Example #1
static uint16_t ping_interrupt(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev, FAR void *conn,
                               FAR void *pvpriv, uint16_t flags)
    FAR struct icmpv6_ping_s *pstate = (struct icmpv6_ping_s *)pvpriv;

    nllvdbg("flags: %04x\n", flags);

    if (pstate)
        /* Check if this is a ICMPv6 ECHO reply.  If so, return the sequence
         * number to the caller.  NOTE: We may not even have sent the
         * requested ECHO request; this could have been the delayed ECHO
         * response from a previous ping.

        if ((flags & ICMPv6_ECHOREPLY) != 0 && conn != NULL)
            FAR struct icmpv6_echo_reply_s *reply = ICMPv6ECHOREPLY;

            nllvdbg("ECHO reply: id=%d seqno=%d\n",
                    ntohs(reply->id), ntohs(reply->seqno));

            if (ntohs(reply->id) == pstate->png_id)
                /* Consume the ECHOREPLY */

                flags     &= ~ICMPv6_ECHOREPLY;
                dev->d_len = 0;

                /* Return the result to the caller */

                pstate->png_result = OK;
                pstate->png_seqno  = ntohs(reply->seqno);
                goto end_wait;

        /* Check:
         *   If the outgoing packet is available (it may have been claimed
         *   by a sendto interrupt serving a different thread)
         * -OR-
         *   If the output buffer currently contains unprocessed incoming
         *   data.
         * -OR-
         *   If we have already sent the ECHO request
         * In the first two cases, we will just have to wait for the next
         * polling cycle.

        if (dev->d_sndlen <= 0 &&             /* Packet available */
                (flags & ICMPv6_NEWDATA) == 0 &&  /* No incoming data */
                !pstate->png_sent)                /* Request not sent */
            /* Send the ECHO request now. */

            icmpv6_echo_request(dev, pstate);
            pstate->png_sent = true;
            return flags;

        /* Check if the selected timeout has elapsed */

        if (ping_timeout(pstate))
            int failcode;

            /* Check if this device is on the same network as the destination
             * device.

            if (!net_ipv6addr_maskcmp(pstate->png_addr, dev->d_ipv6addr,
                /* Destination address was not on the local network served by
                 * this device.  If a timeout occurs, then the most likely
                 * reason is that the destination address is not reachable.

                nlldbg("Not reachable\n");
                failcode = -ENETUNREACH;
                nlldbg("Ping timeout\n");
                failcode = -ETIMEDOUT;

            /* Report the failure */

            pstate->png_result = failcode;
            goto end_wait;

        /* Continue waiting */

    return flags;


    /* Do not allow any further callbacks */

    pstate->png_cb->flags   = 0;
    pstate->png_cb->priv    = NULL;
    pstate->png_cb->event   = NULL;

    /* Wake up the waiting thread */

    return flags;
Example #2
int ipv4_ping(FAR struct sockaddr_in *raddr,
              FAR const struct timespec *timeout,
              FAR struct timespec *roundtrip)
  FAR struct icmp *icmpv4;
  struct sigevent notify;
  struct sigaction act;
  struct sigaction oact;
  struct itimerspec value;
  struct itimerspec ovalue;
  char buffer[PING_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Kind of big to be on the stack */
  timer_t timerid;
  ssize_t nrecvd;
  bool timeout;
  int errcode;
  int ret;
  int sd;


  /* Allocate a POSIX timer */

  timeout                      = false;
  notify.sigev_notify          = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
  notify.sigev_signo           = CONFIG_NETUTILS_PING_SIGNO;
  notify.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (FAR void *)&timeout;

  ret = timer_create(PING_CLOCK, &notify, &timerid);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      return -errcode;

  /* Attach a signal handler */

  act.sa_sigaction = ping_timeout;
  act.sa_flags     = SA_SIGINFO;

  (void)sigdelset(&act.sa_mask, CONFIG_NETUTILS_PING_SIGNO);

  ret = sigaction(CONFIG_NETUTILS_PING_SIGNO, &act, &oact);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      ret = -errcode;
      goto errout_with_timer;

  /* Create the raw socket */

  if (sd < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      ret = -errcode;
      goto errout_with_sigaction;

  /* Format and send the ECHO request */

  icmpv6_echo_request(dev, destaddr);

  ret = sendto(sd, buffer, PING6_BUFFER_SIZE, &raddr,
               sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      ret = -errcode;
      goto errout_with_socket;

  /* Start the timer */

  value.it_value.tv_sec     = timeout->tv_sec;
  value.it_value.tv_nsec    = timeout->tv_nsec;
  value.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
  value.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;

  ret = timer_settime(timerid, 0, &value, NULL);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      ret = -errcode;
      goto errout_with_socket;

  /* Wait for the echo reply */

  for (; ; )
      nrecvd = recv(sd, buffer, PING_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
      if (nrecvd < 0)
          if (errno != EINTR)
              int errcode = errno;
              DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);

              ndbg("ERROR: recv failed: %d\n", errcode);
              ret = -errcode;
      else if (nrecvd >= PING_BUFFER_SIZE)
          FAR struct iphdr *iphdr = (FAR struct iphdr *)buffer;

          icmpv4 = (FAR struct icmp *)(buffer + (iphdr->ihl << 2));  /* skip ip hdr */
          if (icmpv4->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHO_REPLY)
              ret = OK;

  /* Stop the timer */

  value.it_value.tv_sec     = 0;
  value.it_value.tv_nsec    = 0;
  value.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
  value.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;

  (void)timer_settime(timerid, 0, &value, &ovalue);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errno > 0);
      ret = -errcode;
      rountrip->tv_sec  = ovalue.it_value.tv_sec;
      rountrip->tv_nsec = ovalue.it_value.tv_nsec;
      ret = OK;


  (void) sigaction(CONFIG_NETUTILS_PING_SIGNO, &oact, NULL);

  return ret;