Example #1
KFR_INLINE auto handle_all_f(Fn&& fn, vec<T, N> x, Args&&... args)
    return concat(fn(low(x), low(args)...), fn(high(x), high(args)...));
Example #2
void SqrtRep::computeExactFlags() {
  if (!child->flagsComputed())

  if (rationalReduceFlag)
    ratFlag() = -1;

  sign() = child->sign();
  if (sign() < 0)
    core_error("squareroot is called with negative operand.",
               __FILE__, __LINE__, true);

  uMSB() = child->uMSB() / EXTLONG_TWO;
  lMSB() = child->lMSB() / EXTLONG_TWO;

  // length() = child->length();
  measure() = child->measure();

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  if (child->v2p() + ceilLg5(child->v5p()) + child->u25() >=
      child->v2m() + ceilLg5(child->v5m()) + child->l25()) {
    extLong vtilda2 = child->v2p() + child->v2m();
    v2p() = vtilda2 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    v2m() = child->v2m();
    extLong vmod2;
    if (v2p().isInfty())
      vmod2 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod2 = vtilda2 - EXTLONG_TWO*v2p(); // == vtilda2 % 2
    extLong vtilda5 = child->v5p() + child->v5m();
    v5p() = vtilda5 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    v5m() = child->v5m();
    extLong vmod5;
    if (v5p().isInfty())
      vmod5 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod5 = vtilda5 - EXTLONG_TWO*v5p(); // == vtilda5 % 2
    u25() = (child->u25() + child->l25() + vmod2 + ceilLg5(vmod5) + EXTLONG_ONE) / EXTLONG_TWO;
    l25() = child->l25();
  } else {
    extLong vtilda2 = child->v2p() + child->v2m();
    v2p() = child->v2p();
    v2m() = vtilda2 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    extLong vmod2;
    if (v2m().isInfty())
      vmod2 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod2 = vtilda2 - EXTLONG_TWO*v2m(); // == vtilda2 % 2
    extLong vtilda5 = child->v5p() + child->v5m();
    v5p() = child->v5p();
    v5m() = vtilda5 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    u25() = child->u25();
    extLong vmod5;
    if (v5m().isInfty())
      vmod5 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod5 = vtilda5 - EXTLONG_TWO*v5m(); // == vtilda5 % 2
    l25() = (child->u25() + child->l25() + vmod2 + ceilLg5(vmod5) + EXTLONG_ONE) / EXTLONG_TWO;

  high() = (child->high() +EXTLONG_ONE)/EXTLONG_TWO;
  low() = child->low() / EXTLONG_TWO;
  lc() = child->lc();
  tc() = child->tc();
  flagsComputed() = true;
}// SqrtRep::computeExactFlags
Example #3
KFR_INLINE auto handle_all_reduce_f(RedFn&& redfn, Fn&& fn, vec<T, N> x, Args&&... args)
    return redfn(fn(low(x), low(args)...), fn(high(x), high(args)...));
Example #4
// This only copies the current information of the argument e to
// 	*this ExprRep.
void ExprRep::reduceTo(const ExprRep *e) {
  if (e->appComputed()) {
    appValue() = e->appValue();
    appComputed() = true;
    flagsComputed() = true;
    knownPrecision() = e->knownPrecision();
    relPrecision() = e->relPrecision();
    absPrecision() = e->absPrecision();
    numNodes() = e->numNodes();

  d_e() = e->d_e();
  //visited() = e->visited();
  sign() = e->sign();
  uMSB() = e->uMSB();
  lMSB() = e->lMSB();
  // length() = e->length(); 	// fixed? original = 1
  measure() = e->measure();

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  u25() = e->u25();
  l25() = e->l25();
  v2p() = e->v2p();
  v2m() = e->v2m();
  v5p() = e->v5p();
  v5m() = e->v5m();

  high() = e->high();
  low() = e->low();		// fixed? original = 0
  lc() = e->lc();
  tc() = e->tc();

  // Chee (Mar 23, 2004), Notes on ratFlag():
  // ===============================================================
  // For more information on the use of this flag, see progs/pentagon.
  // This is an integer valued member of the NodeInfo class.
  // Its value is used to determine whether
  // we can ``reduce'' an Expression to a single node containing
  // a BigRat value.  This reduction is done if the global variable
  // rationalReduceFlag=true.  The default value is false.
  // This is the intepretation of ratFlag:
  //	ratFlag < 0 means irrational
  //	ratFlag = 0 means not initialized
  //	ratFlag > 0 means rational
  // Currently, ratFlag>0 is an upper bound on the size of the expression,
  // since we recursively compute
  // 		ratFlag(v) = ratFlag(v.lchild)+ratFlag(v.rchild) + 1.
  // 	then we automatically do a reduction.  We must determine
  // 	an empirical value for RAT_REDUCE_THRESHOLD

  if (rationalReduceFlag) {
    ratFlag() = e->ratFlag();

    if (e->ratFlag() > 0 && e->ratValue() != NULL) {
      ratFlag() ++;
      if (ratValue() == NULL)
        ratValue() = new BigRat(*(e->ratValue()));
        *(ratValue()) = *(e->ratValue());
    } else
      ratFlag() = -1;
Example #5
// Computes the root bit bound of the expression.
// In effect, computeBound() returns the current value of low.
extLong ExprRep::computeBound() {
  extLong measureBd = measure();
  // extLong cauchyBd = length();
  extLong ourBd = (d_e() - EXTLONG_ONE) * high() + lc();
  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  extLong bfmsskBd;
  if (v2p().isInfty() || v2m().isInfty())
    bfmsskBd = CORE_INFTY;
    bfmsskBd = l25() + u25() * (d_e() - EXTLONG_ONE) - v2() - ceilLg5(v5());

  // since we might compute \infty - \infty for this bound
  if (bfmsskBd.isNaN())
    bfmsskBd = CORE_INFTY;

  extLong bd = core_min(measureBd,
                        // core_min(cauchyBd,
                        core_min(bfmsskBd, ourBd));
    std::cout << "Bounds (" << measureBd <<
                    "," << bfmsskBd << ", " << ourBd << "),  ";
    std::cout << "MIN = " << bd << std::endl;
    std::cout << "d_e= " << d_e() << std::endl;

  // Some statistics about which one is/are the winner[s].
  int number_of_winners = 0;
  std::cerr << " New contest " << std::endl;
  if (bd == bfmsskBd) {
    std::cerr << " BFMSS is the winner " << std::endl;
  if (bd == measureBd) {
    std::cerr << " measureBd is the winner " << std::endl;
  /*  if (bd == cauchyBd) {
      std::cerr << " cauchyBd is the winner " << std::endl;
  if (bd == ourBd) {
    std::cerr << " ourBd is the winner " << std::endl;

  assert(number_of_winners >= 1);

  if (number_of_winners == 1) {
    if (bd == bfmsskBd) {
      std::cerr << " BFMSSBd is the only winner " << std::endl;
    } else if (bd == measureBd) {
      std::cerr << " measureBd is the only winner " << std::endl;
    /* else if (bd == cauchyBd) {
      std::cerr << " cauchyBd is the only winner " << std::endl;
    } */
    else if (bd == ourBd) {
      std::cerr << " ourBd is the only winner " << std::endl;

  return bd;
// Draws the first passage time from the propendity function
const Real FirstPassageGreensFunction1DRad::drawTime (const Real rnd) const
    const Real L(this->getL());
    const Real k(this->getk());
    const Real D(this->getD());
    const Real r0(this->getr0());

    THROW_UNLESS( std::invalid_argument, 0.0 <= rnd && rnd < 1.0 );

    if ( D == 0.0 || L == INFINITY )
        return INFINITY;

    if ( rnd <= EPSILON || L < 0.0 || fabs(r0 - L) < EPSILON*L )
        return 0.0;

    const Real h(k/D);

    // the structure to store the numbers to calculate the numbers for 1-S
    struct drawT_params parameters;
    double An = 0;
    double tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
    double Xn, exponent;

    // produce the coefficients and the terms in the exponent and put them
    // in the params structure. This is not very efficient at this point,
    // coefficients should be calculated on demand->TODO
    for (int n=0; n<MAX_TERMEN; n++)
        An = a_n (n+1); // get the n-th root of tan(alfa*L)=alfa/-k
        tmp0 = An * An; // An^2
        tmp1 = An * r0; // An * z'
        tmp2 = An * L;	// An * L
        tmp3 = h / An;	// h / An
        Xn = (An*cos(tmp1) + h*sin(tmp1)) *
             (sin(tmp2)-tmp3*cos(tmp2)+tmp3) / (L*(tmp0+h*h)+h);
        exponent = -D*tmp0;

        // store the coefficients in the structure
        parameters.Xn[n] = Xn;
        // also store the values for the exponent

    // store the random number for the probability
    parameters.rnd = rnd;
    // store the number of terms used
    parameters.terms = MAX_TERMEN;
    parameters.tscale = this->t_scale;

    // Define the function for the rootfinder
    gsl_function F;
    F.function = &FirstPassageGreensFunction1DRad::drawT_f;
    F.params = &parameters;

    // Find a good interval to determine the first passage time in
    // get the distance to absorbing boundary (disregard rad BC)
    const Real dist(L-r0);
    // construct a guess: msd = sqrt (2*d*D*t)
    const Real t_guess( dist * dist / ( 2. * D ) );
    Real value( GSL_FN_EVAL( &F, t_guess ) );
    Real low( t_guess );
    Real high( t_guess );

    // scale the interval around the guess such that the function straddles
    if( value < 0.0 )
        // if the guess was too low
            // keep increasing the upper boundary until the
            // function straddles
            high *= 10;
            value = GSL_FN_EVAL( &F, high );

            if( fabs( high ) >= t_guess * 1e6 )
                std::cerr << "GF1DRad: Couldn't adjust high. F("
                          << high << ") = " << value << std::endl;
                throw std::exception();
        while ( value <= 0.0 );
        // if the guess was too high
        // initialize with 2 so the test below survives the first
        // iteration
        Real value_prev( 2 );
            if( fabs( low ) <= t_guess * 1e-6 ||
                    fabs(value-value_prev) < EPSILON*1.0 )
                std::cerr << "GF1DRad: Couldn't adjust low. F(" << low << ") = "
                          << value << " t_guess: " << t_guess << " diff: "
                          << (value - value_prev) << " value: " << value
                          << " value_prev: " << value_prev << " rnd: "
                          << rnd << std::endl;
                return low;
            value_prev = value;
            // keep decreasing the lower boundary until the function straddles
            low *= .1;
            // get the accompanying value
            value = GSL_FN_EVAL( &F, low );
        while ( value >= 0.0 );

    // find the intersection on the y-axis between the random number and
    // the function
    // define a new solver type brent
    const gsl_root_fsolver_type* solverType( gsl_root_fsolver_brent );
    // make a new solver instance
    // incl typecast?
    gsl_root_fsolver* solver( gsl_root_fsolver_alloc( solverType ) );
    const Real t( findRoot( F, solver, low, high, t_scale*EPSILON, EPSILON,
                            "FirstPassageGreensFunction1DRad::drawTime" ) );

    // return the drawn time
    return t;
Example #7
File: hsdls.c Project: jetuk/pycllp
int solver(int m,int n,int nz,int *iA, int *kA, 
		double *A, double *b, double *c, double f,
		double *x, double *y, double *w, double *z)
    double  *dx, *dw, *dy, *dz;                          /* step directions */
    double  *fx, *fy, *gx, *gy;
    double  phi, psi, dphi, dpsi;
    double  *rho, *sigma, normr, norms;	 		 /* infeasibilites */
    double  *D, *E;			                 /* diagonal matrices */
    double  gamma, beta, delta, mu, theta;               /* parameters */

    double  *At;			 /* arrays for A^T */
    int     *iAt, *kAt;

    int     i,j,iter,v=1,status=5;	

    double  primal_obj, dual_obj;

    * Allocate memory for arrays.

    MALLOC(    dx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dw, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dy, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dz, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(   rho, m,   double );      
    MALLOC( sigma, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(     D, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(     E, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    fx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    fy, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    gx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    gy, m,   double );      

    MALLOC(   At,  nz,  double );
    MALLOC(  iAt,  nz,  int );
    MALLOC(  kAt, m+1,  int );

    *  Initialization.              				    *

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	x[j] = 1.0;
	z[j] = 1.0;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	w[i] = 1.0;
	y[i] = 1.0;

    phi = 1.0;
    psi = 1.0;


    * 	Display Banner.

    printf ("m = %d,n = %d,nz = %d\n",m,n,nz);
"         |           Primal          |            Dual           |       |\n"
"  Iter   |  Obj Value       Infeas   |  Obj Value       Infeas   |  mu   |\n"
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \n"

    * 	Iteration.

    beta = 0.80;
    delta = 2*(1-beta);

    for (iter=0; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {

	* STEP 1: Compute mu.

	mu = (dotprod(z,x,n)+dotprod(w,y,m)+phi*psi) / (n+m+1);

	* STEP 1: Compute primal and dual objective function values.

	primal_obj = dotprod(c,x,n);
	dual_obj   = dotprod(b,y,m);

	* STEP 2: Check stopping rule.

	if ( mu < EPS ) {
	    if ( phi > EPS ) {
	        status = 0;
	        break; /* OPTIMAL */
	    if ( dual_obj < 0.0) {
	        status = 2;
	        break; /* PRIMAL INFEASIBLE */
	    if ( primal_obj > 0.0) {
	        status = 4;
	        break; /* DUAL INFEASIBLE */
		status = 7;  /* NUMERICAL PROBLEM */

	* STEP 3: Compute infeasibilities.

	for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    rho[i] = rho[i] - b[i]*phi + w[i];
	normr = sqrt( dotprod(rho,rho,m) )/phi;
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    rho[i] = -(1-delta)*rho[i] + w[i] - delta*mu/y[i];

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	    sigma[j] = -sigma[j] + c[j]*phi + z[j];
	norms = sqrt( dotprod(sigma,sigma,n) )/phi;
	for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	    sigma[j] = -(1-delta)*sigma[j] + z[j] - delta*mu/x[j];

	gamma = -(1-delta)*(dual_obj - primal_obj + psi) + psi - delta*mu/phi;

	* Print statistics.

	printf("%8d   %14.7e  %8.1e    %14.7e  %8.1e  %8.1e \n", 
		iter, high(primal_obj/phi+f), high(normr), 
		      high(dual_obj/phi+f),   high(norms), high(mu) );

	* STEP 4: Compute step directions.

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { D[j] = z[j]/x[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { E[i] = w[i]/y[i]; }

	ldltfac(n, m, kAt, iAt, At, E, D, kA, iA, A, v);

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { fx[j] = -sigma[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { fy[i] =  rho[i]; }

	forwardbackward(E, D, fy, fx);

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { gx[j] = -c[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { gy[i] = -b[i]; }

	forwardbackward(E, D, gy, gx);

	dphi = (dotprod(c,fx,n)-dotprod(b,fy,m)+gamma)/

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { dx[j] = fx[j] - gx[j]*dphi; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dy[i] = fy[i] - gy[i]*dphi; }

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { dz[j] = delta*mu/x[j] - z[j] - D[j]*dx[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dw[i] = delta*mu/y[i] - w[i] - E[i]*dy[i]; }
	dpsi = delta*mu/phi - psi - (psi/phi)*dphi;

	* STEP 5: Compute step length.

	theta = 1.0;
	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
	    MIN(theta, linesearch(x[j],z[j],dx[j],dz[j],beta,delta,mu));
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
	theta = MIN(theta,linesearch(phi,psi,dphi,dpsi,beta,delta,mu));
	if (theta < 4*beta/(n+m+1)) {
		printf("ratio = %10.3e \n", theta*(n+m+1)/(4*beta));
		status = 7;  
	if (theta < 1.0) theta *= 0.9999;

	* STEP 6: Step to new point

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
	    x[j] = x[j] + theta*dx[j];
	    z[j] = z[j] + theta*dz[j];
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
	    y[i] = y[i] + theta*dy[i];
	    w[i] = w[i] + theta*dw[i];
	phi = phi + theta*dphi;
	psi = psi + theta*dpsi;

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
        x[j] /= phi;
        z[j] /= phi;
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
        y[i] /= phi;
        w[i] /= phi;

    * 	Free work space                                             *

    FREE(     w );
    FREE(     z );
    FREE(    dx );
    FREE(    dw );
    FREE(    dy );
    FREE(    dz );
    FREE(   rho );
    FREE( sigma );
    FREE(     D );
    FREE(     E );
    FREE(    fx );
    FREE(    fy );
    FREE(    gx );
    FREE(    gy );

    FREE(   At );
    FREE(  iAt );
    FREE(  kAt );

    return status;

}   /* End of solver */
Example #8
static void print_long_array(typeArrayOop ta, int print_len, outputStream* st) {
  for (int index = 0; index < print_len; index++) {
    jlong v = ta->long_at(index);
    st->print_cr(" - %3d: 0x%x 0x%x", index, high(v), low(v));