Example #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    size_t size = 1000;
    if(argc >= 2){
        size = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(argv[1]);

    std::cout << "size: " << size << std::endl;

    // setup context and queue for the default device
    boost::compute::device device = boost::compute::system::default_device();

    boost::compute::context context(device);
    boost::compute::command_queue queue(context, device);

    // create vector of random numbers on the host
    std::vector<float> host_x(size);
    std::vector<float> host_y(size);
    std::generate(host_x.begin(), host_x.end(), rand_float);
    std::generate(host_y.begin(), host_y.end(), rand_float);

    // create vector on the device and copy the data
    boost::compute::vector<float> device_x(host_x.begin(), host_x.end(), context);
    boost::compute::vector<float> device_y(host_y.begin(), host_y.end(), context);

    boost::compute::detail::timer t;
    boost::compute::blas::axpy(static_cast<int>(size), 2.5f, &device_x[0], 1, &device_y[0], 1, queue);
    std::cout << "time: " << t.elapsed() << " ms" << std::endl;

    // perform saxpy on host
    serial_saxpy(size, 2.5f, &host_x[0], &host_y[0]);

    // copy device_y to host_x
    boost::compute::copy(device_y.begin(), device_y.end(), host_x.begin(), queue);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
        float host_value = host_y[i];
        float device_value = host_x[i];

        if(std::abs(device_value - host_value) > 1e-3){
            std::cout << "ERROR: "
                      << "value at " << i << " "
                      << "device_value (" << device_value << ") "
                      << "!= "
                      << "host_value (" << host_value << ")"
                      << std::endl;
            return -1;

    return 0;
Example #2
int main() {

  constexpr int N = 1024 * 1024 * 256;
  constexpr float a = 100.0f;

  std::vector<float> host_x(N);
  std::vector<float> host_y(N);

  // initialize the input data
  std::default_random_engine random_gen;
  std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(-N, N);
  std::generate(host_x.begin(), host_x.end(), [&]() { return distribution(random_gen); });
  std::generate(host_y.begin(), host_y.end(), [&]() { return distribution(random_gen); });

  // CPU implementation of saxpy
  std::vector<float> host_result_y(N);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    host_result_y[i] = a * host_x[i] + host_y[i];
  std::vector<hc::accelerator> all_accelerators = hc::accelerator::get_all();
  std::vector<hc::accelerator> accelerators;
  for (auto a = all_accelerators.begin(); a != all_accelerators.end(); a++) {

    // only pick accelerators supported by the HSA runtime
    if (a->is_hsa_accelerator()) {

  constexpr int numViewPerAcc = 2;
  int numSaxpyPerView = N/(accelerators.size() * numViewPerAcc);

  std::vector<hc::accelerator_view> acc_views;
  std::vector<hc::array_view<float,1>> x_views;
  std::vector<hc::array_view<float,1>> y_views;
  std::vector<hc::completion_future> futures;

  int dataCursor = 0;
  for (auto acc = accelerators.begin(); acc != accelerators.end(); acc++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numViewPerAcc; i++) {

      // create a new accelerator_view

      // create array_views that only covers the data portion needed by this accelerator_view
      x_views.push_back(hc::array_view<float,1>(numSaxpyPerView, host_x.data() + dataCursor));
      y_views.push_back(hc::array_view<float,1>(numSaxpyPerView, host_y.data() + dataCursor));

      auto& x_av = x_views.back();
      auto& y_av = y_views.back();
      hc::completion_future f;
      f = hc::parallel_for_each(acc_views.back(), x_av.get_extent()
                            , [=](hc::index<1> i) [[hc]] {
        y_av[i] = a * x_av[i] + y_av[i];

      //printf("dataCursor: %d\n",dataCursor);

  // If N is not a multiple of the number of acc_views,
  // calculate the remaining saxpy on the host
  for (; dataCursor!=N; dataCursor++) {
    host_y[dataCursor] = a * host_x[dataCursor] + host_y[dataCursor];

  // synchronize all the results back to the host
  for(auto v = y_views.begin(); v != y_views.end(); v++) {
  // verify the results
  int errors = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    if (fabs(host_y[i] - host_result_y[i]) > fabs(host_result_y[i] * 0.0001f))
  std::cout << errors << " errors" << std::endl;

  return errors;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  try {

    // Create random field
    int M = 10;
    Teuchos::ParameterList solverParams;
    solverParams.set("Number of KL Terms", M);
    solverParams.set("Mean", 1.0);
    solverParams.set("Standard Deviation", 0.1);
    int ndim = 3;
    Teuchos::Array<double> domain_upper(ndim), domain_lower(ndim),
    for (int i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
      domain_upper[i] = 1.0;
      domain_lower[i] = 0.0;
      correlation_length[i] = 10.0;
    solverParams.set("Domain Upper Bounds", domain_upper);
    solverParams.set("Domain Lower Bounds", domain_lower);
    solverParams.set("Correlation Lengths", correlation_length);
    Stokhos::KL::ExponentialRandomField<double> rf(solverParams);

    // Evaluate random field at a point
    Teuchos::Array<double> x(ndim);
    for (int i=0; i<ndim; i++)
      x[i] = (domain_upper[i] + domain_lower[i])/2.0 +
        0.1*(domain_upper[i] - domain_lower[i])/2.0;
    Teuchos::Array<double> rvar(M);
    for (int i=0; i<M; i++)
      rvar[i] = 1.5;
    double result = rf.evaluate(x, rvar);
    std::cout << "result (host)  = " << result << std::endl;

    // Evaluate random field in a functor on device
    typedef Kokkos::View<double*> view_type;
    typedef view_type::HostMirror host_view_type;
    view_type x_view("x", ndim);
    host_view_type host_x = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(x_view);
    for (int i=0; i<ndim; i++)
      host_x(i) = x[i];
    Kokkos::deep_copy(x_view, host_x);
    view_type rvar_view("rvar", M);
    host_view_type host_rvar = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(rvar_view);
    for (int i=0; i<M; i++)
      host_rvar(i) = rvar[i];
    Kokkos::deep_copy(rvar_view, host_rvar);
    RF<double> rf_func(rf, x_view, rvar_view);
    host_view_type host_y = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(rf_func.y);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(host_y, rf_func.y);
    double result2 = host_y(0);
    std::cout << "result (device)= " << result2 << std::endl;
  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
