Example #1
void HarfBuzzShaper::setGlyphPositionsForHarfBuzzRun(HarfBuzzRun* currentRun, hb_buffer_t* harfBuzzBuffer)
    const SimpleFontData* currentFontData = currentRun->fontData();
    hb_glyph_info_t* glyphInfos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);
    hb_glyph_position_t* glyphPositions = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);

    unsigned numGlyphs = currentRun->numGlyphs();
    uint16_t* glyphToCharacterIndexes = currentRun->glyphToCharacterIndexes();
    float totalAdvance = 0;

    // HarfBuzz returns the shaping result in visual order. We need not to flip for RTL.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        bool runEnd = i + 1 == numGlyphs;
        uint16_t glyph = glyphInfos[i].codepoint;
        float offsetX = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[i].x_offset);
        float offsetY = -harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[i].y_offset);
        float advance = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[i].x_advance);

        unsigned currentCharacterIndex = currentRun->startIndex() + glyphInfos[i].cluster;
        bool isClusterEnd = runEnd || glyphInfos[i].cluster != glyphInfos[i + 1].cluster;
        float spacing = 0;

        glyphToCharacterIndexes[i] = glyphInfos[i].cluster;

        if (isClusterEnd && !Font::treatAsZeroWidthSpace(m_normalizedBuffer[currentCharacterIndex]))
            spacing += m_letterSpacing;

        if (isClusterEnd && isWordEnd(currentCharacterIndex))
            spacing += determineWordBreakSpacing();

        if (currentFontData->isZeroWidthSpaceGlyph(glyph)) {
            currentRun->setGlyphAndPositions(i, glyph, 0, 0, 0);

        advance += spacing;
        if (m_run.rtl()) {
            // In RTL, spacing should be added to left side of glyphs.
            offsetX += spacing;
            if (!isClusterEnd)
                offsetX += m_letterSpacing;

        currentRun->setGlyphAndPositions(i, glyph, advance, offsetX, offsetY);

        totalAdvance += advance;
    currentRun->setWidth(totalAdvance > 0.0 ? totalAdvance : 0.0);
    m_totalWidth += currentRun->width();
// TODO crbug.com/542701: This should be a method on ShapeResult.
void HarfBuzzShaper::insertRunIntoShapeResult(ShapeResult* result,
    PassOwnPtr<ShapeResult::RunInfo> runToInsert, unsigned startGlyph, unsigned numGlyphs,
    hb_buffer_t* harfBuzzBuffer)
    ASSERT(numGlyphs > 0);
    OwnPtr<ShapeResult::RunInfo> run(std::move(runToInsert));
    ASSERT(numGlyphs == run->m_glyphData.size());

    const SimpleFontData* currentFontData = run->m_fontData.get();
    const hb_glyph_info_t* glyphInfos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);
    const hb_glyph_position_t* glyphPositions = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);
    const unsigned startCluster = HB_DIRECTION_IS_FORWARD(hb_buffer_get_direction(harfBuzzBuffer))
        ? glyphInfos[startGlyph].cluster : glyphInfos[startGlyph + numGlyphs - 1].cluster;

    float totalAdvance = 0.0f;
    FloatPoint glyphOrigin;
    bool hasVerticalOffsets = !HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL(run->m_direction);

    // HarfBuzz returns result in visual order, no need to flip for RTL.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        uint16_t glyph = glyphInfos[startGlyph + i].codepoint;
        float offsetX = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[startGlyph + i].x_offset);
        float offsetY = -harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[startGlyph + i].y_offset);

        // One out of x_advance and y_advance is zero, depending on
        // whether the buffer direction is horizontal or vertical.
        float advance = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(glyphPositions[startGlyph + i].x_advance - glyphPositions[startGlyph + i].y_advance);
        RELEASE_ASSERT(m_normalizedBufferLength > glyphInfos[startGlyph + i].cluster);

        // The characterIndex of one ShapeResult run is normalized to the run's
        // startIndex and length.  TODO crbug.com/542703: Consider changing that
        // and instead pass the whole run to hb_buffer_t each time.
        run->m_glyphData[i].characterIndex = glyphInfos[startGlyph + i].cluster - startCluster;

        run->setGlyphAndPositions(i, glyph, advance, offsetX, offsetY);
        totalAdvance += advance;
        hasVerticalOffsets |= (offsetY != 0);

        FloatRect glyphBounds = currentFontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
        glyphBounds.move(glyphOrigin.x(), glyphOrigin.y());
        glyphOrigin += FloatSize(advance + offsetX, offsetY);
    run->m_width = std::max(0.0f, totalAdvance);
    result->m_width += run->m_width;
    result->m_numGlyphs += numGlyphs;
    ASSERT(result->m_numGlyphs >= numGlyphs); // no overflow
    result->m_hasVerticalOffsets |= hasVerticalOffsets;

    // The runs are stored in result->m_runs in visual order. For LTR, we place
    // the run to be inserted before the next run with a bigger character
    // start index. For RTL, we place the run before the next run with a lower
    // character index. Otherwise, for both directions, at the end.
    if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_FORWARD(run->m_direction)) {
        for (size_t pos = 0; pos < result->m_runs.size(); ++pos) {
            if (result->m_runs.at(pos)->m_startIndex > run->m_startIndex) {
                result->m_runs.insert(pos, run.release());
    } else {
        for (size_t pos = 0; pos < result->m_runs.size(); ++pos) {
            if (result->m_runs.at(pos)->m_startIndex < run->m_startIndex) {
                result->m_runs.insert(pos, run.release());
    // If we didn't find an existing slot to place it, append.
    if (run) {
Example #3
void ShapeResult::insertRun(std::unique_ptr<ShapeResult::RunInfo> runToInsert,
                            unsigned startGlyph,
                            unsigned numGlyphs,
                            hb_buffer_t* harfBuzzBuffer) {
  ASSERT(numGlyphs > 0);
  std::unique_ptr<ShapeResult::RunInfo> run(std::move(runToInsert));
  ASSERT(numGlyphs == run->m_glyphData.size());

  const SimpleFontData* currentFontData = run->m_fontData.get();
  const hb_glyph_info_t* glyphInfos =
      hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);
  const hb_glyph_position_t* glyphPositions =
      hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(harfBuzzBuffer, 0);
  const unsigned startCluster =
          ? glyphInfos[startGlyph].cluster
          : glyphInfos[startGlyph + numGlyphs - 1].cluster;

  float totalAdvance = 0.0f;
  FloatPoint glyphOrigin;
  bool hasVerticalOffsets = !HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL(run->m_direction);

  // HarfBuzz returns result in visual order, no need to flip for RTL.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
    uint16_t glyph = glyphInfos[startGlyph + i].codepoint;
    hb_glyph_position_t pos = glyphPositions[startGlyph + i];

    float offsetX = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(pos.x_offset);
    float offsetY = -harfBuzzPositionToFloat(pos.y_offset);

    // One out of x_advance and y_advance is zero, depending on
    // whether the buffer direction is horizontal or vertical.
    // Convert to float and negate to avoid integer-overflow for ULONG_MAX.
    float advance;
    if (LIKELY(pos.x_advance))
      advance = harfBuzzPositionToFloat(pos.x_advance);
      advance = -harfBuzzPositionToFloat(pos.y_advance);

    run->m_glyphData[i].characterIndex =
        glyphInfos[startGlyph + i].cluster - startCluster;

    run->setGlyphAndPositions(i, glyph, advance, offsetX, offsetY);
    totalAdvance += advance;
    hasVerticalOffsets |= (offsetY != 0);

    FloatRect glyphBounds = currentFontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
    glyphBounds.move(glyphOrigin.x(), glyphOrigin.y());
    glyphOrigin += FloatSize(advance + offsetX, offsetY);

  run->m_width = std::max(0.0f, totalAdvance);
  m_width += run->m_width;
  m_numGlyphs += numGlyphs;
  ASSERT(m_numGlyphs >= numGlyphs);
  m_hasVerticalOffsets |= hasVerticalOffsets;

  // The runs are stored in result->m_runs in visual order. For LTR, we place
  // the run to be inserted before the next run with a bigger character
  // start index. For RTL, we place the run before the next run with a lower
  // character index. Otherwise, for both directions, at the end.
  if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_FORWARD(run->m_direction)) {
    for (size_t pos = 0; pos < m_runs.size(); ++pos) {
      if (m_runs.at(pos)->m_startIndex > run->m_startIndex) {
        m_runs.insert(pos, std::move(run));
  } else {
    for (size_t pos = 0; pos < m_runs.size(); ++pos) {
      if (m_runs.at(pos)->m_startIndex < run->m_startIndex) {
        m_runs.insert(pos, std::move(run));
  // If we didn't find an existing slot to place it, append.
  if (run)