Example #1
FSU* insertSubjectName(FSU *head, char* name) {
    FIM* im;
    FSU* su;
    int si;  /* Subject index of name to insert */

    si = idFromName(name);
    /* First initial case, linked list of subjects is empty */
    if (head == NULL) {
        /* printf("\n Adding %s, id %d,  as first subject in linked list \n", name, si); */
        im = makeFIM(name);
        su = makeFSU(si);
        su->images = im;
        return su;
    /* Special case that current subject id is less than head of list */
    if (head->id > si) {
        /* printf("Special Case: Current Subject id is less than head of list, adding %s, id %d to head. \n", name, si ); */
        im = makeFIM(name);
        su = makeFSU(si);
        su->images = im;
        su->next = head;
        return su;
    /* Special case that current subject id is equal to the head of the list */
    if (head->id == si) {
        /* printf("Another image %s for subject id %d. \n", name, si); */
        appendImage(head->images, makeFIM(name));
        return head;
    /* List is not empty, and current is not going to become the head */
    insertSubjectNameRecurse(head, head->next, si, name);
    return head;
Example #2
bool childIsInTheSplit(const tree::nodeP & myNode,
					   const split& mySplit,
					   const map<string, int> & nameIdMap) {
	if (myNode->isInternal()) return childIsInTheSplit(myNode->getSon(0),mySplit,nameIdMap);
	else {// we are in a leaf
		return (mySplit.isMember(idFromName(myNode->name(),nameIdMap)));
Example #3
 inline int signalId(const std::string &signature) const {
   // Search id from signature
   int id = idFromName(_objectNameToIdx, signature, MetaObjectType_Signal);
   if (id == -1)
     // if the name is a name and not a signature search directly inside the signal map
     for (const auto& ms : _events)
       if (ms.second.name() == signature)
         return ms.first;
   return id;
Example #4
FIM* makeFIM(char* name) {
    char* tt;
    FIM* im;

    im = (FIM*) malloc(sizeof(FIM));
    tt = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_FSTRLEN);
    strcpy(tt, name);
    im->name = tt;
    im->subject = idFromName(name);
    im->next = NULL;

    return im;
Example #5
// returns true if all the sons of myNode are in the split.
// return false if all the sons of myNode are NOT in the split
// if some of the sons are in and some are not - set foundTheNodeAlready to true.
// and set splitNode to be that node.
static bool findNodeToSplitRecursive(		const tree::nodeP myNode,
												const split& mySplit,
												tree::nodeP& splitNode,
												bool & foundTheNodeAlready,
												const map<string, int> & nameIdMap) {
if (myNode->isLeaf()) return (mySplit.isMember(idFromName(myNode->name(),nameIdMap)));	
bool inSplit = findNodeToSplitRecursive(myNode->getSon(0),mySplit,splitNode,foundTheNodeAlready,nameIdMap);
	if (foundTheNodeAlready) return true;
	for (int i=1; i < myNode->getNumberOfSons(); ++i) {
		bool tmp = findNodeToSplitRecursive(myNode->getSon(i),mySplit,splitNode,foundTheNodeAlready,nameIdMap);
		if (foundTheNodeAlready) return true;
		if (tmp != inSplit) {
			foundTheNodeAlready = true;
			splitNode = myNode;
			return true;
	return inSplit;
Example #6
 inline int propertyId(const std::string &signature) const {
   return idFromName(_objectNameToIdx, signature, MetaObjectType_Property);
Example #7
 inline int methodId(const std::string &signature) const {
   return idFromName(_objectNameToIdx, signature, MetaObjectType_Method);