Example #1
		void perform() {

			ImageChannel imgDepth(desc.imgLeft.getWidth(), desc.imgLeft.getHeight());

			CV::Gauss g(1.0);
			desc.imgLeft = g.filter(desc.imgLeft);
			desc.imgRight = g.filter(desc.imgRight);

			MatchingSAD sad(desc.imgLeft, desc.imgRight, 13);
			MatchingConvolution conv(desc.imgLeft, desc.imgRight, 9);
			Matching matcher;

			DataMatrix<SimpleFeatures::FeatureVec> fLeft = SimpleFeatures::getFeatures(desc.imgLeft, 25);
			DataMatrix<SimpleFeatures::FeatureVec> fRight = SimpleFeatures::getFeatures(desc.imgRight, 25);

			Gnuplot gp;
			GnuplotPlot p;
			GnuplotPlotElementLines errLine;

			GnuplotSplot splot;
			GnuplotSplotElementPoints depthPlot;

			DataMatrix<std::vector<float>> hogLeft(desc.imgLeft.getWidth(), desc.imgRight.getHeight());
			DataMatrix<std::vector<float>> hogRight(desc.imgLeft.getWidth(), desc.imgRight.getHeight());
			HOG hog1(desc.imgLeft, 10);
			HOG hog2(desc.imgRight, 10);

//			for (int y = 0; y < desc.imgLeft.getHeight(); ++y) {
//				for (int x = 0; x < desc.imgLeft.getWidth(); ++x) {

//					std::vector<HOGGradient> gLeft =	hog1.getGradients(desc.imgLeft, x, y);
//					std::vector<HOGGradient> gRight =	hog2.getGradients(desc.imgRight, x, y);
//					hog.relativeToBestOne(gLeft);
//					hog.relativeToBestOne(gRight);
//					hog.normalize(gLeft);
//					hog.normalize(gRight);
//					hogLeft.set(x,y,hog.binify(gLeft, 8));
//					hogRight.set(x,y,hog.binify(gRight, 8));

//				}
//			}

			struct QueueElem {
				float err;
				Point2i p;
				QueueElem(const float err, const Point2i p) : err(err), p(p) {;}
				QueueElem() : err(99999999), p(0,0) {;}
				bool operator < (const QueueElem& o) const {return err > o.err;}

//			auto comp = [] (const QueueElem& a, const QueueElem& b) {
//				return a.err < b.err;
//			};

//#pragma omp parallel 0
			for (int y = 0; y < desc.imgLeft.getHeight()-1; y+=2) {
				std::cout << y << std::endl;
				for (int x = 0; x < desc.imgLeft.getWidth()-1; x+=2) {

					const Point2i pL(x,y);

//					std::cout << "sigma: " << fLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y).sigma << std::endl;
//					std::cout << "asigma: " << fLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y).avgSigma << std::endl;
//					std::cout << "agradx: " << fLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y).avgGradX << std::endl;
//					std::cout << "agrady: " << fLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y).avgGradY << std::endl;

					const Eigen::Vector3d l = desc.fm.getEpilineRight(pL);
					const int x1 = 0;
					const int x2 = desc.imgLeft.getWidth();
					const int y1 = -(l(0)*x1 + l(2)) / l(1);
					const int y2 = -(l(0)*x2 + l(2)) / l(1);

					BresenhamIter iter(x1,y1,x2,y2);

					std::priority_queue<QueueElem, std::vector<QueueElem>> queue;

					// follow the epipolar line
					while (iter.hasNext()) {

						const Point2i _pR = iter.next();

						const int maxD = desc.imgLeft.getWidth() / 4;
						if(pL.getDistance(_pR) > maxD) {continue;}
						//if(pL.getDistance(pR) < 10) {continue;}

						//const int w = 0;
						for (int oy = -1; oy <= +1; ++oy) {
						//	for (int ox = -w; ox <= +w; ++ox) {
								const Point2i pR = _pR + (Point2i(0, oy));
								if (pR.x < 2 || pR.y < 2 || pR.x >= desc.imgRight.getWidth() - 2 || pR.y >= desc.imgRight.getHeight() - 2) {continue;}
								//float err = - fLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y).diff(fRight.get(pR.x, pR.y));
								float err = sad.getError(pL, pR);
								//float err = -conv.getScore(pL, pR);
								//float err = HOG::getDistance( hogLeft.get(pL.x, pL.y), hogRight.get(pR.x, pR.y) );

								//if (err < vMin) {vMin = err; pMin = pR;}
								queue.push(QueueElem(err, pR));
								//errLine.add( GnuplotPoint2(pR.x, err) );
								//std::cout << pR.x << "," << pR.y << std::endl;
						//	}


//					gp.draw(p);
//					gp.flush();
//					usleep(1000*1000);

					if (queue.size() > 10) {

						Point2i best = queue.top().p;

						int cnt = 8;
						Point2i sum(0,0);
						for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
							sum += queue.top().p;
						sum /= cnt;

						//if (best.getDistance(sum) < 25) {

							const float depth = pL.getDistance(best);
							imgDepth.set(pL.x, pL.y, depth);
							imgDepth.set(pL.x+1, pL.y, depth);
							imgDepth.set(pL.x, pL.y+1, depth);
							imgDepth.set(pL.x+1, pL.y+1, depth);

							depthPlot.add(GnuplotPoint3(best.x, best.y, depth));



//					if (vMin != INFINITY ) {
//						const float depth = pL.getDistance(bestInRight.p);
//						imgDepth.set(pL.x, pL.y, depth);
//						imgDepth.set(pL.x+1, pL.y, depth);
//						imgDepth.set(pL.x, pL.y+1, depth);
//						imgDepth.set(pL.x+1, pL.y+1, depth);
//					} else {
//						int i = 0; (void) i;
//					}



			ImageFactory::writePNG("/tmp/depth.png", imgDepth);

bool HogWrapper::load(XMLNode &root)
  if (root.isEmpty())
      SVL_LOG(SVL_LOG_WARNING, "Haar Feature Extractor XML root is empty");
      return false;

  if (!root.getName())
      SVL_LOG(SVL_LOG_WARNING, "HogWrapper::load given XML file with root with no name.");
      return false;

  if (strcmp(root.getName(), "svlFeatureExtractor") != 0)
      SVL_LOG(SVL_LOG_WARNING, "Attempt to read HogWrapper feature extractor from XML node that is not a feature extractor. Expected \"svlFeatureExtractor\", received \""<<root.getName());
      return false;

  //todo-- add error checking

  _windowSize.width = atoi(root.getAttribute("width"));
  _windowSize.height = atoi(root.getAttribute("height"));

  SVL_LOG(SVL_LOG_MESSAGE, "HogWrapper loaded with size "<<_windowSize.width << "x" << _windowSize.height);

  _validChannel = atoi(root.getAttribute("validChannel"));

  cv::Size blockSize;

  blockSize.width = atoi(root.getAttribute("blockWidth"));
  blockSize.height = atoi(root.getAttribute("blockHeight"));
  cv::Size blockStride;

  blockStride.width = atoi(root.getAttribute("blockStrideX"));
  blockStride.height = atoi(root.getAttribute("blockStrideY"));

  int nbins = atoi(root.getAttribute("nbins"));

  int derivAperture = atoi(root.getAttribute("derivAperture"));

  double winSigma = atof(root.getAttribute("winSigma"));

  int histogramNormType = atoi(root.getAttribute("histogramNormType"));

  double L2HysThreshold = atoi(root.getAttribute("L2HysThreshold"));

  bool gammaCorrection = atoi(root.getAttribute("gammaCorrection"));

  cv::Size windowSize(_windowSize);

  cv::Size cellSize;

  cellSize.width = atoi(root.getAttribute("cellWidth"));
  cellSize.height = atoi(root.getAttribute("cellHeight"));

  _hog = new cv::HOGDescriptor(windowSize, blockSize, cellSize, blockStride, nbins, derivAperture, winSigma, histogramNormType, L2HysThreshold, gammaCorrection);

  _hog = new cv::HOGDescriptor(windowSize, blockSize, cellSize, blockStride, nbins);

  cv::HOGDescriptor hog2(windowSize, blockSize, cellSize, blockStride, nbins);


  cv::HOGDescriptor hog(cv::Size(64,128), cv::Size(16,16), cv::Size(8,8), cv::Size(8,8), 9);
  char * hogp = (char *) & hog;
  char * _hogp = (char *) &(*_hog);
  cout << "Side by side: " << endl;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(cv::HOGDescriptor); i++)
      cout << (int) hogp[i] << " " << (int) _hogp[i];
      if ((int) hogp[i] != (int) _hogp[i])
	cout << " !!!!!!!!";
      cout << endl;

  assert(hog.winSize == _hog->winSize);
  assert(hog.blockSize == _hog->blockSize);
  assert(hog.blockStride == _hog->blockStride);
  assert(hog.cellSize == _hog->cellSize);
  assert(hog.nbins == _hog->nbins);
  assert(hog.derivAperture == _hog->derivAperture);
  assert(hog.winSigma == _hog->winSigma);
  assert(hog.histogramNormType == _hog->histogramNormType);
  assert(hog.L2HysThreshold == _hog->L2HysThreshold);
  assert(hog.gammaCorrection == _hog->gammaCorrection);
  assert(hog.svmDetector.size() == _hog->svmDetector.size());
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < hog.svmDetector.size(); i++)
    assert(hog.svmDetector[i] == _hog->svmDetector[i]);

  cout << "(right after construction)" << endl;

  return true;