Example #1
static Node install( char *word, char *def ) {
  Node node;
  unsigned code = hashcode( word );
  for ( node = hashtable[ code ]; node != NULL; node = node->next ) {
    if ( strcmp( node->name, word ) == 0 ) {
      /* already defined, we supersede it */
      strcpy( node->def, def );
      return node;
  if ( (node = (Node) malloc( sizeof( *node ) )) == NULL ) {
    return NULL;
  strcpy( node->name, word );
  strcpy( node->def, def );
   * you cannot just write node->next = NULL;
   * because there is no pointer pointing to node
   * after looking up, some pointer and node point to the same thing NULL
   * but if you got something like node->next = null;
   * then you can alloc space for node->next, and fill the structure.
  node->next = hashtable[ code ];
  hashtable[ code ] = node;
  return node;
Example #2
static unsigned long aout_addsym(char *name,taddr value,int bind,
                                 int info,int type,int desc,int be)
/* add a new symbol, return its symbol table index */
  struct SymbolNode **chain = &aoutsymlist.hashtab[hashcode(name)%SYMHTABSIZE];
  struct SymbolNode *sym;

  while (sym = *chain)
    chain = &sym->hashchain;
  /* new symbol table entry */
  *chain = sym = mycalloc(sizeof(struct SymbolNode));

  if (!name)
    name = emptystr;
  sym->name = name;
  sym->index = aoutsymlist.nextindex++;
  sym->s.n_type = type;
  /* GNU binutils don't use BIND_LOCAL/GLOBAL in a.out files! We do! */
  sym->s.n_other = ((bind&0xf)<<4) | (info&0xf);
  return sym->index;
Example #3
static unsigned long aout_addstr(char *s)
/* add a new symbol name to the string table and return its offset */
  struct StrTabNode **chain = &aoutstrlist.hashtab[hashcode(s)%STRHTABSIZE];
  struct StrTabNode *sn;

  if (*s == '\0')
    return 0;

  /* search string in hash table */
  while (sn = *chain) {
    if (!strcmp(s,sn->str))
      return (sn->offset);  /* it's already in, return offset */
    chain = &sn->hashchain;

  /* new string table entry */
  *chain = sn = mymalloc(sizeof(struct StrTabNode));
  sn->hashchain = NULL;
  sn->str = s;
  sn->offset = aoutstrlist.nextoffset;
  aoutstrlist.nextoffset += strlen(s) + 1;
  return sn->offset;
Example #4
static Node lookup( char *word ) {
  Node ret;
  for ( ret = hashtable[ hashcode( word ) ]; ret != NULL; ret = ret->next ) {
    if ( strcmp( ret->name, word ) == 0 ) {
      return ret;
  return NULL; /* no match found */
Example #5
static int aout_findsym(char *name,int be)
/* find a symbol by its name, return symbol table index or -1 */
  struct SymbolNode **chain = &aoutsymlist.hashtab[hashcode(name)%SYMHTABSIZE];
  struct SymbolNode *sym;

  while (sym = *chain) {
    if (!strcmp(name,sym->name))
      return ((int)sym->index);
    chain = &sym->hashchain;
  return (-1);
Example #6
File: text.c Project: nnesse/tbftss
static void drawTextNormal(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, char *text)
	SDL_Surface *surface;
	SDL_Texture *t;
	int w, h;
	long hash;
	if (size >= MAX_FONTS)
		printf("ERROR: %d exceeds max font size index of %d\n", size, MAX_FONTS);
	if (!font[size])

	hash = hashcode(text, size);

	t = getCachedText(hash);

	if (!t)
		surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font[size], text, c);
		t = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(app.renderer, surface);
		cacheText(hash, t);

	SDL_QueryTexture(t, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);

	if (align == TA_CENTER)
		x -= (w / 2);
	else if (align == TA_RIGHT)
		x -= w;
	SDL_SetTextureColorMod(t, c.r, c.g, c.b);

	blit(t, x, y, 0);
Example #7
 * i is an index into the array of temporary states
int save_state (int i) {
    int p; // p is the
    int k; // k gets the custom codepoint of state 'i's last transition
    int h,hc;

    while ((p = states_hash_table[h]) != 0 && !state_cmp(p,i)) h=(h+HASHC2)%HASHS;
    if (p==0) { // we did not find an equivalent state, but an empty slot
        if (HASHS - states_count < HASHS / 10 ) {
            h=abs(hc)%HASHS; // re-compute the hash slot to start with
            while (states_hash_table[h] != 0) h=(h+HASHC2)%HASHS; // re-find an open slot
        states_hash_table[h] = new_state(i,k);
        hash_codes[h] = hc;
    return states_hash_table[h];
Example #8
static void undef( char *word, Node macro ) {
  Node node, prev;
  unsigned code = hashcode( word );
  prev = node = hashtable[ code ];
  if ( node == NULL ) {
    strcpy( macro->name, "####" );
  if ( strcmp( node->name, word ) == 0 ) {
    strcpy( macro->name, node->name );
    strcpy( macro->def, node->def );
    macro->next = NULL;
    if ( node->next == NULL ) {
      free( node );
      hashtable[ code ] = NULL;

  /* attention here: you have to assign node to prev, before iterate */
  for ( node = node->next; node != NULL; prev = node, node = node->next ) {
    if ( strcmp( node->name, word ) == 0 ) {
      strcpy( macro->name, node->name );
      strcpy( macro->def, node->def );
      macro->next = NULL;
      /* you cannot write like this:
      next = node;
      next = next->next;
      free( node );
      * it does not work we have to make something like prev->next = node->next */
      /* attention: prev = node->next, does not work */
      prev->next = node->next;
      free( node );
  /* no match found */
  strcpy( macro->name, "####" );
Example #9
static int calculatePoints(consistentImpl_t* pC) {
	int length       = 0, returnValue = 0;
	int requiredSize = pC->spread * pC->serverCount;

	if (pC->pointsCount != requiredSize) {
		if (pC->points) {
			pC->points      = 0;
			pC->pointsCount = 0;
		pC->points = calloc(requiredSize, sizeof(point_t));
		IfTrue(pC->points, ERR, "Error allocating memory for points");
		pC->pointsCount = requiredSize;

	for (int i = 0; i < pC->serverCount; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < pC->spread; j++) {
			memset(key, 0 , MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE);
			length = snprintf(key, MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE, "%s-%d", pC->servers[i].serverName, j);
			IfTrue(length < MAX_SERVER_NAME_SIZE, ERR, "server names to big");
			pC->points[(i*pC->spread)+j].hashPoint   = hashcode(pC, key, length);
			pC->points[(i*pC->spread)+j].serverIndex = i;
	qsort(pC->points, pC->pointsCount, sizeof(point_t), pointsCompare);

	goto OnSuccess;
	if (pC->points) {
		pC->points      = 0;
		pC->pointsCount = 0;
	returnValue = -1;
	return returnValue;
Example #10
const char* consistentFindServer(consistent_t consistent, char* key) {
	consistentImpl_t* pC = CONSISTENT(consistent);
	u_int32_t hashValue  = hashcode(pC, key, strlen(key));

	int highp = pC->pointsCount, lowp  = 0, midp = 0;
	u_int32_t midval, midval1;
	char* server      = 0;
	int   finalIndex  = 0;

	// divide and conquer array search to find server with next biggest
	// point after what this key hashes to
	while (1) {
		midp = (int)( ( lowp+highp ) / 2 );
		if (midp == pC->pointsCount) {
			// if at the end, roll back to zeroth
			server = pC->servers[pC->points[0].serverIndex].serverName;
			finalIndex = 0;

		midval = pC->points[midp].hashPoint;
		midval1 = midp == 0 ? 0 : pC->points[midp-1].hashPoint;

		if (hashValue <= midval && hashValue > midval1) {
			server = pC->servers[pC->points[midp].serverIndex].serverName;
			finalIndex = midp;

		if (midval < hashValue) {
			lowp = midp + 1;
		}else {
			highp = midp - 1;

		if (lowp > highp) {
			server = pC->servers[pC->points[0].serverIndex].serverName;
			finalIndex = 0;

	//we found the server check if it is available
	if (pC->servers[finalIndex].available) {
		return server;
	// the current server is not available..find the next available
	// and return that one
	int next = finalIndex + 1;
	while (next != finalIndex) {
		if (next < pC->pointsCount) {
			if (pC->servers[pC->points[next].serverIndex].available) {
				return pC->servers[pC->points[next].serverIndex].serverName;
		}else {
			next = 0;
	return 0;
Example #11
UT_uint32 hashcode(const UT_String& string)
	// from glib
	return hashcode(string.c_str());