Example #1
// Starts off in the multiboot context 1 MB high but eventually gets into low memory
// and winds up with a bootdevice in eax which is all that boot() wants
// This lets the stack pointer remain very high.
// If we were to call boot directly from multiboot then the whole multiboot_info
// would be on the stack which would possibly be using way too much stack.
void multiboot_to_boot(int multiboot_magic, struct multiboot_info *mi_orig)
    uint32_t bootdevice = hi_multiboot(multiboot_magic, mi_orig);
    if(bootdevice != BAD_BOOT_DEVICE)
        // boot only returns to do a chain load.
        {   // NOTE: boot only uses the last byte (the drive number)
    // Avoid returning to high-memory address which isn't valid in the segment
    // we are now in.
    // Calling sleep() ensures the user ought to be able to use Ctrl+Alt+Del
    // because the BIOS will have interrupts on.
    // NOTE: *IF* we needed to return we'd have to fix up our return address to
    // be in low memory using the same trick as below.
    // However, there doesn't seem to be any point in returning to assembly
    // particularly when the remaining code merely halts the processor.
Example #2
// Starts off in the multiboot context 1 MB high but eventually gets into low memory
// and winds up with a bootdevice in eax which is all that boot() wants
// This lets the stack pointer remain very high.
// If we were to call boot directly from multiboot then the whole multiboot_info
// would be on the stack which would possibly be using way too much stack.
void multiboot_to_boot(int multiboot_magic, struct multiboot_info *mi_orig)
    hi_multiboot(multiboot_magic, mi_orig);