Example #1
 bool has_block(const rfnoc::block_id_t &block_id) const
     if (has_block(block_id)) {
         return bool(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(get_block_ctrl(block_id)));
     } else {
         return false;
Example #2
bool VoxelMap::is_block_surrounded(Vector3i pos) const {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
        Vector3i bpos = pos + g_moore_neighboring_3d[i];
        if (!has_block(bpos)) {
            return false;
    return true;
Example #3
	// the case where ignore_peer is motivated is if two peers
	// have only one piece that we don't have, and it's the
	// same piece for both peers. Then they might get into an
	// infinite loop, fighting to request the same blocks.
	// returns false if the function is aborted by an early-exit
	// condition.
	bool request_a_block(torrent& t, peer_connection& c)
		if (t.is_seed()) return false;
		if (c.no_download()) return false;
		if (t.upload_mode()) return false;
		if (c.is_disconnecting()) return false;

		// don't request pieces before we have the metadata
		if (!t.valid_metadata()) return false;

		// don't request pieces before the peer is properly
		// initialized after we have the metadata
		if (!t.are_files_checked()) return false;

		TORRENT_ASSERT(c.peer_info_struct() != 0 || c.type() != peer_connection::bittorrent_connection);

		bool time_critical_mode = t.num_time_critical_pieces() > 0;

		int desired_queue_size = c.desired_queue_size();

		// in time critical mode, only have 1 outstanding request at a time
		// via normal requests
		if (time_critical_mode)
			desired_queue_size = (std::min)(1, desired_queue_size);

		int num_requests = desired_queue_size
			- int(c.download_queue().size())
			- int(c.request_queue().size());

		c.peer_log(peer_log_alert::info, "PIECE_PICKER"
			, "dlq: %d rqq: %d target: %d req: %d engame: %d"
			, int(c.download_queue().size()), int(c.request_queue().size())
			, c.desired_queue_size(), num_requests, c.endgame());
		TORRENT_ASSERT(c.desired_queue_size() > 0);
		// if our request queue is already full, we
		// don't have to make any new requests yet
		if (num_requests <= 0) return false;


		piece_picker& p = t.picker();
		std::vector<piece_block> interesting_pieces;

		int prefer_contiguous_blocks = c.prefer_contiguous_blocks();

		if (prefer_contiguous_blocks == 0 && !time_critical_mode)
			int blocks_per_piece = t.torrent_file().piece_length() / t.block_size();
			prefer_contiguous_blocks = c.statistics().download_payload_rate()
				* t.settings().get_int(settings_pack::whole_pieces_threshold)
				> t.torrent_file().piece_length() ? blocks_per_piece : 0;

		// if we prefer whole pieces, the piece picker will pick at least
		// the number of blocks we want, but it will try to make the picked
		// blocks be from whole pieces, possibly by returning more blocks
		// than we requested.
		error_code ec;
		TORRENT_ASSERT(c.remote() == c.get_socket()->remote_endpoint(ec) || ec);

		aux::session_interface& ses = t.session();

		std::vector<pending_block> const& dq = c.download_queue();
		std::vector<pending_block> const& rq = c.request_queue();

		std::vector<int> const& suggested = c.suggested_pieces();
		bitfield const* bits = &c.get_bitfield();
		bitfield fast_mask;

		if (c.has_peer_choked())
			// if we are choked we can only pick pieces from the
			// allowed fast set. The allowed fast set is sorted
			// in ascending priority order
			std::vector<int> const& allowed_fast = c.allowed_fast();

			// build a bitmask with only the allowed pieces in it
			fast_mask.resize(c.get_bitfield().size(), false);
			for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = allowed_fast.begin()
				, end(allowed_fast.end()); i != end; ++i)
				if ((*bits)[*i]) fast_mask.set_bit(*i);
			bits = &fast_mask;

		// picks the interesting pieces from this peer
		// the integer is the number of pieces that
		// should be guaranteed to be available for download
		// (if num_requests is too big, too many pieces are
		// picked and cpu-time is wasted)
		// the last argument is if we should prefer whole pieces
		// for this peer. If we're downloading one piece in 20 seconds
		// then use this mode.
		boost::uint32_t flags = p.pick_pieces(*bits, interesting_pieces
			, num_requests, prefer_contiguous_blocks, c.peer_info_struct()
			, c.picker_options(), suggested, t.num_peers()
			, ses.stats_counters());

		if (t.alerts().should_post<picker_log_alert>()
			&& !interesting_pieces.empty())
			t.alerts().emplace_alert<picker_log_alert>(t.get_handle(), c.remote()
				, c.pid(), flags, &interesting_pieces[0], int(interesting_pieces.size()));
		c.peer_log(peer_log_alert::info, "PIECE_PICKER"
			, "prefer_contiguous: %d picked: %d"
			, prefer_contiguous_blocks, int(interesting_pieces.size()));

		// if the number of pieces we have + the number of pieces
		// we're requesting from is less than the number of pieces
		// in the torrent, there are still some unrequested pieces
		// and we're not strictly speaking in end-game mode yet
		// also, if we already have at least one outstanding
		// request, we shouldn't pick any busy pieces either
		// in time critical mode, it's OK to request busy blocks
		bool dont_pick_busy_blocks
			= ((ses.settings().get_bool(settings_pack::strict_end_game_mode)
				&& p.get_download_queue_size() < p.num_want_left())
				|| dq.size() + rq.size() > 0)
				&& !time_critical_mode;

		// this is filled with an interesting piece
		// that some other peer is currently downloading
		piece_block busy_block = piece_block::invalid;

		for (std::vector<piece_block>::iterator i = interesting_pieces.begin();
			i != interesting_pieces.end(); ++i)
			if (prefer_contiguous_blocks == 0 && num_requests <= 0) break;

			if (time_critical_mode && p.piece_priority(i->piece_index) != 7)
				// assume the subsequent pieces are not prio 7 and
				// be done

			int num_block_requests = p.num_peers(*i);
			if (num_block_requests > 0)
				// have we picked enough pieces?
				if (num_requests <= 0) break;

				// this block is busy. This means all the following blocks
				// in the interesting_pieces list are busy as well, we might
				// as well just exit the loop
				if (dont_pick_busy_blocks) break;

				TORRENT_ASSERT(p.num_peers(*i) > 0);
				busy_block = *i;

			TORRENT_ASSERT(p.num_peers(*i) == 0);

			// don't request pieces we already have in our request queue
			// This happens when pieces time out or the peer sends us
			// pieces we didn't request. Those aren't marked in the
			// piece picker, but we still keep track of them in the
			// download queue
			if (std::find_if(dq.begin(), dq.end(), has_block(*i)) != dq.end()
				|| std::find_if(rq.begin(), rq.end(), has_block(*i)) != rq.end())
				std::vector<pending_block>::const_iterator j
					= std::find_if(dq.begin(), dq.end(), has_block(*i));
				if (j != dq.end()) TORRENT_ASSERT(j->timed_out || j->not_wanted);
				c.peer_log(peer_log_alert::info, "PIECE_PICKER"
					, "not_picking: %d,%d already in queue"
					, i->piece_index, i->block_index);

			// ok, we found a piece that's not being downloaded
			// by somebody else. request it from this peer
			// and return
			if (!c.add_request(*i, 0)) continue;
			TORRENT_ASSERT(p.num_peers(*i) == 1);

		// we have picked as many blocks as we should
		// we're done!
		if (num_requests <= 0)
			// since we could pick as many blocks as we
			// requested without having to resort to picking
			// busy ones, we're not in end-game mode
			return true;

		// we did not pick as many pieces as we wanted, because
		// there aren't enough. This means we're in end-game mode
		// as long as we have at least one request outstanding,
		// we shouldn't pick another piece
		// if we are attempting to download 'allowed' pieces
		// and can't find any, that doesn't count as end-game
		if (!c.has_peer_choked())
		// if we don't have any potential busy blocks to request
		// or if we already have outstanding requests, don't
		// pick a busy piece
		if (busy_block == piece_block::invalid
			|| dq.size() + rq.size() > 0)
			return true;

		piece_picker::downloading_piece st;
		p.piece_info(busy_block.piece_index, st);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(st.requested + st.finished + st.writing
			== p.blocks_in_piece(busy_block.piece_index));
		TORRENT_ASSERT(p.num_peers(busy_block) > 0);

		c.add_request(busy_block, peer_connection::req_busy);
		return true;