Example #1
static void set_timer_wakeup
    printf ("\nTimer wakeup set to +10 seconds.\n");
*  Function Name  : Custom_Delay
*  PARAMS         : Delay in msec
*  Returned Value : none
*  Comments       :
*        Starts a timer for specified number of msec, puts EFM in EM2 mode.
*        EFM will wake up when timer fires.
void Custom_Delay(A_UINT32 delay)
#if MQX_VERSION == (402)
    /* Install the timer */
    if (MQX_OK != _lpt_install (0,  delay*1000 , LPT_FLAG_CLOCK_SOURCE_LPO, 2, timer_wakeup_isr, TRUE))
        printf ("\nError during installation of timer interrupt!\n");
    /* Stop the timer */
    _lpt_run (0, FALSE);
	/* start timer */
  	_lpt_run (CUSTOM_DELAY_TMR, TRUE);
            printf ("\nError during installation of timer interrupt!\n");

    hwtimer_set_period(&hwtimer2, BSP_HWTIMER2_SOURCE_CLK, delay*1000);
    hwtimer_callback_reg(&hwtimer2,(HWTIMER_CALLBACK_FPTR)timer_wakeup_isr, NULL);
    /* Start hwtimer2*/
	/* Setting operation mode to LPM_OPERATION_MODE_SLEEP */
	_lpm_set_operation_mode (LPM_OPERATION_MODE_STOP);

    /* Return to RUN mode */
    _lpm_set_operation_mode (LPM_OPERATION_MODE_RUN);
    if (CM_ERR_OK != _lpm_set_clock_configuration(BSP_CLOCK_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT))
        printf("Cannot change clock configuration");
Example #3
*   @name        Shell_play
*   @brief       Servers the play command
*   @param       None
*   @return      None
* This function is used to play an audio wav file
int32_t Shell_play(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
    bool print_usage, shorthelp = FALSE;
    uint8_t bSamFreqType_index;
    print_usage = Shell_check_help_request (argc, argv, &shorthelp);

    if (!print_usage)
        WAVE_FILE_HEADER header;
        if (argc > 1)
            /* stop the current file playing */
            if(AUDIO_PLAYING == audio_state)
                audio_state = AUDIO_IDLE;
            /* check the device is connected */
            if ((USB_DEVICE_INUSE != audio_stream.DEV_STATE)||(device_direction != USB_AUDIO_DEVICE_DIRECTION_IN))
                printf("  Error: Audio Speaker is not connected\n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            if (FillWaveHeader(argv[1], &header) != 0)
                printf("  Error: Unable to open file: %s\n", argv[1]);
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            if (strcmp(header.CHUNK_DESCRIPTOR.Format, "WAVE"))
                printf("  Error: File is not WAVE file.\n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            if (strcmp(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.Subchunk1ID, "fmt "))
                printf("  Error: File does not contain format subchunk.\n");
            if (BYTESWAP16(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.AudioFormat) != 1)
                printf("  Error: File is compressed (not PCM).\n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            if (strcmp(header.DATA_SUBCHUNK.Subchunk2ID, "data"))
                printf("  Error: File does not contain data subchunk.\n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            file_ptr = fopen(argv[1], "r");
            if (file_ptr == NULL)
                printf("  Unable to open file: %s\n", argv[1]);
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            file_open_count ++;
            printf("Audio file properties:\n");
            printf("   - Sample rate      : %d Hz\n", BYTESWAP32(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.SampleRate));
            printf("   - Sample size      : %d bits\n", BYTESWAP16(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.BitsPerSample));
            printf("   - Number of channels : %d channels\n", BYTESWAP16(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.NumChannels));
            /* Compare the sample rate */
            for (bSamFreqType_index =0; bSamFreqType_index < frm_type_desc->bSamFreqType; bSamFreqType_index++)
                if (((frm_type_desc->tSamFreq[3*bSamFreqType_index + 2] << 16) |
                            (frm_type_desc->tSamFreq[3*bSamFreqType_index + 1] << 8)  |
                            (frm_type_desc->tSamFreq[3*bSamFreqType_index] << 0)) == BYTESWAP32(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.SampleRate))
                    packet_size = USB_Audio_Get_Packet_Size(frm_type_desc,bSamFreqType_index);
            if (bSamFreqType_index == frm_type_desc->bSamFreqType)
                printf("  The audio device doesn't support that audio sample rate \n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            /* Compare the bits sample number */
            if (frm_type_desc->bBitResolution != BYTESWAP16(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.BitsPerSample))
                printf("  The audio device doesn't support that audio bit sample number \n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            /* Compare the channel number */
            if (frm_type_desc->bNrChannels != BYTESWAP16(header.FMT_SUBCHUNK.NumChannels))
                printf("  The audio device doesn't support that audio channel number \n");
                return (SHELL_EXIT_ERROR);
            fseek(file_ptr, WAVE_HEADER_SIZE, IO_SEEK_SET);
            audio_state = AUDIO_PLAYING;
            printf("  Playing...\n");
            if (AUDIO_PLAYING == audio_state)
                printf("  The file is playing...\n");
            else if (AUDIO_PAUSE == audio_state)
                audio_state = AUDIO_PLAYING;
                printf("  Playing...\n");
            else if (AUDIO_IDLE == audio_state)
                printf("  Not enough parameters.\n");
        if (shorthelp)
            printf("%s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
            printf("Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
            printf("   filename      = wav file to play\n");