bool PHPBackend::initialize (const QString &filename, RKComponentPropertyCode *code_property, bool add_headings) {

	if (php_process && php_process->isRunning ()) {
		RK_DO (qDebug ("another template is already openend in this backend"), PHP, DL_ERROR);
		return false;

	php_process = new KProcess ();
	*php_process << RKSettingsModulePHP::phpBin();
//	*php_process << "-a";		// run interactively. Does this have an effect?
	*php_process << (RKSettingsModulePHP::filesPath() + "/common.php");
	// we have to be connect at all times! Otherwise the connection will be gone for good.
	//connect (php_process, SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char*, int)), this, SLOT (gotError (KProcess *, char*, int)));
	connect (php_process, SIGNAL (wroteStdin (KProcess *)), this, SLOT (doneWriting (KProcess* )));
	connect (php_process, SIGNAL (receivedStdout (KProcess *, char*, int)), this, SLOT (gotOutput (KProcess *, char*, int)));
	if (!php_process->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All)) {
		KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("The PHP backend could not be started. Check whether you have correctly configured the location of the PHP-binary (Settings->Configure Settings->PHP backend)"), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
		emit (haveError ());
		return false;

	busy_writing = doing_command = startup_done = false;
	busy = true;

	// start the real template
	callFunction ("include (\"" + filename + "\");", 0, Ignore);

	PHPBackend::code_property = code_property;
	PHPBackend::add_headings = add_headings;
	return true;
Example #2
void RKComponentScriptingProxy::handleScriptError (const QString& current_file) {

	QString file = current_file;
	if (file.isEmpty ()) file = _scriptfile;
	if (engine.hasUncaughtException ()) {
		QString message = i18n ("Script Error: %1\n", engine.uncaughtException ().toString ());
		KMessageBox::detailedError (0, message, engine.uncaughtExceptionBacktrace ().join ("\n"));
		engine.clearExceptions ();
		emit (haveError());
Example #3
// Have a socket error, set m_errorString and propagate
// signal
void ApcUpsMon::socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)
    m_errorString = socket.errorString();
    if (socket.state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
        // Attempt to reconnect in two timer intervals or,
        // failing that, ten seconds
        QTimer::singleShot((timer.interval() ? timer.interval() : 10000),
                           this, SLOT(connectToHost()));
    emit haveError(m_errorString);
void PHPBackend::gotOutput (KProcess *, char* buf, int len) {

	QString output = buf;
	QString request;
	QString data;
	int i;
	bool have_data = true;;
	bool have_request = false;
	// is there a request in the output stream?
	if ((i = output.find (eot_string)) >= 0) {
		have_request = true;
		// is there also pending data?
		if (i) {
			data = output.left (i);
		} else {
			have_data = false;
		request = output.mid (i + eot_string.length (), len);
	} else {
		data = output;
	RK_DO (qDebug ("request: %s\ndata: %s", request.latin1 (), data.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
	// pending data is always first in a stream, so process it first, too
	if (have_data) {
		if (!startup_done) {
				php_process->detach ();
				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("There has been an error\n(\"%1\")\nwhile starting up the PHP backend. Most likely this is due to either a bug in RKWard or an invalid setting for the location of the PHP support files. Check the settings (Settings->Configure Settings->PHP backend) and try again.").arg (data.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
				emit (haveError ());
				destroy ();
		_output.append (data);
	if (have_request) {
		if (request == "requesting code") {
			startup_done = true;
			busy = false;
			RK_DO (qDebug ("got type: %d, stack %d", current_type, command_stack.count ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			if (current_type != Ignore) {
				if (code_property) {
					if (_output.isNull ()) _output = "";			// must not be null for the code property!
					if (current_type == Preprocess) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setPreprocess (i18n ("## Prepare\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setPreprocess (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Calculate) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setCalculate (i18n ("## Compute\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setCalculate (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Printout) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setPrintout (i18n ("## Print result\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setPrintout (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Cleanup) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setCleanup (i18n ("## Clean up\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setCleanup (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else {
						emit (commandDone (current_flags));
				} else {
					emit (commandDone (current_flags));
			tryNextFunction ();
			if (!busy) {
				emit (idle ());
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting data:")) {
			QString requested_object = request.remove ("requesting data:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested data: \"%s\"", requested_object.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestValue (requested_object));
			busy = true;
//			writeData (res + eot_string);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting rcall:")) {
			QString requested_call = request.remove ("requesting rcall:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested rcall: \"%s\"", requested_call.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestRCall (requested_call));
			busy = true;
//			_responsible->doRCall (requested_call);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting rvector:")) {
			QString requested_call = request.remove ("requesting rvector:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested rvector: \"%s\"", requested_call.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestRVector (requested_call));
			busy = true;
//			_responsible->getRVector (requested_call);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("PHP-Error")) {
				QString error = request.remove ("PHP-Error");
				php_process->detach ();
				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("The PHP-backend has reported an error\n(\"%1\")\nand has been shut down. This is most likely due to a bug in the plugin. But of course you may want to try to close and restart the plugin to see whether it works with different settings.").arg (error.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
				emit (haveError ());
				destroy ();