Example #1
  template <class T> void ht_grappa_solve_spd_system(hoNDArray<T> *A, hoNDArray<T> *B) {
      We are swithcing off OpenMP threading before this call to posv. There seems to be a bad interaction between openmp, cuda, and BLAS.
      So far this problem has only been observed from *.cu files (or in functions called from *.cu files) but the problem may be more general.

      This is a temporary fix that we should keep an eye on.

    hoNDArray<T> A_ori;
    A_ori = *A;

        posv(*A, *B);
        // it is found that if signal is very very high, the posv can throw exceptions due to ill-conditioned matrix of A
        // hesv does not require A to be a positive-definite matrix, but an n-by-n symmetric matrix

        GERROR_STREAM("ht_grappa_solve_spd_system : posv(*A, *B) throws exceptions ... ");
        *A = A_ori;
        hesv(*A, *B);
        GERROR_STREAM("ht_grappa_solve_spd_system : hesv(*A, *B) is called ");
Example #2
      int hesv (char const ul, HermA& a, IVec& i, MatrB& b, Work& w) {

        int const n = traits::matrix_size1 (a);
        assert (n == traits::matrix_size2 (a)); 
        assert (n == traits::matrix_size1 (b)); 
        assert (n == traits::vector_size (i)); 

        int info; 
        hesv (ul, n, traits::matrix_size2 (b), 
              traits::matrix_storage (a), 
              traits::leading_dimension (a),
              traits::vector_storage (i),  
              traits::matrix_storage (b),
              traits::leading_dimension (b),
              traits::vector_storage (w), 
              traits::vector_size (w), 
        return info; 