Example #1
RFC_FUNCTION_DESC_HANDLE getFunctionHandle(const SAP_UC* functionName)
    RFC_PARAMETER_DESC parDescPathname = { iU("PATHNAME"), RFCTYPE_CHAR, RFC_IMPORT,   100,  200,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    RFC_PARAMETER_DESC parDescPort =     { iU("PORT"),     RFCTYPE_CHAR, RFC_IMPORT,   10,   20,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    RFC_FUNCTION_DESC_HANDLE funcDesc = RfcCreateFunctionDesc(functionName, 0);
    RfcAddParameter(funcDesc, &parDescPathname, 0);
    RfcAddParameter(funcDesc, &parDescPort, 0);
    return funcDesc;
Example #2
const CPoint3DCAMERA CTriangulator::getPointTriangulatedAdaptive( const cv::Mat& p_matImageRIGHT, const cv::KeyPoint& p_cKeyPointLEFT, const CDescriptor& p_matReferenceDescriptorLEFT ) const
    //ds buffer keypoint size
    const float& fKeyPointSize( p_cKeyPointLEFT.size );

    //ds get keypoint to eigen space
    const CPoint2DInCameraFrame vecReference( CWrapperOpenCV::fromCVVector( p_cKeyPointLEFT.pt ) );
    const int32_t iUReference( vecReference(0) );

    //ds keypoint buffer
    std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > vecPoolKeyPoints( m_uAdaptiveSteps );

    //ds start point
    int32_t iU( iUReference+m_uAdaptiveSteps );

    assert( 0 < iUReference );

    //ds scan to the left
    while( 0 < iU )
        for( uint32_t u = 0; u < m_uAdaptiveSteps; ++u )
            vecPoolKeyPoints[u] = cv::KeyPoint( iU, vecReference(1), fKeyPointSize );

        //ds compute descriptors
        cv::Mat matPoolDescriptors;
        m_pExtractor->compute( p_matImageRIGHT, vecPoolKeyPoints, matPoolDescriptors );

        //ds if we managed to compute descriptors
        if( !vecPoolKeyPoints.empty( ) )
            //ds match the descriptors
            std::vector< cv::DMatch > vecMatches;
            m_pMatcher->match( p_matReferenceDescriptorLEFT, matPoolDescriptors, vecMatches );

            //ds if we found matches
            if( !vecMatches.empty( ) )
                //ds make sure the matcher returned a valid ID
                assert( static_cast< std::vector< cv::KeyPoint >::size_type >( vecMatches[0].trainIdx ) < m_uAdaptiveSteps );

                //ds check match quality
                if( m_fMatchingDistanceCutoff > vecMatches[0].distance )
                    //ds get the matching keypoint
                    const CPoint2DInCameraFrame vecMatch( CWrapperOpenCV::fromCVVector( vecPoolKeyPoints[vecMatches[0].trainIdx].pt ) );

                    //ds triangulated 3d point
                    return CMiniVisionToolbox::getPointStereoLinearTriangulationSVDLS( vecReference, vecMatch, m_pCameraSTEREO->m_pCameraLEFT->m_matProjection, m_pCameraSTEREO->m_pCameraRIGHT->m_matProjection );

    //ds no match found if still here
    throw CExceptionNoMatchFound( "no match found" );