Example #1
static HB_BOOL hb_SetDefaultPrinter( LPCTSTR lpPrinterName )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
   BOOL bFlag;
   DWORD dwNeeded = 0;
   HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
   PRINTER_INFO_2 * ppi2 = NULL;
   LPTSTR pBuffer = NULL;

   /* If Windows 95 or 98, use SetPrinter. */
   if( hb_iswin9x() )
      /* Open this printer so you can get information about it. */
      bFlag = OpenPrinter( ( LPTSTR ) lpPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL );
      if( ! bFlag || ! hPrinter )
         return HB_FALSE;

      /* The first GetPrinter() tells you how big our buffer must
         be to hold ALL of PRINTER_INFO_2. Note that this will
         typically return FALSE. This only means that the buffer (the 3rd
         parameter) was not filled in. You do not want it filled in here. */
      SetLastError( 0 );
      bFlag = GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, 0, 0, &dwNeeded );
      if( ! bFlag )
         if( ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) || ( dwNeeded == 0 ) )
            ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
            return HB_FALSE;

      /* Allocate enough space for PRINTER_INFO_2. */
      ppi2 = ( PRINTER_INFO_2 * ) hb_xgrab( dwNeeded );

      /* The second GetPrinter() will fill in all the current information
         so that all you have to do is modify what you are interested in. */
      bFlag = GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, ( LPBYTE ) ppi2, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded );
      if( ! bFlag )
         ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
         hb_xfree( ppi2 );
         return HB_FALSE;

      /* Set default printer attribute for this printer. */
      ppi2->Attributes |= PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT;
      bFlag = SetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, ( LPBYTE ) ppi2, 0 );
      if( ! bFlag )
         ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
         hb_xfree( ppi2 );
         return HB_FALSE;

      /* Tell all open programs that this change occurred.
         Allow each program 1 second to handle this message. */
      SendMessageTimeout( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0L, ( LPARAM ) ( LPCTSTR ) TEXT( "windows" ), SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, NULL );
   /* If Windows NT, use the SetDefaultPrinter API for Windows 2000,
      or WriteProfileString for version 4.0 and earlier. */
   else if( hb_iswinnt() )
      if( hb_iswin2k() ) /* Windows 2000 or later (use explicit call) */
         HMODULE hWinSpool;
         typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DEFPRINTER )( LPCTSTR ); /* stops warnings */
         DEFPRINTER fnSetDefaultPrinter;

         hWinSpool = hbwapi_LoadLibrarySystem( TEXT( "winspool.drv" ) );
         if( ! hWinSpool )
            return HB_FALSE;

         fnSetDefaultPrinter = ( DEFPRINTER ) HB_WINAPI_GETPROCADDRESST( hWinSpool,
            "SetDefaultPrinter" );

         if( ! fnSetDefaultPrinter )
            FreeLibrary( hWinSpool );
            return HB_FALSE;

         bFlag = ( *fnSetDefaultPrinter )( lpPrinterName );
         FreeLibrary( hWinSpool );
         if( ! bFlag )
            return HB_FALSE;
      else /* NT4.0 or earlier */
         HB_ISIZ nStrLen;

         /* Open this printer so you can get information about it. */
         bFlag = OpenPrinter( ( LPTSTR ) lpPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL );
         if( ! bFlag || ! hPrinter )
            return HB_FALSE;

         /* The first GetPrinter() tells you how big our buffer must
            be to hold ALL of PRINTER_INFO_2. Note that this will
            typically return FALSE. This only means that the buffer (the 3rd
            parameter) was not filled in. You do not want it filled in here. */
         SetLastError( 0 );
         bFlag = GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, 0, 0, &dwNeeded );
         if( ! bFlag )
            if( ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) || ( dwNeeded == 0 ) )
               ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
               return HB_FALSE;

         /* Allocate enough space for PRINTER_INFO_2. */
         ppi2 = ( PRINTER_INFO_2 * ) hb_xgrab( dwNeeded );

         /* The second GetPrinter() fills in all the current
            information. */
         bFlag = GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, ( LPBYTE ) ppi2, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded );
         if( ( ! bFlag ) || ( ! ppi2->pDriverName ) || ( ! ppi2->pPortName ) )
            ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
            hb_xfree( ppi2 );
            return HB_FALSE;

         nStrLen = hbwapi_tstrlen( lpPrinterName ) +
                   hbwapi_tstrlen( ppi2->pDriverName ) +
                   hbwapi_tstrlen( ppi2->pPortName ) + 2;

         /* Allocate buffer big enough for concatenated string.
            String will be in form "printername,drivername,portname". */
         pBuffer = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( ( nStrLen + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );

         pBuffer[ 0 ] = TEXT( '\0' );

         /* Build string in form "printername,drivername,portname". */
         hbwapi_tstrncat( pBuffer, lpPrinterName, nStrLen );
         hbwapi_tstrncat( pBuffer, TEXT( "," ), nStrLen );
         hbwapi_tstrncat( pBuffer, ppi2->pDriverName, nStrLen );
         hbwapi_tstrncat( pBuffer, TEXT( "," ), nStrLen );
         hbwapi_tstrncat( pBuffer, ppi2->pPortName, nStrLen );

         /* Set the default printer in win.ini and registry. */
         bFlag = WriteProfileString( TEXT( "windows" ), TEXT( "device" ), pBuffer );
         if( ! bFlag )
            ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
            hb_xfree( ppi2 );
            hb_xfree( pBuffer );
            return HB_FALSE;

      /* Tell all open programs that this change occurred.
         Allow each app 1 second to handle this message. */
      SendMessageTimeout( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0L, 0L, SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, NULL );

   /* Clean up. */
   if( hPrinter )
      ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
   if( ppi2 )
      hb_xfree( ppi2 );
   if( pBuffer )
      hb_xfree( pBuffer );

   return HB_TRUE;
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( lpPrinterName );
   return HB_FALSE;
Example #2
double hb_secondsCPU( int n )
   double d = 0.0;

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN ) && ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE ) && ! defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   FILETIME Create, Exit, Kernel, User;

#if defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
   static ULONG s_timer_interval = 0;

   QSGREC ** pBuf;

   if( ( n < 1 || n > 3 ) && ( n < 11 || n > 13 ) )
      n = 3;

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
      struct tms tm;

      times( &tm );

      if( n > 10 )
         n -= 10;
         if( n & 1 )
            d += tm.tms_cutime;
         if( n & 2 )
            d += tm.tms_cstime;
      if( n & 1 )
         d += tm.tms_utime;
      if( n & 2 )
         d += tm.tms_stime;

      /* In POSIX-1996 the CLK_TCK symbol is mentioned as obsolescent */
      #if 0
      d /= CLK_TCK;
      d /= ( double ) sysconf( _SC_CLK_TCK );
   if( n > 10 )
      n -= 10;
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN ) && ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
   if( hb_iswinnt() &&
       GetProcessTimes( GetCurrentProcess(), &Create, &Exit, &Kernel, &User ) )
      if( n & 1 )
         d += ( double ) ( ( ( HB_MAXINT ) User.dwHighDateTime << 32 ) +
                             ( HB_MAXINT ) User.dwLowDateTime );
      if( n & 2 )
         d += ( double ) ( ( ( HB_MAXINT ) Kernel.dwHighDateTime << 32 ) +
                             ( HB_MAXINT ) Kernel.dwLowDateTime );
      d /= 10000000.0;
#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )

   if( s_timer_interval == 0 )
      DosQuerySysInfo( QSV_TIMER_INTERVAL, QSV_TIMER_INTERVAL, ( PVOID ) &s_timer_interval, sizeof( ULONG ) );

   pBuf = ( QSGREC ** ) hb_xalloc( BUFSIZE );

   if( pBuf )
#if defined( __GNUC__ )
      APIRET rc = DosQuerySysState( QS_PROCESS, 0L, _getpid(), 0L, pBuf, BUFSIZE );
      APIRET rc = DosQuerySysState( QS_PROCESS, 0L, getpid(), 0L, pBuf, BUFSIZE );

      if( rc == NO_ERROR )
         QSGREC * pGrec = *pBuf;
         QSPREC * pPrec = ( QSPREC * ) ( ( ULONG ) pGrec + sizeof( QSGREC ) );
         QSTREC * pTrec = pPrec->pThrdRec;

         int i;

         for( i = 0; i < pPrec->cTCB; i++, pTrec++ )
            if( n & 1 )
               d += pTrec->usertime;

            if( n & 2 )
               d += pTrec->systime;

         d = d * 10.0 / s_timer_interval;

      hb_xfree( pBuf );

      /* TODO: this code is only for DOS and other platforms which cannot
               calculate process time */

      if( n & 1 )
         d = hb_dateSeconds();
   return d;