Example #1
int hb_sockexSelect( PHB_ITEM pArrayRD, HB_BOOL fSetRD,
                     PHB_ITEM pArrayWR, HB_BOOL fSetWR,
                     PHB_ITEM pArrayEX, HB_BOOL fSetEX,
                     HB_MAXINT timeout, HB_SOCKET_FUNC pFunc )
   int iResult;
   HB_SIZE nRead = 0, nWrite = 0, nLen, nPos;
   PHB_SOCKEX pSock;

   if( pArrayRD )
      nLen = hb_arrayLen( pArrayRD );
      for( nPos = 1; nPos <= nLen; ++nPos )
         pSock = hb_sockexItemGet( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayRD, nPos ) );
         if( pSock && pSock->pFilter->CanRead( pSock, HB_TRUE, 0 ) > 0 )
            if( fSetRD && nRead != nPos )
               hb_itemMove( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayRD, nRead ),
                            hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayRD, nPos ) );
   if( pArrayWR )
      nLen = hb_arrayLen( pArrayWR );
      for( nPos = 1; nPos <= nLen; ++nPos )
         pSock = hb_sockexItemGet( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayWR, nPos ) );
         if( pSock && pSock->pFilter->CanWrite( pSock, HB_TRUE, 0 ) > 0 )
            if( fSetWR && nWrite != nPos )
               hb_itemMove( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayWR, nWrite ),
                            hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrayWR, nPos ) );

   if( nRead > 0 || nWrite > 0 )
      if( fSetRD && pArrayRD )
         hb_arraySize( pArrayRD, nRead );
      if( fSetWR && pArrayWR )
         hb_arraySize( pArrayWR, nWrite );
      if( fSetEX && pArrayEX )
         hb_arraySize( pArrayEX, 0 );
      iResult = ( int ) ( nRead + nWrite );
      if( pFunc == NULL )
         pFunc = s_socketSelectCallback;
      iResult = hb_socketSelect( pArrayRD, fSetRD, pArrayWR, fSetWR, pArrayEX, fSetEX,
                                 timeout, pFunc );

   return iResult;
Example #2
POINT * hbwapi_par_POINT( POINT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( POINT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->x = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "x" ) );
      p->y = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "y" ) );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 2 )
      p->x = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->y = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Example #3
RECT * hbwapi_par_RECT( RECT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( RECT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->left   = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "left"   ) );
      p->top    = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "top"    ) );
      p->right  = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "right"  ) );
      p->bottom = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "bottom" ) );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 4 )
      p->left   = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->top    = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );
      p->right  = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 3 );
      p->bottom = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 4 );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Example #4
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Point( PHB_ITEM aPoint, POINT * pt )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aPoint ) && hb_arrayLen( aPoint ) == 2 )
      pt->x = hb_arrayGetNL( aPoint, 1 );
      pt->y = hb_arrayGetNL( aPoint, 2 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Example #5
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Size( PHB_ITEM aSize, SIZE * siz )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aSize ) && hb_arrayLen( aSize ) == 2 )
      siz->cx = hb_arrayGetNL( aSize, 1 );
      siz->cy = hb_arrayGetNL( aSize, 2 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Example #6
static HB_ERRCODE s_waList( AREAP pArea, void * Cargo )
   PHB_ITEM pArray = ( PHB_ITEM ) Cargo;
   HB_SIZE  nLen   = hb_arrayLen( pArray ) + 1;

   hb_arraySize( pArray, nLen );
   hb_arraySetC( pArray, nLen, hb_dynsymName( ( PHB_DYNS ) pArea->atomAlias ) );

   return HB_SUCCESS;
Example #7
static LPTSTR s_StringList( int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING ), pArrItem;
   LPTSTR lpStr = NULL;

   if( pItem )
      HB_SIZE nLen, nSize, nTotal, n, n1;

      if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         nSize = hb_arrayLen( pItem );
         for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
            pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
            if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem, NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 )
                  nLen += n1 + 1;
         if( nLen )
            nTotal = nLen + 1;
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( nTotal * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
               pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
               if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;
         nLen = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, NULL, 0 );
         if( nLen )
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( ( nLen + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr, nLen );
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;

   return lpStr;
Example #8
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Rect( PHB_ITEM aRect, RECT * rc )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aRect ) && hb_arrayLen( aRect ) == 4 )
      rc->left   = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 1 );
      rc->top    = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 2 );
      rc->right  = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 3 );
      rc->bottom = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 4 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Example #9
static int hb_gt_gui_optionPos( int id, int iType, PHB_ITEM pOptions )
   int iButton = 0;

   switch( id )
      case IDOK:
         iButton = 0x0001;
      case IDCANCEL:
         iButton = 0x0002;
      case IDABORT:
         iButton = 0x0002;
      case IDRETRY:
         iButton = 0x0004;
      case IDIGNORE:
         iButton = 0x0008;
      case IDYES:
         iButton = 0x0010;
      case IDNO:
         iButton = 0x0020;
      case IDTRYAGAIN:
         iButton = 0x0004;
      case IDCONTINUE:
         iButton = 0x0008;
   if( iButton )
      int iOptions = ( int ) hb_arrayLen( pOptions ), i;

      for( i = 1; i <= iOptions; ++i )
         id = hb_gt_gui_optionId( hb_arrayGetCPtr( pOptions, i ) );
         if( iButton == id || ( iOptions == 1 && iType == id ) )
            return i;
   return 0;
Example #10
void hbwapi_stor_POINT( POINT * p, int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "x", p->x );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "y", p->y );
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 2 )
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 1, p->x );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 2, p->y );
Example #11
void hbwapi_stor_RECT( RECT * p, int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "left"  , p->left   );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "top"   , p->top    );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "right" , p->right  );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "bottom", p->bottom );
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 4 )
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 1, p->left   );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 2, p->top    );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 3, p->right  );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 4, p->bottom );
Example #12
HB_ERRCODE hb_dbTransStruct( AREAP lpaSource, AREAP lpaDest,
                             LPDBTRANSINFO lpdbTransInfo,
                             PHB_ITEM * pStruct, PHB_ITEM pFields )
   HB_USHORT uiFields, uiSize, uiCount, uiPosSrc, uiPosDst, uiSizeSrc, uiSizeDst;
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   const char * szField;
   HB_BOOL fAll;

   errCode = SELF_FIELDCOUNT( lpaSource, &uiSizeSrc );
   if( errCode != HB_SUCCESS )
      return errCode;

   if( lpaDest )
      errCode = SELF_FIELDCOUNT( lpaDest, &uiSizeDst );
      if( errCode != HB_SUCCESS )
         return errCode;
      uiSize = HB_MIN( uiSizeDst, uiSizeSrc );
      uiSize = uiSizeDst = uiSizeSrc;

   if( ! uiSize )
      return HB_FAILURE;
   if( hb_itemType( pFields ) & HB_IT_ARRAY )
      uiFields = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_arrayLen( pFields );
      if( uiFields )
         uiSize = uiFields;
      uiFields = 0;

   fAll = ( uiSizeDst == uiSizeSrc );

   lpdbTransInfo->lpaSource    = lpaSource;
   lpdbTransInfo->lpaDest      = lpaDest;
   lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems = ( LPDBTRANSITEM )
                                    hb_xgrab( uiSize * sizeof( DBTRANSITEM ) );

   if( ! lpaDest )
      *pStruct = hb_itemNew( NULL );
      hb_arrayNew( *pStruct, 0 );

   if( uiFields == 0 )
      if( lpaDest )
         PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
         uiSize = 0;
         for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiSizeSrc; ++uiCount )
            if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_NAME, pItem ) != HB_SUCCESS )
               uiSize = 0;
            szField = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem );
            uiPosDst = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaDest, szField );
            if( uiPosDst != uiCount )
               fAll = HB_FALSE;
            if( uiPosDst )
               HB_USHORT ui;

               /* check for replicated field names in source area */
               for( ui = 0; ui < uiSize; ++ui )
                  if( lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ ui ].uiDest == uiPosDst )
               if( ui == uiSize )
                  lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize ].uiSource = uiCount;
                  lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize++ ].uiDest = uiPosDst;
         hb_itemRelease( pItem );
         hb_tblStructure( lpaSource, *pStruct, 0 );
         uiSize = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_arrayLen( *pStruct );
         for( uiCount = 0; uiCount < uiSize; ++uiCount )
            lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiCount ].uiSource =
            lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiCount ].uiDest = uiCount + 1;
      uiSize = 0;
      for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiFields; ++uiCount )
         szField = hb_dbTransFieldPos( pFields, uiCount );
         if( szField )
            uiPosSrc = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaSource, szField );
            if( ! uiPosSrc )
            if( lpaDest )
               uiPosDst = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( lpaDest, szField );
               uiPosDst = uiSize + 1;
            if( uiPosDst )
               if( uiPosSrc != uiPosDst )
                  fAll = HB_FALSE;
               lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize ].uiSource = uiPosSrc;
               lpdbTransInfo->lpTransItems[ uiSize++ ].uiDest = uiPosDst;
               if( ! lpaDest )
                  hb_arraySize( *pStruct, uiSize );
                  hb_fldStructure( lpaSource, uiPosSrc, 0,
                                   hb_arrayGetItemPtr( *pStruct, uiSize ) );

   if( uiSize != uiSizeSrc )
      fAll = HB_FALSE;

   if( fAll && lpaDest )
      PHB_ITEM pSrcItm = hb_itemNew( NULL ),
               pDstItm = hb_itemNew( NULL );
       * if fAll is HB_TRUE here then it means that all fields are included
       * and they are on the same positions in both tables, so now check
       * if their types and sizes are also equal
      for( uiCount = 1; uiCount <= uiSize; ++uiCount )
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_TYPE, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_TYPE, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_stricmp( hb_itemGetCPtr( pSrcItm ),
                         hb_itemGetCPtr( pDstItm ) ) != 0 )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_LEN, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_LEN, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_DEC, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_DEC, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
#ifdef DBS_FLAG
         if( SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaSource, uiCount, DBS_FLAG, pSrcItm ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             SELF_FIELDINFO( lpaDest,   uiCount, DBS_FLAG, pDstItm ) != HB_SUCCESS )
            uiSize = 0;
         if( hb_itemGetNL( pSrcItm ) != hb_itemGetNL( pDstItm ) )
            fAll = HB_FALSE;
      hb_itemRelease( pSrcItm );
      hb_itemRelease( pDstItm );

   lpdbTransInfo->uiFlags = fAll ? DBTF_MATCH : 0;
   lpdbTransInfo->uiItemCount = uiSize;

   return uiSize ? HB_SUCCESS : HB_FAILURE;
Example #13
/* Export DBF content to a SQL script file */
static HB_ULONG hb_db2Sql( AREAP pArea, PHB_ITEM pFields, HB_MAXINT llNext,
                           PHB_ITEM pWhile, PHB_ITEM pFor,
                           const char * szDelim, const char * szSep,
                           const char * szEsc, const char * szTable,
                           HB_FHANDLE hFile, HB_BOOL fInsert, HB_BOOL fRecno )
   PHB_FILEBUF pFileBuf;
   HB_ULONG ulRecords = 0;
   HB_USHORT uiFields = 0, ui;
   PHB_ITEM pTmp;
   HB_BOOL fWriteSep = HB_FALSE;
   const char * szNewLine = hb_conNewLine();
   char * szInsert = NULL;
   HB_BOOL fEof = HB_TRUE;
   HB_BOOL fNoFieldPassed = ( pFields == NULL || hb_arrayLen( pFields ) == 0 );

   if( SELF_FIELDCOUNT( pArea, &uiFields ) != HB_SUCCESS )
      return 0;

   if( fInsert && szTable )
      szInsert = hb_xstrcpy( NULL, "INSERT INTO ", szTable, " VALUES ( ", NULL );

   pFileBuf = hb_createFBuffer( hFile, HB_FILE_BUF_SIZE );
   pTmp = hb_itemNew( NULL );

   while( llNext-- > 0 )
      if( pWhile )
         if( SELF_EVALBLOCK( pArea, pWhile ) != HB_SUCCESS ||
             ! hb_itemGetL( pArea->valResult ) )

      if( SELF_EOF( pArea, &fEof ) != HB_SUCCESS || fEof )

      if( pFor )
         if( SELF_EVALBLOCK( pArea, pFor ) != HB_SUCCESS )
      if( ! pFor || hb_itemGetL( pArea->valResult ) )

         if( szInsert )
            hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, szInsert );

         if( fRecno )
            HB_ULONG ulRec = ulRecords;
            char szRecno[ 13 ], * szVal;

            szVal = szRecno + sizeof( szRecno );
            *--szVal = 0;
               *--szVal = ( char ) ( ulRec % 10 ) + '0';
               ulRec /= 10;
            while( ulRec );
            hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, szVal );
            hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, szSep );

         if( fNoFieldPassed )
            for( ui = 1; ui <= uiFields; ui++ )
               if( SELF_GETVALUE( pArea, ui, pTmp ) != HB_SUCCESS )
               if( fWriteSep )
                  hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, szSep );
               fWriteSep = hb_exportBufSqlVar( pFileBuf, pTmp, szDelim, szEsc );
            if( ui <= uiFields )
            /* TODO: exporting only some fields */

         if( szInsert )
            hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, " );" );
         hb_addStrToFBuffer( pFileBuf, szNewLine );
         fWriteSep = HB_FALSE;

      if( SELF_SKIP( pArea, 1 ) != HB_SUCCESS )

      if( ( llNext % 10000 ) == 0 )

   if( szInsert )
      hb_xfree( szInsert );
   hb_destroyFBuffer( pFileBuf );
   hb_itemRelease( pTmp );

   /* Writing EOF */
   /* hb_fsWrite( hFile, "\x1A", 1 ); */

   return ulRecords;
Example #14
PHB_ITEM hb_libLoad( PHB_ITEM pLibName, PHB_ITEM pArgs )
   void * hDynLib = NULL;

   if( hb_itemGetCLen( pLibName ) > 0 )
      int argc = pArgs ? ( int ) hb_arrayLen( pArgs ) : 0, i;
      const char ** argv = NULL;

      if( argc > 0 )
         argv = ( const char ** ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( char * ) * argc );
         for( i = 0; i < argc; ++i )
            argv[ i ] = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArgs, i + 1 );

      if( hb_vmLockModuleSymbols() )
         /* use stack address as first level marker */
         hb_vmBeginSymbolGroup( ( void * ) hb_stackId(), HB_TRUE );
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
            void * hFileName;

            hDynLib = ( void * ) LoadLibraryEx( HB_ITEMGETSTR( pLibName, &hFileName, NULL ), NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH );

            hb_strfree( hFileName );
#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
            HB_UCHAR LoadError[ 256 ] = "";  /* Area for load failure information */
            HMODULE hDynModule;
            if( DosLoadModule( ( PSZ ) LoadError, sizeof( LoadError ),
                               ( PCSZ ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pLibName ), &hDynModule ) == NO_ERROR )
               hDynLib = ( void * ) hDynModule;
#elif defined( HB_HAS_DLFCN )
         hDynLib = ( void * ) dlopen( hb_itemGetCPtr( pLibName ), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );

         if( ! hDynLib )
            HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_libLoad(): dlopen(): %s", dlerror() ) );
#elif defined( HB_CAUSEWAY_DLL )
         hDynLib = LoadLibrary( hb_itemGetCPtr( pLibName ) );
            int iTODO;
         /* set real marker */
         hb_vmInitSymbolGroup( hDynLib, argc, argv );


      if( argv )
         hb_xfree( ( void * ) argv );

   if( hDynLib )
      void ** pLibPtr = ( void ** ) hb_gcAllocate( sizeof( void * ), &s_gcDynlibFuncs );
      *pLibPtr = hDynLib;
      return hb_itemPutPtrGC( NULL, pLibPtr );

   return NULL;
Example #15
static LPTSTR s_dialogPairs( int iParam, DWORD * pdwIndex )
   PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING ), pArrItem;
   LPTSTR lpStr = NULL;
   DWORD dwMaxIndex = 0;

   if( pItem )
      HB_SIZE nLen, nSize, nTotal, n, n1, n2;

      if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         nSize = hb_arrayLen( pItem );
         for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
            pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
            if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem, NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 )
                  nLen += n1 * 2 + 2;
            else if( hb_arrayLen( pArrItem ) >= 2 )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 1 ), NULL, 0 );
               n2 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 2 ), NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 && n2 )
                  nLen += n1 + n2 + 2;
         if( nLen )
            nTotal = nLen + 1;
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( nTotal * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
               pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
               if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
                     n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                          lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
               else if( hb_arrayLen( pArrItem ) >= 2 )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 1 ),
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     n2 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 2 ),
                                          lpStr + nLen + n1 + 1,
                                          nTotal - nLen - n1 - 1 );
                     if( n2 )
                        nLen += n1 + n2 + 2;
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;
         nLen = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, NULL, 0 );
         if( nLen )
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( ( nLen * 2 + 3 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr, nLen + 1 );
            for( n = n1 = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
               if( lpStr[ n ] == 0 )
                  if( lpStr[ n + 1 ] == 0 )
            if( n1 == 0 )
               HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr + nLen + 1, nLen + 1 );
               lpStr[ nLen * 2 + 2 ] = 0;
               dwMaxIndex = 1;
               if( n == nLen && lpStr[ n - 1 ] != 0 )
                  lpStr[ n + 1 ] = 0;
               if( ( n1 & 1 ) == 0 )
                  dwMaxIndex = ( DWORD ) n1;
                  hb_xfree( lpStr );
                  lpStr = NULL;

   if( pdwIndex )
      if( dwMaxIndex < *pdwIndex )
         *pdwIndex = dwMaxIndex;
      else if( dwMaxIndex && *pdwIndex == 0 )
         *pdwIndex = 1;

   return lpStr;
Example #16
static const char * hb_i18n_setcodepage( PHB_I18N_TRANS pI18N,
                                         const char * szCdpID,
                                         HB_BOOL fBase, HB_BOOL fTranslate )
   const char * szOldCdpID = NULL, * szKey;

   if( pI18N )
      PHB_CODEPAGE cdp = szCdpID ? hb_cdpFind( szCdpID ) : NULL, cdpage;

      cdpage = fBase ? pI18N->base_cdpage : pI18N->cdpage;
      if( cdpage )
         szOldCdpID = cdpage->id;
      if( cdp && cdp != cdpage )
         if( fTranslate && cdpage )
            HB_SIZE nHashLen = hb_hashLen( pI18N->context_table ), ul;
            for( ul = 1; ul <= nHashLen; ++ul )
               PHB_ITEM pContext = hb_hashGetValueAt( pI18N->context_table, ul );
               HB_SIZE nCount = hb_hashLen( pContext ), u;

               for( u = 1; u <= nCount; ++u )
                  if( fBase )
                     hb_i18n_transitm( hb_hashGetKeyAt( pContext, u ),
                                       cdpage, cdp );
                     PHB_ITEM pResult = hb_hashGetValueAt( pContext, u );
                     if( HB_IS_STRING( pResult ) )
                        hb_i18n_transitm( pResult, cdpage, cdp );
                     else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pResult ) )
                        HB_SIZE nTrans = hb_arrayLen( pResult ), u2;
                        for( u2 = 1; u2 <= nTrans; ++u2 )
                           hb_i18n_transitm( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pResult, u2 ),
                                             cdpage, cdp );
               if( fBase )
                  hb_i18n_transitm( hb_hashGetKeyAt( pI18N->context_table, ul ),
                                    cdpage, cdp );
                  hb_hashSetFlags( pContext, HB_HASH_RESORT );
            if( fBase )
               hb_hashSetFlags( pI18N->context_table, HB_HASH_RESORT );

         if( fBase )
            pI18N->base_cdpage = cdp;
            szKey = "BASE_CODEPAGE";
            pI18N->cdpage = cdp;
            szKey = "CODEPAGE";
         hb_i18n_setitem( pI18N->table, szKey, szCdpID );

   return szOldCdpID;
Example #17
int hb_CompressFile( const char * szFile, PHB_ITEM pArray, int iCompLevel, PHB_ITEM pBlock, BOOL bOverWrite, const char * szPassWord, BOOL bPath, BOOL bDrive, PHB_ITEM pProgress )
   ULONG                ulCount        = 0;
   const char *         szDummy;
   char *               szDummyLower   = NULL;
   char *               szFileLower    = hb_strdup( ( char * ) szFile );
   BOOL                 bFileExist     = hb_fsFile( szFile );
   BOOL                 bAdded         = FALSE;
   BOOL                 bReturn        = TRUE;
   DWORD                dwSize;

   CZipArchive          szZip;
   SpanCallbackc        span;
   SpanActionCallbackc  spanac;

   szZip.SetSpanCallback( &span );

   #ifdef HB_OS_WIN_32
   hb_strLower( szFileLower, strlen( szFileLower ) );

      if( ( bFileExist && bOverWrite ) || ! bFileExist )
         szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipCreate, 0 );
         szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipOpen, 0 );

   catch( CZipException )
      bReturn = FALSE;

   catch( ... )

   if( bReturn )

      if( szPassWord != NULL )
         szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord );

      if( pZipI.szComment != NULL )
         szZip.SetGlobalComment( pZipI.szComment );
         hb_xfree( pZipI.szComment );

      if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pProgress ) )
         pProgressInfo = pProgress;
         szZip.SetCallback( &spanac );

      for( ulCount = 1; ( ulCount <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ) ); ulCount++ )
         szDummy        = ( char * ) hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount );
         dwSize         = GetCurrentFileSize( szDummy );
         bAdded         = FALSE;

         szDummyLower   = hb_strdup( ( char * ) szDummy );

         #ifdef HB_OS_WIN_32
         hb_strLower( szDummyLower, strlen( szDummyLower ) );

// Prevent adding current archive file !
         if( strstr( szFileLower, szDummyLower ) == NULL && strstr( szDummyLower, szFileLower ) == NULL )
            if( dwSize != ( DWORD ) -1 )
               if( pBlock != NULL )
                  PHB_ITEM FileName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ) ), FilePos = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, ulCount );

                  hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 2, FileName, FilePos );

                  hb_itemRelease( FileName );
                  hb_itemRelease( FilePos );

                  if( bPath && ! bAdded )
                     szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 );
                     bAdded = TRUE;
                  else if( ! bDrive && ! bPath && ! bAdded )
                     szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, false, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 );

               catch( ... )
         hb_xfree( szDummyLower );
   hb_xfree( szFileLower );

   catch( CZipException )
      bReturn = FALSE;

   catch( ... )

   return ( int ) bReturn;

Example #18
static PHB_EOL_INFO hb_mlGetEOLs( int iParam, int * piEOLs )
   int iEOLs = 0;

   char * szEOL;
   ULONG ulLen, ul;

   szEOL = hb_parc( iParam );
   if( szEOL )
      ulLen = hb_parclen( iParam );
      if( ulLen )
         pEOLs = ( PHB_EOL_INFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_EOL_INFO ) );
         pEOLs->szEOL = szEOL;
         pEOLs->ulLen = ulLen;
         iEOLs = 1;
   else if( ISARRAY( iParam ) )
      PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY );
      ULONG ulSize = hb_arrayLen( pArray );
      for( ul = 1; ul <= ulSize; ++ul )
         if( hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, ul ) > 0 )
      if( iEOLs )
         iEOLs = 0;
         pEOLs = ( PHB_EOL_INFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_EOL_INFO ) * iEOLs );
         for( ul = 1; ul <= ulSize; ++ul )
            ulLen = hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, ul );
            if( ulLen > 0 )
               pEOLs[ iEOLs ].szEOL = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ul );
               pEOLs[ iEOLs ].ulLen = ulLen;
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iParam );

   if( iEOLs == 0 )
      pEOLs = ( PHB_EOL_INFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_EOL_INFO ) );
      if( hb_set.HB_SET_EOL && hb_set.HB_SET_EOL[ 0 ] )
         pEOLs->szEOL = hb_set.HB_SET_EOL;
         pEOLs->szEOL = hb_conNewLine();
      pEOLs->ulLen = strlen( pEOLs->szEOL );
      iEOLs = pEOLs->ulLen ? 1 : 0;

   * piEOLs = iEOLs;
   return pEOLs;
Example #19
static void hb_mlGetEOLs( PHB_MLC_INFO pMLC, int iParam )
   int iEOLs = 0;
   HB_SIZE nLen;

   pMLC->pEOLs = pMLC->EOL_buffer;

/* NOTE: This is a parameter extension (HB_EXTENSION) which breaks
         our effort to keep strict parameter compatibility with
         Clipper 5.x. In this case we've resorted to a compromise
         because there was no other idea which seemed natural enough.
         Clipper will ignore these parameters and use CRLF EOL hard
         coded. [vszakats] */
   nLen = hb_parclen( iParam );
   if( nLen )
      pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_parc( iParam );
      pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen = nLen;
      iEOLs = 1;
   else if( HB_ISARRAY( iParam ) )
      PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY );
      HB_SIZE nSize = hb_arrayLen( pArray ), n;

      for( n = 1; n <= nSize; ++n )
         if( hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, n ) > 0 )
      if( iEOLs )
         if( iEOLs > HB_EOL_BUFFER_SIZE )
            pMLC->pEOLs = ( PHB_EOL_INFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_EOL_INFO ) * iEOLs );
         iEOLs = 0;
         for( n = 1; n <= nSize; ++n )
            nLen = hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, n );
            if( nLen > 0 )
               pMLC->pEOLs[ iEOLs ].szEOL = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, n );
               pMLC->pEOLs[ iEOLs ].nLen = nLen;
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iParam );

   if( iEOLs == 0 )
      pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_setGetEOL();
      if( ! pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL || ! pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL[ 0 ] )
         pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_conNewLine();
      pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen = strlen( pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL );
      iEOLs = pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen ? 1 : 0;

   pMLC->iEOLs = iEOLs;
Example #20
                                                        // ÚÄ1ra Col.a Pintar
                                                        // ³
static void near PaintTheLine( HDC hDC, RECT * rct, WORD wIndex,
                               PCLIPVAR pAtext, PCLIPVAR pAsizes,
                               HPEN hWhitePen, HPEN hGrayPen, BOOL bTree,
                               PCLIPVAR pAJustify, WORD wPressed,
                               BOOL bHeader, WORD nStyle,
                               WORD wFocus, BOOL bFocused,
                               PCLIPVAR pTextColor, PCLIPVAR pBkColor,
                               WORD wRowPos, WORD nHeightCtrl,
                               LONG nClrLine, BOOL bFooter,
                               BOOL bSelect, PCLIPVAR pFont,
                               BOOL bDrawFocusRect )
   RECT box, wholebox, rctadj;
   int iMaxRight = rct->right;

   WORD wLenJust = 0 ;
   #ifndef __HARBOUR__
   WORD wLen     = _VARRAYLEN( pAtext );
   CLV_WORD lJustify;
   WORD wLen     = hb_arrayLen( pAtext );
   PHB_ITEM uElem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
   WORD wType, wcLen;
   LONG lValue;
   char * cValue;
   HPEN hOldPen, hPen;
   BITMAP bmp;
   WORD wRow, wCol;
   LONG lColor ;
   HBRUSH hBrush;
   LONG lTextColorOld = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   LONG lBkColorOld   = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   PCLIPVAR pEvalOld ;
   HFONT hFont ; // CeSoTech
   WORD wAlign ; // CeSoTech

   // CeSoTech
   LONG nClrLineC = ( nStyle == 2 || nStyle == 6 || nStyle == 8 ||
                      nStyle == 10 ) ? GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) : 0 ;

   // CeSoTech
   if ( nClrLine >= 0 )   // Desde Clipper manda color especifico linea
      nClrLineC = nClrLine ;

   if ( ! bDrawHeaders )
      bHeader = FALSE ;

   if ( bFooter )
      bHeader = TRUE ; //-> Para que lo pinte con similar aspecto

   // Si es un estilo sin separadores horizontales, pintar uno mas arriba
   //CeSoTech para que que bien completa el area !!!
   if ( ! (bHeader) && (nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 5 || nStyle == 6 ||
                        nStyle == 9 || nStyle == 10) )
      rct->top--       ;

   wholebox.top    = rct->top+1;
   wholebox.left   = rct->left;
   wholebox.bottom = rct->bottom;
   wholebox.right  = rct->right;

   rct->right  = 0;

   box.top    = rct->top ;
   box.bottom = rct->bottom - 1;

   if( !wIndex | wIndex > wLen )
       wIndex = 1;

   if ( pAJustify )
      #ifndef __HARBOUR__
         wLenJust = _VARRAYLEN( pAJustify );
         wLenJust = hb_arrayLen( pAJustify );

   while( wIndex <= wLen )

        rct->left   = rct->right;

        rct->right  = ( wIndex == wLen ? iMaxRight
                                      : rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) );
        // CeSoTech // Cuando estoy estoy en la ultima celda, NO pintar hasta
                    // el final si no existe ajuste de ultima columna.
        if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol )  )
           rct->right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) +(bHeader ? 1: 0) ;
           if ( !bAdjBrowse )
              wholebox.right = rct->right ; // Tambien ajusto el borde focus

        // CeSoTech //

        wAlign = HA_LEFT | VA_CENTER ;  // Alineacion por defecto
        wcLen = 0;
        ///////// INICIO Toma de datos celda !!!

        #ifndef __HARBOUR__
           if ( wIndex <= wLenJust )
             _cAt( pAJustify, wIndex, 0xFFFF, ( PCLIPVAR ) &lJustify );
             wAlign = lJustify.wWord ;
           _cAt( pAtext, wIndex, 0xFFFF, ++_tos );
           wType = _tos->wType;
           if ( wType & NUMERIC )
              lValue = (LONG) _tos->pPointer1;
           if ( wType & CHARACTER )
              cValue = _VSTR( _tos );
              wcLen = _tos->w2;

           if ( wIndex <= wLenJust )
              hb_arrayGet( pAJustify, wIndex, uElem );
              if ( ( hb_itemType( uElem ) & LOGICAL ) && hb_itemGetL( uElem ) )
                 wAlign = HA_RIGHT | VA_CENTER ;
                 wAlign = hb_itemGetNL( uElem );

			        hb_itemClear( uElem );

           // uElem.type = HB_IT_NIL;
           hb_arrayGet( pAtext, wIndex, uElem );
           wType = hb_itemType( uElem );
           if ( wType & NUMERIC )
              lValue = hb_itemGetNL( uElem );
           if ( wType & CHARACTER )
//              cValue = hb_itemGetC( uElem );
				cValue = hb_itemGetCPtr( uElem );
                wcLen = strlen( cValue );

        ///////// FIN Toma de datos celda !!!

        if( wFocus > 0 && wIndex != wFocus )
           #ifndef __HARBOUR__

           if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
               wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s

        if( bTree ||
            (GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) > 0) ) //Si NO es columna oculta (x Freeze)
        {                                     //(Es lo mismo no hacer esto,
                                              // pero es para evitar hacer trabajar
                                              // al codigo sin sentido !!! )

           if( (wType & NUMERIC) && bTree )
               if( lValue )
                  FillRect( hDC, rct, hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( GetPixel( hDC, rct->left, rct->top ) ) );
                  DrawMasked( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, rct->top, rct->left );
                  DeleteObject( hBrush );

           else  // Si es Numerico Bmp no Tree, o , es Character !!!!

               if ( pBkColor )  // Bloque de Color Fondo Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pBkColor );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lBkColorOld = SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               if( pTextColor ) // Bloque de Color Texto Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pTextColor );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lTextColorOld = SetTextColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               hFont = 0 ;
               if( pFont )      // Bloque de Font Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pFont );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                     hFont = (HFONT) _parnl( - 1 ) ;

               /////// CeSoTech ///////
               if (!bHeader) rct->top ++;

               if( wType & NUMERIC )   // Es un BitMap
                  FW_DrawBitmapCenter( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, rct, nStyle, bSelect );
               else                    // Es una Cadena
                  FW_DrawText( hDC, rct,
                               ( wType & CHARACTER ) ? cValue : "",
                               wAlign, wcLen, hFont, bHeader ) ;

               /////// CeSoTech restauracion de colores //////
               if ( lTextColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetTextColor( hDC, lTextColorOld ) ;
                  lTextColorOld = -1 ;
               if ( lBkColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetBkColor( hDC, lBkColorOld ) ;
                  lBkColorOld = -1 ;

               /// CeSoTech ///
               // Si hay modalidad ajustar el Browse y no hay ajuste de ultima
               // columna, deber‚ pintar hasta el final hasta cubrir toda
               // el area, hasta llegar a la derecha del control. (Col.Ficticia)
               if ( bAdjBrowse && wIndex == wLen && !bAdjLastCol &&
                    rct->right <= iMaxRight )
                  rctadj.top    = rct->top;
                  rctadj.left   = rct->right ;
                  rctadj.bottom = rct->bottom;
                  rctadj.right  = wholebox.right  ;

                  if ( nStyle == 3 )

                  if ( wFocus == 0 )  // Si No es CellStyle (Pinto hasta final)
                     ExtTextOut( hDC, 0, rct->top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rctadj, "", 0, 0 );

                  if ( bHeader && nStyle==3 ) // Pinto Bordes Header Falso
                      rctadj.right  = wholebox.right - 2  ;
                      rctadj.bottom = rctadj.bottom - 2 ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                      rctadj.bottom++  ;
                      rctadj.right++  ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );

                      if ( bFooter ) // Si es Footer (Linea Negra de Arriba Foot)
                        hPen = GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen );
                        MoveTo( hDC, rctadj.left-1, rctadj.top-1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, rctadj.right+1, rctadj.top-1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );


               /// CeSoTech Fin ///

               if (!bHeader) rct->top --;

           box.left   = rct->left;

           box.right  = ( wIndex < wLen && rct->right <= iMaxRight ?
                                                        rct->right - 1 :
                                                        iMaxRight - 1 );

           // CeSoTech // El Borde derecho de Box de la ultima columna,
                       // no estirarlo cuando no exista ajuste de ultima columna
                       // PERO cuando nLineStyle (nStyle) es 7/8 (Lineas Horiz)
                       // queda anti-estetico cortar los renglones, cuando no hay
                       // ajuste ult.col. y hay ajuste de browse. Por ello
                       // se verificara que para cortar el borde no se de esta
                       // condicion.
           if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol ) )
              if (! (!bHeader && (nStyle==7 || nStyle==8) && !bAdjLastCol && bAdjBrowse) )
               box.right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) - 1 ;
           // CeSoTech //

           if( ! bTree )
              if( wPressed && ( wIndex == wPressed ) )
                WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hGrayPen, hWhitePen );
/////////////  if(!bHeader)
               if(!bHeader || (bHeader && nStyle!=3) )
                  switch( nStyle )
                     case 0:
                     case 1:
                    //  hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 2:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 3:
                        WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                     case 4:
                        box.bottom ++;
                        box.right ++;
                        FrameDot( hDC, &box );
                        box.bottom --;
                        box.right --;
                     case 7:
                     case 8:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 5:
                     case 6:
                     case 9:
                     case 10:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC);
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        if (box.left>1)
                           MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                           LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );

                        if ( bDrawFooters && nStyle >= 9 )
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,
                                     nHeightCtrl - (wFooterHeight+1) ) ;
                        } else {
                          LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,
                                     nStyle < 9 ? box.bottom+1 : nHeightCtrl );

                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
               else  // Box para Headers !!!
                  box.left ++;

                  // CeSoTech
                  if ( bFooter ) // Linea negra sobre el Footer
                    hPen = GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
                    hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen );
                    MoveTo( hDC, box.left-1, box.top-1 );
                    LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top-1 );
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );

                  box.right--  ;
                  box.bottom-- ;
                  WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                  box.bottom++  ;
                  box.right++  ;
                  WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );

                  box.left --;

              if( ! ( wType & NUMERIC ) )
                 box.left -= 16;

          // CeSoTech if( bFocused && wFocus > 0 && wIndex == wFocus )
           if( bDrawFocusRect && bFocused && wFocus > 0 &&
               wIndex == wFocus && nStyle != 3)
            DrawFocusRect( hDC, rct );


        #ifndef __HARBOUR__

        if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
            wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s


   if (bDrawFocusRect && !bTree && bFocused && wFocus==0 && nStyle!=3) // CeSoTech
      DrawFocusRect( hDC, &wholebox );

  hb_itemRelease( uElem );
Example #21
int hb_CmpTdSpan( const char * szFile, PHB_ITEM pArray, int iCompLevel, PHB_ITEM pBlock, BOOL bOverWrite, const char * szPassWord, int iSpanSize, BOOL bPath, BOOL bDrive, PHB_ITEM pProgress )
   ULONG                ulCount     = 0;
   const char *         szDummy;
   DWORD                dwSize;
   BOOL                 bAdded      = FALSE;
   BOOL                 bReturn     = TRUE;
   BOOL                 bFileExist  = hb_fsFile( szFile );

   CZipArchive          szZip;
   SpanCallbackc        span;
   SpanActionCallbackc  spanac;

   szZip.SetSpanCallback( &span );

   if( iSpanSize == 0 )
      iSpanSize = 1457664;

      if( ( bFileExist && bOverWrite ) || ! bFileExist )
         szZip.Open( szFile, CZipArchive::zipCreateSpan, iSpanSize );
         bReturn = FALSE;
         return ( int ) bReturn;

   catch( CZipException )
      bReturn = FALSE;

   catch( ... )

   //if (! bReturn )

   if( szPassWord != NULL )
      szZip.SetPassword( szPassWord );

   if( pZipI.szComment != NULL )
      szZip.SetGlobalComment( pZipI.szComment );
      hb_xfree( pZipI.szComment );

   if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pProgress ) )
      pProgressInfo = pProgress;
      szZip.SetCallback( &spanac );

   for( ulCount = 1; ( ulCount <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ) ); ulCount++ )
      szDummy  = ( char * ) hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount );
      dwSize   = GetCurrentFileSize( szDummy );

      bAdded   = FALSE;

      if( dwSize != ( DWORD ) -1 )
         if( pBlock != NULL )
            PHB_ITEM FileName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, ulCount ) ), FilePos = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, ulCount );

            hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 2, FileName, FilePos );

            hb_itemRelease( FileName );
            hb_itemRelease( FilePos );


            if( bPath && ! bAdded )
               szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, true, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 );
               bAdded = TRUE;
            else if( ! bDrive && ! bPath && ! bAdded )
               szZip.AddNewFile( szDummy, iCompLevel, false, CZipArchive::zipsmSafeSmart, 65536 );

         catch( ... )


   catch( CZipException )
      bReturn = FALSE;

   catch( ... )

   return ( int ) bReturn;
Example #22
File: eval.c Project: xharbour/core
BOOL hb_execFromArray( PHB_ITEM pFirst )
   register ULONG i;
   HB_SIZE        ulLen;
   ULONG          ulStart  = 1;
   PHB_ITEM       pArgs;
   PHB_ITEM       pString;
   PHB_ITEM       pSelf    = NULL;
   PHB_DYNS       pExecSym = NULL;
   PHB_SYMB       pSymbol  = NULL;

   if( pFirst == NULL || pFirst->type != HB_IT_ARRAY )
      return FALSE;

   pString  = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFirst, 1 );
   pArgs    = pFirst;

   if( HB_IS_OBJECT( pString ) && hb_arrayLen( pFirst ) >= 2 )
      pSelf    = pString;
      pString  = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFirst, 2 );

      if( pString->type == HB_IT_STRING )
         pExecSym = hb_dynsymFindName( pString->item.asString.value );
      else if( pString->type == HB_IT_POINTER )
         pSymbol = ( PHB_SYMB ) hb_itemGetPtr( pString );

      ulStart = 3;
   else if( pString->type == HB_IT_STRING )
      pExecSym = hb_dynsymFindName( pString->item.asString.value );
      ulStart  = 2;
   else if( pString->type == HB_IT_POINTER )
      pSymbol  = ( PHB_SYMB ) hb_itemGetPtr( pString );
      ulStart  = 2;
   else if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pString ) )
      pSymbol  = &hb_symEval;
      ulStart  = 2;

   if( pExecSym )
      pSymbol = pExecSym->pSymbol;

   if( pSymbol == NULL )
      return FALSE;

   hb_vmPushSymbol( pSymbol );

   if( pSelf )
      hb_vmPush( pSelf );

   ulLen = hb_arrayLen( pArgs );

   /* pushing the contents of the array
   for( i = ulStart; i <= ulLen; i++ )
      hb_vmPush( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArgs, i ) );

   if( pSelf )
      hb_vmSend( ( USHORT ) ( ulLen - ulStart + 1 ) );
      hb_vmDo( ( USHORT ) ( ulLen - ulStart + 1 ) );

   return TRUE;
Example #23
static void s_signalHandler( int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *v )
   UINT uiMask;
   UINT uiSig;
   PHB_ITEM pFunction, pExecArray, pRet;
   ULONG ulPos;
   int iRet;

   #if !( defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ ) )

   // let's find the right signal handler.
   HB_CRITICAL_LOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

   // avoid working if PRG signal handling has been disabled
   if ( ! bSignalEnabled )
      HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

   bSignalEnabled = FALSE;
   ulPos = hb_arrayLen( sp_hooks );
   // subsig not necessary
   uiSig = (UINT) s_translateSignal( (UINT)sig, 0 );

   while( ulPos > 0 )
      pFunction = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( sp_hooks, ulPos );
      uiMask = (UINT) hb_arrayGetNI( pFunction, 1 );
      if ( uiMask & uiSig)
         // we don't unlock the mutex now, even if it is
         // a little dangerous. But we are in a signal hander...
         // for now just 2 parameters
         pExecArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 3 );
         hb_arraySet( pExecArray, 1, hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFunction, 2 ) );
         hb_arraySetNI( pExecArray, 2, uiSig );

         // the third parameter is an array:

         pRet = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pExecArray, 3);
         #if defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ )
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 1 );
         #elif defined( HB_OS_BSD )
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, info ? 6 : 1 );
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 6 );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSIGNAL, sig );
         #if !( defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ ) )
         #if defined( HB_OS_BSD )
         if (info)
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSUBSIG, info->si_code );
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSERROR, info->si_errno );
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, (void *) info->si_addr );
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_PROCESS, info->si_pid );
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_UID, info->si_uid );

         pRet = hb_itemDo( pExecArray, 0 );
         iRet = hb_itemGetNI( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pExecArray );

         switch( iRet )
            case HB_SERVICE_HANDLED:
               bSignalEnabled = TRUE;
               HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

            case HB_SERVICE_QUIT:
               bSignalEnabled = FALSE;
               HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );
               //TODO: A service cleanup routine
               #ifndef HB_THREAD_SUPPORT
                  /* Allow signals to go through pthreads */
                  /* NOTICE: should be pthread_exit(0), but a bug in linuxthread prevents it:
                     calling pthread exit from a signal handler will cause infinite wait for
                     restart signal.
                     This solution is rude, while the other would allow clean VM termination...
                     but it works.

   bSignalEnabled = TRUE;

   /* TODO
   if ( uiSig != HB_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN )
      if ( sa_oldAction[ sig ].sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO )
         sa_oldAction[ sig ].sa_sigaction( sig, info, v );
         sa_oldAction[ sig ].sa_handler( sig );
Example #24
static void s_signalHandler( int sig, siginfo_t * info, void * v )
   HB_UINT  uiSig;
   HB_SIZE  nPos;

   #if ! ( defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ ) )

   /* let's find the right signal handler. */
   hb_threadEnterCriticalSectionGC( &s_ServiceMutex );

   /* avoid working if PRG signal handling has been disabled */
   if( ! s_bSignalEnabled )
      hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );

   s_bSignalEnabled = HB_FALSE;
   nPos = hb_arrayLen( s_pHooks );
   /* subsig not necessary */
   uiSig = ( HB_UINT ) s_translateSignal( ( HB_UINT ) sig, 0 );

   while( nPos > 0 )
      PHB_ITEM pFunction;
      HB_UINT  uiMask;

      pFunction = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( s_pHooks, nPos );
      uiMask    = ( HB_UINT ) hb_arrayGetNI( pFunction, 1 );
      if( uiMask & uiSig )
         PHB_ITEM pExecArray, pRet;
         int iRet;

         /* we don't unlock the mutex now, even if it is
            a little dangerous. But we are in a signal hander...
            for now just 2 parameters */
         pExecArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 3 );
         hb_arraySet( pExecArray, 1, hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFunction, 2 ) );
         hb_arraySetNI( pExecArray, 2, uiSig );

         /* the third parameter is an array: */

         pRet = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pExecArray, 3 );
         #if defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ )
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 1 );
         #elif defined( HB_OS_BSD )
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, info ? 6 : 1 );
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 6 );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSIGNAL, sig );
         #if ! ( defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ ) )
         #if defined( HB_OS_BSD )
         if( info )
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSUBSIG, info->si_code );
            #if ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSERROR, info->si_errno );
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, ( void * ) info->si_addr );
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_PROCESS, info->si_pid );
            hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_UID, info->si_uid );

         pRet = hb_itemDo( pExecArray, 0 );
         iRet = hb_itemGetNI( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pExecArray );

         switch( iRet )
            case HB_SERVICE_HANDLED:
               s_bSignalEnabled = HB_TRUE;
               hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );

            case HB_SERVICE_QUIT:
               s_bSignalEnabled = HB_FALSE;
               hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );
               /* TODO: A service cleanup routine */
               /* Allow signals to go through pthreads */
               /* NOTICE: should be pthread_exit(0), but a bug in Linux threading prevents it:
                  calling pthread exit from a signal handler will cause infinite wait for
                  restart signal.
                  This solution is rude, while the other would allow clean VM termination...
                  but it works.
               exit( 0 );

   s_bSignalEnabled = HB_TRUE;
   #if 0

   #if 0
   if( uiSig != HB_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN )
      if( s_aOldAction[ sig ].sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO )
         s_aOldAction[ sig ].sa_sigaction( sig, info, v );
         s_aOldAction[ sig ].sa_handler( sig );
Example #25
/* Manager of signals for windows */
static LONG s_signalHandler( int type, int sig, PEXCEPTION_RECORD exc )
   HB_SIZE  nPos;
   HB_UINT  uiSig;

   /* let's find the right signal handler. */
   hb_threadEnterCriticalSectionGC( &s_ServiceMutex );

   /* avoid working if PRG signal handling has been disabled */
   if( ! s_bSignalEnabled )
      hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );

   s_bSignalEnabled = HB_FALSE;
   nPos = hb_arrayLen( s_pHooks );
   /* subsig not necessary */
   uiSig = ( HB_UINT ) s_translateSignal( ( HB_UINT ) type, ( HB_UINT ) sig );

   while( nPos > 0 )
      PHB_ITEM pFunction;
      HB_UINT  uiMask;

      pFunction = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( s_pHooks, nPos );
      uiMask    = ( HB_UINT ) hb_arrayGetNI( pFunction, 1 );
      if( ( uiMask & uiSig ) == uiSig )
         PHB_ITEM pExecArray, pRet;
         int      iRet;

         /* we don't unlock the mutex now, even if it is
            a little dangerous. But we are in a signal hander...
            for now just 2 parameters */
         pExecArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 3 );
         hb_arraySetForward( pExecArray, 1, hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFunction, 2 ) );
         hb_arraySetNI( pExecArray, 2, uiSig );

         /* the third parameter is an array:
          * 1: low-level signal
          * 2: low-level subsignal
          * 3: low-level system error
          * 4: address that rose the signal
          * 5: process id of the signal riser
          * 6: UID of the riser

         pRet = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pExecArray, 3 );
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 6 );

         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSIGNAL, type );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSUBSIG, sig );
         /* could be meaningless, but does not matter here */
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSERROR, GetLastError() );

         if( type == 0 ) /* exception */
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, ( void * ) exc->ExceptionAddress );
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, NULL );

         /* TODO: */
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_PROCESS, GetCurrentThreadId() );
         /* TODO: */
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_UID, 0 );

         pRet = hb_itemDo( pExecArray, 0 );
         iRet = hb_itemGetNI( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pExecArray );

         switch( iRet )
            case HB_SERVICE_HANDLED:
               s_bSignalEnabled = HB_TRUE;
               hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );

            case HB_SERVICE_QUIT:
               s_bSignalEnabled = HB_FALSE;
               hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_ServiceMutex );
               exit( 0 );

   s_bSignalEnabled = HB_TRUE;
Example #26
static int hb_gt_gui_Alert( PHB_GT pGT, PHB_ITEM pMessage, PHB_ITEM pOptions,
                            int iClrNorm, int iClrHigh, double dDelay )
   void * hText;
   LPCTSTR lpText = HB_ITEMGETSTR( pMessage, &hText, NULL );
   int iRet, iOptions = pOptions ? ( int ) hb_arrayLen( pOptions ) : 0;

   if( lpText && iOptions > 0 )
      int i, iType = 0;
      UINT uType;

      for( i = 1; i <= iOptions; ++i )
         iType |= hb_gt_gui_optionId( hb_arrayGetCPtr( pOptions, i ) );

      switch( iType )
         case 0x01:
            uType = MB_OK;
         case 0x03:
            uType = MB_OKCANCEL;
         case 0x06:
            uType = MB_RETRYCANCEL;
         case 0x0E:
            uType = hb_iswin2k() ? MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE : MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE;
            uType = MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE;
         case 0x12:
            uType = MB_OKCANCEL;
         case 0x21:
            uType = MB_YESNO;
         case 0x30:
            uType = MB_YESNO;
         case 0x32:
            uType = MB_YESNOCANCEL;
            uType = MB_OK;

      iRet = MessageBox( NULL, lpText, TEXT( "" ), uType );
      iRet = hb_gt_gui_optionPos( iRet, iType, pOptions );
      iRet = HB_GTSUPER_ALERT( pGT, pMessage, pOptions, iClrNorm,
                               iClrHigh, dDelay );

   hb_strfree( hText );

   return iRet;
Example #27
LOGFONT * hbwapi_par_LOGFONT( LOGFONT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   void * hfFaceName;
   LPCTSTR pfFaceName;
   HB_SIZE nLen;

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( LOGFONT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->lfHeight         = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfHeight"         ) );
      p->lfWidth          = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfWidth"          ) );
      p->lfEscapement     = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfEscapement"     ) );
      p->lfOrientation    = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfOrientation"    ) );
      p->lfWeight         = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfWeight"         ) );
      p->lfItalic         = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfItalic"         ) );
      p->lfUnderline      = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfUnderline"      ) );
      p->lfStrikeOut      = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfStrikeOut"      ) );
      p->lfCharSet        = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfCharSet"        ) );
      p->lfOutPrecision   = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfOutPrecision"   ) );
      p->lfClipPrecision  = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfClipPrecision"  ) );
      p->lfQuality        = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfQuality"        ) );
      p->lfPitchAndFamily = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfPitchAndFamily" ) );

      pfFaceName = HB_ITEMGETSTR( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfFaceName" ), &hfFaceName, &nLen );

      if( nLen > ( LF_FACESIZE - 1 ) )
         nLen = LF_FACESIZE - 1;

      memcpy( p->lfFaceName, pfFaceName, nLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
      p->lfFaceName[ nLen ] = TEXT( '\0' );

      hb_strfree( hfFaceName );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 14 )
      p->lfHeight         = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->lfWidth          = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );
      p->lfEscapement     = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 3 );
      p->lfOrientation    = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 4 );
      p->lfWeight         = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 5 );
      p->lfItalic         = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 6 );
      p->lfUnderline      = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 7 );
      p->lfStrikeOut      = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 8 );
      p->lfCharSet        = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 9 );
      p->lfOutPrecision   = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 10 );
      p->lfClipPrecision  = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 11 );
      p->lfQuality        = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 12 );
      p->lfPitchAndFamily = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 13 );

      pfFaceName = HB_ARRAYGETSTR( pStru, 14, &hfFaceName, &nLen );

      if( nLen > ( LF_FACESIZE - 1 ) )
         nLen = LF_FACESIZE - 1;

      memcpy( p->lfFaceName, pfFaceName, nLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
      p->lfFaceName[ nLen ] = TEXT( '\0' );

      hb_strfree( hfFaceName );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Example #28
// Manager of signals for windows
static LONG s_signalHandler( int type, int sig, PEXCEPTION_RECORD exc )
   PHB_ITEM pFunction, pExecArray, pRet;
   ULONG ulPos;
   UINT uiSig, uiMask;
   int iRet;

   // let's find the right signal handler.
   HB_CRITICAL_LOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

   // avoid working if PRG signal handling has been disabled
   if ( ! bSignalEnabled )
      HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

   bSignalEnabled = FALSE;
   ulPos = hb_arrayLen( sp_hooks );
   // subsig not necessary
   uiSig = (UINT) s_translateSignal( (UINT)type, (UINT)sig );

   while( ulPos > 0 )
      pFunction = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( sp_hooks, ulPos );
      uiMask = (UINT) hb_arrayGetNI( pFunction, 1 );
      if ( (uiMask & uiSig) == uiSig )
         // we don't unlock the mutex now, even if it is
         // a little dangerous. But we are in a signal hander...
         // for now just 2 parameters
         pExecArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 3 );
         hb_arraySetForward( pExecArray, 1, hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFunction, 2 ) );
         hb_arraySetNI( pExecArray, 2, uiSig );

         /* the third parameter is an array:
         * 1: low-level signal
         * 2: low-level subsignal
         * 3: low-level system error
         * 4: address that rised the signal
         * 5: process id of the signal riser
         * 6: UID of the riser

         pRet = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pExecArray, 3);
         hb_arrayNew( pRet, 6 );

         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSIGNAL, type );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSSUBSIG, sig );
         //could be meaningless, but does not matter here
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_OSERROR, GetLastError() );

         if (type == 0 ) //exception
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, ( void * ) exc->ExceptionAddress );
            hb_arraySetPtr( pRet, HB_SERVICE_ADDRESS, NULL );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_PROCESS, GetCurrentThreadId() );
         hb_arraySetNI( pRet, HB_SERVICE_UID, 0 );

         pRet = hb_itemDo( pExecArray, 0 );
         iRet = hb_itemGetNI( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pRet );
         hb_itemRelease( pExecArray );

         switch( iRet )
            case HB_SERVICE_HANDLED:
               bSignalEnabled = TRUE;
               HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );

            case HB_SERVICE_QUIT:
               bSignalEnabled = FALSE;
               HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_ServiceMutex );
               #ifndef HB_THREAD_SUPPORT


   bSignalEnabled = TRUE;
Example #29
static void hb_compGenArgList( int iFirst, int iLast,
                               int * pArgC, const char *** pArgV,
                               PHB_ITEM * pIncItem,
                               PHB_PP_OPEN_FUNC * pOpenFunc,
                               PHB_PP_MSG_FUNC * pMsgFunc )
   PHB_ITEM pParam;
   HB_SIZE ul, nLen;
   int argc = 1, i;
   const char ** argv;

   if( pMsgFunc )
      *pMsgFunc = NULL;
      if( HB_ISLOG( iFirst ) )
         if( hb_parl( iFirst ) )
            *pMsgFunc = s_pp_msg;

   if( pIncItem && pOpenFunc )
      *pOpenFunc = NULL;
      *pIncItem = hb_param( iFirst, HB_IT_HASH );
      if( *pIncItem )
         *pOpenFunc = s_pp_openFile;

   for( i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i )
      pParam = hb_param( i, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING );
      if( pParam )
         if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pParam ) )
            ul = hb_arrayLen( pParam );
            if( ul )
                  if( hb_arrayGetType( pParam, ul ) & HB_IT_STRING )
               while( --ul );
         else if( HB_IS_STRING( pParam ) )

   argv = ( const char ** ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( char * ) * ( argc + 1 ) );
   argc = 0;
   for( i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i )
      pParam = hb_param( i, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING );
      if( pParam )
         if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pParam ) )
            nLen = hb_arrayLen( pParam );
            for( ul = 1; ul <= nLen; ++ul )
               if( hb_arrayGetType( pParam, ul ) & HB_IT_STRING )
                  argv[ argc++ ] = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pParam, ul );
         else if( HB_IS_STRING( pParam ) )
            argv[ argc++ ] = hb_itemGetCPtr( pParam );
   argv[ argc ] = NULL;

   *pArgC = argc;
   *pArgV = argv;