Example #1
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_neuron_Neuron_getNewHObject
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass, jstring name, jint narg){
	const char* cn = env->GetStringUTFChars(name, 0);
//	Symbol* s = hoc_table_lookup(cn, hoc_top_level_symlist);
	Symbol* s = hoc_lookup(cn);
if (!s || s->type != TEMPLATE) {
	printf("getNewHObject could not lookup %s or it is not a template.\n", cn);
	return 0;
	env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name, cn);
	Object* o = hoc_newobj1(s, narg);
	return (jlong)o;
Example #2
static void alloc_pnt(Prop* p) {
	// this is complex because it can be called either before or
	// after the hoc object has been created. And so there
	// must be communication between alloc_pnt and hoc_construct_point.
	// need the prop->dparam[1]._pvoid
	if (nrn_point_prop_) {
		p->dparam = nrn_point_prop_->dparam;
		p->ob = nrn_point_prop_->ob;
//printf("p->ob comes from nrn_point_prop_ %s\n", hoc_object_name(p->ob));
		p->dparam = (Datum*)hoc_Ecalloc(2, sizeof(Datum));
		if (last_created_pp_ob_) {
			p->ob = last_created_pp_ob_;
//printf("p->ob comes from last_created %s\n", hoc_object_name(p->ob));
			Symbol* mech = ((HocMech*)memb_func[p->type].hoc_mech)->mech;
			skip_ = true;
//printf("p->ob comes from hoc_newobj1 %s\n", mech->name);
			p->ob = hoc_newobj1(mech, 0);
			skip_ = false;
	last_created_pp_ob_ = nil;
Example #3
Object* hoc_new_opoint(int type) {
	HocMech* hm = (HocMech*)memb_func[type].hoc_mech;
	return hoc_newobj1(hm->mech, 0);
Example #4
static void alloc_mech(Prop* p) {
	Symbol* mech = ((HocMech*)memb_func[p->type].hoc_mech)->mech;
	p->ob = hoc_newobj1(mech, 0);
//printf("alloc_mech %s\n", hoc_object_name(p->ob));