Example #1
FP_TYPE calculate_distance_over_track(std::vector<event_point>* evt_pts_0,
									  std::vector<event_point>* evt_pts_1)
	FP_TYPE mean_dist = 0.0;
	int n_pts = 0;
	for (int e0=0; e0 < evt_pts_0->size(); e0++)
		FP_TYPE lon_0 = (*evt_pts_0)[e0].svex->lon;
		FP_TYPE lat_0 = (*evt_pts_0)[e0].svex->lat;
		int evt_0 = (*evt_pts_0)[e0].timestep;
		for (int e1=0; e1 < evt_pts_1->size(); e1++)
			int evt_1 = (*evt_pts_0)[e0].timestep;
			if (evt_0 == evt_1)
				FP_TYPE lon_1 = (*evt_pts_1)[e1].svex->lon;
				FP_TYPE lat_1 = (*evt_pts_1)[e1].svex->lat;
				FP_TYPE dist = haversine(lon_0, lat_0, lon_1, lat_1, EARTH_R);
				mean_dist += dist / 1000.0;
				n_pts += 1;
	if (n_pts == 0)
		return 2e20;
		return mean_dist / n_pts;
Example #2
bool eventor::evaluate_candidate_event(steering_extremum* trk_pt, 
									   steering_extremum* cand_pt,
									   FP_TYPE& dist, FP_TYPE& overlap)
	// evaluate the candidate point against the last point in the track
	// calculate distance
	dist = haversine(trk_pt->lon, trk_pt->lat, cand_pt->lon, cand_pt->lat, EARTH_R);
	// calculate overlap
	FP_TYPE n_overlapping_labels = 0.0;
	for (LABEL_STORE::iterator trk_label = trk_pt->object_labels.begin();
		 trk_label != trk_pt->object_labels.end(); trk_label++)
		if (std::find(cand_pt->object_labels.begin(), cand_pt->object_labels.end(), 
				*trk_label) != cand_pt->object_labels.end())
	overlap = 100 * n_overlapping_labels / trk_pt->object_labels.size();
	// logic check - if percentage overlap is >= min_overlap and dist <= search radius
	if (dist <= sr && overlap >= min_overlap)
		return true;
		return false;
Example #3
FP_TYPE calculate_triangle_distance(indexed_force_tri_3D* O_TRI, 
				  					indexed_force_tri_3D* C_TRI)
	FP_TYPE o_lon, o_lat;
	FP_TYPE c_lon, c_lat;
	cart_to_model(O_TRI->centroid(), o_lon, o_lat);
	cart_to_model(C_TRI->centroid(), c_lon, c_lat);
	FP_TYPE dist = haversine(o_lon, o_lat, c_lon, c_lat, EARTH_R);
	return dist / 1000.0;
Example #4
Vector2d * genVelocity(double lon1, double lon2, double lat1, double lat2, double time){
   Vector2d * toReturn, * temp1, * temp2;
   double bearing, speed;

   toReturn = new Vector2d;
   temp1 = new Vector2d(lon1, lat1);
   temp2 = new Vector2d(lon2, lat2);

   // Speed is distance over time
   speed =  haversine(lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2)/time;

   bearing = findBearing_2(temp1, temp2);

   toReturn->x = sin(bearing*M_PI/180.0)*speed;
   toReturn->y = cos(bearing*M_PI/180.0)*speed;

   return toReturn;
// void CLatLongDistanceLayer::rebuild()
// build
void CLatLongDistanceLayer::rebuild() {
  try {

    for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < iWidth; ++j) {
        for (int k = 0; k < iHeight; ++k) {
          for (int l = 0; l < iWidth; ++l) {
            double dLong1 = getLong(i, j);
            double dLat1  = getLat(i, j);
            double dLong2 = getLong(k, l);
            double dLat2  = getLat(k, l);
            mGrid[i][j][k][l] = haversine(dLong1, dLat1, dLong2, dLat2);

  } catch (string &Ex) {
    Ex = "CLatLongDistanceLayer.rebuild(" + getLabel() + ")->" + Ex;
    throw Ex;
Example #6
LABEL tri_grid::get_triangle_for_point(vector_3D* P)
	// determine which of the 20 base triangles the point is in
	int base_tri = -1;
	for (unsigned int tri=0; tri<triangles.size(); tri++)
		if (point_in_tri(P, triangles[tri]->get_root()->get_data()))
			base_tri = tri;
	// not found so find by distance
	if (base_tri == -1)
		FP_TYPE min_dist = 2e20;
		int min_base = -1;
		FP_TYPE P_lon, P_lat;
		cart_to_model(*P, P_lon, P_lat);
		for (unsigned int tri=0; tri<triangles.size(); tri++)
			FP_TYPE T_lon, T_lat;
			cart_to_model(triangles[tri]->get_root()->get_data()->centroid(), T_lon, T_lat);
			FP_TYPE dist = haversine(P_lon, P_lat, T_lon, T_lat, 1.0);
			if (dist < min_dist)
				dist = min_dist;
				min_base = tri;
		base_tri = min_base;
	// get the base node
	QT_TRI_NODE* current_node = get_base_tri(base_tri);
	bool found = false;
	while (not found)
		if (current_node->is_leaf())
			found = true;
			bool found_in_child = false;
			for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
				QT_TRI_NODE* current_child = current_node->get_child(i);
				if (point_in_tri(P, current_child->get_data()))
					current_node = current_child;
					found_in_child = true;
			// not found by point inclusion - find by minimum distance
			if (not found_in_child)
				FP_TYPE min_dist = 2e20;
				int min_child = -1;
				FP_TYPE P_lon, P_lat;
				cart_to_model(*P, P_lon, P_lat);
				for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
					FP_TYPE T_lon, T_lat;
					cart_to_model(current_node->get_child(i)->get_data()->centroid(), T_lon, T_lat);
					FP_TYPE dist = haversine(P_lon, P_lat, T_lon, T_lat, 1.0);
					if (dist < min_dist)
						dist = min_dist;
						min_child = i;
				current_node = current_node->get_child(min_child);
	return current_node->get_data()->get_label();
Example #7
//' rcpp_lines_as_network
//' Return OSM data in Simple Features format
//' @param sf_lines An sf collection of LINESTRING objects
//' @param pr Rcpp::DataFrame containing the weighting profile
//' @return Rcpp::List objects of OSM data
//' @noRd
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List rcpp_lines_as_network (const Rcpp::List &sf_lines,
        Rcpp::DataFrame pr)
    std::map <std::string, float> profile;
    Rcpp::StringVector hw = pr [1];
    Rcpp::NumericVector val = pr [2];
    for (int i = 0; i != hw.size (); i ++)
        profile.insert (std::make_pair (std::string (hw [i]), val [i]));

    Rcpp::CharacterVector nms = sf_lines.attr ("names");
    if (nms [nms.size () - 1] != "geometry")
        throw std::runtime_error ("sf_lines have no geometry component");
    if (nms [0] != "osm_id")
        throw std::runtime_error ("sf_lines have no osm_id component");
    int one_way_index = -1;
    int one_way_bicycle_index = -1;
    int highway_index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nms.size (); i++)
        if (nms [i] == "oneway")
            one_way_index = i;
        if (nms [i] == "oneway.bicycle")
            one_way_bicycle_index = i;
        if (nms [i] == "highway")
            highway_index = i;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector ow = NULL;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector owb = NULL;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector highway = NULL;
    if (one_way_index >= 0)
        ow = sf_lines [one_way_index];
    if (one_way_bicycle_index >= 0)
        owb = sf_lines [one_way_bicycle_index];
    if (highway_index >= 0)
        highway = sf_lines [highway_index];
    if (ow.size () > 0)
        if (ow.size () == owb.size ())
            for (unsigned i = 0; i != ow.size (); ++ i)
                if (ow [i] == "NA" && owb [i] != "NA")
                    ow [i] = owb [i];
        } else if (owb.size () > ow.size ())
            ow = owb;

    Rcpp::List geoms = sf_lines [nms.size () - 1];
    std::vector<bool> isOneWay (geoms.length ());
    std::fill (isOneWay.begin (), isOneWay.end (), false);
    // Get dimension of matrix
    size_t nrows = 0;
    int ngeoms = 0;
    for (auto g = geoms.begin (); g != geoms.end (); ++g)
        // Rcpp uses an internal proxy iterator here, NOT a direct copy
        Rcpp::NumericMatrix gi = (*g);
        int rows = gi.nrow () - 1;
        nrows += rows;
        if (ngeoms < ow.size ())
            if (!(ow [ngeoms] == "yes" || ow [ngeoms] == "-1"))
                nrows += rows;
                isOneWay [ngeoms] = true;
        ngeoms ++;

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix nmat = Rcpp::NumericMatrix (Rcpp::Dimension (nrows, 6));
    Rcpp::CharacterMatrix idmat = Rcpp::CharacterMatrix (Rcpp::Dimension (nrows,

    nrows = 0;
    ngeoms = 0;
    int fake_id = 0;
    for (auto g = geoms.begin (); g != geoms.end (); ++ g)
        Rcpp::NumericMatrix gi = (*g);
        std::string hway = std::string (highway [ngeoms]);
        float hw_factor = profile [hway];
        if (hw_factor == 0.0) hw_factor = 1e-5;
        hw_factor = 1.0 / hw_factor;

        Rcpp::List ginames = gi.attr ("dimnames");
        Rcpp::CharacterVector rnms;
        if (ginames.length () > 0)
            rnms = ginames [0];
            rnms = Rcpp::CharacterVector (gi.nrow ());
            for (int i = 0; i < gi.nrow (); i ++)
                rnms [i] = fake_id ++;
        if (rnms.size () != gi.nrow ())
            throw std::runtime_error ("geom size differs from rownames");

        for (int i = 1; i < gi.nrow (); i ++)
            float d = haversine (gi (i-1, 0), gi (i-1, 1), gi (i, 0),
                    gi (i, 1));
            nmat (nrows, 0) = gi (i-1, 0);
            nmat (nrows, 1) = gi (i-1, 1);
            nmat (nrows, 2) = gi (i, 0);
            nmat (nrows, 3) = gi (i, 1);
            nmat (nrows, 4) = d;
            nmat (nrows, 5) = d * hw_factor;
            idmat (nrows, 0) = rnms (i-1);
            idmat (nrows, 1) = rnms (i);
            idmat (nrows, 2) = hway;
            nrows ++;
            if (isOneWay [ngeoms])
                nmat (nrows, 0) = gi (i, 0);
                nmat (nrows, 1) = gi (i, 1);
                nmat (nrows, 2) = gi (i-1, 0);
                nmat (nrows, 3) = gi (i-1, 1);
                nmat (nrows, 4) = d;
                nmat (nrows, 5) = d * hw_factor;
                idmat (nrows, 0) = rnms (i);
                idmat (nrows, 1) = rnms (i-1);
                idmat (nrows, 2) = hway;
                nrows ++;
        ngeoms ++;

    Rcpp::List res (2);
    res [0] = nmat;
    res [1] = idmat;

    return res;
Example #8
/*assuming that latitude and longitude are stored in the x and z coordinates of a point */
f64 GPSconverter::GPSdistance(glm::vec3 p, glm::vec3 q)
	f64 h = haversine(q.x - p.x) + cos(p.x)*cos(q.x)*haversine(q.z - p.z); 
	return inverseHaversine(h);
Example #9
void extrema_locator::calculate_object_intensity(int o, int t)
	// object intensity is calculated as a weighted sum of the intensities of
	// the triangles in the object.  The weight is defined as 1.0 - dist/max_dist
	// where dist is the distance between the lat and lon of the feature point
	// and max_dist is the maximum distance of all the objects

	// get the extremum - the lat and lon will have been set already
	steering_extremum* svex = ex_list.get(t, o);
	LABEL_STORE* object_labels = &(svex->object_labels);
	FP_TYPE max_dist = -1.0;
	// find min / max of values in the object
	FP_TYPE min_v = 2e20f;	// minimum value in object
	FP_TYPE max_v = 0;		// maximum value in object
	get_min_max_values(min_v, max_v, o, t);		
	// loop through the triangle objects
	for (LABEL_STORE::iterator it_ll = object_labels->begin(); 
		 it_ll != object_labels->end(); it_ll++)
		// get the triangle
		indexed_force_tri_3D* c_tri = tg.get_triangle(*it_ll);
		// get the centroid and convert to lat / lon
		vector_3D C = c_tri->centroid();
		FP_TYPE lat, lon;
		cart_to_model(C, lon, lat);
		// calculate the distance
		FP_TYPE dist = haversine(svex->lon, svex->lat, lon, lat, 1.0);
		// check against max
		if (dist > max_dist)
			max_dist = dist;
	// repeat the loop, but work out the values this time
	FP_TYPE sum_intensity = 0.0;
	FP_TYPE sum_w = 0.0;
	for (LABEL_STORE::iterator it_ll = object_labels->begin(); 
		 it_ll != object_labels->end(); it_ll++)
		// get the triangle
		indexed_force_tri_3D* c_tri = tg.get_triangle(*it_ll);
		// get the centroid and convert to lat / lon
		vector_3D C = c_tri->centroid();
		FP_TYPE lat, lon;
		cart_to_model(C, lon, lat);
		// calculate the distance
		FP_TYPE dist = haversine(svex->lon, svex->lat, lon, lat, 1.0);
		// now get the value from the datastore
		FP_TYPE val = ds.get_data(t, c_tri->get_ds_index());
		// calculate the weight
		FP_TYPE w = 1.0;
		if (max_dist != 0.0)
			w = 1.0 - dist / max_dist;
		sum_intensity += w * val;
		sum_w += w;
	if (sum_w == 0.0)
		svex->intensity = min_v;
		svex->intensity = sum_intensity / sum_w;