Example #1
int print_stats_table(univar_stat * stats)
    unsigned int i;
    int z, n_zones = zone_info.n_zones;

    if (n_zones == 0)
	n_zones = 1;

    /* print column headers */

    if (zone_info.n_zones) {
	fprintf(stdout, "zone%s", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "label%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "non_null_cells%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "null_cells%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "min%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "max%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "range%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "mean%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "mean_of_abs%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "stddev%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "variance%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "coeff_var%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "sum%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "sum_abs");

    if (param.extended->answer) {
	fprintf(stdout, "%sfirst_quart", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "%smedian", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "%sthird_quart", zone_info.sep);
	for (i = 0; i < stats[0].n_perc; i++) {

	    if (stats[0].perc[i] == (int)stats[0].perc[i]) {
		/* percentile is an exact integer */
		fprintf(stdout, "%sperc_%d", zone_info.sep, (int)stats[0].perc[i]);
	    else {
		/* percentile is not an exact integer */

		char buf[24];
		sprintf(buf, "%.15g", stats[0].perc[i]);
		G_strchg(buf, '.', '_');
		fprintf(stdout, "%sperc_%s", zone_info.sep, buf);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    /* print stats */

    for (z = 0; z < n_zones; z++) {
	char sum_str[100];
	double mean, variance, stdev, var_coef;

	/* for extendet stats */
	double quartile_25 = 0.0, quartile_75 = 0.0, *quartile_perc;
	double median = 0.0;
	int qpos_25, qpos_75, *qpos_perc;

	/* stats collected for this zone? */
	if (stats[z].n == 0)

	i = 0;

	/* all these calculations get promoted to doubles, so any DIV0 becomes nan */
	mean = stats[z].sum / stats[z].n;
	variance = (stats[z].sumsq - stats[z].sum * stats[z].sum / stats[z].n) / stats[z].n;
	if (variance < GRASS_EPSILON)
	    variance = 0.0;
	stdev = sqrt(variance);
	var_coef = (stdev / mean) * 100.;	/* perhaps stdev/fabs(mean) ? */

	if (zone_info.n_zones) {
	    /* zone number */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", z + zone_info.min, zone_info.sep);
	    /* zone label */
	    fprintf(stdout,"%s%s", G_get_cat(z + zone_info.min, &(zone_info.cats)), zone_info.sep);

	/* non-null cells cells */
	fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* null cells */
	fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", stats[z].size - stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* min */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].min, zone_info.sep);
	/* max */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].max, zone_info.sep);
	/* range */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].max - stats[z].min, zone_info.sep);
	/* mean */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", mean, zone_info.sep);
	/* mean of abs */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* stddev */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stdev, zone_info.sep);
	/* variance */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", variance, zone_info.sep);
	/* coefficient of variance */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", var_coef, zone_info.sep);
	/* sum */
	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum);
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", sum_str, zone_info.sep);
	/* absolute sum */
	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum_abs);
	fprintf(stdout, "%s", sum_str);

	/* TODO: mode, skewness, kurtosis */
	if (param.extended->answer) {
	    qpos_perc = (int *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(int));
	    quartile_perc = (double *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(double));
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		qpos_perc[i] = (int)(stats[z].n * 1e-2 * stats[z].perc[i] - 0.5);
	    qpos_25 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.25 - 0.5);
	    qpos_75 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.75 - 0.5);

	    switch (stats[z].map_type) {
	    case CELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_int(stats[z].cell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].cell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case FCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_float(stats[z].fcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case DCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_double(stats[z].dcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = stats[z].dcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
			 stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];


	    /* first quartile */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, quartile_25);
	    /* median */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, median);
	    /* third quartile */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, quartile_75);
	    /* percentiles */
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep , 

	    G_free((void *)quartile_perc);
	    G_free((void *)qpos_perc);

	fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	/* zone z finished */


    return 1;
Example #2
/* *************************************************************** */
int print_stats(univar_stat * stats)
    int z, n_zones = zone_info.n_zones;

    if (n_zones == 0)
	n_zones = 1;

    for (z = 0; z < n_zones; z++) {
	char sum_str[100];
	double mean, variance, stdev, var_coef;

	/* for extendet stats */
	double quartile_25 = 0.0, quartile_75 = 0.0, *quartile_perc;
	double median = 0.0;
	unsigned int i;
	int qpos_25, qpos_75, *qpos_perc;

	/* stats collected for this zone? */
	if (stats[z].n == 0)

	/* all these calculations get promoted to doubles, so any DIV0 becomes nan */
	mean = stats[z].sum / stats[z].n;
	variance = (stats[z].sumsq - stats[z].sum * stats[z].sum / stats[z].n) / stats[z].n;
	if (variance < GRASS_EPSILON)
	    variance = 0.0;
	stdev = sqrt(variance);
	var_coef = (stdev / mean) * 100.;	/* perhaps stdev/fabs(mean) ? */

	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum);

	if (zone_info.n_zones)
	    fprintf(stdout, "\nzone %d %s\n\n", z + zone_info.min, G_get_cat(z + zone_info.min, &(zone_info.cats)));

	if (!param.shell_style->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "total null and non-null cells: %d\n", stats[z].size);
	    fprintf(stdout, "total null cells: %d\n\n", stats[z].size - stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Of the non-null cells:\n----------------------\n");

	if (param.shell_style->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n=%d\n", stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "null_cells=%d\n", stats[z].size - stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "cells=%d\n", stats->size);
	    fprintf(stdout, "min=%.15g\n", stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "max=%.15g\n", stats[z].max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range=%.15g\n", stats[z].max - stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean=%.15g\n", mean);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean_of_abs=%.15g\n", stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "stddev=%.15g\n", stdev);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variance=%.15g\n", variance);
	    fprintf(stdout, "coeff_var=%.15g\n", var_coef);
	    fprintf(stdout, "sum=%s\n", sum_str);
	else {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n: %d\n", stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "minimum: %g\n", stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "maximum: %g\n", stats[z].max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range: %g\n", stats[z].max - stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean: %g\n", mean);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean of absolute values: %g\n",
		    stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "standard deviation: %g\n", stdev);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variance: %g\n", variance);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variation coefficient: %g %%\n", var_coef);
	    fprintf(stdout, "sum: %s\n", sum_str);

	/* TODO: mode, skewness, kurtosis */
	if (param.extended->answer) {
	    qpos_perc = (int *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(int));
	    quartile_perc = (double *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(double));
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		qpos_perc[i] = (int)(stats[z].n * 1e-2 * stats[z].perc[i] - 0.5);
	    qpos_25 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.25 - 0.5);
	    qpos_75 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.75 - 0.5);

	    switch (stats[z].map_type) {
	    case CELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_int(stats[z].cell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].cell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case FCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_float(stats[z].fcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case DCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_double(stats[z].dcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = stats[z].dcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
			 stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];


	    if (param.shell_style->answer) {
		fprintf(stdout, "first_quartile=%g\n", quartile_25);
		fprintf(stdout, "median=%g\n", median);
		fprintf(stdout, "third_quartile=%g\n", quartile_75);
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    char buf[24];
		    sprintf(buf, "%.15g", stats[z].perc[i]);
		    G_strchg(buf, '.', '_');
		    fprintf(stdout, "percentile_%s=%g\n", buf, quartile_perc[i]);
	    else {
		fprintf(stdout, "1st quartile: %g\n", quartile_25);
		if (stats[z].n % 2)
		    fprintf(stdout, "median (odd number of cells): %g\n", median);
		    fprintf(stdout, "median (even number of cells): %g\n",
		fprintf(stdout, "3rd quartile: %g\n", quartile_75);

		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    if (stats[z].perc[i] == (int)stats[z].perc[i]) {
			/* percentile is an exact integer */
			if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 1 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 11)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dst percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			else if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 2 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 12)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dnd percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			else if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 3 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 13)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%drd percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dth percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
		    else {
			/* percentile is not an exact integer */
			fprintf(stdout, "%.15g percentile: %g\n", stats[z].perc[i],
	    G_free((void *)quartile_perc);
	    G_free((void *)qpos_perc);

	/* G_message() prints to stderr not stdout: disabled. this \n is printed above with zone */
	/* if (!(param.shell_style->answer))
	    G_message("\n"); */

    return 1;
Example #3
*	index_map_find()
*	calculates the symmetric CRS sparsity pattern needed for ParMETIS. The sparsity pattern
*   returned in (cindx,rindx,dim_major), where dim_major=length(cindx), is symmetric.
*	insert flags the update of A. if update=0, only the new sparsity pattern is created 
*	and returned, with A unchanged. If update=1, A is updated to the new sparsity pattern, 
*	with zeros inserted at the new positions.
void index_map_find( Tmtx_CRS_dist_ptr A, int **cindx, int **rindx, int *length, int insert )
	int i, j, k, spot, this_dom, nnz, nrows, ncols, nc, nr, n, pos, nd, td;
	Tindex split[3];
	int vtxdist[4];
	int *cindxCRS, *rindxCRS, *cindxCCS, *rindxCCS, *cp, *rp, *head, *index_minor, *index_major;
	// setup constants
	this_dom = A->This.this_proc;
	if( this_dom==0 )
		nd = 2;
		td = 0;
	else if( this_dom==(A->This.n_proc-1) )
		nd = 2;
		td = 1;
		nd = 3;
		td = 1;
	 *	split the index into 3 sections, left, centre (the S block), and right
	vtxdist[0] = 0;
	vtxdist[td] = A->vtxdist[this_dom];
	vtxdist[td+1] = A->vtxdist[this_dom+1];
	vtxdist[nd] = A->ncols;
	index_split( A->mtx.cindx, A->mtx.rindx, vtxdist, A->mtx.nnz, A->mtx.nrows, nd, split, 1 );
	 *	now make the centre index symmetric
	cindxCRS = split[td].index_major;
	rindxCRS = split[td].index_minor;
	nnz = split[td].dim_major;
	nrows = A->mtx.nrows;
	ncols = nrows;
	cindxCCS = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*(ncols+1) );
	rindxCCS = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*(nnz) );
	// convert the CRS index to CCS
	index_CRS_to_CCS( cindxCRS, rindxCRS, cindxCCS, rindxCCS, NULL, nnz, nrows, ncols );
	// swap the column and row indices over for the CCS to make them "CRS"
	cp = cindxCCS;
	cindxCCS = rindxCCS;
	rindxCCS = cp;
	// combine the CRS and CCS indices to form the symmetric pattern
	cp = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*nnz*2 );
	rp = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*(nrows+1) );
	head = cp;
	rp[0] = 0;
	pos = 0;
	for( i=0; i<nrows; i++ )
		// determine how many indices are in This row
		nr = rindxCRS[i+1] - rindxCRS[i];
		nc = rindxCCS[i+1] - rindxCCS[i];
		n  = nr + nc;
		// augment the indices for This row if there are elements to augment 
		if( n )
			// augment the two sets of indices
			if( nr )
				memcpy( head,      cindxCRS  + rindxCRS[i], nr*sizeof(int) );
			if( nc )
				memcpy( head + nr, cindxCCS  + rindxCCS[i], nc*sizeof(int) );
			// sort the indices
			heapsort_int( n, head );	
			// sort out the unique elements
			j = 0;
			while( j < n-1 )
				cp[pos++] = head[j++];
				if( head[j]==head[j-1] )
			if( j == (n-1) )
				cp[pos++] = head[j];
		head = cp + pos;

	// remove extra storage from the end of index_major
	cp = realloc( cp, sizeof(int)*pos );
	free( split[td].index_major);
	free( split[td].index_minor);
	split[td].index_major = cp;
	split[td].index_minor = rp;
	split[td].dim_major = pos;
	 *	recombine the left right and centre
	// find out how many nonzero are in the symmetric pattern
	n = 0;
	for( i=0; i<nd; i++ )
		n += split[i].dim_major;
	// allocate memory for the indices
	index_major = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*n );
	index_minor = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*(A->mtx.nrows+1) );
	// stick 'em together
	pos = 0;
	index_minor[0] = 0;
	for( k=0; k<A->mtx.nrows; k++ )
		for( i=0; i<nd; i++ )
			if( split[i].index_major )
				spot = vtxdist[i];
				for( j=split[i].index_minor[k]; j<split[i].index_minor[k+1]; j++ )
					index_major[pos++] = split[i].index_major[j] + spot;
		index_minor[k+1] = pos;
	// now save the information
	*cindx = index_major;
	*rindx = index_minor;
	*length = n;
	// free memory
	for( i=0; i<nd; i++ )
		index_free( split + i );
	free( cindxCCS );
	free( rindxCCS );
	// if needed, update A by inserting zeros at the new positions
	if( insert )
		int *cpo, *rpo, *cpn, *rpn;
		double *nzp;
		int poso, posn, no, nn;
		cpn = index_major;
		rpn = index_minor;
		cpo = A->mtx.cindx;
		rpo = A->mtx.rindx;
		if( !A->mtx.block )
			nzp = (double*)calloc( sizeof(double), n );
			// loop over the rows
			poso= posn = 0;
			for( i=0; i<nrows; i++ )
				no = rpo[i+1]-rpo[i];
				nn = rpn[i+1]-rpn[i];
				// are the new and old rows different?
				if( no != nn )
					// have to copy over by hand, inserting new entries as we find them
					for( k=0; k<nn; )
						// copy the old entry over
						nzp[posn++] = A->mtx.nz[poso++];
						// skip the zeros
						while( k<nn && cpo[poso]!=cpn[posn] )
					// just copy the old row into the new one
					memcpy( nzp + posn, A->mtx.nz + poso, sizeof(double)*no );
					poso += no;
					posn += nn;
			nzp = (double*)calloc( sizeof(double), (n BLOCK_M_SHIFT) );
			posn = poso = 0;
			for( i=0; i<nrows; i++ )
				no = rpo[i+1]-rpo[i];
				nn = rpn[i+1]-rpn[i];
				// are the new and old rows different?
				if( no != nn )
					// have to copy over by hand, inserting new entries as we find them
					while( k<nn && cpo[poso]!=cpn[posn] )
					for( ; k<nn; )
						// copy the old entry over
						memcpy( nzp + (posn BLOCK_M_SHIFT), A->mtx.nz + (poso BLOCK_M_SHIFT), BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(double) );
						posn++; poso++;
						// skip the zeros
						while( k<nn && cpo[poso]!=cpn[posn] )
					// just copy the old row into the new one
					memcpy( nzp + (posn BLOCK_M_SHIFT), A->mtx.nz + (poso BLOCK_M_SHIFT), sizeof(double)*(no BLOCK_M_SHIFT) );
					poso += no;
					posn += nn;
		// attach and copy the new data to A
		A->mtx.nnz = n;
		free( A->mtx.nz );
		A->mtx.nz = nzp;
		memcpy( rpo, rpn, sizeof(int)*(A->mtx.nrows+1) );
		A->mtx.cindx = (int*)realloc( A->mtx.cindx, sizeof(int)*n );
		memcpy( A->mtx.cindx, cpn, sizeof(int)*(n) );
Example #4
// same as above, but assumes that the matrix A has symmetric sparsity pattern. Only recommended for use
// on a matrix that has been formed directly from a finite volume mesh.
void mtx_CRS_dist_domdec_sym( Tmtx_CRS_dist_ptr A, Tdistribution_ptr dist, int *p )
	int i, n_nodes, dom, count, n_dom, pos, edgecut, numflag=0, wgtflag=0, this_dom, n_neigh=0;
	int *vstarts=NULL, *indx=NULL, *starts=NULL, *counts=NULL, *part=NULL, *ppart=NULL, *_cindx=NULL, *_rindx=NULL;
	int ParMETIS_options[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	TMPI_dat_ptr This=NULL;
	This = &A->This;
	// initialise variables
	n_nodes  =  A->mtx.nrows;
	n_dom    =  This->n_proc;
	this_dom =  This->this_proc;
	// initialise the distribution
	distribution_init( dist, n_dom, n_nodes, 1 );
	// setup pointers
	indx   = dist->indx;
	starts = dist->starts;
	counts = dist->counts;
	part   = dist->part;
	ppart  = dist->ppart;

	// make the CRS profile of the matrix into an adjacency graph
	_cindx = malloc( (A->mtx.nnz)*sizeof(int) );
	_rindx = malloc( (n_nodes+1)*sizeof(int) );
	index_make_adjacency( n_nodes, A->vtxdist[this_dom], A->mtx.cindx, A->mtx.rindx, _cindx, _rindx );

	// use ParMETIS to perform domain decomp
	ParMETIS_PartKway( A->vtxdist, _rindx, _cindx, NULL, NULL, &wgtflag, &numflag, &n_dom, 
					   ParMETIS_options, &edgecut, part, &This->comm);
	// keep copy of original part in ppart
	memcpy( ppart, part, sizeof(int)*n_nodes );
	// sort part, indx holds the permutation required for This
	for( i=0; i<n_nodes; i++ ) 
	heapsort_int_index( n_nodes, indx, part);
	// determine the number of nodes that we have for each processor
	pos = 0;
	for( dom=0; dom<n_dom; dom++ )
		starts[dom] = pos;
		while( part[pos]==dom && pos<A->mtx.nrows ) 
		counts[dom] = count;
		if( count )
	starts[dom] = pos;
	// find and store the neighbour information to dist
	free( dist->neighbours );
	dist->neighbours = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*n_neigh );
	dist->n_neigh = n_neigh;
	for( pos=0, dom=0; dom<n_dom; dom++ )
		if( counts[dom] )
			dist->neighbours[pos++] = dom;
	// sort the indices of each target domain's nodes
	for( dom=0; dom<n_dom; dom++ )
		if( counts[dom]>1 )
			heapsort_int( counts[dom], indx + starts[dom] );
	// all processes update their copy of the global partition vector in p
	vstarts = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)*n_dom );
	for( i=0; i<n_dom; i++ )
		vstarts[i] = A->vtxdist[i+1] - A->vtxdist[i];
	MPI_Allgatherv( ppart, vstarts[this_dom], MPI_INT, p, vstarts, A->vtxdist, MPI_INT, This->comm );
	free( vstarts );
	free( _rindx );
	free( _cindx );
Example #5
//  length(u) and length(indx) >= lfill+1
int vec_drop_block_( double* v, int *indx, int n, int lfill, int diag, double tol, double *u )
	int pos, ipos, i, j, k, m, p, shift, fill, from, to;
	double val, drop_min;
	// search the vector v and look find the indices of the lfill entries larger than tol
	drop_min = 0.;
	//printf( "starting sort\n" );
	for( i=0, pos=0, m=0; i<n; i++, pos+=BLOCK_SIZE )
		// find the size of element i
		ipos = pos;
		val = 0.;
		for( j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE; ipos++ )
			val += fabs(v[ipos]);
			if( !((++j)%BLOCK_SIZE) )
		// is the entry larger than the minimum in the dropped list so far?
		if( val>tol && (val>drop_min || m<lfill) )
			p = binary_search_double_bracket(m, u, val);
			//printf( "\t\tfound %g at %d and put in place %d with searchlen %d and drop_min=%g and lfill-1=%d\n", val, i, p, m, drop_min, lfill-1 );
			for( k=m; k>p; k-- )
			u[p+1] = val;
			indx[p+1] = i;
			m = (m<lfill) ? m+1 : lfill;
			drop_min = (m<lfill) ? 0 : u[lfill-1];
			/*for( j=0; j<m; j++ )
				printf( "\t(%d %g) ", indx[j], u[j] );
			printf( "\n" ); */
	//printf( "done sort\n" );
	// look after the diag element, this is ridiculously complex
	if( diag>=0 && diag<n )
		ipos = diag BLOCK_V_SHIFT;
		val = 0.;
		for( j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE; ipos++ )
			val += fabs(v[ipos]);
			if( !((++j)%BLOCK_SIZE) )
		// if the diag was too small enough to be dropped then add it to the end of the list
		// this is a wee bit fiddly as we have to deal with some special cases/
		// case 1 : it has certainly been included
		if( val>drop_min )
			p = -1;
		// case 2 : it would have been dropped
		else if( val<=tol )
			if( m<lfill )
				p = m;
				p = lfill-1;
		// case 2 : we cannot be sure that it hasn't been dropped
		// this arrises when the value of the diag element is equal to that of
		// the smallest value in the list on nz entries to keep. There may
		// be more than one entry with this value in the array, so we must check
		// in case it was dropped
			p = m-1;
			k = 0;
			// search the end of
			while( !k && u[p]==u[m-1] )
				if( indx[p] == diag )
			// it has been included
			if( k )
				p = -1;
			// it has been dropped
				p = m;
				if( p==lfill )
		if( p>=0 )
			indx[p] = diag;
	// sort the indices
	heapsort_int( m, indx );
	// pack the entries into the start of v
	fill = (m<lfill) ? m : lfill; 
	from = 0;
	to = 0;
	for( p=0; p<BLOCK_SIZE; p++ )
		to   = p*(fill BLOCK_V_SHIFT);
 		j    = (m<lfill) ? 0 : m - lfill;
		for( i=0; i<fill; i++, j++)
			pos = (indx[j] BLOCK_V_SHIFT) + from;
			for( k=0; k<BLOCK_SIZE; k++, to++, pos++ )
				v[to] = v[pos];
		from += (n BLOCK_V_SHIFT);
	j = (m<lfill) ? 0 : m - lfill;
	for( i=0; i<fill; i++, j++ )
		indx[i] = indx[j];
	// return
	return fill;
Example #6
*	int vec_drop_block( double* v, int *indx, int n, int lfill, int diag, double tol )
*	the same as vec_drop(), however for blocks of dimension BLOCK_SIZExBLOCK_SIZE. see 
*	documentation of vec_drop() for more information.
*	additionally requires a  vector u, of length n that is used as workspace
int vec_drop_block( double* v, int *indx, int n, int lfill, int diag, double tol, double *u )
	int pos, ipos, i, j, k, m, p, dpos=-1, shift, fill, from, to;
	double val, mmax=0;
	// find all of the entries that are larger than the tol and pack them into u, and their indices
	// into indx
	for( i=0, pos=0, m=0; i<n; i++, pos+=BLOCK_SIZE )
		// this test probably has to change, it is hardwired for BLOCK_SIZE=2
		ipos = pos;
		val = 0.;
		for( j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE; ipos++ )
			val += fabs(v[ipos]);
			if( !((++j)%BLOCK_SIZE) )
		if(  val>tol || diag==i )
			indx[m] = i;
			u[m++] = val;
		if( val>mmax )
			mmax = val;
		if( diag==i )
			dpos = m-1;
	// look after the diag element
	if( dpos>=0 )
		u[dpos] = mmax+1.;

	// sort the entries, if there are more than L of them
	if(  m>lfill )
		// sort the entries of u and permute indx at the same time
		heapsort_double_index( m, indx, u );
		// sort the L largest entries of indx
		heapsort_int( lfill, indx + m - lfill );

	// pack the entries into the start of v
	fill = (m<lfill) ? m : lfill; 
	from = 0;
	to = 0;
	for( p=0; p<BLOCK_SIZE; p++ )
		to   = p*(fill BLOCK_V_SHIFT);
 		j    = (m<lfill) ? 0 : m - lfill;
		for( i=0; i<fill; i++, j++)
			pos = (indx[j] BLOCK_V_SHIFT) + from;
			for( k=0; k<BLOCK_SIZE; k++, to++, pos++ )
				v[to] = v[pos];
		from += (n BLOCK_V_SHIFT);
	j = (m<lfill) ? 0 : m - lfill;
	for( i=0; i<fill; i++, j++ )
		indx[i] = indx[j];
	// return
	return fill;