int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { help_index_t *hi, /* Help index */ *search; /* Search index */ /* * Load the help index... */ hi = helpLoadIndex("testhi.index", "."); list_nodes("nodes", hi->nodes); list_nodes("sorted", hi->sorted); /* * Do any searches... */ if (argc > 1) { search = helpSearchIndex(hi, argv[1], NULL, argv[2]); if (search) { list_nodes(argv[1], search->sorted); helpDeleteIndex(search); } else printf("%s (0 nodes)\n", argv[1]); } helpDeleteIndex(hi); /* * Return with no errors... */ return (0); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { help_index_t *hi, /* Help index */ *search; /* Search index */ char indexname[1024]; /* Name of index file */ if (argc != 3) { puts("Usage: websearch directory \"search terms\""); return (1); } /* * Load the help index... */ snprintf(indexname, sizeof(indexname), "%s/.index", argv[1]); hi = helpLoadIndex(indexname, argv[1]); /* * Do any searches... */ search = helpSearchIndex(hi, argv[2], NULL, NULL); if (search) list_nodes(hi, argv[1], search->sorted); /* * Return with no errors... */ return (0); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { help_index_t *hi, /* Help index */ *si; /* Search index */ help_node_t *n; /* Current help node */ int i; /* Looping var */ const char *query; /* Search query */ const char *cache_dir; /* CUPS_CACHEDIR environment variable */ const char *docroot; /* CUPS_DOCROOT environment variable */ const char *helpfile, /* Current help file */ *helptitle = NULL; /* Current help title */ const char *topic; /* Current topic */ char topic_data[1024]; /* Topic form data */ const char *section; /* Current section */ char filename[1024], /* Filename */ directory[1024]; /* Directory */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Help file */ char line[1024]; /* Line from file */ int printable; /* Show printable version? */ /* * Get any form variables... */ cgiInitialize(); printable = cgiGetVariable("PRINTABLE") != NULL; /* * Set the web interface section... */ cgiSetVariable("SECTION", "help"); cgiSetVariable("REFRESH_PAGE", ""); /* * Load the help index... */ if ((cache_dir = getenv("CUPS_CACHEDIR")) == NULL) cache_dir = CUPS_CACHEDIR; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/help.index", cache_dir); if ((docroot = getenv("CUPS_DOCROOT")) == NULL) docroot = CUPS_DOCROOT; snprintf(directory, sizeof(directory), "%s/help", docroot); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: helpLoadIndex(filename=\"%s\", directory=\"%s\")\n", filename, directory); hi = helpLoadIndex(filename, directory); if (!hi) { perror(filename); cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Online Help"))); cgiSetVariable("ERROR", cgiText(_("Unable to load help index."))); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); return (1); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %d nodes in help index...\n", cupsArrayCount(hi->nodes)); /* * See if we are viewing a file... */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: argv[%d]=\"%s\"\n", i, argv[i]); if ((helpfile = getenv("PATH_INFO")) != NULL) { helpfile ++; if (!*helpfile) helpfile = NULL; } if (helpfile) { /* * Verify that the help file exists and is part of the index... */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/help/%s", docroot, helpfile); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: helpfile=\"%s\", filename=\"%s\"\n", helpfile, filename); if (access(filename, R_OK)) { perror(filename); cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Online Help"))); cgiSetVariable("ERROR", cgiText(_("Unable to access help file."))); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); return (1); } if ((n = helpFindNode(hi, helpfile, NULL)) == NULL) { cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Online Help"))); cgiSetVariable("ERROR", cgiText(_("Help file not in index."))); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); return (1); } /* * Save the page title and help file... */ helptitle = n->text; topic = n->section; /* * Send a standard page header... */ if (printable) puts("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n"); else cgiStartHTML(n->text); } else { /* * Send a standard page header... */ cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Online Help"))); topic = cgiGetVariable("TOPIC"); } /* * Do a search as needed... */ if (cgiGetVariable("CLEAR")) cgiSetVariable("QUERY", ""); query = cgiGetVariable("QUERY"); si = helpSearchIndex(hi, query, topic, helpfile); cgiClearVariables(); if (query) cgiSetVariable("QUERY", query); if (topic) cgiSetVariable("TOPIC", topic); if (helpfile) cgiSetVariable("HELPFILE", helpfile); if (helptitle) cgiSetVariable("HELPTITLE", helptitle); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: query=\"%s\", topic=\"%s\"\n", query ? query : "(null)", topic ? topic : "(null)"); if (si) { help_node_t *nn; /* Parent node */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: si=%p, si->sorted=%p, cupsArrayCount(si->sorted)=%d\n", si, si->sorted, cupsArrayCount(si->sorted)); for (i = 0, n = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayFirst(si->sorted); n; i ++, n = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayNext(si->sorted)) { if (helpfile && n->anchor) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "#%s", n->anchor); else if (n->anchor) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "/help/%s?QUERY=%s#%s", n->filename, query ? query : "", n->anchor); else snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "/help/%s?QUERY=%s", n->filename, query ? query : ""); cgiSetArray("QTEXT", i, n->text); cgiSetArray("QLINK", i, line); if (!helpfile && n->anchor) { nn = helpFindNode(hi, n->filename, NULL); snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "/help/%s?QUERY=%s", nn->filename, query ? query : ""); cgiSetArray("QPTEXT", i, nn->text); cgiSetArray("QPLINK", i, line); } else { cgiSetArray("QPTEXT", i, ""); cgiSetArray("QPLINK", i, ""); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: [%d] = \"%s\" @ \"%s\"\n", i, n->text, line); } helpDeleteIndex(si); } /* * OK, now list the bookmarks within the index... */ for (i = 0, section = NULL, n = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayFirst(hi->sorted); n; n = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayNext(hi->sorted)) { if (n->anchor) continue; /* * Add a section link as needed... */ if (n->section && (!section || strcmp(n->section, section))) { /* * Add a link for this node... */ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "/help/?TOPIC=%s&QUERY=%s", cgiFormEncode(topic_data, n->section, sizeof(topic_data)), query ? query : ""); cgiSetArray("BMLINK", i, line); cgiSetArray("BMTEXT", i, n->section); cgiSetArray("BMINDENT", i, "0"); i ++; section = n->section; } if (!topic || strcmp(n->section, topic)) continue; /* * Add a link for this node... */ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "/help/%s?TOPIC=%s&QUERY=%s", n->filename, cgiFormEncode(topic_data, n->section, sizeof(topic_data)), query ? query : ""); cgiSetArray("BMLINK", i, line); cgiSetArray("BMTEXT", i, n->text); cgiSetArray("BMINDENT", i, "1"); i ++; if (helpfile && !strcmp(helpfile, n->filename)) { help_node_t *nn; /* Pointer to sub-node */ cupsArraySave(hi->sorted); for (nn = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayFirst(hi->sorted); nn; nn = (help_node_t *)cupsArrayNext(hi->sorted)) if (nn->anchor && !strcmp(helpfile, nn->filename)) { /* * Add a link for this node... */ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "#%s", nn->anchor); cgiSetArray("BMLINK", i, line); cgiSetArray("BMTEXT", i, nn->text); cgiSetArray("BMINDENT", i, "2"); i ++; } cupsArrayRestore(hi->sorted); } } /* * Show the search and bookmark content... */ if (!helpfile || !printable) cgiCopyTemplateLang("help-header.tmpl"); else cgiCopyTemplateLang("help-printable.tmpl"); /* * If we are viewing a file, copy it in now... */ if (helpfile) { if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) != NULL) { int inbody; /* Are we inside the body? */ inbody = 0; while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (inbody) { if (!_cups_strncasecmp(line, "</BODY>", 7)) break; printf("%s\n", line); } else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(line, "<BODY", 5)) inbody = 1; } cupsFileClose(fp); } else { perror(filename); cgiSetVariable("ERROR", cgiText(_("Unable to open help file."))); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error.tmpl"); } } /* * Send a standard trailer... */ if (!printable) { cgiCopyTemplateLang("help-trailer.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); } else puts("</BODY>\n</HTML>"); /* * Delete the index... */ helpDeleteIndex(hi); /* * Return with no errors... */ return (0); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int i; /* Looping var */ char path[1024], /* Path to documentation */ line[1024]; /* Line from file */ help_index_t *hi; /* Help index */ cups_file_t *tokens, /* Tokens.xml file */ *fp; /* Current file */ if (argc < 4) { puts("Usage: makedocset directory revision *.tokens"); return (1); } /* * Index the help documents... */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/Contents/Resources/Documentation", argv[1]); if ((hi = helpLoadIndex(NULL, path)) == NULL) { fputs("makedocset: Unable to index help files!\n", stderr); return (1); } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/Contents/Resources/Documentation/index.html", argv[1]); write_index(path, hi); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/Contents/Resources/Nodes.xml", argv[1]); write_nodes(path, hi); /* * Write the Info.plist file... */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/Contents/Info.plist", argv[1]); write_info(path, argv[2]); /* * Merge the Tokens.xml files... */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/Contents/Resources/Tokens.xml", argv[1]); if ((tokens = cupsFileOpen(path, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "makedocset: Unable to create \"%s\": %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return (1); } cupsFilePuts(tokens, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); cupsFilePuts(tokens, "<Tokens version=\"1.0\">\n"); for (i = 3; i < argc; i ++) { if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "makedocset: Unable to open \"%s\": %s\n", argv[i], strerror(errno)); return (1); } if (!cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)) || strncmp(line, "<?xml ", 6) || !cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)) || strncmp(line, "<Tokens ", 8)) { fprintf(stderr, "makedocset: Bad Tokens.xml file \"%s\"!\n", argv[i]); return (1); } while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (strcmp(line, "</Tokens>")) cupsFilePrintf(tokens, "%s\n", line); } cupsFileClose(fp); } cupsFilePuts(tokens, "</Tokens>\n"); cupsFileClose(tokens); /* * Return with no errors... */ return (0); }