Example #1
//Square Matrix ^ Scalar
int iPowerRealSquareMatrixByRealScalar(
    double* _pdblReal1, int _iRows1, int _iCols1,
    double _dblReal2,
    double* _pdblRealOut,	double* _pdblImgOut, int *_iComplex)
    int iInv = 0;
    int iExpRef = (int)_dblReal2;
    if (iExpRef < 0)
        //call matrix invetion
        iInv = 1;
        iExpRef = -iExpRef;

    if ((int)_dblReal2 == _dblReal2) //integer exponent
        if (iExpRef == 1)
            int iSize = _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iOne = 1;
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, _pdblRealOut, &iOne);
        else if (iExpRef == 0)
            int iSize				= _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iOne				= 1;
            double dblOne		= 1;
            double dblZero	= 0;
            int iRowp1			= _iRows1 + 1;

            if (C2F(dasum)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne) == 0)
                //Invalid exponent
                return 1;
            C2F(dset)(&iSize, &dblZero, _pdblRealOut, &iOne);
            C2F(dset)(&_iRows1, &dblOne, _pdblRealOut, &iRowp1);
            int iExp	= 0;
            int iRow	= 0;
            int iCol	= 0;
            int iSize	= _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iOne	= 1;

            /*temporary work space*/
            double *pWork2 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * iSize);
            double *pWork3 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * _iRows1);

            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, _pdblRealOut, &iOne);
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, pWork2, &iOne);
            //l1 -> l2
            for (iExp = 1 ; iExp < iExpRef ; iExp++)
                for (iCol = 0 ; iCol < _iCols1 ; iCol++)
                    double *pPtr = _pdblRealOut + iCol * _iCols1;
                    C2F(dcopy)(&_iRows1, pPtr, &iOne, pWork3, &iOne);
                    //ls -> l3
                    for (iRow = 0 ; iRow < _iRows1 ; iRow++)
                        int iOffset = iRow + iCol * _iRows1;
                        pPtr = pWork2 + iRow;
                        _pdblRealOut[iOffset] = C2F(ddot)(&_iRows1, pPtr, &_iRows1, pWork3, &iOne);
        }//if(iExpRef != 1 && != 0)
        //floating point exponent
        return -1; // manage by overload

    if (iInv)
        double dblRcond;
        int ret = iInvertMatrixM(_iRows1, _iCols1, _pdblRealOut, 0/* is complex*/, &dblRcond);
        if (ret == -1)
            if (getWarningMode())
                sciprint(_("Warning :\n"));
                sciprint(_("matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. rcond = %1.4E\n"), dblRcond);
                sciprint(_("computing least squares solution. (see lsq).\n"));

    *_iComplex = 0;
    return 0;
Example #2
int iPowerComplexSquareMatrixByRealScalar(
    double* _pdblReal1, double* _pdblImg1, int _iRows1, int _iCols1,
    double _dblReal2,
    double* _pdblRealOut,	double* _pdblImgOut)
    int iInv = 0;
    int iExpRef = (int)_dblReal2;
    if (iExpRef < 0)
        //call matrix invetion
        iInv = 1;
        iExpRef = -iExpRef;

    if ((int)_dblReal2 == _dblReal2) //integer exponent
        if (iExpRef == 1)
            int iSize = _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iOne = 1;
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, _pdblRealOut, &iOne);
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblImg1, &iOne, _pdblImgOut, &iOne);
        else if (iExpRef == 0)
            int iSize       = _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iOne        = 1;
            double dblOne   = 1;
            double dblZero  = 0;
            int iRowp1      = _iRows1 + 1;

            if (C2F(dasum)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne) == 0)
                //Invalid exponent
                return 1;
            C2F(dset)(&iSize, &dblZero, _pdblRealOut, &iOne);
            C2F(dset)(&_iRows1, &dblOne, _pdblRealOut, &iRowp1);
            int iSize = _iRows1 * _iCols1;
            int iExp  = 0;
            int iRow  = 0;
            int iCol  = 0;
            int iOne  = 1;

            //temporary work space
            double *pWorkReal2 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * iSize);
            double *pWorkImg2  = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * iSize);
            double *pWorkReal3 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * _iRows1);
            double *pWorkImg3  = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * _iRows1);

            //copy In to Out
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, _pdblRealOut,	&iOne);
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblImg1, &iOne, _pdblImgOut, &iOne);

            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblReal1, &iOne, pWorkReal2, &iOne);
            C2F(dcopy)(&iSize, _pdblImg1, &iOne, pWorkImg2, &iOne);

            //l1 -> l2
            for (iExp = 1 ; iExp < iExpRef ; iExp++)
                for (iCol = 0 ; iCol < _iCols1 ; iCol++)
                    double *pPtrReal = _pdblRealOut + iCol * _iCols1;
                    double *pPtrImg	 = _pdblImgOut + iCol * _iCols1;
                    C2F(dcopy)(&_iRows1, pPtrReal, &iOne, pWorkReal3, &iOne);
                    C2F(dcopy)(&_iRows1, pPtrImg, &iOne, pWorkImg3, &iOne);
                    //ls -> l3
                    for (iRow = 0 ; iRow < _iRows1 ; iRow++)
                        int iOffset = iRow + iCol * _iRows1;
                        pPtrReal = pWorkReal2 + iRow;
                        pPtrImg = pWorkImg2 + iRow;

                        _pdblRealOut[iOffset] = C2F(ddot)(&_iRows1, pPtrReal, &_iRows1, pWorkReal3, &iOne)
                                                - C2F(ddot)(&_iRows1, pPtrImg, &_iRows1, pWorkImg3, &iOne);
                        _pdblImgOut[iOffset]  = C2F(ddot)(&_iRows1, pPtrReal, &_iRows1, pWorkImg3, &iOne)
                                                + C2F(ddot)(&_iRows1, pPtrImg, &_iRows1, pWorkReal3, &iOne);

        }//if(iExpRef != 1 && != 0)
        //floating point exponent
        return -1; // manage by overload

    if (iInv)
        double dblRcond;
        double* pData = (double*)oGetDoubleComplexFromPointer(_pdblRealOut, _pdblImgOut, _iRows1 * _iCols1);
        int ret = iInvertMatrixM(_iRows1, _iCols1, pData, 1/* is complex*/, &dblRcond);
        if (ret == -1)
            if (getWarningMode())
                sciprint(_("Warning :\n"));
                sciprint(_("matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. rcond = %1.4E\n"), dblRcond);
                sciprint(_("computing least squares solution. (see lsq).\n"));

        vGetPointerFromDoubleComplex((doublecomplex*)pData, _iRows1 * _iCols1, _pdblRealOut, _pdblImgOut);

    return 0;
Example #3
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_inv(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)
    types::Double* pDbl = NULL;
    double* pData       = NULL;
    int ret             = 0;

    if (in.size() != 1)
        Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "inv", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if ((in[0]->isDouble() == false))
        std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_inv";
        return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out);

    pDbl = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>()->clone()->getAs<types::Double>(); // input data will be modified

    if (pDbl->getRows() != pDbl->getCols())
        Scierror(20, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Square matrix expected.\n"), "inv", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (pDbl->getRows() == 0)
        return types::Function::OK;

    if (pDbl->isComplex())
        /* c -> z */
        pData = (double*)oGetDoubleComplexFromPointer( pDbl->getReal(), pDbl->getImg(), pDbl->getSize());
        pData = pDbl->getReal();

    if (pDbl->getCols() == -1)
        pData[0] = 1. / pData[0];
        double dblRcond;
        ret = iInvertMatrixM(pDbl->getRows(), pDbl->getCols(), pData, pDbl->isComplex(), &dblRcond);
        if (pDbl->isComplex())
            /* z -> c */
            vGetPointerFromDoubleComplex((doublecomplex*)pData, pDbl->getSize(), pDbl->getReal(), pDbl->getImg());

        if (ret == -1)
            if (getWarningMode())
                sciprint(_("Warning :\n"));
                sciprint(_("matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. rcond = %1.4E\n"), dblRcond);

    if (ret == 19)
        Scierror(19, _("%s: Problem is singular.\n"), "inv");
        return types::Function::Error;

    return types::Function::OK;