struct ext_include_script_info *ext_include_binary_script_include (struct ext_include_binary_context *binctx, enum ext_include_script_location location, enum ext_include_flags flags, struct sieve_script *script, struct sieve_binary_block *inc_block) { pool_t pool = sieve_binary_pool(binctx->binary); struct ext_include_script_info *incscript; incscript = p_new(pool, struct ext_include_script_info, 1); incscript->id = array_count(&binctx->include_index)+1; incscript->location = location; incscript->flags = flags; incscript->script = script; incscript->block = inc_block; /* Unreferenced on binary_free */ sieve_script_ref(script); hash_table_insert(binctx->included_scripts, script, incscript); array_append(&binctx->include_index, &incscript, 1); return incscript; }
bool record2map(uint32_t addr, const logrecord_t *record, port_type_t type) { hash_table_t *map = get_map_by_type(type); if (!map) return false; logrecord_t* original_record = (logrecord_t*) hash_table_lookup(map, &addr); if (original_record == NULL) { uint32_t* ip = (uint32_t* )mem_cache_alloc(key_cache); original_record = (logrecord_t* )mem_cache_alloc(value_cache); *original_record = *record; *ip = addr; hash_table_insert(map, ip, original_record); } else { original_record->count += record->count; original_record->bytes += record->bytes; original_record->flag |= record->flag; } return true; }
void KVServer::handle_insert(KVRequest* request) { KeyVal* newKV = NULL; // If the key is already present, we need to remove it first // (because hash_table doesn't like inserts for existing values) newKV = (KeyVal*) hash_table_lookup(&db, &request->kv); if (newKV != NULL) { hash_table_remove(&db, newKV); free(newKV); } // Now copy the request and insert it into our database newKV = KV_clone(&request->kv); uint32_t hash131 = hash_buf(newKV->val.bytes, newKV->val.len); lite_assert(newKV); hash_table_insert(&db, newKV); annotate("insert", newKV); int rc; rc = sendto(sock, &hash131, sizeof(hash131), 0, (sockaddr*)&remote_addr, sizeof(remote_addr)); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "(KeyValueServer) Failed to send insert reply!\n"); } }
int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target) { hash_table ht = NULL; hash_entry entry = NULL; int i, complement; int* result = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); if(result == NULL) err(-1, "malloc: result: out of space!"); for(i = 0; i < numsSize; i++) { complement = target - nums[i]; if(entry = hash_find_key(complement, &ht)) { result[0] = entry->h_value; result[1] = i; break; } else { hash_table_insert(nums[i], i, &ht); } } return result; }
/* Adds remotename to the local name filename in the namespace of * the given node. If remotename is NULL, then a new name is * found using dag_node_translate_filename. If the remotename * given is different from a previosly specified, a warning is * written to the debug output, but otherwise this is ignored. */ const char *dag_node_add_remote_name(struct dag_node *n, const char *filename, const char *remotename) { char *oldname; struct dag_file *f = dag_file_from_name(n->d, filename); if(!f) fatal("trying to add remote name %s to unknown file %s.\n", remotename, filename); if(!remotename) remotename = dag_node_translate_filename(n, filename); else remotename = xxstrdup(remotename); oldname = hash_table_lookup(n->remote_names_inv, remotename); if(oldname && strcmp(oldname, filename) == 0) debug(D_DEBUG, "Remote name %s for %s already in use for %s\n", remotename, filename, oldname); itable_insert(n->remote_names, (uintptr_t) f, remotename); hash_table_insert(n->remote_names_inv, remotename, (void *) f); return remotename; }
static void check_rehash(HashTable* table) { float load = (float)table->size / table->capacity; if (load < LOAD_MAX) return; int oldCapacity = table->capacity; Node** oldTable = table->table; table->capacity *= 2; table->table = (Node**)calloc(table->capacity, sizeof(Node*)); clear_table(table, FALSE); int i; for (i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) { Node* pNode = oldTable[i]; while (pNode) { hash_table_insert(table, pNode->key, pNode->val); Node* pNodeC = pNode; pNode = pNode->next; free(pNodeC); } } free(oldTable); }
void dag_variable_add_value(const char *name, struct hash_table *current_table, int nodeid, const char *value) { struct dag_variable *var = hash_table_lookup(current_table, name); if(!var) { char *value_env = getenv(name); var = dag_variable_create(name, value_env); hash_table_insert(current_table, name, var); } struct dag_variable_value *v = dag_variable_value_create(value); v->nodeid = nodeid; if(var->count < 1 || var->values[var->count - 1]->nodeid != v->nodeid) { var->count++; var->values = realloc(var->values, var->count * sizeof(struct dag_variable_value *)); } else { dag_variable_value_free(var->values[var->count-1]); } //possible memory leak... var->values[var->count - 1] = v; }
struct mail_ip *mail_ip_login(const struct ip_addr *ip_addr) { struct mail_ip *ip; ip = hash_table_lookup(mail_ips_hash, ip_addr); if (ip != NULL) { ip->num_logins++; mail_ip_refresh(ip, NULL); return ip; } ip = i_new(struct mail_ip, 1); ip->ip = *ip_addr; ip->reset_timestamp = ioloop_time; hash_table_insert(mail_ips_hash, &ip->ip, ip); DLLIST_PREPEND_FULL(&stable_mail_ips, ip, stable_prev, stable_next); DLLIST2_APPEND_FULL(&mail_ips_head, &mail_ips_tail, ip, sorted_prev, sorted_next); ip->num_logins++; ip->last_update = ioloop_timeval; global_memory_alloc(mail_ip_memsize(ip)); return ip; }
// Add chrome name to hash table void init_chrome_hash(HashNode** hashTable, int* hash_table_size, char* chrLenFile, int* chrCnt) { FILE* fPtr = fopen(chrLenFile, "r"); if(!fPtr) { // Check file existance printf("File %s open error.\n", chrLenFile); exit(1); } fclose(fPtr); char* token = NULL; char readBuffer[500]; char seps[] = " \t\n\r"; *chrCnt = 0; fPtr = fopen(chrLenFile, "r"); while(fgets(readBuffer, 500, fPtr)) { token = strtok(readBuffer, seps); hash_table_insert(hashTable, hash_table_size, token, *chrCnt); (*chrCnt)++; } fclose(fPtr); printf("%d chromes loaded.\n", *chrCnt); }
bool build_wb_list(const char *filename) { size_t len; ssize_t linelen = 0; char *line = NULL; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { LOG(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Open %s failed", filename); return false; } assert(file != NULL); while ((linelen = getline(&line, &len, file)) != -1) { line[linelen-1] = '\0'; //if (!validate_wb(line, linelen)) // continue; ip_seg ipseg = get_ip_seg_from_mask_str(line); if (ipseg.end == 0) continue; for (uint32_t ip = ipseg.start; ip <= ipseg.end; ip++) { uint32_t* key = (uint32_t* )mem_cache_alloc(key_cache); *key = ip; hash_table_insert(wb_list_map, key, NULL); } //LOG(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, "Read a line: %s, length: %zu", line, linelen); } if (line) free(line); fclose(file); return true; }
static bool ATTR_NOWARN_UNUSED_RESULT export_change_get(struct dsync_transaction_log_scan *ctx, uint32_t uid, enum dsync_mail_change_type type, struct dsync_mail_change **change_r) { struct dsync_mail_change *change; const char *orig_guid; i_assert(uid > 0); i_assert(type != DSYNC_MAIL_CHANGE_TYPE_SAVE); *change_r = NULL; if (uid > ctx->highest_wanted_uid) return FALSE; change = hash_table_lookup(ctx->changes, POINTER_CAST(uid)); if (change == NULL) { /* first change for this UID */ change = p_new(ctx->pool, struct dsync_mail_change, 1); change->uid = uid; change->type = type; hash_table_insert(ctx->changes, POINTER_CAST(uid), change); } else if (type == DSYNC_MAIL_CHANGE_TYPE_EXPUNGE) {
const glsl_type * glsl_type::get_record_instance(const glsl_struct_field *fields, unsigned num_fields, const char *name) { const glsl_type key(fields, num_fields, name); if (record_types == NULL) { record_types = hash_table_ctor(64, record_key_hash, record_key_compare); } const glsl_type *t = (glsl_type *) hash_table_find(record_types, & key); if (t == NULL) { t = new glsl_type(fields, num_fields, name); hash_table_insert(record_types, (void *) t, t); } assert(t->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_STRUCT); assert(t->length == num_fields); assert(strcmp(t->name, name) == 0); return t; }
static void checkpassword_lookup(struct auth_request *request, userdb_callback_t *callback) { struct userdb_module *_module = request->userdb->userdb; struct checkpassword_userdb_module *module = (struct checkpassword_userdb_module *)_module; struct chkpw_auth_request *chkpw_auth_request; int fd_in[2], fd_out[2]; pid_t pid; fd_in[0] = -1; if (pipe(fd_in) < 0 || pipe(fd_out) < 0) { auth_request_log_error(request, "userdb-checkpassword", "pipe() failed: %m"); callback(USERDB_RESULT_INTERNAL_FAILURE, request); if (fd_in[0] != -1) { (void)close(fd_in[0]); (void)close(fd_in[1]); } return; } pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { auth_request_log_error(request, "userdb-checkpassword", "fork() failed: %m"); callback(USERDB_RESULT_INTERNAL_FAILURE, request); (void)close(fd_in[0]); (void)close(fd_in[1]); (void)close(fd_out[0]); (void)close(fd_out[1]); return; } if (pid == 0) { (void)close(fd_in[0]); (void)close(fd_out[1]); checkpassword_lookup_child(request, module, fd_in[1], fd_out[0]); /* not reached */ } if (close(fd_in[1]) < 0) { auth_request_log_error(request, "userdb-checkpassword", "close(fd_in[1]) failed: %m"); } if (close(fd_out[0]) < 0) { auth_request_log_error(request, "userdb-checkpassword", "close(fd_out[0]) failed: %m"); } auth_request_ref(request); chkpw_auth_request = i_new(struct chkpw_auth_request, 1); chkpw_auth_request->fd_in = fd_in[0]; chkpw_auth_request->fd_out = fd_out[1]; chkpw_auth_request->pid = pid; chkpw_auth_request->request = request; chkpw_auth_request->callback = callback; chkpw_auth_request->half_finish_callback = checkpassword_request_half_finish; chkpw_auth_request->finish_callback = checkpassword_request_finish; chkpw_auth_request->internal_failure_code = USERDB_RESULT_INTERNAL_FAILURE; chkpw_auth_request->io_in = io_add(fd_in[0], IO_READ, checkpassword_child_input, chkpw_auth_request); chkpw_auth_request->io_out = io_add(fd_out[1], IO_WRITE, checkpassword_child_output, chkpw_auth_request); hash_table_insert(module->clients, POINTER_CAST(pid), chkpw_auth_request); if (checkpassword_userdb_children != NULL) child_wait_add_pid(checkpassword_userdb_children, pid); else { checkpassword_userdb_children = child_wait_new_with_pid(pid, sigchld_handler, module); } }
int s3_getacl(char* bucketname, char* filename, char* owner, struct hash_table* acls, const char* access_key_id, const char* access_key) { struct s3_message mesg; struct link* server; time_t stoptime = time(0)+s3_timeout; char path[HEADER_LINE_MAX]; char response[HEADER_LINE_MAX]; char * text; char * start; char * temp; int length; if(!s3_endpoint) return -1; if(filename) sprintf(path, "%s?acl", filename); else sprintf(path, "/?acl"); mesg.type = S3_MESG_GET; mesg.path = path; mesg.bucket = bucketname; mesg.content_type = NULL; mesg.content_md5 = NULL; mesg.content_length = 0; = time(0); mesg.expect = 0; mesg.amz_headers = NULL; //server = link_connect(s3_address, 80, stoptime); sign_message(&mesg, access_key_id, access_key); server = s3_send_message(&mesg, NULL, stoptime); if(!server) return -1; //length = s3_message_to_string(&mesg, &text); //link_putlstring(server, text, length, stoptime); //free(text); link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime); if(strcmp(response, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) { // Error: transfer failed; close connection and return failure //fprintf(stderr, "Error: request file failed\nResponse: %s\n", response); link_close(server); return -1; } do { if(!strncmp(response, "Content-Length:", 14)) sscanf(response, "Content-Length: %d", &length); if(!strcmp(response, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked")) length = 0; if(!strcmp(response, "Server: AmazonS3")) break; } while(link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime)); link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime); if(length) { text = malloc(length+1); link_read(server, text, length, stoptime); } else { struct list *buf; char *temp; unsigned int clen = 0; buf = list_create(); do { link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime); sscanf(response, "%x", &clen); //link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime); if(clen) { text = malloc(clen+1); link_read(server, text, clen, stoptime); link_readline(server, response, HEADER_LINE_MAX, stoptime); list_push_tail(buf, text); length += clen; } } while(clen); text = malloc(length+1); text[0] = '\0'; while((temp = list_pop_head(buf))) { sprintf(text, "%s%s", text, temp); free(temp); } list_delete(buf); } link_close(server); if(owner) sscanf(strstr(text, "<Owner>"), "<Owner><ID>%[^<]</ID>", owner); temp = text; while( (start = strstr(temp, "<Grant>")) ) { char id[1024]; char display_name[1024]; char permission[1024]; char type; struct s3_acl_object *acl; char *end; end = strstr(start, "</Grant>"); end[7] = '\0'; temp = end + 8; memset(display_name, 0, 1024); type = S3_ACL_ID; if( sscanf(start, "<Grant><Grantee %*[^>]><ID>%[^<]</ID><DisplayName>%[^<]</DisplayName></Grantee><Permission>%[^<]</Permission></Grantee>", id, display_name, permission) != 3 ) { type = S3_ACL_URI; sscanf(start, "<Grant><Grantee %*[^>]><URI>[^<]</URI></Grantee><Permission>%[^<]</Permission></Grantee>", id, permission); } if( !(acl = hash_table_lookup(acls, id)) ) { acl = malloc(sizeof(*acl)); acl->acl_type = type; if(*display_name) acl->display_name = strdup(display_name); else acl->display_name = NULL; acl->perm = 0; hash_table_insert(acls, id, acl); } if(!strcmp(permission, "FULL_CONTROL")) { acl->perm = acl->perm | S3_ACL_FULL_CONTROL; } else if(!strcmp(permission, "READ")) { acl->perm = acl->perm | S3_ACL_READ; } else if(!strcmp(permission, "WRITE")) { acl->perm = acl->perm | S3_ACL_WRITE; } else if(!strcmp(permission, "READ_ACP")) { acl->perm = acl->perm | S3_ACL_READ_ACP; } else if(!strcmp(permission, "WRITE_ACP")) { acl->perm = acl->perm | S3_ACL_WRITE_ACP; } } free(text); return 0; }
static int maildir_keywords_sync(struct maildir_keywords *mk) { struct istream *input; struct stat st; char *line, *p, *new_name; const char **strp; unsigned int idx; int fd; /* Remember that we rely on uidlist file locking in here. That's why we rely on stat()'s timestamp and don't bother handling ESTALE errors. */ if (mk->storage->set->mail_nfs_storage) { /* file is updated only by replacing it, no need to flush attribute cache */ nfs_flush_file_handle_cache(mk->path); } if (nfs_safe_stat(mk->path, &st) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { maildir_keywords_clear(mk); mk->synced = TRUE; return 0; } mail_storage_set_critical(mk->storage, "stat(%s) failed: %m", mk->path); return -1; } if (st.st_mtime == mk->synced_mtime) { /* hasn't changed */ mk->synced = TRUE; return 0; } mk->synced_mtime = st.st_mtime; fd = open(mk->path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { maildir_keywords_clear(mk); mk->synced = TRUE; return 0; } mail_storage_set_critical(mk->storage, "open(%s) failed: %m", mk->path); return -1; } maildir_keywords_clear(mk); input = i_stream_create_fd(fd, 1024, FALSE); while ((line = i_stream_read_next_line(input)) != NULL) { p = strchr(line, ' '); if (p == NULL) { /* note that when converting .customflags file this case happens in the first line. */ continue; } *p++ = '\0'; if (str_to_uint(line, &idx) < 0 || idx >= MAILDIR_MAX_KEYWORDS || *p == '\0') { /* shouldn't happen */ continue; } /* save it */ new_name = p_strdup(mk->pool, p); hash_table_insert(mk->hash, new_name, POINTER_CAST(idx + 1)); strp = array_idx_modifiable(&mk->list, idx); *strp = new_name; } i_stream_destroy(&input); if (close(fd) < 0) { mail_storage_set_critical(mk->storage, "close(%s) failed: %m", mk->path); return -1; } mk->synced = TRUE; return 0; }
static int log_play( struct deltadb *db, FILE *stream ) { time_t current = 0; time_t previous_time = 0; int line_number = 0; char line[NVPAIR_LINE_MAX]; char key[NVPAIR_LINE_MAX]; char name[NVPAIR_LINE_MAX]; char value[NVPAIR_LINE_MAX]; char oper; while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),stream)) { //debug(D_NOTICE,"Processed line: %s",line); line_number += 1; if (line[0]=='\n') break; int n = sscanf(line,"%c %s %s %[^\n]",&oper,key,name,value); if(n<1) continue; struct nvpair *nv; switch(oper) { case 'C': nv = nvpair_create(); int num_pairs = nvpair_parse_stream(nv,stream); if(num_pairs>0) { nvpair_delete(hash_table_remove(db->table,key)); hash_table_insert(db->table,key,nv); } else if (num_pairs == -1) { nvpair_delete(nv); break; } else { nvpair_delete(nv); } break; case 'D': nv = hash_table_remove(db->table,key); if(nv) nvpair_delete(nv); break; case 'U': nv = hash_table_lookup(db->table,key); if(nv) nvpair_insert_string(nv,name,value); break; case 'R': nv = hash_table_lookup(db->table,key); if(nv) nvpair_remove(nv,name); break; case 'T': previous_time = current; current = atol(key); emit_table_values(db,previous_time); break; default: debug(D_NOTICE,"corrupt log data[%i]: %s",line_number,line); fflush(stderr); break; } } emit_table_values(db,current); return 1; }
static int mailbox_list_index_parse_records(struct mailbox_list_index *ilist, struct mail_index_view *view, const char **error_r) { struct mailbox_list_index_node *node; const struct mail_index_record *rec; const struct mailbox_list_index_record *irec; const void *data; bool expunged; uint32_t seq, uid, count; *error_r = NULL; count = mail_index_view_get_messages_count(view); for (seq = 1; seq <= count; seq++) { node = p_new(ilist->mailbox_pool, struct mailbox_list_index_node, 1); rec = mail_index_lookup(view, seq); node->uid = rec->uid; node->flags = rec->flags; mail_index_lookup_ext(view, seq, ilist->ext_id, &data, &expunged); if (data == NULL) { *error_r = "Missing list extension data"; return -1; } irec = data; node->name_id = irec->name_id; node->name = hash_table_lookup(ilist->mailbox_names, POINTER_CAST(irec->name_id)); if (node->name == NULL) { *error_r = "name_id not in index header"; if (ilist->has_backing_store) return -1; /* generate a new name and use it */ mailbox_list_index_generate_name(ilist, node); } hash_table_insert(ilist->mailbox_hash, POINTER_CAST(node->uid), node); } /* do a second scan to create the actual mailbox tree hierarchy. this is needed because the parent_uid may be smaller or higher than the current node's uid */ for (seq = 1; seq <= count; seq++) { mail_index_lookup_uid(view, seq, &uid); mail_index_lookup_ext(view, seq, ilist->ext_id, &data, &expunged); irec = data; node = mailbox_list_index_lookup_uid(ilist, uid); i_assert(node != NULL); if (irec->parent_uid != 0) { /* node should have a parent */ node->parent = mailbox_list_index_lookup_uid(ilist, irec->parent_uid); if (node->parent != NULL) { node->next = node->parent->children; node->parent->children = node; continue; } *error_r = "parent_uid points to nonexistent record"; if (ilist->has_backing_store) return -1; /* just place it under the root */ } node->next = ilist->mailbox_tree; ilist->mailbox_tree = node; } return *error_r == NULL ? 0 : -1; }
void dram_system_read_config(void) { int i ; struct config_t *config; struct list_t *dram_system_list; char *section; if (!*dram_config_file_name) { dram_domain_index = esim_new_domain(dram_frequency); return; } config = config_create(dram_config_file_name); if (*dram_config_file_name) config_load(config); /* Section with Generic Configuration Parameters */ section = "General"; /* Frequency */ dram_frequency = config_read_int(config, section, "Frequency", dram_frequency); if (!IN_RANGE(dram_frequency, 1, ESIM_MAX_FREQUENCY)) fatal("%s: Invalid value for 'Frequency'", dram_config_file_name); /* Creating the Frequency Domain */ dram_domain_index = esim_new_domain(dram_frequency); /* Create a temporary List of all Dram Systems found in * the configuration file */ dram_system_list = list_create(); for (section = config_section_first(config); section; section = config_section_next(config)) { char *delim = "."; char section_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *token; char *dram_system_name; /*Creating a copy of the name of the section */ snprintf(section_str, sizeof section_str, "%s", section); section = section_str; /* First Token Must be 'DRAMsystem' */ token = strtok(section, delim); if (strcasecmp(token, "DRAMsystem")) continue; /* Second Token must be the system Name */ dram_system_name = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!dram_system_name) continue; /* No third term is required */ token = strtok(NULL, delim); if (token) continue; /* Insert the new DRAM system name */ dram_system_name = xstrdup(dram_system_name); list_add(dram_system_list, dram_system_name); } /* Print DRAM system Names in debug */ dram_debug("%s: loading DRAM system configuration file \n", dram_config_file_name); dram_debug("DRAM systems found:\n"); for (i = 0; i < dram_system_list->count; i++) dram_debug("\t%s\n", (char *) list_get(dram_system_list, i)); dram_debug("\n"); /* Load DRAM systems */ dram_system_table = hash_table_create(0, 0); for ( i = 0; i < dram_system_list->count; i++) { struct dram_system_t *system; char *dram_system_name; dram_system_name = list_get(dram_system_list, i); system = dram_system_config_with_file(config, dram_system_name); hash_table_insert(dram_system_table, dram_system_name, system); } while (dram_system_list->count) free(list_remove_at(dram_system_list, 0)); list_free(dram_system_list); config_free(config); }
/* * main code * */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Option *option; FILE *fp; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; HashTable *hash_table = NULL; YoutubeID youtube_id; int num_record_readed = 0, num_record_added = 0; /* parse option */ option = option_new(argc, argv); if (strcmp(option->id_list_path, "") == 0|| option->size_hash_table == 0) { printf_help_info(); exit(0); } /* open id list file */ fp = fopen(option->id_list_path, "a+"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("open id list file '%s' fail\n", option->id_list_path); exit(0); } /* create hash table */ hash_table = hash_table_new(option->size_hash_table); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) { buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; // delete '\n' hash_table_insert(hash_table, (YoutubeID*) buffer); } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: hash_table->size = %zd\n", hash_table->size); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: hash_table->count = %zd\n", hash_table->count); /* filte input */ while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin) != NULL) { if (extract_video_id(buffer, (char*) &youtube_id)) { if (!hash_table_find(hash_table, &youtube_id)) { fputs(buffer, stdout); hash_table_insert(hash_table, &youtube_id); fprintf(fp, "%s\n",; num_record_added++; if (hash_table_is_fulled(hash_table)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: the hash table is full!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "hash table size: %zd\n", hash_table->size); exit(0); } } } num_record_readed++; } fprintf(stderr, "INFO: num_record_readed = %d\n", num_record_readed); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: num_record_added = %d\n", num_record_added); fclose(fp); hash_table_free(hash_table); return 0; }
void flatten_named_interface_blocks_declarations::run(exec_list *instructions) { interface_namespace = hash_table_ctor(0, hash_table_string_hash, hash_table_string_compare); /* First pass: adjust instance block variables with an instance name * to not have an instance name. * * The interface block variables are stored in the interface_namespace * hash table so they can be used in the second pass. */ foreach_list_safe(node, instructions) { ir_variable *var = ((ir_instruction *) node)->as_variable(); if (!var || !var->is_interface_instance()) continue; /* It should be possible to handle uniforms during this pass, * but, this will require changes to the other uniform block * support code. */ if (var->data.mode == ir_var_uniform) continue; const glsl_type * iface_t = var->type; const glsl_type * array_t = NULL; exec_node *insert_pos = var; if (iface_t->is_array()) { array_t = iface_t; iface_t = array_t->fields.array; } assert (iface_t->is_interface()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < iface_t->length; i++) { const char * field_name = iface_t->fields.structure[i].name; char *iface_field_name = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s.%s.%s", iface_t->name, var->name, field_name); ir_variable *found_var = (ir_variable *) hash_table_find(interface_namespace, iface_field_name); if (!found_var) { ir_variable *new_var; char *var_name = ralloc_strdup(mem_ctx, iface_t->fields.structure[i].name); if (array_t == NULL) { new_var = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(iface_t->fields.structure[i].type, var_name, (ir_variable_mode) var->data.mode); new_var->data.from_named_ifc_block_nonarray = 1; } else { const glsl_type *new_array_type = glsl_type::get_array_instance( iface_t->fields.structure[i].type, array_t->length); new_var = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(new_array_type, var_name, (ir_variable_mode) var->data.mode); new_var->data.from_named_ifc_block_array = 1; } new_var->data.location = iface_t->fields.structure[i].location; new_var->data.explicit_location = (new_var->data.location >= 0); new_var->data.interpolation = iface_t->fields.structure[i].interpolation; new_var->data.centroid = iface_t->fields.structure[i].centroid; new_var->data.sample = iface_t->fields.structure[i].sample; new_var->init_interface_type(iface_t); hash_table_insert(interface_namespace, new_var, iface_field_name); insert_pos->insert_after(new_var); insert_pos = new_var; } } var->remove(); }
// insert into the current scope an entry binding a name to a symbol object void scope_bind(const char * name, struct symbol *sym){ hash_table_insert(h, name, sym); }
int mail_session_connect_parse(const char *const *args, const char **error_r) { struct mail_session *session; guid_128_t session_guid; uint8_t *guid_p; pid_t pid; struct ip_addr ip; unsigned int i; /* <session guid> <username> <service> <pid> [key=value ..] */ if (str_array_length(args) < 4) { *error_r = "CONNECT: Too few parameters"; return -1; } if (guid_128_from_string(args[0], session_guid) < 0) { *error_r = "CONNECT: Invalid GUID"; return -1; } if (str_to_pid(args[3], &pid) < 0) { *error_r = "CONNECT: Invalid pid"; return -1; } guid_p = session_guid; session = hash_table_lookup(mail_sessions_hash, guid_p); if (session != NULL) { *error_r = "CONNECT: Duplicate session GUID"; return -1; } session = i_new(struct mail_session, 1); session->refcount = 1; /* unrefed at disconnect */ session->service = i_strdup(args[2]); memcpy(session->guid, session_guid, sizeof(session->guid)); session->pid = pid; session->last_update = ioloop_timeval; session->to_idle = timeout_add(MAIL_SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MSECS, mail_session_idle_timeout, session); session->user = mail_user_login(args[1]); for (i = 3; args[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strncmp(args[i], "rip=", 4) == 0 && net_addr2ip(args[i] + 4, &ip) == 0) session->ip = mail_ip_login(&ip); } guid_p = session->guid; hash_table_insert(mail_sessions_hash, guid_p, session); DLLIST_PREPEND_FULL(&stable_mail_sessions, session, stable_prev, stable_next); DLLIST2_APPEND_FULL(&mail_sessions_head, &mail_sessions_tail, session, sorted_prev, sorted_next); DLLIST_PREPEND_FULL(&session->user->sessions, session, user_prev, user_next); mail_user_ref(session->user); if (session->ip != NULL) { DLLIST_PREPEND_FULL(&session->ip->sessions, session, ip_prev, ip_next); mail_ip_ref(session->ip); } global_memory_alloc(mail_session_memsize(session)); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n, a, b, choice, ris, i, j; int *path; char tmp1[MAX_STR], tmp2[MAX_STR]; Hash_table ht; Graph g; FILE *fp; if(argc < 2){ fprintf(stderr, "Parameters error!\nUsage: %s <input file>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if((fp=fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", argv[1]); return -2; } fscanf(fp, "%d", &n); ht = hash_table_init(n); g = graph_init(n); while(fscanf(fp, "%s %s", tmp1, tmp2) == 2) { if((a = hash_table_get(ht, tmp1)) == -1) a = hash_table_insert(ht, tmp1); if((b = hash_table_get(ht, tmp2)) == -1) b = hash_table_insert(ht, tmp2); graph_insert(g, create_edge(a,b)); } fclose(fp); printf( "===== G R A P H =====\n" "1 - Shortest simple path between two nodes\n" "2 - Longest simple path between two nodes\n" "3 - Number of all simple paths between two nodes\n" "4 - Show strong connected nodes\n" "5 - Show edges to strong connect the graph\n" "6 - Exit\n"); do{ printf("\nChoice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Start node: "); scanf("%s", tmp1); printf("End node: "); scanf("%s", tmp2); if(hash_table_get(ht, tmp1) != -1 && hash_table_get(ht, tmp2) != -1) { ris = graph_get_shortest_path(g, hash_table_get(ht, tmp1), hash_table_get(ht, tmp2), &path); if(ris > 0) { printf("\nDistance = %d\n\nPath:\n", ris); for(i=0; i<=ris; i++) printf("%s\n", hash_table_get_name(ht, path[i])); free(path); } else printf("There is no path between these two nodes\n"); } else printf("Error, inexistent nodes\n"); break; case 2: printf("Start node: "); scanf("%s", tmp1); printf("End node: "); scanf("%s", tmp2); if(hash_table_get(ht, tmp1) != -1 && hash_table_get(ht, tmp2) != -1) { ris = graph_get_longest_path(g, hash_table_get(ht, tmp1), hash_table_get(ht, tmp2), &path); if(ris > 0) { printf("\nDistance = %d\n\nPath:\n", ris); for(i=0; i<=ris; i++) printf("%s\n", hash_table_get_name(ht, path[i])); free(path); } else printf("There is no path between these two nodes\n"); } else printf("Error, inexistent nodes\n"); break; case 3: printf("Start node: "); scanf("%s", tmp1); printf("End node: "); scanf("%s", tmp2); if(hash_table_get(ht, tmp1) != -1 && hash_table_get(ht, tmp2) != -1) printf("Number of simple paths: %d\n", graph_number_of_simple_path(g, hash_table_get(ht, tmp1), hash_table_get(ht, tmp2))); else printf("Error, inexistent nodes\n"); break; case 4: path = graph_get_scc(g); //for every scc group for(i=0; i<n; i++) { a = 0; //counter for(j=0; j<n; j++) if(path[j] == i) { printf("%s\n", hash_table_get_name(ht, j)); a++; } if(a != 0) printf("============\n"); else break; } break; } }while(choice != 6); hash_table_destroy(ht); graph_destroy(g); return 0; }
static struct irods_server * connect_to_host( const char *hostport ) { struct irods_server *server; rcComm_t *conn; rErrMsg_t errmsg; char host[PFS_PATH_MAX]; int port; if(!hostport[0]) { errno = EACCES; return 0; } if(!connect_cache) connect_cache = hash_table_create(0,0); time_t current = time(0); server = (struct irods_server*) hash_table_lookup(connect_cache,hostport); if(server) { if((current-server->lastused)>DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT) { debug(D_IRODS,"discarding stale connection to %s",hostport); rcDisconnect(server->conn); free(server); server = 0; } else { server->lastused = current; return server; } } if(!got_irods_env) { rodsLogLevel(pfs_irods_debug_level); if(getRodsEnv(&irods_env)<0) { debug(D_IRODS,"couldn't load irods environment!"); return 0; } got_irods_env = 1; } debug(D_IRODS,"connecting to %s",hostport); sscanf(hostport,"%[^:]:%d",host,&port); conn = rcConnect(host,port,irods_env.rodsUserName,irods_env.rodsZone,1,&errmsg); if(!conn) { if(errno==EINPROGRESS) { errno = ECONNREFUSED; } debug(D_IRODS,"couldn't connect: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return 0; } debug(D_IRODS,"logging in..."); if(clientLogin(conn)!=0) { debug(D_IRODS,"unable to login as %s",irods_env.rodsUserName); rcDisconnect(conn); return 0; } server = malloc(sizeof(*server)); server->conn = conn; server->lastused = current; server->serial = irods_serial++; hash_table_insert(connect_cache,hostport,server); return server; }
static int log_replay( struct jx_database *db, const char *filename, time_t snapshot) { char line[LOG_LINE_MAX]; char value[LOG_LINE_MAX]; char name[LOG_LINE_MAX]; char key[LOG_LINE_MAX]; int n; struct jx *jvalue, *jobject; long long current = 0; FILE *file = fopen(filename,"r"); if(!file) return 0; while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)) { if(line[0]=='C') { n = sscanf(line,"C %s %[^\n]",key,value); if(n==1) { struct nvpair *nv = nvpair_create(); nvpair_parse_stream(nv,file); jvalue = nvpair_to_jx(nv); hash_table_insert(db->table,key,jvalue); } else if(n==2) { jvalue = jx_parse_string(value); if(jvalue) { hash_table_insert(db->table,key,jvalue); } else { corrupt_data(filename,line); } } else { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } } else if(line[0]=='D') { n = sscanf(line,"D %s\n",key); if(n!=1) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } jx_delete(hash_table_remove(db->table,key)); } else if(line[0]=='U') { n=sscanf(line,"U %s %s %[^\n],",key,name,value); if(n!=3) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } jobject = hash_table_lookup(db->table,key); if(!jobject) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } jvalue = jx_parse_string(value); if(!jvalue) jvalue = jx_string(value); struct jx *jname = jx_string(name); jx_delete(jx_remove(jobject,jname)); jx_insert(jobject,jname,jvalue); } else if(line[0]=='R') { n=sscanf(line,"R %s %s",key,name); if(n!=2) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } jobject = hash_table_lookup(db->table,key); if(!jobject) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } struct jx *jname = jx_string(name); jx_delete(jx_remove(jobject,jname)); jx_delete(jname); } else if(line[0]=='T') { n = sscanf(line,"T %lld",¤t); if(n!=1) { corrupt_data(filename,line); continue; } if(current>snapshot) break; } else if(line[0]=='\n') { continue; } else { corrupt_data(filename,line); } } fclose(file); return 1; }
static int tls_drv_control(ErlDrvData handle, unsigned int command, char *buf, int len, char **rbuf, int rlen) { tls_data *d = (tls_data *)handle; int res; int size; ErlDrvBinary *b; X509 *cert; unsigned int flags = command; command &= 0xffff; ERR_clear_error(); switch (command) { case SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE_ACCEPT: case SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE_CONNECT: { time_t mtime = 0; SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx = hash_table_lookup(buf, &mtime); if (is_key_file_modified(buf, &mtime) || ssl_ctx == NULL) { SSL_CTX *ctx; hash_table_insert(buf, mtime, NULL); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); die_unless(ctx, "SSL_CTX_new failed"); res = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, buf); die_unless(res > 0, "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file failed"); res = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, buf, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); die_unless(res > 0, "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file failed"); res = SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx); die_unless(res > 0, "SSL_CTX_check_private_key failed"); SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx); #ifdef SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx, SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS); #endif if (command == SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE_ACCEPT) { SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER|SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE, verify_callback); } ssl_ctx = ctx; hash_table_insert(buf, mtime, ssl_ctx); } d->ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx); die_unless(d->ssl, "SSL_new failed"); if (flags & VERIFY_NONE) SSL_set_verify(d->ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_callback); d->bio_read = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); d->bio_write = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); SSL_set_bio(d->ssl, d->bio_read, d->bio_write); if (command == SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE_ACCEPT) { SSL_set_options(d->ssl, SSL_OP_NO_TICKET); SSL_set_accept_state(d->ssl); } else { SSL_set_options(d->ssl, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_NO_TICKET); SSL_set_connect_state(d->ssl); } break; } case SET_ENCRYPTED_INPUT: die_unless(d->ssl, "SSL not initialized"); BIO_write(d->bio_read, buf, len); break; case SET_DECRYPTED_OUTPUT: die_unless(d->ssl, "SSL not initialized"); res = SSL_write(d->ssl, buf, len); if (res <= 0) { res = SSL_get_error(d->ssl, res); if (res == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || res == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { b = driver_alloc_binary(1); b->orig_bytes[0] = 2; *rbuf = (char *)b; return 1; } else { die_unless(0, "SSL_write failed"); } } break; case GET_ENCRYPTED_OUTPUT: die_unless(d->ssl, "SSL not initialized"); size = BUF_SIZE + 1; rlen = 1; b = driver_alloc_binary(size); b->orig_bytes[0] = 0; while ((res = BIO_read(d->bio_write, b->orig_bytes + rlen, BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { //printf("%d bytes of encrypted data read from state machine\r\n", res); rlen += res; size += BUF_SIZE; b = driver_realloc_binary(b, size); } b = driver_realloc_binary(b, rlen); *rbuf = (char *)b; return rlen; case GET_DECRYPTED_INPUT: if (!SSL_is_init_finished(d->ssl)) { res = SSL_do_handshake(d->ssl); if (res <= 0) die_unless(SSL_get_error(d->ssl, res) == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, "SSL_do_handshake failed"); } else { size = BUF_SIZE + 1; rlen = 1; b = driver_alloc_binary(size); b->orig_bytes[0] = 0; while ((res = SSL_read(d->ssl, b->orig_bytes + rlen, BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { //printf("%d bytes of decrypted data read from state machine\r\n",res); rlen += res; size += BUF_SIZE; b = driver_realloc_binary(b, size); } if (res < 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(d->ssl, res); if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { //printf("SSL_read wants more data\r\n"); //return 0; } // TODO } b = driver_realloc_binary(b, rlen); *rbuf = (char *)b; return rlen; } break; case GET_PEER_CERTIFICATE: cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(d->ssl); if (cert == NULL) { b = driver_alloc_binary(1); b->orig_bytes[0] = 1; *rbuf = (char *)b; return 1; } else { unsigned char *tmp_buf; rlen = i2d_X509(cert, NULL); if (rlen >= 0) { rlen++; b = driver_alloc_binary(rlen); b->orig_bytes[0] = 0; tmp_buf = (unsigned char *)&b->orig_bytes[1]; i2d_X509(cert, &tmp_buf); X509_free(cert); *rbuf = (char *)b; return rlen; } else X509_free(cert); } break; case GET_VERIFY_RESULT: b = driver_alloc_binary(1); b->orig_bytes[0] = SSL_get_verify_result(d->ssl); *rbuf = (char *)b; return 1; break; } b = driver_alloc_binary(1); b->orig_bytes[0] = 0; *rbuf = (char *)b; return 1; }
/* * Reload trusted table to new hash table and when done, make new hash table * current one. */ int reload_trusted_table(void) { db_key_t cols[6]; db1_res_t* res = NULL; db_row_t* row; db_val_t* val; struct trusted_list **new_hash_table; struct trusted_list **old_hash_table; int i; int priority; char *pattern, *ruri_pattern, *tag; if (hash_table == 0) { LM_ERR("in-memory hash table not initialized\n"); return -1; } if (db_handle == 0) { LM_ERR("no connection to database\n"); return -1; } cols[0] = &source_col; cols[1] = &proto_col; cols[2] = &from_col; cols[3] = &ruri_col; cols[4] = &tag_col; cols[5] = &priority_col; if (perm_dbf.use_table(db_handle, &trusted_table) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to use trusted table\n"); return -1; } if (perm_dbf.query(db_handle, NULL, 0, NULL, cols, 0, 6, 0, &res) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to query database\n"); return -1; } /* Choose new hash table and free its old contents */ if (*hash_table == hash_table_1) { new_hash_table = hash_table_2; } else { new_hash_table = hash_table_1; } empty_hash_table(new_hash_table); row = RES_ROWS(res); LM_DBG("number of rows in trusted table: %d\n", RES_ROW_N(res)); for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) { val = ROW_VALUES(row + i); if ((ROW_N(row + i) == 6) && ((VAL_TYPE(val) == DB1_STRING) || (VAL_TYPE(val) == DB1_STR) ) && !VAL_NULL(val) && ((VAL_TYPE(val + 1) == DB1_STRING) || (VAL_TYPE(val + 1) == DB1_STR)) && !VAL_NULL(val + 1) && (VAL_NULL(val + 2) || (((VAL_TYPE(val + 2) == DB1_STRING) || (VAL_TYPE(val + 2) == DB1_STR)) && !VAL_NULL(val + 2))) && (VAL_NULL(val + 3) || (((VAL_TYPE(val + 3) == DB1_STRING) || (VAL_TYPE(val + 3) == DB1_STR) )&& !VAL_NULL(val + 3))) && (VAL_NULL(val + 4) || (((VAL_TYPE(val + 4) == DB1_STRING) || (VAL_TYPE(val + 4) == DB1_STR) )&& !VAL_NULL(val + 4)))) { if (VAL_NULL(val + 2)) { pattern = 0; } else { pattern = (char *)VAL_STRING(val + 2); } if (VAL_NULL(val + 3)) { ruri_pattern = 0; } else { ruri_pattern = (char *)VAL_STRING(val + 3); } if (VAL_NULL(val + 4)) { tag = 0; } else { tag = (char *)VAL_STRING(val + 4); } if (VAL_NULL(val + 5)) { priority = 0; } else { priority = (int)VAL_INT(val + 5); } if (hash_table_insert(new_hash_table, (char *)VAL_STRING(val), (char *)VAL_STRING(val + 1), pattern, ruri_pattern, tag, priority) == -1) { LM_ERR("hash table problem\n"); perm_dbf.free_result(db_handle, res); empty_hash_table(new_hash_table); return -1; } LM_DBG("tuple <%s, %s, %s, %s, %s> inserted into trusted hash " "table\n", VAL_STRING(val), VAL_STRING(val + 1), pattern, ruri_pattern, tag); } else { LM_ERR("database problem\n"); perm_dbf.free_result(db_handle, res); empty_hash_table(new_hash_table); return -1; } } perm_dbf.free_result(db_handle, res); old_hash_table = *hash_table; *hash_table = new_hash_table; empty_hash_table(old_hash_table); LM_DBG("trusted table reloaded successfully.\n"); return 1; }
void net_read_config(void) { struct config_t *config; struct list_t *net_name_list; char *section; int i; /* Configuration file */ if (!*net_config_file_name) { net_domain_index = esim_new_domain(net_frequency); return; } /* Open network configuration file */ config = config_create(net_config_file_name); if (*net_config_file_name) config_load(config); /* Section with generic configuration parameters */ section = "General"; /* Frequency */ net_frequency = config_read_int(config, section, "Frequency", net_frequency); if (!IN_RANGE(net_frequency, 1, ESIM_MAX_FREQUENCY)) fatal("%s: invalid value for 'Frequency'", net_config_file_name); /* Create frequency domain */ net_domain_index = esim_new_domain(net_frequency); /* Create a temporary list of network names found in configuration * file */ net_name_list = list_create(); for (section = config_section_first(config); section; section = config_section_next(config)) { char *delim = "."; char section_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *token; char *net_name; /* Create a copy of section name */ snprintf(section_str, sizeof section_str, "%s", section); section = section_str; /* First token must be 'Network' */ token = strtok(section, delim); if (strcasecmp(token, "Network")) continue; /* Second token is network name */ net_name = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!net_name) continue; /* No third token */ token = strtok(NULL, delim); if (token) continue; /* Insert new network name */ net_name = xstrdup(net_name); list_add(net_name_list, net_name); } /* Print network names */ net_debug("%s: loading network configuration file\n", net_config_file_name); net_debug("networks found:\n"); for (i = 0; i < net_name_list->count; i++) net_debug("\t%s\n", (char *)list_get(net_name_list, i)); net_debug("\n"); /* Load networks */ net_table = hash_table_create(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < net_name_list->count; i++) { struct net_t *network; char *net_name; net_name = list_get(net_name_list, i); network = net_create_from_config(config, net_name); hash_table_insert(net_table, net_name, network); } /* Free list of network names and configuration file */ while (net_name_list->count) free(list_remove_at(net_name_list, 0)); list_free(net_name_list); config_free(config); }
struct service_process *service_process_create(struct service *service) { static unsigned int uid_counter = 0; struct service_process *process; unsigned int uid = ++uid_counter; const char *hostdomain; pid_t pid; bool process_forked; i_assert(service->status_fd[0] != -1); if (service->to_throttle != NULL) { /* throttling service, don't create new processes */ return NULL; } if (service->list->destroying) { /* these services are being destroyed, no point in creating new processes now */ return NULL; } /* look this up before fork()ing so that it gets cached for all the future lookups. */ hostdomain = my_hostdomain(); if (service->type == SERVICE_TYPE_ANVIL && service_anvil_global->pid != 0) { pid = service_anvil_global->pid; uid = service_anvil_global->uid; process_forked = FALSE; } else { pid = fork(); process_forked = TRUE; service->list->fork_counter++; } if (pid < 0) { service_error(service, "fork() failed: %m"); return NULL; } if (pid == 0) { /* child */ service_process_setup_environment(service, uid, hostdomain); service_reopen_inet_listeners(service); service_dup_fds(service); drop_privileges(service); process_exec(service->executable, NULL); } i_assert(hash_table_lookup(service_pids, POINTER_CAST(pid)) == NULL); process = i_new(struct service_process, 1); process->service = service; process->refcount = 1; process->pid = pid; process->uid = uid; if (process_forked) { process->to_status = timeout_add(SERVICE_FIRST_STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000, service_process_status_timeout, process); } process->available_count = service->client_limit; service->process_count++; service->process_avail++; DLLIST_PREPEND(&service->processes, process); service_list_ref(service->list); hash_table_insert(service_pids, POINTER_CAST(process->pid), process); if (service->type == SERVICE_TYPE_ANVIL && process_forked) service_anvil_process_created(process); return process; }
bool auth_request_handler_auth_begin(struct auth_request_handler *handler, const char *args) { const struct mech_module *mech; struct auth_request *request; const char *const *list, *name, *arg, *initial_resp; void *initial_resp_data; unsigned int id; buffer_t *buf; i_assert(!handler->destroyed); /* <id> <mechanism> [...] */ list = t_strsplit_tab(args); if (list[0] == NULL || list[1] == NULL || str_to_uint(list[0], &id) < 0) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent broken AUTH request", handler->client_pid); return FALSE; } if (handler->token_auth) { mech = &mech_dovecot_token; if (strcmp(list[1], mech->mech_name) != 0) { /* unsupported mechanism */ i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u requested invalid " "authentication mechanism %s (DOVECOT-TOKEN required)", handler->client_pid, str_sanitize(list[1], MAX_MECH_NAME_LEN)); return FALSE; } } else { mech = mech_module_find(list[1]); if (mech == NULL) { /* unsupported mechanism */ i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u requested unsupported " "authentication mechanism %s", handler->client_pid, str_sanitize(list[1], MAX_MECH_NAME_LEN)); return FALSE; } } request = auth_request_new(mech); request->handler = handler; request->connect_uid = handler->connect_uid; request->client_pid = handler->client_pid; request->id = id; request->auth_only = handler->master_callback == NULL; /* parse optional parameters */ initial_resp = NULL; for (list += 2; *list != NULL; list++) { arg = strchr(*list, '='); if (arg == NULL) { name = *list; arg = ""; } else { name = t_strdup_until(*list, arg); arg++; } if (auth_request_import_auth(request, name, arg)) ; else if (strcmp(name, "resp") == 0) { initial_resp = arg; /* this must be the last parameter */ list++; break; } } if (*list != NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent AUTH parameters after 'resp'", handler->client_pid); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } if (request->service == NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "didn't specify service in request", handler->client_pid); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } if (hash_table_lookup(handler->requests, POINTER_CAST(id)) != NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent a duplicate ID %u", handler->client_pid, id); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } auth_request_init(request); request->to_abort = timeout_add(MASTER_AUTH_SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000, auth_request_timeout, request); hash_table_insert(handler->requests, POINTER_CAST(id), request); if (request->set->ssl_require_client_cert && !request->valid_client_cert) { /* we fail without valid certificate */ auth_request_handler_auth_fail(handler, request, "Client didn't present valid SSL certificate"); return TRUE; } /* Empty initial response is a "=" base64 string. Completely empty string shouldn't really be sent, but at least Exim does it, so just allow it for backwards compatibility.. */ if (initial_resp != NULL && *initial_resp != '\0') { size_t len = strlen(initial_resp); buf = buffer_create_dynamic(pool_datastack_create(), MAX_BASE64_DECODED_SIZE(len)); if (base64_decode(initial_resp, len, NULL, buf) < 0) { auth_request_handler_auth_fail(handler, request, "Invalid base64 data in initial response"); return TRUE; } initial_resp_data = p_malloc(request->pool, I_MAX(buf->used, 1)); memcpy(initial_resp_data, buf->data, buf->used); request->initial_response = initial_resp_data; request->initial_response_len = buf->used; } /* handler is referenced until auth_request_handler_reply() is called. */ handler->refcount++; /* before we start authenticating, see if we need to wait first */ auth_penalty_lookup(auth_penalty, request, auth_penalty_callback); return TRUE; }