Example #1
void idBrittleFracture::Spawn()

	// get shard properties
	decalMaterial = declManager->FindMaterial( spawnArgs.GetString( "mtr_decal" ) );
	decalSize = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "decalSize", "40" );
	maxShardArea = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "maxShardArea", "200" ) * 2.0f ;
	maxShardArea = idMath::ClampFloat( 100, 10000, maxShardArea );
	maxShatterRadius = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "maxShatterRadius", "40" );
	minShatterRadius = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "minShatterRadius", "10" );
	linearVelocityScale = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "linearVelocityScale", "0.1" );
	angularVelocityScale = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "angularVelocityScale", "40" );
	fxFracture = spawnArgs.GetString( "fx" );
	// make sure that max is greater than min  ( otherwise negative number square root happens )
	if( maxShatterRadius < minShatterRadius )
		idLib::Warning( "BrittleFracture, minShatterRadius(%2f) is greater than maxShatterRadius(%2f). Unknown results will ensue.", minShatterRadius, maxShatterRadius );
	// get rigid body properties
	shardMass = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "shardMass", "20" );
	shardMass = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.001f, 1000.0f, shardMass );
	spawnArgs.GetFloat( "density", "0.1", density );
	density = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.001f, 1000.0f, density );
	spawnArgs.GetFloat( "friction", "0.4", friction );
	friction = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, friction );
	spawnArgs.GetFloat( "bouncyness", "0.01", bouncyness );
	bouncyness = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, bouncyness );
	disableFracture = spawnArgs.GetBool( "disableFracture", "0" );
	health = spawnArgs.GetInt( "health", "40" );
	fl.takedamage = true;
	// FIXME: set "bleed" so idProjectile calls AddDamageEffect
	spawnArgs.SetBool( "bleed", 1 );
	// check for xray surface
	if( renderEntity.hModel != NULL )
		const idRenderModel* model = renderEntity.hModel;
		isXraySurface = false;
		for( int i = 0; i < model->NumSurfaces(); i++ )
			const modelSurface_t* surf = model->Surface( i );
			if( idStr( surf->shader->GetName() ) == "textures/smf/window_scratch" )
				isXraySurface = true;
	CreateFractures( renderEntity.hModel );
	defaultRenderModel = renderEntity.hModel;
	renderEntity.hModel = renderModelManager->AllocModel();
	renderEntity.hModel->InitEmpty( brittleFracture_SnapshotName );
	renderEntity.callback = idBrittleFracture::ModelCallback;
	renderEntity.noShadow = true;
	renderEntity.noSelfShadow = true;
	renderEntity.noDynamicInteractions = false;
Example #2
void CMissionManager::OnMissionComplete()
	CModInfoPtr info = GetCurrentModInfo();

	if (info == NULL)
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Could not find mission info for current mod.\r");

	// Ensure that this was the last mission if in campaign mode, otherwise ignore this call
	if (CurrentModIsCampaign())
		if (_curMissionIndex == -1)
			gameLocal.Error("Invalid mission index in OnMissionComplete()");

		if (_curMissionIndex < _mapSequence.Num() - 1)
			// This is not yet the last mission in the campaign, ignore this call

	// Mark the current difficulty level as completed
	info->SetKeyValue(va("mission_completed_%d", gameLocal.m_DifficultyManager.GetDifficultyLevel()), "1");

	idPlayer* player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer();

	if (player != NULL)
		int gold, jewelry, goods;
		int total = player->Inventory()->GetLoot(gold, jewelry, goods);

		info->SetKeyValue(va("mission_loot_collected_%d", gameLocal.m_DifficultyManager.GetDifficultyLevel()), idStr(total));
Example #3
idStr CMissionManager::GetCurrentModName()
	CModInfoPtr info = GetCurrentModInfo();

	return (info != NULL) ? idStr( common->Translate( info->modName ) ) : "";
Example #4
void RunAASDir_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
    int i;
    idAASBuild aas;
    idAASSettings settings;
    idFileList* mapFiles;

    if( args.Argc() <= 1 )
        common->Printf( "runAASDir <folder>\n" );

    common->ClearWarnings( "compiling AAS" );

    common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );

    // get the aas settings definitions
    const idDict* dict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( "aas_types", false );
    if( !dict )
        common->Error( "Unable to find entityDef for 'aas_types'" );

    // scan for .map files
    mapFiles = fileSystem->ListFiles( idStr( "maps/" ) + args.Argv( 1 ), ".map" );

    // create AAS files for all the .map files
    for( i = 0; i < mapFiles->GetNumFiles(); i++ )
        if( i )
            common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );

        const idKeyValue* kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type" );
        while( kv != NULL )
            const idDict* settingsDict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( kv->GetValue(), false );
            if( !settingsDict )
                common->Warning( "Unable to find '%s' in def/aas.def", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
                settings.FromDict( kv->GetValue(), settingsDict );
                aas.Build( idStr( "maps/" ) + args.Argv( 1 ) + "/" + mapFiles->GetFile( i ), &settings );

            kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type", kv );
            if( kv )
                common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );

    fileSystem->FreeFileList( mapFiles );

    common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );
void CShop::AddMapItems( idMapFile *mapFile ) {
	// get the difficulty level
	idStr diffString = "diff_" + idStr( gameLocal.m_DifficultyManager.GetDifficultyLevel() ) + "_nospawn";
	// Cycle through map entities. Since the number of entities can change in the loop,
	// always refresh the entity count used to terminate the loop.
	// Skip entity 0, which is the world.
	for( int i = 1; i < mapFile->GetNumEntities(); i++ ) {
		idMapEntity *mapEnt = mapFile->GetEntity( i );
		// does this entity have an inv_map_start spawnflag set to 1?
		if( mapEnt->epairs.GetBool( "inv_map_start", "0" ) ) {
			// does this entity exist in the chosen difficulty level?
			if( idStr::Icmp( mapEnt->epairs.GetString( diffString, "0" ), "0" ) == 0 ) {
				idStr className = mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
				int quantity;
				bool isWeapon = false;	// is this an arrow?
				int max_ammo = 1;	// in case this is a weapon
				// Special handling for arrows. The shop definitions allow for
				// atdm:weapon_*, but not atdm:ammo_*. The latter form is used on
				// map entities. If this is an atdm:ammo_* entity, change its ID (itemName)
				// to the allowable atdm:weapon_* form.
				if( className.Find( "atdm:ammo_" ) >= 0 ) {
					isWeapon = true;
					className.Replace( "atdm:ammo_", "atdm:weapon_" );
					// An arrow's quantity is defined by "inv_ammo_amount" instead
					// of "inv_count". Look for that.
					quantity = mapEnt->epairs.GetInt( "inv_ammo_amount", "0" );
					// Arrow quantities have limits. See if you can find the limit
					// for this weapon.
					if( quantity > 0 ) {
						max_ammo = GetMaxAmmo( className );
						quantity = ( quantity > max_ammo ) ? max_ammo : quantity;
				} else {
					quantity = mapEnt->epairs.GetInt( "inv_count", "1" );
				if( quantity > 0 ) {
					CShopItemPtr found = FindShopItemDefByClassName( className );
					if( found != NULL ) {
						// We don't have much info about the weapon item at this point and FindEntityDefDict() is lagging
						// so let's assume there is only a shortsword and blackjack as possible melee items for now
						bool isMeleeWeapon = ( className.Cmp( "atdm:weapon_shortsword" ) == 0 || className.Cmp( "atdm:weapon_blackjack" ) == 0 );
						// If this item is stackable, and already exists in the _startingItems list,
						// bump up the quantity there instead of appending the item to the list.
						// If the item is not stackable, and we already have it, ignore it.
						bool itemMerged = MergeIntoStartingEquipment( className, quantity, isWeapon, isMeleeWeapon );
						// Append the item to the list if it didn't contribute quantity to
						// an existing list item.
						if( !itemMerged ) {
							CShopItemPtr anItem( new CShopItem( *found, quantity, 0, false ) );
							bool canDrop = mapEnt->epairs.GetBool( "inv_droppable", "1" );
							anItem->SetCanDrop( canDrop );
							_startingItems.Append( anItem );
					} else {
						gameLocal.Warning( "Map entity is not a valid shop item: %s", className.c_str() );
void CDownloadMenu::ShowDownloadResult( idUserInterface *gui ) {
	// greebo: Let the mod list be refreshed
	// We need the information from darkmod.txt later down this road
	int successfulDownloads = 0;
	int failedDownloads = 0;
	const DownloadableModList &mods = gameLocal.m_MissionManager->GetDownloadableMods();
	for( ActiveDownloads::iterator i = _downloads.begin(); i != _downloads.end(); ++i ) {
		CDownloadPtr download = gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->GetDownload( i->second.missionDownloadId );
		if( download == NULL ) {
		if( i->first > mods.Num() ) {
		const DownloadableMod &mod = *mods[i->first];
		switch( download->GetStatus() ) {
		case CDownload::NOT_STARTED_YET:
			gameLocal.Warning( "Some downloads haven't been processed?" );
		case CDownload::FAILED:
		case CDownload::IN_PROGRESS:
			gameLocal.Warning( "Some downloads still in progress?" );
		case CDownload::SUCCESS: {
			// gnartsch
			bool l10nPackDownloaded = false;
			// In case of success, check l10n download status
			if( i->second.l10nPackDownloadId != -1 ) {
				CDownloadPtr l10nDownload = gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->GetDownload( i->second.l10nPackDownloadId );
				CDownload::DownloadStatus l10nStatus = l10nDownload->GetStatus();
				if( l10nStatus == CDownload::NOT_STARTED_YET || l10nStatus == CDownload::IN_PROGRESS ) {
					gameLocal.Warning( "Localisation pack download not started or still in progress?" );
				} else if( l10nStatus == CDownload::FAILED ) {
					gameLocal.Warning( "Failed to download localisation pack!" );
					// Turn this download into a failed one
				} else if( l10nStatus == CDownload::SUCCESS ) {
					// both successfully downloaded
					// gnartsch
					l10nPackDownloaded = true;
			} else { // regular download without l10n ... or l10n download only (gnartsch)
				// gnartsch: Consider Localization pack having been dealt with as well
				l10nPackDownloaded = true;
			// Save the mission version into the MissionDB for later use
			CModInfoPtr missionInfo = gameLocal.m_MissionManager->GetModInfo( mod.modName );
			missionInfo->SetKeyValue( "downloaded_version", idStr( mod.version ).c_str() );
			// gnartsch: Mark l10n pack as present, so that the mission may disappear from the list of 'Available Downloads'
			missionInfo->isL10NpackInstalled = l10nPackDownloaded;
	gameLocal.Printf( "Successful downloads: %d\nFailed downloads: %d\n", successfulDownloads, failedDownloads );
	// Display the popup box
	GuiMessage msg;
	msg.type = GuiMessage::MSG_OK;
	msg.okCmd = "close_msg_box;onDownloadCompleteConfirm";
	msg.title = common->Translate( "#str_02142" ); // "Mission Download Result"
	msg.message = "";
	if( successfulDownloads > 0 ) {
		msg.message += va(
						   // "%d mission/missions successfully downloaded. You'll find it/them in the 'New Mission' page."
						   GetPlural( successfulDownloads, common->Translate( "#str_02144" ), common->Translate( "#str_02145" ) ),
						   successfulDownloads );
	if( failedDownloads > 0 ) {
		// "\n%d mission(s) couldn't be downloaded. Please check your disk space (or maybe some file is write protected) and try again."
		msg.message += va( common->Translate( "#str_02146" ),
						   failedDownloads );
	gameLocal.AddMainMenuMessage( msg );
	// Remove all downloads
	for( ActiveDownloads::iterator i = _downloads.begin(); i != _downloads.end(); ++i ) {
		gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->RemoveDownload( i->second.missionDownloadId );
		if( i->second.l10nPackDownloadId != -1 ) {
			gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->RemoveDownload( i->second.l10nPackDownloadId );
void idMenuScreen_Shell_SystemOptions::HideScreen( const mainMenuTransition_t transitionType ) {

    if ( systemData.IsRestartRequired() ) {
        class idSWFScriptFunction_Restart : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted {
            idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( gameDialogMessages_t _msg, bool _restart ) {
                msg = _msg;
                restart = _restart;
            idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject * thisObject, const idSWFParmList & parms ) {
                common->Dialog().ClearDialog( msg );
                if ( restart ) {
                    idStr cmdLine = Sys_GetCmdLine();
                    if ( cmdLine.Find( "com_skipIntroVideos" ) < 0 ) {
                        cmdLine.Append( " +set com_skipIntroVideos 1" );
                    Sys_ReLaunch( (void*)cmdLine.c_str(), cmdLine.Length() );
                return idSWFScriptVar();
            gameDialogMessages_t msg;
            bool restart;
        idStaticList<idSWFScriptFunction *, 4> callbacks;
        idStaticList<idStrId, 4> optionText;
        callbacks.Append( new idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, false ) );
        callbacks.Append( new idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, true ) );
        optionText.Append( idStrId( "#str_00100113" ) ); // Continue
        optionText.Append( idStrId( "#str_02487" ) ); // Restart Now
        common->Dialog().AddDynamicDialog( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, callbacks, optionText, true, idStr() );

    if ( systemData.IsDataChanged() ) {

    idMenuScreen::HideScreen( transitionType );
Example #8
void idInternalCVar::InternalSetInteger( const int newValue )
    Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false );
Example #9
void idInternalCVar::InternalSetFloat( const float newValue )
    Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false );
Example #10
void idInternalCVar::UpdateValue( void )
    bool clamped = false;

    if ( flags & CVAR_BOOL )
        integerValue = ( atoi( value ) != 0 );
        floatValue = integerValue;
        if ( idStr::Icmp( value, "0" ) != 0 && idStr::Icmp( value, "1" ) != 0 )
            valueString = idStr( (bool)( integerValue != 0 ) );
            value = valueString.c_str();
    else if ( flags & CVAR_INTEGER )
        integerValue = (int)atoi( value );
        if ( valueMin < valueMax )
            if ( integerValue < valueMin )
                integerValue = (int)valueMin;
                clamped = true;
            else if ( integerValue > valueMax )
                integerValue = (int)valueMax;
                clamped = true;
        if ( clamped || !idStr::IsNumeric( value ) || idStr::FindChar( value, '.' ) )
            valueString = idStr( integerValue );
            value = valueString.c_str();
        floatValue = (float)integerValue;
    else if ( flags & CVAR_FLOAT )
        floatValue = (float)atof( value );
        if ( valueMin < valueMax )
            if ( floatValue < valueMin )
                floatValue = valueMin;
                clamped = true;
            else if ( floatValue > valueMax )
                floatValue = valueMax;
                clamped = true;
        if ( clamped || !idStr::IsNumeric( value ) )
            valueString = idStr( floatValue );
            value = valueString.c_str();
        integerValue = (int)floatValue;
        if ( valueStrings && valueStrings[0] )
            integerValue = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; valueStrings[i]; i++ )
                if ( valueString.Icmp( valueStrings[i] ) == 0 )
                    integerValue = i;
            valueString = valueStrings[integerValue];
            value = valueString.c_str();
            floatValue = (float)integerValue;
        else if ( valueString.Length() < 32 )
            floatValue = (float)atof( value );
            integerValue = (int)floatValue;
            floatValue = 0.0f;
            integerValue = 0;
Example #11
void idInternalCVar::InternalSetBool( const bool newValue )
    Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false );
Example #12
void idCVarSystemLocal::ListByFlags( const idCmdArgs &args, cvarFlags_t flags )
    int i, argNum;
    idStr match, indent, string;
    const idInternalCVar *cvar;
    idList<const idInternalCVar *>cvarList;

    } show;

    argNum = 1;
    show = SHOW_VALUE;

    if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum ), "-" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum ), "/" ) == 0 )
        if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "help" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "?" ) == 0 )
            argNum = 3;
            show = SHOW_DESCRIPTION;
        else if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "type" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "range" ) == 0 )
            argNum = 3;
            show = SHOW_TYPE;
        else if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "flags" ) == 0 )
            argNum = 3;
            show = SHOW_FLAGS;

    if ( args.Argc() > argNum )
        match = args.Args( argNum, -1 );
        match.Replace( " ", "" );
        match = "";

    for ( i = 0; i < localCVarSystem.cvars.Num(); i++ )
        cvar = localCVarSystem.cvars[i];

        if ( !( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) )

        if ( match.Length() && !cvar->nameString.Filter( match, false ) )

        cvarList.Append( cvar );


    switch( show )
    case SHOW_VALUE:
        for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ )
            cvar = cvarList[i];
            common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "\"%s\"\n", cvar->nameString.c_str(), cvar->valueString.c_str() );
        indent.Fill( ' ', NUM_NAME_CHARS );
        indent.Insert( "\n", 0 );

        for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ )
            cvar = cvarList[i];
            common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "%s\n", cvar->nameString.c_str(), CreateColumn( cvar->GetDescription(), NUM_DESCRIPTION_CHARS, indent, string ) );
    case SHOW_TYPE:
        for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ )
            cvar = cvarList[i];
            if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_BOOL )
                common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_CYAN "bool\n", cvar->GetName() );
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INTEGER )
                if ( cvar->GetMinValue() < cvar->GetMaxValue() )
                    common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_GREEN "int " S_COLOR_WHITE "[%d, %d]\n", cvar->GetName(), (int) cvar->GetMinValue(), (int) cvar->GetMaxValue() );
                    common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_GREEN "int\n", cvar->GetName() );
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_FLOAT )
                if ( cvar->GetMinValue() < cvar->GetMaxValue() )
                    common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_RED "float " S_COLOR_WHITE "[%s, %s]\n", cvar->GetName(), idStr( cvar->GetMinValue() ).c_str(), idStr( cvar->GetMaxValue() ).c_str() );
                    common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_RED "float\n", cvar->GetName() );
            else if ( cvar->GetValueStrings() )
                common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "string " S_COLOR_WHITE "[", cvar->GetName() );
                for ( int j = 0; cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] != NULL; j++ )
                    if ( j )
                        common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE ", %s", cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] );
                        common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE "%s", cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] );
                common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE "]\n" );
                common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "string\n", cvar->GetName() );
    case SHOW_FLAGS:
        for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ )
            cvar = cvarList[i];
            common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING, cvar->GetName() );
            string = "";
            if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_BOOL )
                string += S_COLOR_CYAN "B ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INTEGER )
                string += S_COLOR_GREEN "I ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_FLOAT )
                string += S_COLOR_RED "F ";
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "S ";
            if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SYSTEM )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "SYS  ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_RENDERER )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "RNDR ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SOUND )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "SND  ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_GUI )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "GUI  ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_GAME )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "GAME ";
            else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_TOOL )
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "TOOL ";
                string += S_COLOR_WHITE "     ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_USERINFO ) ?	"UI "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ?	"SI "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_STATIC ) ?		"ST "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_CHEAT ) ?		"CH "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INIT ) ?		"IN "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_ROM ) ?			"RO "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ?		"AR "	: "   ";
            string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_MODIFIED ) ?	"MO "	: "   ";
            string += "\n";
            common->Printf( string );

    common->Printf( "\n%i cvars listed\n\n", cvarList.Num() );
    common->Printf(	"listCvar [search string]          = list cvar values\n"
                    "listCvar -help [search string]    = list cvar descriptions\n"
                    "listCvar -type [search string]    = list cvar types\n"
                    "listCvar -flags [search string]   = list cvar flags\n" );
Example #13
void idCVarSystemLocal::Toggle_f( const idCmdArgs &args )
    int argc, i;
    float current, set;
    const char *text;

    argc = args.Argc();
    if ( argc < 2 )
        common->Printf ("usage:\n"
                        "   toggle <variable>  - toggles between 0 and 1\n"
                        "   toggle <variable> <value> - toggles between 0 and <value>\n"
                        "   toggle <variable> [string 1] [string 2]...[string n] - cycles through all strings\n");

    idInternalCVar *cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) );

    if ( cvar == NULL )
        common->Warning( "Toggle_f: cvar \"%s\" not found", args.Argv( 1 ) );

    if ( argc > 3 )
        // cycle through multiple values
        text = cvar->GetString();
        for( i = 2; i < argc; i++ )
            if ( !idStr::Icmp( text, args.Argv( i ) ) )
                // point to next value
        if ( i >= argc )
            i = 2;

        common->Printf( "set %s = %s\n", args.Argv(1), args.Argv( i ) );
        cvar->Set( va("%s", args.Argv( i ) ), false, false );
        // toggle between 0 and 1
        current = cvar->GetFloat();
        if ( argc == 3 )
            set = atof( args.Argv( 2 ) );
            set = 1.0f;
        if ( current == 0.0f )
            current = set;
            current = 0.0f;
        common->Printf( "set %s = %f\n", args.Argv(1), current );
        cvar->Set( idStr( current ), false, false );
void CShop::UpdateGUI( idUserInterface *gui ) {
	gui->SetStateInt( "gold", _gold );
	gui->SetStateInt( "forSaleMoreVisible", _itemsForSale.Num() > LIST_SIZE_FOR_SALE );
	gui->SetStateInt( "purchasedMoreVisible", _itemsPurchased.Num() > LIST_SIZE_PURCHASED );
	gui->SetStateInt( "startingMoreVisible", _startingItems.Num() > LIST_SIZE_STARTING );
	if( GetNothingForSale() ) {
		// nothing for sale, let the user know
		gui->SetStateInt( "forSaleAvail0", 0 );
		gui->SetStateString( "forSale0_name", common->Translate( "#str_02314" ) ); 		// "<no items for sale>"
		// Tels: Fix #2661: do not show a description if nothing is for sale
		gui->SetStateString( "gui::forSale0_desc", "" );
		gui->SetStateString( "gui::forSale0_image", "" );
		gui->SetStateString( "forSaleCost0_cost", "0" );
		// Clear out the rest of the GUI
		for( int i = 1; i < LIST_SIZE_FOR_SALE; i++ ) {
			gui->SetStateString( va( "forSaleCost%d_cost", i ), "" );
			gui->SetStateInt( va( "forSaleAvail%d", i ), 0 );
			gui->SetStateString( va( "forSale%d_name", i ), "" );
			gui->SetStateString( va( "forSale%d_desc", i ), "" );
			gui->SetStateString( va( "forSale%d_image", i ), "" );
	} else {
		for( int i = 0; i < LIST_SIZE_FOR_SALE; i++ ) {
			idStr guiCost = idStr( "forSaleCost" ) + i + "_cost";
			idStr guiName = idStr( "forSale" ) + i + "_name";
			idStr guiDesc = idStr( "forSale" ) + i + "_desc";
			idStr guiImage = idStr( "forSale" ) + i + "_image";
			idStr guiAvailable = idStr( "forSaleAvail" ) + i;
			idStr name = idStr( "" );
			idStr desc = idStr( "" );
			idStr image = idStr( "" );
			idStr cost = idStr( "" );
			int available = 0;
			if( _forSaleTop + i < _itemsForSale.Num() ) {
				const CShopItemPtr &item = _itemsForSale[_forSaleTop + i];
				name = item->GetName() + " (" + item->GetCount() + ")";
				desc = item->GetName() + ": " + item->GetDescription();
				image = item->GetImage();
				available = item->GetCost() <= _gold ? item->GetCount() : 0;
				cost = idStr( item->GetCost() ) + " GP ";
			gui->SetStateString( guiCost, cost );
			gui->SetStateInt( guiAvailable, available );
			gui->SetStateString( guiName, name );
			gui->SetStateString( guiDesc, desc );
			gui->SetStateString( guiImage, image );
	for( int i = 0; i < LIST_SIZE_PURCHASED; i++ ) {
		idStr guiCost = idStr( "boughtCost" ) + i + "_cost";
		idStr guiName = idStr( "bought" ) + i + "_name";
		idStr guiDesc = idStr( "bought" ) + i + "_desc";
		idStr guiImage = idStr( "bought" ) + i + "_image";
		idStr guiAvailable = idStr( "boughtAvail" ) + i;
		idStr name = idStr( "" );
		idStr desc = idStr( "" );
		idStr image = idStr( "" );
		idStr cost = idStr( "" );
		int available = 0;
		if( _purchasedTop + i < _itemsPurchased.Num() ) {
			const CShopItemPtr &item = _itemsPurchased[_purchasedTop + i];
			name = item->GetName() + " (" + item->GetCount() + ")";
			desc = item->GetName() + ": " + item->GetDescription();
			image = item->GetImage();
			available = 1; // sell item is always available
			cost = idStr( item->GetCost() ) + " GP ";
		gui->SetStateString( guiCost, cost );
		gui->SetStateInt( guiAvailable, available );
		gui->SetStateString( guiName, name );
		gui->SetStateString( guiDesc, desc );
		gui->SetStateString( guiImage, image );
	for( int i = 0; i < LIST_SIZE_STARTING; i++ ) {
		idStr guiName = idStr( "starting" ) + i + "_name";
		idStr guiDesc = idStr( "starting" ) + i + "_desc";
		idStr guiImage = idStr( "starting" ) + i + "_image";
		idStr guiAvailable = idStr( "startingAvail" ) + i;
		// Tels: if the item can be dropped or undropped, this is 1
		idStr guiDrop = idStr( "dropVisible" ) + i;
		idStr name = idStr( "" );
		idStr desc = idStr( "" );
		idStr image = idStr( "" );
		int available = 0;
		bool dropVisible = false;
		if( _startingTop + i < _startingItems.Num() ) {
			const CShopItemPtr &item = _startingItems[_startingTop + i];
			name = item->GetName() + " (" + item->GetCount() + ")";
			desc = item->GetName() + ": " + item->GetDescription();
			image = item->GetImage();
			// Tels: Fix #2563 (startingItems can always be dropped, regardless of how much gold you have)
			// available = item->GetCost() <= gold ? item->GetCount() : 0;
			available = item->GetCount();
			dropVisible = item->GetCanDrop();
		gui->SetStateBool( guiDrop, dropVisible );
		gui->SetStateInt( guiAvailable, available );
		gui->SetStateString( guiName, name );
		gui->SetStateString( guiDesc, desc );
		gui->SetStateString( guiImage, image );
	// Tels: Always tell the GUI to refresh the display so the colors change
	gui->HandleNamedEvent( "UpdateItemColours" );
	// Tels: Reset these only after UpdateItemColors
	gui->SetStateInt( "boughtItem", -1 );
	gui->SetStateInt( "soldItem", -1 );
	gui->SetStateInt( "dropItem", -1 );
Example #15
bool SingleBarkTask::Perform(Subsystem& subsystem)
	if (gameLocal.time < _barkStartTime)
		return false; // waiting for start delay to pass

	// This task may not be performed with empty entity pointers
	idAI* owner = _owner.GetEntity();
	assert(owner != NULL);

	// If an endtime has been set, the bark is already playing
	if (_endTime > 0)
		// Finish the task when the time is over
		return (gameLocal.time >= _endTime);
	if (_soundName.IsEmpty())
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("SingleBarkTask has empty soundname, ending task.\r");
		return true;

	// No end time set yet, emit our bark

	// grayman #2169 - no barks while underwater

	// grayman #3182 - no barks when an idle animation is playing and _allowDuringAnim == false
	// An idle animation that includes a voice frame command will have set
	// the wait state to 'idle'. An idle animation that has no voice frame
	// command will have set the wait state to 'idle_no_voice'.

	_barkLength = 0;
	bool canPlay = true;
	if ( ( idStr(owner->WaitState() ) == "idle" ) && !_allowDuringAnim ) // grayman #3182
		canPlay = false;

	if ( canPlay && !owner->MouthIsUnderwater() ) // grayman #3182
		int msgTag = 0; // grayman #3355
		// Push the message and play the sound
		if (_message != NULL)
			// Setup the message to be propagated, if we have one
			msgTag = gameLocal.GetNextMessageTag(); // grayman #3355

		owner->GetMind()->GetMemory().currentlyBarking = true; // grayman #3182 - idle anims w/voices cannot start
															   // until this bark is finished
		_barkLength = owner->PlayAndLipSync(_soundName, "talk1", msgTag); // grayman #3355
		// Sanity check the returned length
		if (_barkLength == 0)
			DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Received 0 sound length when playing %s.\r", _soundName.c_str());

	_barkStartTime = gameLocal.time;
	_endTime = _barkStartTime + _barkLength;

	// End the task as soon as we've finished playing the sound
	return !IsBarking();
Example #16
void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarBool( const char *name, const bool value, int flags )
    SetInternal( name, idStr( value ), flags );
void idMenuScreen_Shell_SystemOptions::HideScreen( const mainMenuTransition_t transitionType )

	if( systemData.IsRestartRequired() )
		class idSWFScriptFunction_Restart : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted
			idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( gameDialogMessages_t _msg, bool _restart )
				msg = _msg;
				restart = _restart;
			idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms )
				common->Dialog().ClearDialog( msg );
				if( restart )
					// DG: Sys_ReLaunch() doesn't need any options anymore
					//     (the old way would have been unnecessarily painful on POSIX systems)
					// DG end
				return idSWFScriptVar();
			gameDialogMessages_t msg;
			bool restart;
		idStaticList<idSWFScriptFunction*, 4> callbacks;
		idStaticList<idStrId, 4> optionText;
		callbacks.Append( new idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, false ) );
		callbacks.Append( new idSWFScriptFunction_Restart( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, true ) );
		optionText.Append( idStrId( "#str_00100113" ) ); // Continue
		optionText.Append( idStrId( "#str_02487" ) ); // Restart Now
		common->Dialog().AddDynamicDialog( GDM_GAME_RESTART_REQUIRED, callbacks, optionText, true, idStr() );
	if( systemData.IsDataChanged() )
	idMenuScreen::HideScreen( transitionType );
Example #18
void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarFloat( const char *name, const float value, int flags )
    SetInternal( name, idStr( value ), flags );
Example #19

Align the selected items to the first one using the given align type
void rvGEWorkspace::AlignSelected ( EItemAlign align )
	static const char*	alignNames[]={"Lefts","Centers","Rights","Tops","Middles","Bottoms" };
	int					i;
	idStr				modName;
	rvGEModifierGroup*	group;
	assert ( mSelections.Num() > 1 );

	modName = "Align " + idStr(alignNames[align]);
	group   = new rvGEModifierGroup ( );

	idRectangle rectTo;
	rectTo = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper ( mSelections[0] )->GetScreenRect ( );
	// Everything gets aligned to the first selection so run
	// through all other selections and move them.
	for ( i = 1; i < mSelections.Num(); i ++ )
		float		x;
		float		y;
		idRectangle	rectFrom;

		rectFrom = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper ( mSelections[i] )->GetScreenRect ( );
		switch ( align )
			case ALIGN_LEFTS:
				x = rectTo[0] - rectFrom[0];
				y = 0;
				x = (rectTo[0]+rectTo[2]) - (rectFrom[0]+rectFrom[2]);
				y = 0;
				x = (rectTo[0]+rectTo[2]/2) - (rectFrom[0]+rectFrom[2]/2);
				y = 0;
			case ALIGN_TOPS:
				y = rectTo[1] - rectFrom[1];
				x = 0;
				x = 0;
				y = (rectTo[1]+rectTo[3]) - (rectFrom[1]+rectFrom[3]);
				x = 0;
				y = (rectTo[1]+rectTo[3]/2) - (rectFrom[1]+rectFrom[3]/2);
				assert ( false );
		group->Append ( new rvGEMoveModifier ( modName, mSelections[i], x, y ) );
	mModifiers.Append ( group );
	// Cant merge alignments
	mModifiers.BlockNextMerge ( );

	SetModified ( true );
Example #20

Returns true if the string conforms the given filter.
Several metacharacter may be used in the filter.

*          match any string of zero or more characters
?          match any single character
[abc...]   match any of the enclosed characters; a hyphen can
           be used to specify a range (e.g. a-z, A-Z, 0-9)

bool idStr::Filter( const char* filter, const char* name, bool casesensitive )
	idStr buf;
	int i, found, index;
	while( *filter )
		if( *filter == '*' )
			for( i = 0; *filter; i++ )
				if( *filter == '*' || *filter == '?' || ( *filter == '[' && *( filter + 1 ) != '[' ) )
				buf += *filter;
				if( *filter == '[' )
			if( buf.Length() )
				index = idStr( name ).Find( buf.c_str(), casesensitive );
				if( index == -1 )
					return false;
				name += index + strlen( buf );
		else if( *filter == '?' )
		else if( *filter == '[' )
			if( *( filter + 1 ) == '[' )
				if( *name != '[' )
					return false;
				filter += 2;
				found = false;
				while( *filter && !found )
					if( *filter == ']' && *( filter + 1 ) != ']' )
					if( *( filter + 1 ) == '-' && *( filter + 2 ) && ( *( filter + 2 ) != ']' || *( filter + 3 ) == ']' ) )
						if( casesensitive )
							if( *name >= *filter && *name <= *( filter + 2 ) )
								found = true;
							if( ::toupper( *name ) >= ::toupper( *filter ) && ::toupper( *name ) <= ::toupper( *( filter + 2 ) ) )
								found = true;
						filter += 3;
						if( casesensitive )
							if( *filter == *name )
								found = true;
							if( ::toupper( *filter ) == ::toupper( *name ) )
								found = true;
				if( !found )
					return false;
				while( *filter )
					if( *filter == ']' && *( filter + 1 ) != ']' )
			if( casesensitive )
				if( *filter != *name )
					return false;
				if( ::toupper( *filter ) != ::toupper( *name ) )
					return false;
	return true;
Example #21

Check to see if any breakpoints have been hit.  This includes "break next",
"step into", and "step over" break points
void rvDebuggerServer::CheckBreakpoints	( idInterpreter* interpreter, idProgram* program, int instructionPointer )
	const statement_t*	st;
	const char*			filename;
	int					i;

	if ( !mConnected ) {

	// Grab the current statement and the filename that it came from
	st       = &program->GetStatement ( instructionPointer );
	filename = program->GetFilename ( st->file );

	// Operate on lines, not statements
	if ( mLastStatementLine == st->linenumber && mLastStatementFile == st->file )

	// Save the last visited line and file so we can prevent
	// double breaks on lines with more than one statement
	mLastStatementFile = idStr( st->file );
	mLastStatementLine = st->linenumber;

	// Reset stepping when the last function on the callstack is returned from
	if ( st->op == OP_RETURN && interpreter->GetCallstackDepth ( ) <= 1 )
		mBreakStepOver = false;
		mBreakStepInto = false;

	// See if we are supposed to break on the next script line
	if ( mBreakNext )
		Break ( interpreter, program, instructionPointer );

	// Only break on the same callstack depth and thread as the break over
	if ( mBreakStepOver )
		if ( ( interpreter->GetCurrentFunction ( ) == mBreakStepOverFunc1 ||
			   interpreter->GetCurrentFunction ( ) == mBreakStepOverFunc2    )&&
			 ( interpreter->GetCallstackDepth ( )  <= mBreakStepOverDepth ) )
			Break ( interpreter, program, instructionPointer );

	// See if we are supposed to break on the next line
	if ( mBreakStepInto )
		// Break
		Break ( interpreter, program, instructionPointer );

	idStr qpath;
	qpath.BackSlashesToSlashes ( );

	EnterCriticalSection ( &mCriticalSection );

	// Check all the breakpoints
	for ( i = 0; i < mBreakpoints.Num ( ); i ++ )
		rvDebuggerBreakpoint* bp = mBreakpoints[i];

		// Skip if not match of the line number
		if ( st->linenumber != bp->GetLineNumber ( ) )

		// Skip if no match of the filename
		if ( idStr::Icmp ( bp->GetFilename(), qpath ) )

		// Pop out of the critical section so we dont get stuck
		LeaveCriticalSection ( &mCriticalSection );

		// We hit a breakpoint, so break
		Break ( interpreter, program, instructionPointer );

		// Back into the critical section since we are going to have to leave it
		EnterCriticalSection ( &mCriticalSection );


	LeaveCriticalSection ( &mCriticalSection );
void hhWeaponAutoCannon::UpdateGUI() {
    if ( GetRenderEntity()->gui[ 0 ] && state != idStr(WP_HOLSTERED) ) {
        GetRenderEntity()->gui[ 0 ]->SetStateFloat( "temperature", GetHeatLevel() );
Example #23
bool InvestigateSpotTask::Perform( Subsystem &subsystem ) {
	DM_LOG( LC_AI, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "InvestigateSpotTask performing.\r" );
	idAI *owner = _owner.GetEntity();
	assert( owner != NULL );
	// grayman #3075 - if we've entered combat mode, we want to
	// end this task. But first, if we're kneeling, kill the
	// kneeling animation
	if( owner->AI_AlertIndex == ECombat ) {
		idStr torsoString = "Torso_KneelDown";
		idStr legsString = "Legs_KneelDown";
		bool torsoKneelingAnim = ( torsoString.Cmp( owner->GetAnimState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO ) ) == 0 );
		bool legsKneelingAnim = ( legsString.Cmp( owner->GetAnimState( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS ) ) == 0 );
		if( torsoKneelingAnim && legsKneelingAnim ) {
			// Reset anims
			owner->StopAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, 0 );
			owner->StopAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, 0 );
			owner->SetWaitState( "" ); // grayman #3848
		return true;
	if( _exitTime > 0 ) {
		// Return TRUE if the time is over, else FALSE (continue)
		return ( gameLocal.time > _exitTime );
	// No exit time set, continue with ordinary process
	if( owner->m_HandlingDoor || owner->m_HandlingElevator ) {
		// Wait, we're busy with a door or elevator
		return false;
	// grayman #3510
	if( owner->m_RelightingLight ) {
		// Wait, we're busy relighting a light so we have more light to search by
		return false;
	idVec3 ownerOrigin = owner->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); // grayman #3492
	if( !_moveInitiated ) {
		idVec3 destPos = _searchSpot;
		// greebo: For close investigation, don't step up to the very spot, to prevent the AI
		// from kneeling into bloodspots or corpses
		idVec3 direction = ownerOrigin - _searchSpot;
		if( _investigateClosely ) {
			idVec3 dir = direction;
			// 20 units before the actual spot
			destPos += dir * 20;
		// grayman #2603 - The fix to #2640 had the AI stopping if he's w/in INVESTIGATE_SPOT_STOP_DIST of the
		// search spot. This caused sudden jerks if he's closer than that at the start of the
		// move. To prevent that, check if he's close and--if so--don't start the move.
		// grayman #3756 - If the stimulus location should be walked to,
		// as in the case of a suspicious door, don't check whether you're
		// close enough to just look at the spot. Go there.
		if( !owner->GetMemory().stimulusLocationItselfShouldBeSearched && // grayman #3756
				!_investigateClosely &&
				( direction.LengthFast() < INVESTIGATE_SPOT_STOP_DIST ) ) {
			// Wait a bit
			_exitTime = static_cast<int>(
							gameLocal.time + INVESTIGATE_SPOT_TIME_REMOTE * ( 1 + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ) // grayman #2640
			// Look at the point to investigate
			owner->Event_LookAtPosition( _searchSpot, MS2SEC( _exitTime - gameLocal.time + 100 ) );
			return false; // grayman #2422
		owner->GetMemory().stimulusLocationItselfShouldBeSearched = false; // grayman #3756
		// Let's move
		// grayman #2422
		// Here's the root of the problem. PointReachableAreaNum()
		// doesn't always look to the side to find the nearest AAS
		// area at the point's z position. It can move the point to
		// the AAS area above, or the AAS area below. This makes the AI
		// run upstairs or downstairs when all we really want him to do
		// is stay on the same floor.
		// If the AI is searching and not handling a door or handling
		// an elevator or resolving a block: If the spot PointReachableAreaNum()/PushPointIntoAreaNum()
		// wants to move us to is outside the vertical boundaries of the
		// search volume, consider the point bad.
		bool pointValid = true;
		idVec3 goal = destPos;
		int toAreaNum = owner->PointReachableAreaNum( goal );
		if( toAreaNum == 0 ) {
			pointValid = false;
		} else {
			owner->GetAAS()->PushPointIntoAreaNum( toAreaNum, goal ); // if this point is outside this area, it will be moved to one of the area's edges
			if( owner->IsSearching() &&
					!owner->movementSubsystem->IsResolvingBlock() &&
					( owner->AI_AlertIndex < ECombat ) ) { // grayman #3070 - point is valid if in combat mode
				if( !owner->m_searchLimits.ContainsPoint( goal ) ) {
					pointValid = false;
		if( pointValid ) {
			pointValid = owner->MoveToPosition( goal );
		if( !pointValid || ( owner->GetMoveStatus() == MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ) ) {
			// Hiding spot not reachable, terminate task in the next round
			//_exitTime = gameLocal.time;
			// grayman #3492 - look at the spot
			_exitTime = static_cast<int>(
							gameLocal.time + ( ( float )( INVESTIGATE_SPOT_TIME_REMOTE * ( 1 + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ) ) ) / 2.0f // grayman #2640
			idVec3 p = _searchSpot;
			p.z += 60; // look up a bit, to simulate searching for the player's head
			if( !owner->CheckFOV( p ) ) {
				owner->TurnToward( p );
			owner->Event_LookAtPosition( p, MS2SEC( _exitTime - gameLocal.time + 100 ) );
			//gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow(colorCyan, owner->GetEyePosition(), p, 1, MS2SEC(_exitTime - gameLocal.time + 100));
		} else {
			// Run if the point is more than MAX_TRAVEL_DISTANCE_WALKING
			// greebo: This is taxing and can be replaced by a simpler distance check
			// TravelDistance takes about ~0.1 msec on my 2.2 GHz system.
			// grayman #2422 - not the player = walk, player & combat = run, everything else = run
			// Also, travelDist is inaccurate when an AAS area is large, so compare
			// it to the actual distance and use the larger of the two.
			//gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow(colorYellow, owner->GetEyePosition(), _searchSpot, 1, MS2SEC(_exitTime - gameLocal.time + 100));
			_moveInitiated = true;
			float travelDist = owner->TravelDistance( ownerOrigin, _searchSpot );
			float actualDist = ( ownerOrigin - _searchSpot ).LengthFast();
			if( actualDist > travelDist ) {
				travelDist = actualDist;
			if( travelDist <= MAX_TRAVEL_DISTANCE_WALKING ) { // close enough to walk?
				owner->AI_RUN = false;
			// grayman #3492
			//else if ( owner->GetMemory().visualAlert ) // spotted the player by testing his visibility?
			//	owner->AI_RUN = false; // when AI's alert index enters Combat mode, that code will get him running
			else { // searching for some other reason, and we're far away, so run
				owner->AI_RUN = true;
			//owner->AI_RUN = (travelDist > MAX_TRAVEL_DISTANCE_WALKING); // grayman #2422 - old way
		return false;
	if( owner->GetMoveStatus() == MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ) {
		DM_LOG( LC_AI, LT_INFO )LOGVECTOR( "Hiding spot unreachable.\r", _searchSpot );
		return true;
	if( owner->GetMoveStatus() == MOVE_STATUS_DONE ) {
		DM_LOG( LC_AI, LT_INFO )LOGVECTOR( "Hiding spot investigated: \r", _searchSpot );
		// grayman #2928 - don't kneel down if you're too far from the original stim
		float dist = ( ownerOrigin - owner->GetMemory().alertSearchCenter ).LengthFast();
		// grayman #3563 - don't kneel down if you're drawing a weapon
		if( _investigateClosely && ( dist < INVESTIGATE_SPOT_CLOSELY_MAX_DIST ) && ( idStr( owner->WaitState() ) != "draw" ) ) {
			// Stop previous moves
			owner->StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_WAITING );
			// Check the position of the stim, is it closer to the eyes than to the feet?
			// If it's lower than the eye position, kneel down and investigate
			//const idVec3& origin = owner->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
			idVec3 eyePos = owner->GetEyePosition();
			if( ( _searchSpot - ownerOrigin ).LengthSqr() < ( _searchSpot - eyePos ).LengthSqr() ) {
				// Close to the feet, kneel down and investigate closely
				owner->SetAnimState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "Torso_KneelDown", 6 );
				owner->SetAnimState( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "Legs_KneelDown", 6 );
				owner->SetWaitState( "kneel_down" ); // grayman #3563
			// Wait a bit, setting _exitTime sets the lifetime of this task
			_exitTime = static_cast<int>(
							gameLocal.time + INVESTIGATE_SPOT_TIME_CLOSELY * ( 1 + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 0.2f )
		} else {
			// Wait a bit, setting _exitTime sets the lifetime of this task
			_exitTime = static_cast<int>(
							gameLocal.time + INVESTIGATE_SPOT_TIME_STANDARD * ( 1 + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 0.2f )
	} else {
		// Can we already see the point? Only stop moving when the spot shouldn't be investigated closely
		// angua: added distance check to avoid running in circles if the point is too close to a wall.
		// grayman #2640 - keep moving if you're > INVESTIGATE_SPOT_STOP_DIST from a point you can see
		bool stopping = false;
		if( !_investigateClosely ) {
			float distToSpot = ( _searchSpot - ownerOrigin ).LengthFast();
			if( owner->CanSeePositionExt( _searchSpot, true, true ) ) {
				if( distToSpot < INVESTIGATE_SPOT_STOP_DIST ) {
					stopping = true;
			} else if( distToSpot < INVESTIGATE_SPOT_MIN_DIST ) {
				stopping = true;
		if( stopping ) {
			DM_LOG( LC_AI, LT_INFO )LOGVECTOR( "Stop, I can see the point now...\r", _searchSpot );
			// Stop moving, we can see the point
			owner->StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE );
			// grayman #3492 - Look at a random point that may be anywhere
			// between the search point and a point 1/2 the AI's height
			// above his eye level.
			idVec3 p = _searchSpot;
			float height = owner->GetPhysics()->GetBounds().GetSize().z;
			float bottom = p.z;
			float top = owner->GetEyePosition().z + height / 2.0f;
			float dist = top - bottom;
			dist *= gameLocal.random.RandomFloat();
			p.z += dist;
			// Look at the point to investigate
			owner->Event_LookAtPosition( p, 3.0f );
			//owner->Event_LookAtPosition(_searchSpot, 2.0f);
			// Wait a bit
			_exitTime = static_cast<int>(
							gameLocal.time + INVESTIGATE_SPOT_TIME_REMOTE * ( 1 + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ) // grayman #2640
	return false; // not finished yet
int CShop::AddItems( const idDict &mapDict, const idStr &itemKey, ShopItemList &list ) {
	int diffLevel = gameLocal.m_DifficultyManager.GetDifficultyLevel();
	int itemsAdded = 0;
	// grayman (#2376)
	// Convert itemKey to lowercase. mapDict methods ignore case, but
	// StripLeadingOnce() doesn't. This change allows recognition of shop items defined as
	// "startingItem_*", "startingitem_*", "shopItem_*", and "shopitem_*.
	idStr itemKeyLower = itemKey;
	bool isShopList = ( itemKeyLower.Find( "shop" ) >= 0 ); // for lockpick checking
	for( const idKeyValue *kv = mapDict.MatchPrefix( itemKeyLower ); kv != NULL; kv = mapDict.MatchPrefix( itemKeyLower, kv ) ) {
		// Inspect the matching prefix, check whether the difficulty level applies
		idStr postfix = kv->GetKey();
		postfix.ToLower(); // grayman (#2376) convert postfix to lowercase so StripLeadingOnce()
		// matches lowercase against lowercase
		// Cut off the prefix including the following underscore _
		postfix.StripLeadingOnce( itemKeyLower + "_" );
		int pos = postfix.Find( "_item" );
		if( pos == -1 || pos != postfix.Length() - 5 ) {
			continue; // no suitable "_item" found
		// This is the number portion, like "1_2" or merely "2"
		idStr indexStr = postfix.Mid( 0, pos );
		// Check if we have still an underscore in the index string, this implies
		// that there is a difficulty number included
		int underScorePos = indexStr.Find( '_' );
		// Extract the item index
		int itemIndex = ( underScorePos != -1 ) ? atoi( indexStr.Mid( 0, underScorePos ) ) : atoi( indexStr );
		if( underScorePos != -1 ) {
			// Check out the second number, this is the difficulty level
			idStr diffStr = indexStr.Mid( underScorePos + 1, indexStr.Length() - underScorePos );
			// Check if the difficulty level matches
			if( atoi( diffStr ) != diffLevel ) {
				// Ignore this spawnarg
		idStr itemName = kv->GetValue();
		if( itemName.IsEmpty() ) {
			continue; // Empty names are not considered
		// greebo: Assemble the item prefix (e.g. "shopItem_1_") to look up the rest of the spawnargs
		idStr itemPrefix = itemKey + "_" + idStr( itemIndex );
		idStr diffLevelStr = "_" + idStr( diffLevel );
		// look for quantity, but let a difficulty-specific setting override the general one
		int quantity = mapDict.GetInt( itemPrefix + "_qty" );
		if( mapDict.FindKey( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_qty" ) != NULL ) {
			quantity = mapDict.GetInt( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_qty" );
		// put the item in the shop
		if( quantity > 0 ) {
			// grayman (#2376) - Special handling for weapon quantities.
			int index = itemName.Find( "weapon_" );
			if( index >= 0 ) {
				// A shop entity should use atdm:weapon_*, but there's at least one
				// that uses weapon_*, so convert the latter to the former.
				idStr weaponName;
				if( index == 0 ) {
					weaponName = "atdm:" + itemName;
				} else {
					weaponName = itemName;
				// Weapon quantities have limits. (Arrows in particular.)
				int max_ammo = GetMaxAmmo( weaponName );
				quantity = ( quantity > max_ammo ) ? max_ammo : quantity;
			/* grayman (#2376) - Since a lockpick_set comprises individual picks, putting one
								 on either the shopItems or startingItems list means we don't
								 have to put individual picks on the same list.
								 For now, just register whether a lockpick_set is being added
								 to either list. We'll post-process after the lists are built.
			if( isShopList ) {
				if( !_pickSetShop && ( itemName.Find( "lockpick_set" ) >= 0 ) ) {
					_pickSetShop = true;
			} else {
				if( !_pickSetStarting && ( itemName.Find( "lockpick_set" ) >= 0 ) ) {
					_pickSetStarting = true;
			// look for price
			int price = mapDict.GetInt( itemPrefix + "_price" );
			if( mapDict.FindKey( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_price" ) != NULL ) {
				price = mapDict.GetInt( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_price" );
			// look for persistency
			bool persistent = mapDict.GetBool( itemPrefix + "_persistent" );
			if( mapDict.FindKey( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_persistent" ) != NULL ) {
				persistent = mapDict.GetBool( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_persistent" );
			// look for canDrop flag
			bool canDrop = mapDict.GetBool( itemPrefix + "_canDrop", "1" ); // items can be dropped by default
			if( mapDict.FindKey( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_canDrop" ) != NULL ) {
				canDrop = mapDict.GetBool( itemPrefix + diffLevelStr + "_canDrop", "1" );
			CShopItemPtr found = FindShopItemDefByClassName( itemName );
			if( found != NULL ) {
				// grayman - TODO: If there are multiple shops, you can get multiple
				// entries for the same item. You need to group them into a single item.
				CShopItemPtr anItem( new CShopItem( *found, quantity, price, persistent ) );
				anItem->SetCanDrop( canDrop );
				list.Append( anItem );
			} else {
				gameLocal.Warning( "Could not add item to shop: %s", itemName.c_str() );
	return itemsAdded;