WriteStringsT( hid_t iParent,
               const std::string &iAttrName,
               size_t iNumStrings,
               const StringT *iStrings )
    // Validate
    ABCA_ASSERT( iNumStrings > 0, "Degenerate num strings in WriteStringsT" );
    ABCA_ASSERT( iStrings, "Degenerate strings buffer in WriteStringsT" );

    // Compact the strings.
    std::vector<CharT> charBuffer;
    CompactStrings( iStrings, iNumStrings, charBuffer );

    // Create the dataspace.
    size_t len = charBuffer.size();
    assert( len >= iNumStrings );
    Dimensions dims( len );
    HDimensions hdims( dims );
    hid_t dspaceId = H5Screate_simple( hdims.rank(), hdims.rootPtr(), NULL );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0,
                 "WriteStringsT() Failed in dataspace constructor" );

    // Create the attribute.
    WriteDataToAttr( iParent, dspaceId, iAttrName,
                     GetFileDtype<CharT>(), GetNativeDtype<CharT>(),
                     ( const void * )&charBuffer.front() );

    // That's it!
Example #2
static void getDatatypeArrayDims( hid_t iDtype, Dimensions &dims )
    ABCA_ASSERT( iDtype >= 0, "Invalid datatype in getDatatypeArrayDims" );
    int ndims = H5Tget_array_ndims( iDtype );
    ABCA_ASSERT( ndims > 0,
                  "getDatatypeArrayDims() H5Tget_array_ndims failed" );

    HDimensions hdims( ( size_t )ndims );
    ndims = H5Tget_array_dims2( iDtype, hdims.rootPtr() );
    ABCA_ASSERT( ndims > 0,
                  "getDatatypeArrayDims() H5Tget_array_dims failed" );
    ABCA_ASSERT( ndims == hdims.rank(),
                  "getDatatypeArrayDims() inconsistent ranks" );
    dims = hdims;
Example #3
WriteSmallArray( hid_t iParent,
                 const std::string &iAttrName,
                 hid_t iFileType,
                 hid_t iNativeType,
                 size_t iNumVals,
                 const void *iData )
    Dimensions dims( iNumVals );
    HDimensions hdims( dims );
    size_t npoints = hdims.numPoints();
    ABCA_ASSERT( npoints > 0,
                  "Cannot create degenerate dataspace" );

    hid_t dspaceId = H5Screate_simple( hdims.rank(), hdims.rootPtr(), NULL );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    WriteDataToAttr( iParent, dspaceId, iAttrName, iFileType, iNativeType,
                     iData );
Example #4
hid_t DsetGzipCreatePlist( const Dimensions &dims, int level )
    herr_t status;
    hid_t ID = H5Pcreate( H5P_DATASET_CREATE );
    ABCA_ASSERT( ID >= 0,
                  "DsetGzipCreatePlist: H5Pcreate failed" );

    // Chunking.
    HDimensions hdims( dims );
    status = H5Pset_chunk( ID, hdims.rank(), hdims.rootPtr() );
    ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0,
                  "DsetGzipCreatePlist: "
                  "H5Pset_chunk() failed" );

    level = level < 0 ? 0 : level > 9 ? 9 : level;
    status = H5Pset_deflate( ID, ( unsigned int )level );
    ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0,
                  "DsetGzipCreatePlist: "
                  "H5Pset_link_creation_order() failed" );

    return ID;
WriteStringT( hid_t iParent,
              const std::string &iAttrName,
              const StringT &iString )
    // Verify that no NULL characters have been hidden in the string.
    CharT NullChar = ( CharT )0;
    ABCA_ASSERT( iString.find( NullChar ) == StringT::npos,
                 "Illegal NULL character found in string in WriteStringT" );

    // Create the dataspace.
    size_t len = iString.length();
    Dimensions dims( len + 1 );
    HDimensions hdims( dims );
    size_t npoints = hdims.numPoints();
    ABCA_ASSERT( npoints > 0,
                 "Cannot create degenerate dataspace" );

    hid_t dspaceId = H5Screate_simple( hdims.rank(), hdims.rootPtr(), NULL );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    // Get the data.
    const CharT *data;
    if ( len == 0 )
        data = &NullChar;
        data = iString.c_str();

    // Write into it.
    WriteDataToAttr( iParent, dspaceId, iAttrName,
                     GetFileDtype<CharT>(), GetNativeDtype<CharT>(),
                     ( const void * )data );
WriteStringArrayT( WrittenArraySampleMap &iMap,
                   hid_t iGroup,
                   const std::string &iName,
                   const AbcA::ArraySample &iSamp,
                   const AbcA::ArraySample::Key &iKey,
                   int iCompressionLevel )
    // because strings are packed together, always write out the dimensions
    Dimensions dims = iSamp.getDimensions();
    ABCA_ASSERT( dims.rank() > 0,
        "String type can not have a rank-0 array sample" );
    std::string dimsName = iName + ".dims";
    WriteDimensions( iGroup, dimsName, dims );

    // See whether or not we've already stored this.
    WrittenArraySampleIDPtr writeID = iMap.find( iKey );
    if ( writeID )
        CopyWrittenArray( iGroup, iName, writeID );
        return writeID;

    // Okay, need to actually store it.
    // It will be a dataset with an internal attribute for storing
    // the hash id.

    bool hasData = dims.numPoints() > 0;
    hid_t dspaceId = -1;
    Dimensions wdims; // Used to store the "fake" dimensions.
    std::vector<CharT> charBuffer;

    // Get the dimensions, validate sample size.
    if ( hasData )
        size_t extent = iSamp.getDataType().getExtent();
        size_t numStrings = dims.numPoints() * extent;
        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.rank() > 0 && numStrings > 0,
                     "Degenerate array sample in WriteStringArrayT" );

        // Get the data out of the array sample.
        const StringT *strings =
            reinterpret_cast<const StringT *>( iSamp.getData() );
        ABCA_ASSERT( strings,
                     "Degenerate strings in WriteStringArrayT" );

        // Compact the strings in the string array.
        CompactStrings( strings, numStrings, charBuffer );

        // Create the dataspace.
        size_t len = charBuffer.size();
        assert( len >= numStrings );
        wdims = Dimensions( len );
        HDimensions hdims( wdims );

        dspaceId = H5Screate_simple( hdims.rank(),
                                     hdims.rootPtr(), NULL );
        dspaceId = H5Screate( H5S_NULL );

    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0,
                 "WriteStringsT() Failed in dataspace constructor" );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    hid_t dsetId = -1;
    if ( iCompressionLevel >= 0 && hasData )
        // Make a compression plist
        hid_t zipPlist = DsetGzipCreatePlist( wdims,
            iCompressionLevel > 9 ? 9 : iCompressionLevel );
        PlistCloser plistCloser( zipPlist );

        //std::cout << "Creating compressed data set named: "
        //          << iName << " in group named: " << iGroup.name()
        //          << std::endl;

        // Make the dataset.
        dsetId = H5Dcreate2( iGroup, iName.c_str(), GetFileDtype<CharT>(),
                             dspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, zipPlist, H5P_DEFAULT );
        //std::cout << "Creating uncompressed data set named: "
        //          << iName << " in group named: " << iGroup.name()
        //          << std::endl;
        dsetId = H5Dcreate2( iGroup, iName.c_str(), GetFileDtype<CharT>(),
                             dspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT );
    DsetCloser dsetCloser(dsetId);

    ABCA_ASSERT( dsetId >= 0,
                 "WriteArray() Failed in dataset constructor" );

    // Write the data.
    if ( hasData )
        H5Dwrite( dsetId, GetNativeDtype<CharT>(), H5S_ALL,
                  H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &charBuffer.front() );

    // Write the key
    WriteKey( dsetId, "key", iKey );

    writeID.reset( new WrittenArraySampleID( iKey, dsetId ) );

    iMap.store( writeID );

    // Return the reference.
    return writeID;