shell_entry_to_free_in_fork = cmds; if (cmds) { while (cmds[i]) { state->env_saved = 0; tmp = set_dollar_variable(state->env, cmds[i]); ft_strdel(&cmds[i]); new_line = set_tilde_variable(state->home, tmp); state->new_line_shell_entry_to_free_in_fork = new_line; ft_strdel(&tmp); handle_line(state, new_line); ft_strdel(&new_line); i++; } ft_memdel((void **)&cmds); } }
int fmt_merge_msg(struct strbuf *in, struct strbuf *out, struct fmt_merge_msg_opts *opts) { int i = 0, pos = 0; unsigned char head_sha1[20]; const char *current_branch; void *current_branch_to_free; /* get current branch */ current_branch = current_branch_to_free = resolve_refdup("HEAD", head_sha1, 1, NULL); if (!current_branch) die("No current branch"); if (!prefixcmp(current_branch, "refs/heads/")) current_branch += 11; /* get a line */ while (pos < in->len) { int len; char *newline, *p = in->buf + pos; newline = strchr(p, '\n'); len = newline ? newline - p : strlen(p); pos += len + !!newline; i++; p[len] = 0; if (handle_line(p)) die ("Error in line %d: %.*s", i, len, p); } if (opts->add_title && srcs.nr) fmt_merge_msg_title(out, current_branch); if (origins.nr) fmt_merge_msg_sigs(out); if (opts->shortlog_len) { struct commit *head; struct rev_info rev; head = lookup_commit_or_die(head_sha1, "HEAD"); init_revisions(&rev, NULL); rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_ONELINE; rev.ignore_merges = 1; rev.limited = 1; if (suffixcmp(out->buf, "\n")) strbuf_addch(out, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < origins.nr; i++) shortlog(origins.items[i].string, origins.items[i].util, head, &rev, opts->shortlog_len, out); } strbuf_complete_line(out); free(current_branch_to_free); return 0; }
void Preprocessor::preprocess(string raw_code) { vector<string> code_vector; code_vector = read_line(raw_code, code_vector); for (int i = 0; i < code_vector.size(); i++) { string line = code_vector[i]; handle_line(line); } }
int read_config (char *filename, struct parsedfile *config) { FILE *conf; char line[MAXLINE]; int rc = 0; int lineno = 1; struct serverent *server; /* Clear out the structure */ memset(config, 0x0, sizeof(*config)); /* Initialization */ currentcontext = &(config->defaultserver); /* If a filename wasn't provided, use the default */ if (filename == NULL) { strncpy(line, CONF_FILE, sizeof(line) - 1); /* Insure null termination */ line[sizeof(line) - 1] = (char) 0; filename = line; } /* Read the configuration file */ if ((conf = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { show_msg(MSGERR, "Could not open socks configuration file " "(%s), assuming all networks local\n", filename); handle_local(config, 0, ""); rc = 1; /* Severe errors reading configuration */ } else { memset(&(config->defaultserver), 0x0, sizeof(config->defaultserver)); while (NULL != fgets(line, MAXLINE, conf)) { /* This line _SHOULD_ end in \n so we */ /* just chop off the \n and hand it on */ if (strlen(line) > 0) line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; handle_line(config, line, lineno); lineno++; } fclose(conf); /* Always add the subnet to local */ handle_local(config, 0, ""); /* Check default server */ check_server(&(config->defaultserver)); server = (config->paths); while (server != NULL) { check_server(server); server = server->next; } } return(rc); }
void Netlist::process_file() { std::ifstream data(file_name.c_str()); if (!data) throw FileNotFound("Cannot open file \"" + file_name + "\""); std::string line; std::getline(data, title); number_of_nodes = atoi(title.c_str()); while (std::getline(data, line)) { handle_line(line); } }
SR_PRIV int fluke_receive_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial; int len; int64_t now, elapsed; (void)fd; if (!(sdi = cb_data)) return TRUE; if (!(devc = sdi->priv)) return TRUE; serial = sdi->conn; if (revents == G_IO_IN) { /* Serial data arrived. */ while (FLUKEDMM_BUFSIZE - devc->buflen - 1 > 0) { len = serial_read_nonblocking(serial, devc->buf + devc->buflen, 1); if (len < 1) break; devc->buflen++; *(devc->buf + devc->buflen) = '\0'; if (*(devc->buf + devc->buflen - 1) == '\r') { *(devc->buf + --devc->buflen) = '\0'; handle_line(sdi); break; } } } if (sr_sw_limits_check(&devc->limits)) { sdi->driver->dev_acquisition_stop(sdi); return TRUE; } now = g_get_monotonic_time() / 1000; elapsed = now - devc->cmd_sent_at; /* Send query command at poll_period interval, or after 1 second * has elapsed. This will make it easier to recover from any * out-of-sync or temporary disconnect issues. */ if ((devc->expect_response == FALSE && elapsed > devc->profile->poll_period) || elapsed > devc->profile->timeout) { if (serial_write_blocking(serial, "QM\r", 3, SERIAL_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS) < 0) sr_err("Unable to send QM."); devc->cmd_sent_at = now; devc->expect_response = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
SR_PRIV int fluke_receive_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct dev_context *devc; int len; int64_t now, elapsed; (void)fd; if (!(sdi = cb_data)) return TRUE; if (!(devc = sdi->priv)) return TRUE; if (revents == G_IO_IN) { /* Serial data arrived. */ while(FLUKEDMM_BUFSIZE - devc->buflen - 1 > 0) { len = serial_read(devc->serial, devc->buf + devc->buflen, 1); if (len < 1) break; devc->buflen++; *(devc->buf + devc->buflen) = '\0'; if (*(devc->buf + devc->buflen - 1) == '\r') { *(devc->buf + --devc->buflen) = '\0'; handle_line(sdi); break; } } } if (devc->num_samples >= devc->limit_samples) { sdi->driver->dev_acquisition_stop(sdi, cb_data); return TRUE; } now = g_get_monotonic_time() / 1000; elapsed = now - devc->cmd_sent_at; /* Send query command at poll_period interval, or after 1 second * has elapsed. This will make it recover from any out-of-sync * or temporary disconnect issues. */ if ((devc->expect_response == FALSE && elapsed > devc->profile->poll_period) || elapsed > 1000) { sr_spew("Sending QM."); if (serial_write(devc->serial, "QM\r", 3) == -1) sr_err("Unable to send QM: %s.", strerror(errno)); devc->cmd_sent_at = now; devc->expect_response = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
void SocketConnection::on_read_ready() { std::vector<char> buffer(4096); const ssize_t received = ::recv(socket_, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), MSG_DONTWAIT); if (received < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return; if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ETIMEDOUT || errno == ECONNRESET) { DH_LOG(Warning) << "recv error, connection closed: " << ::strerror(errno); handle_error(); return; } DH_LOG(Error) << "recv error: " << ::strerror(errno); throw std::runtime_error( std::string("recv error: ") + ::strerror(errno) ); } else if (received == 0) return; read_buffer_.append(buffer.data(), received); std::vector<char>().swap(buffer); size_t start = 0, end = 0; while (true) { end = read_buffer_.find_first_of("\r\n", start); if (end == std::string::npos) { read_buffer_.replace(0, start, std::string()); break; } const std::string line = read_buffer_.substr(start, end - start); if (line.find_first_not_of(" \t") != std::string::npos) handle_line( line ); start = read_buffer_.find_first_not_of("\r\n", end); if (start == std::string::npos) { read_buffer_.clear(); break; } } }
static void handle_input(Client *c) { assert(c); for (;;) { char *e; size_t k; if (!(e = memchr(c->inbuf, '\n', c->inbuf_length))) break; k = e - (char*) c->inbuf; *e = 0; handle_line(c, c->inbuf); c->inbuf_length -= k + 1; memmove(c->inbuf, e+1, c->inbuf_length); } }
static void test_handle_line_known_handler(void **state) { int _; struct imap_connection *imap = malloc(sizeof(struct imap_connection)); imap_init(imap); imap_arg_t *arg = malloc(sizeof(imap_arg_t)); imap_parse_args("a001 FOOBAR", arg, &_); expect_string(__wrap_hashtable_get, key, "FOOBAR"); will_return(__wrap_hashtable_get, test_handler); handle_line(imap, arg); assert_int_equal(handler_called, 1); free(arg); imap_close(imap); }
/* filedandler for fill_db() */ int readfileintodb(char *file, time_t ctime) { uint32 uid = 0; uint32 t; int fd; int match = 1; int linenum; fd = open_read(file); if(fd == -1) { strerr_warn3("unable to open file: ", file, " ", &strerr_sys); return -1; } buffer_init(&rb, read, fd, rbspace, sizeof rbspace); /* The file might contain references to more than one user id, therefore we work through all lines */ linenum = 0; while(match) { ++linenum; if(getln(&rb, &line, &match, '\n') == -1) { strerr_warn3("unable to read line: ", file, " ", &strerr_sys); return -1; } /* skip empty lines and comments */ if(!line.len) continue; if(line.s[0] == '#') continue; handle_line(&line, 's'); } close(fd); return 0; }
void process_user_input(int fd, struct user_iobuf *userbuf, void (*handle_line)(char *, void *, bt_config_t *config, int sock), void *cbdata, bt_config_t *config, int sock) { int nread; char *ret; printf("Reached here.. in process user input\n"); assert(userbuf != NULL); assert(userbuf->buf != NULL); /* A real program would propagate this error back to the select loop or * implement some other form of error handling */ if (userbuf->cur >= (USERBUF_SIZE - 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "process_user_input error: buffer full; line too long!\n"); printf("process_user_input error: buffer full; line too long!\n"); exit(-1); } printf("Reached here.. before read syscall in process user input\n"); nread = read(fd, userbuf->buf + userbuf->cur, (USERBUF_SIZE - userbuf->cur)); printf("Reached here.. after read syscall in process user input userbuf->buf is %s\n", userbuf->buf); printf("(Outside if) No. of bytes read are %d\n", nread); if (nread > 0) { printf("No. of bytes read are %d\n", nread); userbuf->cur += nread; } while ((ret = strchr(userbuf->buf, '\n')) != NULL) { printf("Entered while..\n"); *ret = '\0'; printf("Calling handle_line\n"); handle_line(userbuf->buf, cbdata, config, sock); /* Shift the remaining contents of the buffer forward */ memmove(userbuf->buf, ret + 1, USERBUF_SIZE - (ret - userbuf->buf)); userbuf->cur -= (ret - userbuf->buf + 1); } }
void process_line (char *buffer) { int len; int i; char *cp; /* copy buffer since it may point to unwritable date */ len = strlen(buffer); cp = chk_malloc(len + 1); strcpy(cp, buffer); buffer = cp; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* look for blank lines */ register char c = buffer[i]; if (!(isspace(c) || c == '\n')) break; } if (i == len) return; cp = &buffer[i]; if (*cp == '!') return; /* look for comments */ len -= (cp - buffer); /* adjust len by how much we skipped */ /* pipe through cpp */ /* strip trailing space */ for (i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) { register char c = cp[i]; if (!(isspace(c) || c == '\n')) break; } if (i >= 0) cp[len = (i+1)] = '\0'; /* nul terminate */ if (verbose) { printf ("! %d: %s\n", lineno+1, cp); } /* handle input */ handle_line (cp, len); }
int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv) { struct line_buffer stdin_buf = LINE_BUFFER_INIT; struct line_buffer file_buf = LINE_BUFFER_INIT; struct line_buffer *input = &stdin_buf; const char *filename; char *s; if (argc == 1) filename = NULL; else if (argc == 2) filename = argv[1]; else usage("test-line-buffer [file | &fd] < script"); if (buffer_init(&stdin_buf, NULL)) die_errno("open error"); if (filename) { if (*filename == '&') { if (buffer_fdinit(&file_buf, strtouint32(filename + 1))) die_errno("error opening fd %s", filename + 1); } else { if (buffer_init(&file_buf, filename)) die_errno("error opening %s", filename); } input = &file_buf; } while ((s = buffer_read_line(&stdin_buf))) handle_line(s, input); if (filename && buffer_deinit(&file_buf)) die("error reading from %s", filename); if (buffer_deinit(&stdin_buf)) die("input error"); if (ferror(stdout)) die("output error"); return 0; }
void read_loop(void) { overclock = 1.0; left_a = 1.0; right_a = 1.0; tune = 1.0; if (!track_file) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: File is not open, nothing to read!\n"); return; } print_head(); char *line_buffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * LINE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1); memset(line_buffer,0,sizeof(char) * LINE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1); while (fgets(line_buffer, LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, track_file)) { handle_line(line_buffer); } fclose(track_file); free (line_buffer); }
/* this function is repeated called in daemon normal work. it's job is to help the host do the send & recv work of at cmd. there should be 5 status, any of the status can only be changed by 'host' OR 'daemon', never both. */ void do_send_and_recv(MODAT * p) { MODAT_AT_BUF *at = &p->at; RBUF *r = p->r; /* do the responses */ switch (at->status) { case AT_READY: break; case AT_REQUEST: { /* host has announced a query cmd */ int datalen, sent; datalen = strlen(at->send_buf); dbg(1, "send : %s", at->send_buf); sent = write(p->portfd, at->send_buf, datalen); if (sent != datalen) { dbg(1, "ERROR WRITE PORT, sent is %d, datalen %d.", sent, datalen); at->ret = AT_NOT_RET; at->status = AT_RECVED; break; } /* clear recv buffer */ bzero(at->recv_buf, sizeof(at->recv_buf)); at->start_copy = 0; /* initially not copy recved data into recv_buf */ at->status = AT_SENT; /* remember sent timestamp */ at->sent_time = time(NULL); sleep(1); break; } case AT_SENT: { time_t time_gone = time(NULL) - at->sent_time; if (time_gone >= AT_TIMEOUT_SEC) { /* wowow, it's totally timeout! */ dbg(1, "TIMEOUT AT cmd for %d time, force return.", ++at->time_out_count); at->ret = AT_NOT_RET; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (at->time_out_count >= AT_TIMEOUT_COUNT_MAX) { dbg(1, "this device has %d time(s) of at cmd timeout now, reseting.", at->time_out_count); modat_set_status(p, NOT_RESPONDING); return; } } } break; case AT_RECVED: break; } /* do the daily recv */ { unsigned int len, done; char buf[DAEMON_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *pch, *pch2; /* added for Q2687, if portfd==0, do not read */ /* TOFIX */ if (p->portfd == 0) { /* do nothing */ len = 0; } else { len = read(p->portfd, buf, DAEMON_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - 10); } if (len == DAEMON_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - 10) dbg(1, "WARNING: RECV BUFFER MAY OVERFLOWED."); if (len > 0) { /* do some special treatment to string "\n>" when using SMS at cmd. solution is : add another "\n" after '\n>' */ buf[len] = 0x00; //dbg(1, "recv : %s", buf); if (!strncmp(buf, "> ", 2)) pch = buf; /* "> " is found at the beginning (normally) */ else pch = strstr(buf, "\n> "); /* found in the middle */ if (pch) { /* no matter where, we found "> " */ pch += 2; for (pch2 = buf + len - 1; pch2 > pch; pch2--) *(pch2 + 1) = *pch2; *(pch2 + 1) = '\n'; len++; buf[len] = 0x00; } /* after this, "\n>" are converted to "\n>\n", now we can recog it. so tricky ... */ done = r->write(r, buf, len); if (done != len) { dbg(1, "RBUF wrote length %d, while %d needed to write, " "possibly the buffer is not big enough.", done, len); } } else if (len < 0) { dbg(1, "error in read(): %s", strerror(errno)); modat_set_status(p, DEAD); return; } } /* handle related infomation */ { char *line; while ((line = r->readline(r))) { // dbg(1, "recv : %s", line); /* recved a whole line */ if (at->status == AT_SENT) { /* record required response */ // if (at->mode & AT_MODE_LINE) { // if (strcasestr(line, at->keyword)) // /* always the newest! */ // strncpy(at->recv_buf, line, MODAT_RECV_BUFLEN); // } else { /* mode BLOCK */ // /* xzpeter fixed 2010.6.9, mem overflow! when using strcat */ // strncat(at->recv_buf, line, MODAT_RECV_BUFLEN - strlen(at->recv_buf)); // } if (at->start_copy) { if (at->mode == AT_MODE_BLOCK) strncat(at->recv_buf, line, MODAT_RECV_BUFLEN - strlen(at->recv_buf)); } else { /* not start copy yet */ if (at->keyword[0] && strcasestr(line, at->keyword)) { /* if there is a keyword and matched */ at->start_copy = 1; /* trigger copy */ strncpy(at->recv_buf, line, MODAT_RECV_BUFLEN); } } /* host is waiting for "OK" and "keyword" */ if (strstr(line, "OK")) { at->ret = AT_OK; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (!at->start_copy) strcpy(at->recv_buf, line); } else if (strstr(line, "CME ERROR")) { at->ret = AT_CME_ERROR; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (!at->start_copy) strcpy(at->recv_buf, line); } else if (strstr(line, "CMS ERROR")) { at->ret = AT_CMS_ERROR; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (!at->start_copy) strcpy(at->recv_buf, line); } else if (strstr(line, "ERROR")) { at->ret = AT_ERROR; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (!at->start_copy) strcpy(at->recv_buf, line); } else if (!strncmp(line, "> ", 2)) { at->ret = AT_RAWDATA; at->status = AT_RECVED; } else if (strstr(line, "NO CARRIER")) { at->ret = AT_NO_CARRIER; at->status = AT_RECVED; if (!at->start_copy) strcpy(at->recv_buf, line); } } handle_line(p, line); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, sortarcs = 1; char *infilename; struct fsm *net; setvbuf(stdout, buffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(buffer)); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "abhHiI:qs:uw:vx")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'a': apply_alternates = 1; break; case 'b': buffered_output = 0; break; case 'h': printf("%s%s\n", usagestring,helpstring); exit(0); case 'i': direction = DIR_DOWN; applyer = &apply_down; break; case 'q': sortarcs = 0; break; case 'I': if (strcmp(optarg, "f") == 0) { index_flag_states = 1; index_arcs = 1; } else if (strstr(optarg, "k") != NULL && strstr(optarg,"K") != NULL) { /* k limit */ index_mem_limit = 1024*atoi(optarg); index_arcs = 1; } else if (strstr(optarg, "m") != NULL && strstr(optarg,"M") != NULL) { /* m limit */ index_mem_limit = 1024*1024*atoi(optarg); index_arcs = 1; } else if (isdigit(*optarg)) { index_arcs = 1; index_cutoff = atoi(optarg); } break; case 's': separator = strdup(optarg); break; case 'u': mark_uppercase = 1; if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")) { fprintf(stderr, "Check uppercase flag is on, but can't set locale!\n"); } break; case 'w': wordseparator = strdup(optarg); break; case 'v': printf("cgflookup 1.03 (foma library version %s)\n", fsm_get_library_version_string()); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", usagestring); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (optind == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usagestring); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } infilename = argv[optind]; if ((fsrh = fsm_read_binary_file_multiple_init(infilename)) == NULL) { perror("File error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } chain_head = chain_tail = NULL; while ((net = fsm_read_binary_file_multiple(fsrh)) != NULL) { numnets++; chain_new = xxmalloc(sizeof(struct lookup_chain)); if (direction == DIR_DOWN && net->arcs_sorted_in != 1 && sortarcs) { fsm_sort_arcs(net, 1); } if (direction == DIR_UP && net->arcs_sorted_out != 1 && sortarcs) { fsm_sort_arcs(net, 2); } chain_new->net = net; chain_new->ah = apply_init(net); if (direction == DIR_DOWN && index_arcs) { apply_index(chain_new->ah, APPLY_INDEX_INPUT, index_cutoff, index_mem_limit, index_flag_states); } if (direction == DIR_UP && index_arcs) { apply_index(chain_new->ah, APPLY_INDEX_OUTPUT, index_cutoff, index_mem_limit, index_flag_states); } chain_new->next = NULL; chain_new->prev = NULL; if (chain_tail == NULL) { chain_tail = chain_head = chain_new; } else if (direction == DIR_DOWN || apply_alternates == 1) { chain_tail->next = chain_new; chain_new->prev = chain_tail; chain_tail = chain_new; } else { chain_new->next = chain_head; chain_head->prev = chain_new; chain_head = chain_new; } } if (numnets < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "File error", infilename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Standard read from stdin */ line = xxcalloc(LINE_LIMIT, sizeof(char)); INFILE = stdin; while (get_next_line() != NULL) { results = 0; handle_line(line); if (results == 0) { app_print(NULL); } fprintf(stdout, "%s", wordseparator); if (!buffered_output) { fflush(stdout); } } /* Cleanup */ for (chain_pos = chain_head; chain_pos != NULL; chain_pos = chain_head) { chain_head = chain_pos->next; if (chain_pos->ah != NULL) { apply_clear(chain_pos->ah); } if (chain_pos->net != NULL) { fsm_destroy(chain_pos->net); } xxfree(chain_pos); } if (line != NULL) xxfree(line); exit(0); }
int fmt_merge_msg(struct strbuf *in, struct strbuf *out, struct fmt_merge_msg_opts *opts) { int i = 0, pos = 0; unsigned char head_sha1[20]; const char *current_branch; void *current_branch_to_free; struct merge_parents merge_parents; memset(&merge_parents, 0, sizeof(merge_parents)); /* get current branch */ current_branch = current_branch_to_free = resolve_refdup("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING, head_sha1, NULL); if (!current_branch) die("No current branch"); if (starts_with(current_branch, "refs/heads/")) current_branch += 11; find_merge_parents(&merge_parents, in, head_sha1); /* get a line */ while (pos < in->len) { int len; char *newline, *p = in->buf + pos; newline = strchr(p, '\n'); len = newline ? newline - p : strlen(p); pos += len + !!newline; i++; p[len] = 0; if (handle_line(p, &merge_parents)) die ("Error in line %d: %.*s", i, len, p); } if (opts->add_title && srcs.nr) fmt_merge_msg_title(out, current_branch); if (origins.nr) fmt_merge_msg_sigs(out); if (opts->shortlog_len) { struct commit *head; struct rev_info rev; head = lookup_commit_or_die(head_sha1, "HEAD"); init_revisions(&rev, NULL); rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_ONELINE; rev.merge_diff_mode = MERGE_DIFF_IGNORE; rev.limited = 1; strbuf_complete_line(out); for (i = 0; i < origins.nr; i++) shortlog(origins.items[i].string, origins.items[i].util, head, &rev, opts, out); } strbuf_complete_line(out); free(current_branch_to_free); free(merge_parents.item); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { /* for parsing args */ extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int ch; /* vars */ int i,j; int listenfd; /* select vars */ fd_set read_set; int fdmax; /* client arr */ Arraylist clientList; /* channel arr */ Arraylist channelList; /* servername */ char servername[MAX_SERVERNAME+1]; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hD:")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'D': if (set_debug(optarg)) { exit(0); } break; case 'h': default: /* FALLTHROUGH */ usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 2) { usage(); } signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); init_node(argv[0], argv[1]); printf( "I am node %lu and I listen on port %d for new users\n", curr_nodeID, curr_node_config_entry->irc_port ); /* Start your engines here! */ if (gethostname(servername,MAX_SERVERNAME) < 0){ perror("gethostname"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } servername[MAX_SERVERNAME] = '\0'; /* delegate all function calling to setupListenSocket. It should print out relevant err messages. */ listenfd = setupListenSocket(curr_node_config_entry->irc_port); if (listenfd < 0){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* initialize client array */ clientList = arraylist_create(); /* initialize channel array */ channelList = arraylist_create(); /* prepare for select */ fdmax = listenfd; FD_ZERO(&master_set); FD_ZERO(&write_set); FD_SET(listenfd,&master_set); /* FD_ZERO(&write_set); initially no data to write */ /* main loop!! */ for (;;){ int retval; read_set = master_set; /* wait until any sockets become available */ retval = select(fdmax+1,&read_set,&write_set,NULL,NULL); if (retval <= 0){ if (retval < 0) DEBUG_PERROR("select"); continue; /* handle errors gracefully and wait again if timed out (it shouldn't)*/ } /* at least one socket ready*/ for (i = 0; i <= fdmax; i++){ if (FD_ISSET(i, &write_set)) { int listIndex = findClientIndexBySockFD(clientList,i); client_t *thisClient = (client_t *) CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex); /*client data ready to be written */ int nbytes; /* iterate through item to be sent, until it will block */ Arraylist outbuf = thisClient->outbuf; while (!arraylist_is_empty(outbuf)) { /* write */ char *dataToSend = (char *) (arraylist_get(outbuf,0)) + thisClient->outbuf_offset; size_t sizeToSend = strlen(dataToSend); nbytes = send(thisClient->sock, dataToSend, sizeToSend, 0); if (nbytes <0){ /* error */ if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET){ /* connection lost or closed by the peer */ DPRINTF(DEBUG_SOCKETS,"send: client %d hungup\n",i); remove_client(clientList,listIndex); continue; } } else if (nbytes == sizeToSend){ /* current line completely sent */ char *toRemove = (char *) (arraylist_get(outbuf,0)); arraylist_removeIndex(outbuf,0); free(toRemove); } else{ /* partial send */ thisClient->outbuf_offset += nbytes; break; } } if (arraylist_is_empty(outbuf)) FD_CLR(i, &write_set); } if (FD_ISSET(i, &read_set)) { if (i == listenfd){ /* incoming connection */ int newindex = handle_incoming_conn(clientList,servername,listenfd); if (newindex < 0){ continue; } client_t *newClient = CLIENT_GET(clientList,newindex); int newfd = newClient->sock; FD_SET(newfd,&master_set); if (newfd > fdmax){ fdmax = newfd; } } else{ /* client data ready */ char *tempPtr; int listIndex = findClientIndexBySockFD(clientList,i); /* for split function */ char** tokenArr; int numToken; int lastTokenTerminated; if (listIndex < 0){ close(i); FD_CLR(i,&master_set); continue; } int nbytes = recv(i, CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf + CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size, MAX_MSG_LEN - CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size, 0); /* recv failed. Either client left or error */ if (nbytes <= 0){ if (nbytes == 0){ DPRINTF(DEBUG_SOCKETS,"recv: client %d hungup\n",i); remove_client(clientList, listIndex); } else if (errno == ECONNRESET || errno == EPIPE){ DPRINTF(DEBUG_SOCKETS,"recv: client %d connection reset \n",i); remove_client(clientList, listIndex); } else{ perror("recv"); } continue; } /* NULL terminate to use strpbrk */ CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size += nbytes; CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf[CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size] = '\0'; tempPtr = strpbrk(CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf,"\r\n"); if (!tempPtr){ if (CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size == MAX_MSG_LEN){ /* Message too long. Dump the content */ DPRINTF(DEBUG_INPUT,"recv: message longer than MAX_MESSAGE detected. The message will be discarded\n"); CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size = 0; } continue; } tokenArr = splitByDelimStr(CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf,"\r\n",&numToken,&lastTokenTerminated); /* since we have checked if there's delimeter beforehand, there should be at least one terminated token available*/ if (!tokenArr){ DPRINTF(DEBUG_INPUT,"splitByDelimStr: failed to split inputToken\n"); CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size = 0; continue; } if (!lastTokenTerminated){ CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size = strlen(tokenArr[numToken-1]); memcpy(CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf,tokenArr[numToken-1],CLIENT_GET(clientList,listIndex)->inbuf_size); numToken--; } for (j=0;j<numToken;j++){ handle_line(clientList,listIndex,channelList,servername,tokenArr[j]); } for (j = 0; j < arraylist_size(clientList); j++){ client_t *client = CLIENT_GET(clientList,j); if (arraylist_size(client->outbuf)){ FD_SET(client->sock,&write_set); } } freeTokens(&tokenArr,numToken); } } } } return 0; }
/** The MAIN loop. */ int main(void) { // Turn off the CPU prescale. CLKPR = 0x80; CLKPR = 0x00; // PORTA are general purpose inputs. DDRA = 0x00; PORTA = 0xff; // pull-ups all enabled PORTD = 0xff; DDRD = 0x00; // pull-ups all enabled DDRF = 0x00; // These are ADC lines. PORTF = 0x00; usb_init(); // Set up Timer 0 to match compare every 1ms. OCR0A = 250; TCCR0A = 0x02; // CTC TCCR0B = 0x03; // CK/64 (64 * 250 == 16000) sei(); char line_buf[128] = {}; uint8_t line_len = 0; uint8_t usb_ready = 0; while (1) { wdt_reset(); g_main_loop_count++; if (usb_configured() && (usb_serial_get_control() & USB_SERIAL_DTR)) { if (!usb_ready) { usb_ready = 1; strcpy_P(line_buf, PSTR("!GNR WELCOME " DEV_VERSION EOL)); usb_serial_write((uint8_t*)line_buf, strlen(line_buf)); line_len = 0; } } else { stream_stop_all(); usb_serial_flush_input(); usb_ready = 0; line_len = 0; g_arm_code = 0; } if (usb_serial_available()) { int16_t c = usb_serial_getchar(); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { line_buf[line_len] = 0; handle_line(line_buf); if (g_arm_code) { g_arm_timer = ARM_TIMEOUT_MS; } line_len = 0; } else { line_buf[line_len++] = c & 0xff; if ((line_len + 1) >= sizeof(line_buf)) { /* Clobber the first byte so that this line will be reported as an error. */ line_buf[0] = MAGIC_OVERRUN_CODE; line_len--; } } } if (TIFR0 & (1 << OCF0A)) { TIFR0 |= (1 << OCF0A); g_timer++; stream_timer_update(); hit_timer_update(); g_main_loop_count = (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) g_main_loop_count) * 7 / 8); } stream_poll(); usb_poll(); hit_poll(); } }
int cmd_fmt_merge_msg(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { int limit = 20, i = 0; char line[1024]; FILE *in = stdin; const char *sep = ""; unsigned char head_sha1[20]; const char *current_branch; git_config(fmt_merge_msg_config); while (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--log") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--summary")) merge_summary = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--no-log") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--no-summary")) merge_summary = 0; else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-F") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--file")) { if (argc < 3) die ("Which file?"); if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-")) in = stdin; else { fclose(in); in = fopen(argv[2], "r"); if (!in) die("cannot open %s", argv[2]); } argc--; argv++; } else break; argc--; argv++; } if (argc > 1) usage(fmt_merge_msg_usage); /* get current branch */ current_branch = resolve_ref("HEAD", head_sha1, 1, NULL); if (!current_branch) die("No current branch"); if (!prefixcmp(current_branch, "refs/heads/")) current_branch += 11; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), in)) { i++; if (line[0] == 0) continue; if (handle_line(line)) die ("Error in line %d: %s", i, line); } printf("Merge "); for (i = 0; i < srcs.nr; i++) { struct src_data *src_data = srcs.payload[i]; const char *subsep = ""; printf(sep); sep = "; "; if (src_data->head_status == 1) { printf(srcs.list[i]); continue; } if (src_data->head_status == 3) { subsep = ", "; printf("HEAD"); } if (src_data->branch.nr) { printf(subsep); subsep = ", "; print_joined("branch ", "branches ", &src_data->branch); } if (src_data->r_branch.nr) { printf(subsep); subsep = ", "; print_joined("remote branch ", "remote branches ", &src_data->r_branch); } if (src_data->tag.nr) { printf(subsep); subsep = ", "; print_joined("tag ", "tags ", &src_data->tag); } if (src_data->generic.nr) { printf(subsep); print_joined("commit ", "commits ", &src_data->generic); } if (strcmp(".", srcs.list[i])) printf(" of %s", srcs.list[i]); } if (!strcmp("master", current_branch)) putchar('\n'); else printf(" into %s\n", current_branch); if (merge_summary) { struct commit *head; struct rev_info rev; head = lookup_commit(head_sha1); init_revisions(&rev, prefix); rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_ONELINE; rev.ignore_merges = 1; rev.limited = 1; for (i = 0; i < origins.nr; i++) shortlog(origins.list[i], origins.payload[i], head, &rev, limit); } /* No cleanup yet; is standalone anyway */ return 0; }
int read_config (char *filename, struct parsedfile *config) { FILE *conf; char line[MAXLINE]; int rc = 0; int lineno = 1; struct serverent *server; /* Clear out the structure */ memset(config, 0x0, sizeof(*config)); /* Initialization */ currentcontext = &(config->defaultserver); /* Tordns defaults */ config->tordns_cache_size = 256; config->tordns_enabled = 1; /* If a filename wasn't provided, use the default */ if (filename == NULL) { strncpy(line, CONF_FILE, sizeof(line) - 1); /* Insure null termination */ line[sizeof(line) - 1] = (char) 0; filename = line; show_msg(MSGWARN, "Configuration file not provided by TORSOCKS_CONF_FILE " "environment variable, attempting to use defaults in %s.\n", filename); } /* If there is no configuration file use reasonable defaults for Tor */ if ((conf = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { show_msg(MSGERR, "Could not open socks configuration file " "(%s) errno (%d), assuming sensible defaults for Tor.\n", filename, errno); memset(&(config->defaultserver), 0x0, sizeof(config->defaultserver)); check_server(&(config->defaultserver)); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); rc = 1; /* Severe errors reading configuration */ } else { memset(&(config->defaultserver), 0x0, sizeof(config->defaultserver)); while (NULL != fgets(line, MAXLINE, conf)) { /* This line _SHOULD_ end in \n so we */ /* just chop off the \n and hand it on */ if (strlen(line) > 0) line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; handle_line(config, line, lineno); lineno++; } fclose(conf); /* Always add the subnet to local */ handle_local(config, 0, ""); /* We always consider this local, because many users' dsl routers act as their DNS. */ handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); handle_local(config, 0, ""); /* Check default server */ check_server(&(config->defaultserver)); server = (config->paths); while (server != NULL) { check_server(server); server = server->next; } } /* Initialize tordns deadpool_range if not supplied */ if(config->tordns_deadpool_range == NULL) { handle_tordns_deadpool_range(config, 0, ""); } return(rc); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, sortarcs = 1; char *infilename; struct fsm *net; setvbuf(stdout, buffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(buffer)); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "abhHiI:qs:SA:P:w:vx")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'a': apply_alternates = 1; break; case 'b': buffered_output = 0; break; case 'h': printf("%s%s\n", usagestring,helpstring); exit(0); case 'i': direction = DIR_DOWN; applyer = &apply_down; break; case 'q': sortarcs = 0; break; case 'I': if (strcmp(optarg, "f") == 0) { index_flag_states = 1; index_arcs = 1; } else if (strcasestr(optarg, "k") != NULL) { /* k limit */ index_mem_limit = 1024*atoi(optarg); index_arcs = 1; } else if (strcasestr(optarg, "m") != NULL) { /* m limit */ index_mem_limit = 1024*1024*atoi(optarg); index_arcs = 1; } else if (isdigit(*optarg)) { index_arcs = 1; index_cutoff = atoi(optarg); } break; case 's': separator = strdup(optarg); break; case 'S': mode_server = 1; break; case 'A': server_address = strdup(optarg); break; case 'P': port_number = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': wordseparator = strdup(optarg); break; case 'v': printf("flookup 1.02 (foma library version %s)\n", fsm_get_library_version_string()); exit(0); case 'x': echo = 0; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", usagestring); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (optind == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usagestring); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } infilename = argv[optind]; if ((fsrh = fsm_read_binary_file_multiple_init(infilename)) == NULL) { perror("File error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } chain_head = chain_tail = NULL; while ((net = fsm_read_binary_file_multiple(fsrh)) != NULL) { numnets++; chain_new = xxmalloc(sizeof(struct lookup_chain)); if (direction == DIR_DOWN && net->arcs_sorted_in != 1 && sortarcs) { fsm_sort_arcs(net, 1); } if (direction == DIR_UP && net->arcs_sorted_out != 1 && sortarcs) { fsm_sort_arcs(net, 2); } chain_new->net = net; chain_new->ah = apply_init(net); if (direction == DIR_DOWN && index_arcs) { apply_index(chain_new->ah, APPLY_INDEX_INPUT, index_cutoff, index_mem_limit, index_flag_states); } if (direction == DIR_UP && index_arcs) { apply_index(chain_new->ah, APPLY_INDEX_OUTPUT, index_cutoff, index_mem_limit, index_flag_states); } chain_new->next = NULL; chain_new->prev = NULL; if (chain_tail == NULL) { chain_tail = chain_head = chain_new; } else if (direction == DIR_DOWN || apply_alternates == 1) { chain_tail->next = chain_new; chain_new->prev = chain_tail; chain_tail = chain_new; } else { chain_new->next = chain_head; chain_head->prev = chain_new; chain_head = chain_new; } } if (numnets < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "File error", infilename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mode_server) { server_init(); serverstring = xxcalloc(UDP_MAX+1, sizeof(char)); line = xxcalloc(UDP_MAX+1, sizeof(char)); addrlen = sizeof(clientaddr); for (;;) { numbytes = recvfrom(listen_sd, line, UDP_MAX, 0,(struct sockaddr *)&clientaddr, &addrlen); if (numbytes == -1) { perror("recvfrom() failed, aborting"); break; } line[numbytes] = '\0'; line[strcspn(line, "\n\r")] = '\0'; fflush(stdout); results = 0; udpsize = 0; serverstring[0] = '\0'; handle_line(line); if (results == 0) { app_print(NULL); } if (serverstring[0] != '\0') { numbytes = sendto(listen_sd, serverstring, strlen(serverstring), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&clientaddr, addrlen); if (numbytes < 0) { perror("sendto() failed"); fflush(stdout); } } } } else { /* Standard read from stdin */ line = xxcalloc(LINE_LIMIT, sizeof(char)); INFILE = stdin; while (get_next_line() != NULL) { results = 0; handle_line(line); if (results == 0) { app_print(NULL); } fprintf(stdout, "%s", wordseparator); if (!buffered_output) { fflush(stdout); } } } /* Cleanup */ for (chain_pos = chain_head; chain_pos != NULL; chain_pos = chain_head) { chain_head = chain_pos->next; if (chain_pos->ah != NULL) { apply_clear(chain_pos->ah); } if (chain_pos->net != NULL) { fsm_destroy(chain_pos->net); } xxfree(chain_pos); } if (serverstring != NULL) xxfree(serverstring); if (line != NULL) xxfree(line); exit(0); }
/* parse HTTP request and prepare header */ static int http_parse_request(HTTPContext *c) { char *q, msg[1024]; const char *mime_type, *p; HTTPContext *ctx; int ret = 0, is_first = 0; const char *first_tag = "First-Request=0"; RequestData rd = {{0}}; p = c->buffer; while(get_line(msg, sizeof(msg), &p) > 0){ ret = handle_line(c, msg, sizeof(msg), &rd); if(ret < 0)return ret; } is_first = !av_stristr(rd.cookie, first_tag); if(c->post && c->content_length && !av_match_ext(c->url, "m3u8") && !av_match_ext(c->url, "ts") && !av_match_ext(c->url, "flv")){ c->post = 0; c->content_length = read_request_content(c, rd.content, sizeof(rd.content)); } #if defined(PLUGIN_DVB) if(!c->post && !strcmp(c->url, "digitalDvb/allServiceType/getClientInfo")){ uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)rd.content, *ptr_end = (uint32_t*)(rd.content+sizeof(rd.content)-8); for(ctx = first_http_ctx; ctx; ctx = ctx->next) if(!ctx->post && av_match_ext(ctx->url, "flv") ) {/*todo: record hls*/ if(ptr < ptr_end){ int chid = -1; sscanf(ctx->url, "%d", &chid); *ptr++ = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(ctx->from_addr.sin_addr)); *ptr++ = chid; printf("ip %s id %u %s\t", inet_ntoa(ctx->from_addr.sin_addr), chid, ctx->url); } } } #endif //http_log("New conn: %s:%u %d %s cookie:%s\n", inet_ntoa(c->from_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(c->from_addr.sin_port), c->post, c->url, rd.cookie); /*handle m3u8/ts request solely*/ if(av_match_ext(c->url, "m3u8") || av_match_ext(c->url, "ts")){ c->keep_alive = 0; ret = hls_parse_request(c, c->url, is_first); if(ret < 0)goto send_error; else if(ret == 1){ long chid = atoi(c->url); if(!(0 <= chid && chid <= 10000)){ sprintf(msg, "bad request: %s-->%ld", c->url, chid); http_log("%s\n", msg); goto send_error; } #if defined(PLUGIN_DVB) ff_ctl_send_string(1, c->url, rd.content); #endif http_log("wait get %s\n", c->url); } if(c->state == HTTPSTATE_SEND_HEADER) goto send_header; return 0; /*end here*/ } #if defined(PLUGIN_DVB) ret = plugin_dvb(c, &rd); if(ret < 0){ goto send_error; }else if(ret > 0){ return 0; } #endif /*handle feed request*/ if (c->post) { ctx = find_feed(c->url); if(ctx && ctx != c){ sprintf(msg, "file %s has been feeded", c->url); http_log("%s\n", msg); goto send_error; } c->http_error = 0; c->state = HTTPSTATE_RECEIVE_DATA; return 0; /*end here*/ }else{ if(prepare_local_file(c) > 0){ c->http_error = 200; c->state = HTTPSTATE_SEND_HEADER; return 0; /*no need feed, send local files directly.*/ } ctx = find_feed(c->url); if(!ctx){ c->keep_alive = 0; sprintf(msg, "wait to get %s", c->url); http_log("%s\n", msg); #if defined(PLUGIN_DVB) ff_ctl_send(2, c->url, strlen(c->url)+1, rd.content, sizeof(rd.content)); #endif }else{ ctx->sff_ref_cnt++; } c->feed_ctx = ctx; } send_header: /* prepare HTTP header */ c->buffer[0] = 0; av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); mime_type = get_mine_type(c->url); av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime_type); av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Connection: %s\r\n", (c->keep_alive ? "keep-alive" : "close")); av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Set-Cookie: %s; Path=/; Domain=%s\r\n", first_tag, rd.domain); av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "\r\n"); q = c->buffer + strlen(c->buffer); /* prepare output buffer */ c->http_error = 0; c->buffer_ptr = c->buffer; c->buffer_end = q; c->state = HTTPSTATE_SEND_HEADER; #if 0 if(S == c->hls_idx){ HLS *s = &s_hls[c->hls_idx]; char *ext = strrchr(c->url, '.'); if(!(2 == s->flag && s->data && s->csize > 0)){/*not exist yet, fake one*/ c->http_error = 200; c->buffer_end += sprintf(c->buffer_end, "#EXTM3U\n" "#EXT-X-VERSION:3\n" "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:2\n" "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n" "#EXTINF:1.283989,\n" "%.*s0.ts\n", ext - c->url, c->url); } } #endif return 0; send_error: c->keep_alive = 0; c->http_error = 404; q = c->buffer; htmlstrip(msg); snprintf(q, c->buffer_size, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" "Content-type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "<html>\n" "<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\n" "<body>%s</body>\n" "</html>\n", msg); q += strlen(q); /* prepare output buffer */ c->buffer_ptr = c->buffer; c->buffer_end = q; c->state = HTTPSTATE_SEND_HEADER; return 0; }