Example #1
block_t *DirBlock (access_t *p_access)
    access_sys_t *p_sys = p_access->p_sys;
    directory_t *current = p_sys->current;

    if (p_access->info.b_eof)
        return NULL;

    if (current == NULL)
    {   /* Startup: send the XSPF header */
        static const char header[] =
            "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
            "<playlist version=\"1\" xmlns=\"http://xspf.org/ns/0/\" xmlns:vlc=\"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/ns/0/\">\n"
            " <trackList>\n";
        block_t *block = block_Alloc (sizeof (header) - 1);
        if (!block)
            goto fatal;
        memcpy (block->p_buffer, header, sizeof (header) - 1);

        /* "Open" the base directory */
        current = malloc (sizeof (*current));
        if (current == NULL)
            block_Release (block);
            goto fatal;
        current->parent = NULL;
        current->handle = p_sys->handle;
        current->path = strdup (p_access->psz_filepath);
        current->uri = p_sys->uri;
        if (fstat (dirfd (current->handle), &current->st))
            free (current);
            block_Release (block);
            goto fatal;

        p_sys->handle = NULL;
        p_sys->uri = NULL;
        p_sys->current = current;
        return block;

    char *entry = vlc_readdir (current->handle);
    if (entry == NULL)
    {   /* End of directory, go back to parent */
        closedir (current->handle);
        p_sys->current = current->parent;
        free (current->uri);
        free (current->path);
        free (current);

        if (p_sys->current == NULL)
        {   /* End of XSPF playlist */
            char *footer;
            int len = asprintf( &footer, " </trackList>\n" \
                " <extension application=\"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0\">\n" \
                "%s" \
                " </extension>\n" \
                "</playlist>\n", p_sys->psz_xspf_extension );
            if (unlikely(len == -1))
                goto fatal;

            block_t *block = block_heap_Alloc (footer, footer, len);
            if (unlikely(block == NULL))
                free (footer);
            p_access->info.b_eof = true;
            return block;
            /* This was the end of a "subnode" */
            /* Write the ID to the extension */
            char *old_xspf_extension = p_sys->psz_xspf_extension;
            if (old_xspf_extension == NULL)
                goto fatal;

            int len2 = asprintf( &p_sys->psz_xspf_extension, "%s  </vlc:node>\n", old_xspf_extension );
            if (len2 == -1)
                goto fatal;
            free( old_xspf_extension );
        return NULL;

    /* Skip current, parent and hidden directories */
    if (entry[0] == '.')
        free (entry);
        return NULL;
    /* Handle recursion */
    if (p_sys->mode != MODE_COLLAPSE)
        directory_t *sub = malloc (sizeof (*sub));
        if (sub == NULL)
            free (entry);
            return NULL;

        DIR *handle;
        int fd = vlc_openat (dirfd (current->handle), entry, O_RDONLY);
        if (fd != -1)
            handle = fdopendir (fd);
            if (handle == NULL)
                close (fd);
            handle = NULL;
        if (asprintf (&sub->path, "%s/%s", current->path, entry) != -1)
            handle = vlc_opendir (sub->path);
            handle = NULL;
        if (handle != NULL)
            sub->parent = current;
            sub->handle = handle;

            char *encoded = encode_URI_component (entry);
            if ((encoded == NULL)
             || (asprintf (&sub->uri, "%s/%s", current->uri, encoded) == -1))
                 sub->uri = NULL;
            free (encoded);

            if ((p_sys->mode == MODE_NONE)
             || fstat (dirfd (handle), &sub->st)
             || has_inode_loop (sub)
             || (sub->uri == NULL))
                free (entry);
                closedir (handle);
                free (sub->uri);
                free (sub);
                return NULL;
            p_sys->current = sub;

            /* Add node to xspf extension */
            char *old_xspf_extension = p_sys->psz_xspf_extension;
            if (old_xspf_extension == NULL)
                free (entry);
                goto fatal;

            char *title = convert_xml_special_chars (entry);
            free (entry);
            if (title == NULL
             || asprintf (&p_sys->psz_xspf_extension, "%s"
                          "  <vlc:node title=\"%s\">\n", old_xspf_extension,
                          title) == -1)
                free (title);
                goto fatal;
            free (title);
            free (old_xspf_extension);
            return NULL;
            free (sub);

    /* Skip files with ignored extensions */
    if (p_sys->ignored_exts != NULL)
        const char *ext = strrchr (entry, '.');
        if (ext != NULL)
            size_t extlen = strlen (++ext);
            for (const char *type = p_sys->ignored_exts, *end;
                 type[0]; type = end + 1)
                end = strchr (type, ',');
                if (end == NULL)
                    end = type + strlen (type);

                if (type + extlen == end
                 && !strncasecmp (ext, type, extlen))
                    free (entry);
                    return NULL;

                if (*end == '\0')

    char *encoded = encode_URI_component (entry);
    free (entry);
    if (encoded == NULL)
        goto fatal;
    int len = asprintf (&entry,
                        "  <track><location>%s/%s</location>\n" \
                        "   <extension application=\"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0\">\n" \
                        "    <vlc:id>%d</vlc:id>\n" \
                        "   </extension>\n" \
                        "  </track>\n",
                        current->uri, encoded, p_sys->i_item_count++);
    free (encoded);
    if (len == -1)
        goto fatal;

    /* Write the ID to the extension */
    char *old_xspf_extension = p_sys->psz_xspf_extension;
    if (old_xspf_extension == NULL)
        goto fatal;

    int len2 = asprintf( &p_sys->psz_xspf_extension, "%s   <vlc:item tid=\"%i\" />\n",
                            old_xspf_extension, p_sys->i_item_count-1 );
    if (len2 == -1)
        goto fatal;
    free( old_xspf_extension );

    block_t *block = block_heap_Alloc (entry, entry, len);
    if (unlikely(block == NULL))
        free (entry);
        goto fatal;
    return block;

    p_access->info.b_eof = true;
    return NULL;
block_t *DirBlock (access_t *p_access)
    access_sys_t *p_sys = p_access->p_sys;
    directory_t *current = p_sys->current;

    if (p_access->info.b_eof)
        return NULL;

    if (p_sys->header)
    {   /* Startup: send the XSPF header */
        static const char header[] =
            "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
            "<playlist version=\"1\" xmlns=\"http://xspf.org/ns/0/\" xmlns:vlc=\"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/ns/0/\">\n"
            " <trackList>\n";
        block_t *block = block_Alloc (sizeof (header) - 1);
        if (!block)
            goto fatal;
        memcpy (block->p_buffer, header, sizeof (header) - 1);
        p_sys->header = false;
        return block;

    if (current->i >= current->filec)
    {   /* End of directory, go back to parent */
        closedir (current->handle);
        p_sys->current = current->parent;
        free (current->uri);
        free (current->filev);
        free (current->path);
        free (current);

        if (p_sys->current == NULL)
        {   /* End of XSPF playlist */
            char *footer;
            int len = asprintf (&footer, " </trackList>\n"
                " <extension application=\"http://www.videolan.org/"
                " </extension>\n"
                "</playlist>\n", p_sys->xspf_ext ? p_sys->xspf_ext : "");
            if (unlikely(len == -1))
                goto fatal;

            block_t *block = block_heap_Alloc (footer, len);
            p_access->info.b_eof = true;
            return block;
            /* This was the end of a "subnode" */
            /* Write the ID to the extension */
            char *old_xspf_ext = p_sys->xspf_ext;
            if (old_xspf_ext != NULL
             && asprintf (&p_sys->xspf_ext, "%s  </vlc:node>\n",
                          old_xspf_ext ? old_xspf_ext : "") == -1)
                p_sys->xspf_ext = NULL;
            free (old_xspf_ext);
        return NULL;

    char *entry = current->filev[current->i++];

    /* Handle recursion */
    if (p_sys->mode != MODE_COLLAPSE)
        DIR *handle;
        int fd = vlc_openat (dirfd (current->handle), entry,
                             O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY);
        if (fd == -1)
            if (errno == ENOTDIR)
                goto notdir;
            goto skip; /* File cannot be opened... forget it */

        struct stat st;
        if (fstat (fd, &st)
         || p_sys->mode == MODE_NONE
         || has_inode_loop (current, st.st_dev, st.st_ino)
         || (handle = fdopendir (fd)) == NULL)
            close (fd);
            goto skip;
        char *path;
        if (asprintf (&path, "%s/%s", current->path, entry) == -1)
            goto skip;
        if ((handle = vlc_opendir (path)) == NULL)
            goto notdir;
        if (p_sys->mode == MODE_NONE)
            goto skip;
        directory_t *sub = malloc (sizeof (*sub));
        if (unlikely(sub == NULL))
            closedir (handle);
            free (path);
            goto skip;
        sub->parent = current;
        sub->handle = handle;
        sub->filec = vlc_loaddir (handle, &sub->filev, visible, p_sys->compar);
        if (sub->filec < 0)
            sub->filev = NULL;
        sub->i = 0;
        sub->device = st.st_dev;
        sub->inode = st.st_ino;
        sub->path = path;
        p_sys->current = sub;

        char *encoded = encode_URI_component (entry);
        if (encoded == NULL
         || (asprintf (&sub->uri, "%s/%s", current->uri, encoded) == -1))
             sub->uri = NULL;
        free (encoded);
        if (unlikely(sub->uri == NULL))
            free (entry);
            goto fatal;

        /* Add node to XSPF extension */
        char *old_xspf_ext = p_sys->xspf_ext;
        EnsureUTF8 (entry);
        char *title = convert_xml_special_chars (entry);
        if (old_xspf_ext != NULL
         && asprintf (&p_sys->xspf_ext, "%s  <vlc:node title=\"%s\">\n",
                      old_xspf_ext, title ? title : "?") == -1)
            p_sys->xspf_ext = NULL;
        free (old_xspf_ext);
        free (title);
        goto skip;

    /* Skip files with ignored extensions */
    if (p_sys->ignored_exts != NULL)
        const char *ext = strrchr (entry, '.');
        if (ext != NULL)
            size_t extlen = strlen (++ext);
            for (const char *type = p_sys->ignored_exts, *end;
                 type[0]; type = end + 1)
                end = strchr (type, ',');
                if (end == NULL)
                    end = type + strlen (type);

                if (type + extlen == end
                 && !strncasecmp (ext, type, extlen))
                    free (entry);
                    return NULL;

                if (*end == '\0')

    char *encoded = encode_URI_component (entry);
    free (entry);
    if (encoded == NULL)
        goto fatal;
    int len = asprintf (&entry,
                        "  <track><location>%s/%s</location>\n" \
                        "   <extension application=\"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0\">\n" \
                        "    <vlc:id>%d</vlc:id>\n" \
                        "   </extension>\n" \
                        "  </track>\n",
                        current->uri, encoded, p_sys->i_item_count++);
    free (encoded);
    if (len == -1)
        goto fatal;

    /* Write the ID to the extension */
    char *old_xspf_ext = p_sys->xspf_ext;
    if (old_xspf_ext != NULL
     && asprintf (&p_sys->xspf_ext, "%s   <vlc:item tid=\"%i\" />\n",
                  old_xspf_ext, p_sys->i_item_count - 1) == -1)
        p_sys->xspf_ext = NULL;
    free (old_xspf_ext);

    block_t *block = block_heap_Alloc (entry, len);
    if (unlikely(block == NULL))
        goto fatal;
    return block;

    p_access->info.b_eof = true;
    return NULL;

    free (entry);
    return NULL;