Example #1
File: api.cpp Project: pinnpe/steem
    bool login_api::login(const string& user, const string& password)
       optional< api_access_info > acc = _app.get_api_access_info( user );
       if( !acc.valid() )
          return false;
       if( acc->password_hash_b64 != "*" )
          std::string password_salt = fc::base64_decode( acc->password_salt_b64 );
          std::string acc_password_hash = fc::base64_decode( acc->password_hash_b64 );

          fc::sha256 hash_obj = fc::sha256::hash( password + password_salt );
          if( hash_obj.data_size() != acc_password_hash.length() )
             return false;
          if( memcmp( hash_obj.data(), acc_password_hash.c_str(), hash_obj.data_size() ) != 0 )
             return false;

       for( const std::string& api_name : acc->allowed_apis )
          auto it = _api_map.find( api_name );
          if( it != _api_map.end() ) {
             wlog( "known api: ${api}", ("api",api_name) );
          _api_map[ api_name ] = _app.create_api_by_name( api_name );
       return true;
Example #2
int main(int c, char *v[])
	int w, h, pd;
	uint8_t *x = iio_read_image_uint8_vec("-", &w, &h, &pd);
	if (pd != 3) return 1;
	idump(x, w, h);
	return 0;
Example #3
 * This tty interrupt routine checks to see if the uart receiver
 * actually caused the interrupt.  If so it adds the character to
 * the tty input queue, echoing and processing backspace and carriage
 * return.  If the queue contains a full line, it wakes up anything
 * waiting on it.  If it is totally full, it beeps at the user.
	char c;
	int found;
	char oc;

	found = 0;
	if ((in(0x72) & 0x81) != 0x81)
		return (found);
	c = (in(0x73) & 0x7f);

	if (c == 0x1a)			/* ^Z */
		idump();		/* For debugging. */

	if (c == '\003')		/* ^C */
		sendsig(NULL, SIGINT);
	else if (c == '\017')		/* ^O */
		flshflag = !flshflag;
	else if (c == '\023')		/* ^S */
		stopflag = 1;
	else if (c == '\021') {		/* ^Q */
		stopflag = 0;
	} else if (c == '\b') {
		if (uninsq(&ttyinq, &oc)) {
			if (oc == '\n') {
				/* Don't erase past newline. */
				insq(&ttyinq, oc);
			} else {
				_putc(' ');
	} else {
		if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) {
			c = '\n';

		if (insq(&ttyinq, c))
			_putc('\007');	/* Beep if no more room. */

	if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\004'))	/* ^D */

	found = 1;
	goto again;	/* Loop until the uart has no data ready. */
Example #4
   void operator()( const delete_comment_operation& op )const {
      const auto& idx = _db.get_index_type<tag_index>().indices().get<by_author_comment>();

      const auto& auth = _db.get_account(op.author);
      auto itr = idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( auth.get_id() ) );
      while( itr != idx.end() && itr->author == auth.get_id() ) {
         const auto& tobj = *itr;
         const auto* obj = _db.find_object( itr->comment );
         if( !obj ) {
            _db.remove( tobj );
Example #5
        void apply(database &db, const signed_block &b, const options_type &opts) {
            auto undo_session = db.start_undo_session(!(opts &

            if (!(opts & skip_validation)) {
                FC_ASSERT(b.timestamp.sec_since_epoch() % 3 == 0);
                if (b.block_num() > 1) {
                    const auto &head = db.head_block();
                    FC_ASSERT(b.block_num() == head.block_num + 1);
                    FC_ASSERT(b.timestamp >= head.timestamp + fc::seconds(3));

            db.create<block_object>([&](block_object &obj) {
                obj.block_num = b.block_num();
                obj.block_id = b.id();
                obj.ref_prefix = obj.block_id._hash[1];
                obj.previous = b.previous;
                obj.timestamp = b.timestamp;
                obj.witness = b.witness;
                obj.transaction_merkle_root = b.transaction_merkle_root;
                obj.witness_signature = b.witness_signature;

                for (const auto &t : b.transactions) {

            for (const auto &trx : b.transactions) {
                apply(db, trx, opts);

Example #6
      read_only::get_actions_result read_only::get_actions( const read_only::get_actions_params& params )const {
        auto& chain = history->chain_plug->chain();
        const auto& db = chain.db();

        const auto& idx = db.get_index<account_history_index, by_account_action_seq>();

        int32_t start = 0;
        int32_t pos = params.pos ? *params.pos : -1;
        int32_t end = 0;
        int32_t offset = params.offset ? *params.offset : -20;
        auto n = params.account_name;
        if( pos == -1 ) {
            auto itr = idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( name(n.value+1), 0 ) );
            if( itr == idx.begin() ) {
               if( itr->account == n )
                  pos = itr->account_sequence_num+1;
            } else if( itr != idx.begin() ) --itr;

            if( itr->account == n ) 
               pos = itr->account_sequence_num + 1;

        if( pos== -1 ) pos = 0xfffffff;

        if( offset > 0 ) {
           start = pos;
           end   = start + offset;
        } else {
           start = pos + offset;
           if( start > pos ) start = 0;
           end   = pos;
        FC_ASSERT( end >= start );


        auto start_itr = idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( n, start ) );
        auto end_itr = idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( n, end+1) );

        auto start_time = fc::time_point::now();
        auto end_time = start_time;

        get_actions_result result;
        result.last_irreversible_block = chain.last_irreversible_block_num();
        while( start_itr != end_itr ) {
           const auto& a = db.get<action_history_object, by_action_sequence_num>( start_itr->action_sequence_num );
           fc::datastream<const char*> ds( a.packed_action_trace.data(), a.packed_action_trace.size() );
           action_trace t;
           fc::raw::unpack( ds, t );
           result.actions.emplace_back( ordered_action_result{
                                 a.block_num, a.block_time,

           end_time = fc::time_point::now();
           if( end_time - start_time > fc::microseconds(100000) ) {
              result.time_limit_exceeded_error = true;
        return result;
Example #7
File: tty.c Project: jfernand/FUZIX
int tty_inproc(uint8_t minor, unsigned char c)
	unsigned char oc;
	struct termios *td;
	struct s_queue *q = &ttyinq[minor];
	int canon;
	uint16_t pgrp = tty_pgrp[minor];
	uint8_t wr;

	td = &ttydata[minor];
	canon = td->c_lflag & ICANON;

	if (td->c_iflag & ISTRIP)
		c &= 0x7f;	/* Strip off parity */
	if (canon && !c)
		return 1;	/* Simply quit if Null character */

	if (c == 0x1a)		/* ^Z */
		idump();	/*   (For debugging) */
	if (c == 0x01)		/* ^A */

	if (c == '\r' && (td->c_iflag & ICRNL))
		c = '\n';
	if (c == '\n' && (td->c_iflag & INLCR))
		c = '\r';

	if (td->c_lflag & ISIG) {
		if (c == td->c_cc[VINTR]) {	/* ^C */
			sgrpsig(pgrp, SIGINT);
			stopflag[minor] = flshflag[minor] = false;
			return 1;
		} else if (c == td->c_cc[VQUIT]) {	/* ^\ */
			sgrpsig(pgrp, SIGQUIT);
			stopflag[minor] = flshflag[minor] = false;
			return 1;
	if (c == td->c_cc[VDISCARD]) {	/* ^O */
		flshflag[minor] = !flshflag[minor];
		return 1;
	if (td->c_iflag & IXON) {
		if (c == td->c_cc[VSTOP]) {	/* ^S */
			stopflag[minor] = true;
			return 1;
		if (c == td->c_cc[VSTART]) {	/* ^Q */
			stopflag[minor] = false;
			return 1;
	if (canon) {
		if (c == td->c_cc[VERASE]) {
			if (uninsq(q, &oc)) {
				if (oc == '\n' || oc == td->c_cc[VEOL])
					insq(q, oc);	/* Don't erase past nl */
				else if (td->c_lflag & ECHOE)
				return 1;
			} else if (c == td->c_cc[VKILL]) {
				while (uninsq(q, &oc)) {
					if (oc == '\n'
					    || oc == td->c_cc[VEOL]) {
						insq(q, oc);	/* Don't erase past nl */
					if (td->c_lflag & ECHOK)
				return 1;

	/* All modes come here */
	if (c == '\n') {
		if ((td->c_oflag & OPOST | ONLCR) == OPOST | ONLCR)
			tty_echo(minor, '\r');

	wr = insq(q, c);
	if (wr)
		tty_echo(minor, c);
	else if (minor < PTY_OFFSET)
		tty_putc_wait(minor, '\007');	/* Beep if no more room */

	if (!canon || c == td->c_cc[VEOL] || c == '\n'
	    || c == td->c_cc[VEOF])
	return wr;
Example #8
 *  Starting with the least collateralized orders, fill them if their
 *  call price is above the max(lowest bid,call_limit).
 *  This method will return true if it filled a short or limit
 *  @param mia - the market issued asset that should be called.
 *  @param enable_black_swan - when adjusting collateral, triggering a black swan is invalid and will throw
 *                             if enable_black_swan is not set to true.
 *  @return true if a margin call was executed.
bool database::check_call_orders(const asset_object& mia, bool enable_black_swan)
{ try {
    if( !mia.is_market_issued() ) return false;

    if( check_for_blackswan( mia, enable_black_swan ) ) 
       return false;

    const asset_bitasset_data_object& bitasset = mia.bitasset_data(*this);
    if( bitasset.is_prediction_market ) return false;
    if( bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null() ) return false;

    const call_order_index& call_index = get_index_type<call_order_index>();
    const auto& call_price_index = call_index.indices().get<by_price>();

    const limit_order_index& limit_index = get_index_type<limit_order_index>();
    const auto& limit_price_index = limit_index.indices().get<by_price>();

    // looking for limit orders selling the most USD for the least CORE
    auto max_price = price::max( mia.id, bitasset.options.short_backing_asset );
    // stop when limit orders are selling too little USD for too much CORE
    auto min_price = bitasset.current_feed.max_short_squeeze_price();

    assert( max_price.base.asset_id == min_price.base.asset_id );
    // NOTE limit_price_index is sorted from greatest to least
    auto limit_itr = limit_price_index.lower_bound( max_price );
    auto limit_end = limit_price_index.upper_bound( min_price );

    if( limit_itr == limit_end )
       return false;

    auto call_min = price::min( bitasset.options.short_backing_asset, mia.id );
    auto call_max = price::max( bitasset.options.short_backing_asset, mia.id );
    auto call_itr = call_price_index.lower_bound( call_min );
    auto call_end = call_price_index.upper_bound( call_max );

    bool filled_limit = false;
    bool margin_called = false;

    while( !check_for_blackswan( mia, enable_black_swan ) && call_itr != call_end )
       bool  filled_call      = false;
       price match_price;
       asset usd_for_sale;
       if( limit_itr != limit_end )
          assert( limit_itr != limit_price_index.end() );
          match_price      = limit_itr->sell_price;
          usd_for_sale     = limit_itr->amount_for_sale();
       else return margin_called;


       // would be margin called, but there is no matching order #436
       bool feed_protected = ( bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price > ~call_itr->call_price );
       if( feed_protected && (head_block_time() > HARDFORK_436_TIME) )
          return margin_called;

       // would be margin called, but there is no matching order
       if( match_price > ~call_itr->call_price )
          return margin_called;

       if( feed_protected )
          ilog( "Feed protected margin call executing (HARDFORK_436_TIME not here yet)" );
          idump( (*call_itr) );
          idump( (*limit_itr) );

     //  idump((*call_itr));
     //  idump((*limit_itr));

     //  ilog( "match_price <= ~call_itr->call_price  performing a margin call" );

       margin_called = true;

       auto usd_to_buy   = call_itr->get_debt();

       if( usd_to_buy * match_price > call_itr->get_collateral() )
          elog( "black swan detected" ); 
          FC_ASSERT( enable_black_swan );
          globally_settle_asset(mia, bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price );
          return true;

       asset call_pays, call_receives, order_pays, order_receives;
       if( usd_to_buy >= usd_for_sale )
       {  // fill order
          call_receives   = usd_for_sale;
          order_receives  = usd_for_sale * match_price;
          call_pays       = order_receives;
          order_pays      = usd_for_sale;

          filled_limit = true;
          filled_call           = (usd_to_buy == usd_for_sale);
       } else { // fill call
          call_receives  = usd_to_buy;
          order_receives = usd_to_buy * match_price;
          call_pays      = order_receives;
          order_pays     = usd_to_buy;

          filled_call    = true;

       FC_ASSERT( filled_call || filled_limit );

       auto old_call_itr = call_itr;
       if( filled_call ) ++call_itr;
       fill_order(*old_call_itr, call_pays, call_receives);

       auto old_limit_itr = filled_limit ? limit_itr++ : limit_itr;
       fill_order(*old_limit_itr, order_pays, order_receives, true);

    } // whlie call_itr != call_end

    return margin_called;
Example #9
File: tty.c Project: aralbrec/FUZIX
/* This routine processes a character in response to an interrupt.  It
 * adds the character to the tty input queue, echoing and processing
 * backspace and carriage return.  If the queue contains a full line,
 * it wakes up anything waiting on it.  If it is totally full, it beeps
 * at the user.
 * UZI180 - This routine is called from the raw Hardware read routine,
 * either interrupt or polled, to process the input character.  HFB
int tty_inproc(uint8_t minor, unsigned char c)
	unsigned char oc;
	int canon;
	uint8_t wr;
	struct tty *t = &ttydata[minor];
	struct s_queue *q = &ttyinq[minor];

	canon = t->termios.c_lflag & ICANON;

	if (t->termios.c_iflag & ISTRIP)
		c &= 0x7f;	/* Strip off parity */
	if (canon && !c)
		return 1;	/* Simply quit if Null character */

	if (c == 0x1a)		/* ^Z */
		idump();	/*   (For debugging) */
	if (c == 0x01)		/* ^A */

	if (c == '\r' && (t->termios.c_iflag & ICRNL))
		c = '\n';
	if (c == '\n' && (t->termios.c_iflag & INLCR))
		c = '\r';

	if (t->termios.c_lflag & ISIG) {
		if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VINTR]) {	/* ^C */
		        wr = SIGINT;
			goto sigout;
		} else if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VQUIT]) {	/* ^\ */
		        wr = SIGQUIT;
			sgrpsig(t->pgrp, wr);
			t->flag &= ~(TTYF_STOP | TTYF_DISCARD);
			return 1;
	if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VDISCARD]) {	/* ^O */
	        t->flag ^= TTYF_DISCARD;
		return 1;
	if (t->termios.c_iflag & IXON) {
		if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]) {	/* ^S */
		        t->flag |= TTYF_STOP;
			return 1;
		if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VSTART]) {	/* ^Q */
		        t->flag &= ~TTYF_STOP;
			return 1;
	if (canon) {
		if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VERASE]) {
		        wr = ECHOE;
		        goto eraseout;
		} else if (c == t->termios.c_cc[VKILL]) {
		        wr = ECHOK;
		        goto eraseout;

	/* All modes come here */
	if (c == '\n') {
		if ((t->termios.c_oflag & (OPOST | ONLCR)) == (OPOST | ONLCR))
			tty_echo(minor, '\r');

	wr = insq(q, c);
	if (wr)
		tty_echo(minor, c);
		tty_putc(minor, '\007');	/* Beep if no more room */

	if (!canon || c == t->termios.c_cc[VEOL] || c == '\n'
	    || c == t->termios.c_cc[VEOF])
	return wr;

	while (uninsq(q, &oc)) {
		if (oc == '\n' || oc == t->termios.c_cc[VEOL]) {
			insq(q, oc);	/* Don't erase past nl */
		if (t->termios.c_lflag & wr)
                if (wr == ECHOE)
	return 1;
                  void execute( asset_id_type quote_id, asset_id_type base_id, const fc::time_point_sec& timestamp )
                     try {
                         _quote_id = quote_id;
                         _base_id = base_id;
                         auto quote_asset = _pending_state->get_asset_record( _quote_id );

                         // DISABLE MARKET ISSUED ASSETS
                         if( quote_asset->is_market_issued() )
                            return; // don't execute anything.

                         // the order book is soreted from low to high price, so to get the last item (highest bid), we need to go to the first item in the
                         // next market class and then back up one
                         auto next_pair  = base_id+1 == quote_id ? price( 0, quote_id+1, 0) : price( 0, quote_id, base_id+1 );
                         _bid_itr        = _db_impl._bid_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( next_pair ) );
                         _ask_itr        = _db_impl._ask_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( price( 0, quote_id, base_id) ) );
                         _short_itr      = _db_impl._short_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( next_pair ) );
                         _collateral_itr      = _db_impl._collateral_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( next_pair ) );

                         if( !_ask_itr.valid() )
                            wlog( "ask iter invalid..." );
                            _ask_itr = _db_impl._ask_db.begin();

                         if( _short_itr.valid() ) --_short_itr;
                         else _short_itr = _db_impl._short_db.last();

                         if( _bid_itr.valid() )   --_bid_itr;
                         else _bid_itr = _db_impl._bid_db.last();

                         if( _collateral_itr.valid() )   --_collateral_itr;
                         else _collateral_itr = _db_impl._collateral_db.last();

                         asset consumed_bid_depth(0,base_id);
                         asset consumed_ask_depth(0,base_id);

                         asset usd_fees_collected(0,quote_id);
                         asset trading_volume(0, base_id);

                         omarket_status market_stat = _pending_state->get_market_status( _quote_id, _base_id );
                         if( !market_stat.valid() )
                            if( quote_asset->is_market_issued() ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( insufficient_depth, (market_stat) );
                            FC_ASSERT( market_stat.valid() );

                         while( get_next_bid() && get_next_ask() )
                            idump( (_current_bid)(_current_ask) );
                            price ask_price = _current_ask->get_price();
                            // this works for bids, asks, and shorts.... but in the case of a cover
                            // the current ask can go lower than the call price in order to match
                            // the bid....
                            if( _current_ask->type == cover_order )
                               ask_price = std::min( _current_bid->get_price(), _current_ask->get_highest_cover_price() );

                            if( _current_bid->get_price() < ask_price )

                            if( quote_asset->is_market_issued() )
                               if( !market_stat ||
                                   market_stat->ask_depth < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MARKET_DEPTH_REQUIREMENT/2 ||
                                   market_stat->bid_depth < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MARKET_DEPTH_REQUIREMENT/2
                                 FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( insufficient_depth, (market_stat) );

                            auto quantity = std::min( _current_bid->get_quantity(), _current_ask->get_quantity() );

                            auto usd_paid_by_bid     = quantity * _current_bid->get_price();
                            auto usd_received_by_ask = quantity * _current_ask->get_price();
                            auto xts_paid_by_ask     = quantity;
                            auto xts_received_by_bid = quantity;

                            consumed_bid_depth += quantity;
                            consumed_ask_depth += quantity;

                            if( _current_bid->type == short_order )
                               usd_paid_by_bid = usd_received_by_ask;

                            if( _current_ask->type == cover_order )
                                usd_received_by_ask = usd_paid_by_bid;

                            FC_ASSERT( usd_paid_by_bid.amount >= 0 );
                            FC_ASSERT( xts_paid_by_ask.amount >= 0 );
                            FC_ASSERT( usd_received_by_ask.amount >= 0 );
                            FC_ASSERT( xts_received_by_bid.amount >= 0 );
                            FC_ASSERT( usd_paid_by_bid >= usd_received_by_ask );
                            FC_ASSERT( xts_paid_by_ask >= xts_received_by_bid );

                            // sanity check to keep supply from growing without bound
                            FC_ASSERT( usd_paid_by_bid < asset(quote_asset->maximum_share_supply,quote_id), "", ("usd_paid_by_bid",usd_paid_by_bid)("asset",quote_asset) );

                            usd_fees_collected += usd_paid_by_bid - usd_received_by_ask;
                            idump( (usd_fees_collected)(xts_paid_by_ask)(xts_received_by_bid)(quantity) );

                            market_transaction mtrx;
                            mtrx.bid_owner       = _current_bid->get_owner();
                            mtrx.ask_owner       = _current_ask->get_owner();
                            mtrx.bid_price       = _current_bid->get_price();
                            mtrx.ask_price       = ask_price;
                            mtrx.bid_paid        = usd_paid_by_bid;
                            mtrx.bid_received    = xts_received_by_bid;
                            mtrx.ask_paid        = xts_paid_by_ask;
                            mtrx.ask_received    = usd_received_by_ask;
                            mtrx.bid_type        = _current_bid->type;
                            mtrx.fees_collected  = xts_paid_by_ask - xts_received_by_bid;

                            trading_volume += mtrx.bid_received;

                            market_stat->ask_depth -= xts_paid_by_ask.amount;
                            if( _current_ask->type == ask_order )
                               /* rounding errors on price cause this not to go to 0 in some cases */
                               if( quantity == _current_ask->get_quantity() )
                                  _current_ask->state.balance = 0;
                                  _current_ask->state.balance -= xts_paid_by_ask.amount;

                               FC_ASSERT( _current_ask->state.balance >= 0 );

                               auto ask_balance_address = withdraw_condition( withdraw_with_signature(_current_ask->get_owner()), quote_id ).get_address();
                               auto ask_payout = _pending_state->get_balance_record( ask_balance_address );
                               if( !ask_payout )
                                  ask_payout = balance_record( _current_ask->get_owner(), asset(0,quote_id), 0 );
                               ask_payout->balance += usd_received_by_ask.amount;
                               ask_payout->last_update = _pending_state->now();

                               _pending_state->store_balance_record( *ask_payout );
                               _pending_state->store_ask_record( _current_ask->market_index, _current_ask->state );
                            else if( _current_ask->type == cover_order )
                               elog( "MATCHING COVER ORDER recv_usd: ${usd}  paid_collat: ${c}",
                                     ("usd",usd_received_by_ask)("c",xts_paid_by_ask) );
                               wlog( "current ask: ${c}", ("c",_current_ask) );
                               // we are in the margin call range...
                               _current_ask->state.balance  -= usd_received_by_ask.amount;
                               *(_current_ask->collateral)  -= xts_paid_by_ask.amount;

                               FC_ASSERT( _current_ask->state.balance >= 0 );
                               FC_ASSERT( *_current_ask->collateral >= 0 );

                               if( _current_ask->state.balance == 0 ) // no more USD left
                               { // send collateral home to mommy & daddy
                                     wlog( "            collateral balance is now 0!" );
                                     auto ask_balance_address = withdraw_condition(
                                                                       base_id ).get_address();

                                     auto ask_payout = _pending_state->get_balance_record( ask_balance_address );
                                     if( !ask_payout )
                                        ask_payout = balance_record( _current_ask->get_owner(), asset(0,base_id), 0 );
                                     ask_payout->balance += (*_current_ask->collateral);
                                     ask_payout->last_update = _pending_state->now();

                                     _pending_state->store_balance_record( *ask_payout );
                                     _current_ask->collateral = 0;

                               wlog( "storing collateral ${c}", ("c",_current_ask) );
                               _pending_state->store_collateral_record( _current_ask->market_index,
                                                                        collateral_record( *_current_ask->collateral,
                                                                                           _current_ask->state.balance ) );

                            if( _current_bid->type == bid_order )
                               _current_bid->state.balance -= usd_paid_by_bid.amount;
                               FC_ASSERT( _current_bid->state.balance >= 0 );

                               auto bid_payout = _pending_state->get_balance_record(
                                                         withdraw_condition( withdraw_with_signature(_current_bid->get_owner()), base_id ).get_address() );
                               if( !bid_payout )
                                  bid_payout = balance_record( _current_bid->get_owner(), asset(0,base_id), 0 );
                               bid_payout->balance += xts_received_by_bid.amount;
                               bid_payout->last_update = _pending_state->now();
                               _pending_state->store_balance_record( *bid_payout );
                               _pending_state->store_bid_record( _current_bid->market_index, _current_bid->state );

                            else if( _current_bid->type == short_order )
                               market_stat->bid_depth -= xts_received_by_bid.amount;

                               // TODO: what if the amount paid is 0 for bid and ask due to rounding errors,
                               // make sure this doesn't put us in an infinite loop.
                               if( quantity == _current_bid->get_quantity() )
                                  _current_bid->state.balance = 0;
                                  _current_bid->state.balance -= xts_received_by_bid.amount;
                               FC_ASSERT( _current_bid->state.balance >= 0 );

                               auto collateral = (xts_paid_by_ask + xts_received_by_bid).amount;
                               auto cover_price = usd_received_by_ask / asset( (3*collateral)/4, base_id );

                               market_index_key cover_index( cover_price, _current_ask->get_owner() );
                               auto ocover_record = _pending_state->get_collateral_record( cover_index );

                               if( NOT ocover_record )
                                  ocover_record = collateral_record();

                               ocover_record->collateral_balance += collateral;
                               ocover_record->payoff_balance += usd_received_by_ask.amount;
                               FC_ASSERT( ocover_record->payoff_balance >= 0 );
                               FC_ASSERT( ocover_record->collateral_balance >= 0 );
                               _pending_state->store_collateral_record( cover_index, *ocover_record );

                               _pending_state->store_short_record( _current_bid->market_index, _current_bid->state );
                         } // while bid && ask

                         if( quote_asset->is_market_issued() )
                            if( !market_stat ||
                                market_stat->ask_depth < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MARKET_DEPTH_REQUIREMENT/2 ||
                                market_stat->bid_depth < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MARKET_DEPTH_REQUIREMENT/2
                              FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( insufficient_depth, (market_stat) );
                         _pending_state->store_market_status( *market_stat );

                         if( trading_volume.amount > 0 && get_next_bid() && get_next_ask() )
                           market_history_key key(quote_id, base_id, market_history_key::each_block, _db_impl._head_block_header.timestamp);
                           market_history_record new_record(_current_bid->get_price(), _current_ask->get_price(), trading_volume.amount);
                           //LevelDB iterators are dumb and don't support proper past-the-end semantics.
                           auto last_key_itr = _db_impl._market_history_db.lower_bound(key);
                           if( !last_key_itr.valid() )
                             last_key_itr = _db_impl._market_history_db.last();

                           key.timestamp = timestamp;

                           //Unless the previous record for this market is the same as ours...
                           if( (!(last_key_itr.valid()
                               && last_key_itr.key().quote_id == quote_id
                               && last_key_itr.key().base_id == base_id
                               && last_key_itr.key().granularity == market_history_key::each_block
                               && last_key_itr.value() == new_record)) )
                             //...add a new entry to the history table.
                             _pending_state->market_history[key] = new_record;

                           fc::time_point_sec start_of_this_hour = timestamp - (timestamp.sec_since_epoch() % (60*60));
                           market_history_key old_key(quote_id, base_id, market_history_key::each_hour, start_of_this_hour);
                           if( auto opt = _db_impl._market_history_db.fetch_optional(old_key) )
                             auto old_record = *opt;
                             old_record.volume += new_record.volume;
                             if( new_record.highest_bid > old_record.highest_bid || new_record.lowest_ask < old_record.lowest_ask )
                               old_record.highest_bid = std::max(new_record.highest_bid, old_record.highest_bid);
                               old_record.lowest_ask = std::min(new_record.lowest_ask, old_record.lowest_ask);
                               _pending_state->market_history[old_key] = old_record;
                             _pending_state->market_history[old_key] = new_record;

                           fc::time_point_sec start_of_this_day = timestamp - (timestamp.sec_since_epoch() % (60*60*24));
                           old_key = market_history_key(quote_id, base_id, market_history_key::each_day, start_of_this_day);
                           if( auto opt = _db_impl._market_history_db.fetch_optional(old_key) )
                             auto old_record = *opt;
                             old_record.volume += new_record.volume;
                             if( new_record.highest_bid > old_record.highest_bid || new_record.lowest_ask < old_record.lowest_ask )
                               old_record.highest_bid = std::max(new_record.highest_bid, old_record.highest_bid);
                               old_record.lowest_ask = std::min(new_record.lowest_ask, old_record.lowest_ask);
                               _pending_state->market_history[old_key] = old_record;
                             _pending_state->market_history[old_key] = new_record;

                         auto market_state = _pending_state->get_market_status( quote_id, base_id );
                          if( !market_state )
                             market_state = market_status( quote_id, base_id, 0, 0 );
                         _pending_state->store_market_status( *market_state );

                         wlog( "done matching orders" );
                    catch( const fc::exception& e )
                       wlog( "error executing market ${quote} / ${base}\n ${e}", ("quote",quote_id)("base",base_id)("e",e.to_detail_string()) );
                       auto market_state = _prior_state->get_market_status( quote_id, base_id );
                       if( !market_state )
                          market_state = market_status( quote_id, base_id, 0, 0 );
                       market_state->last_error = e;
                       _prior_state->store_market_status( *market_state );
                  } // execute(...)
Example #11
      void execute( asset_id_type quote_id, asset_id_type base_id, const fc::time_point_sec& timestamp )
             const uint32_t pending_block_num = _pending_state->get_head_block_num();

             _quote_id = quote_id;
             _base_id = base_id;
             oasset_record quote_asset = _pending_state->get_asset_record( _quote_id );
             oasset_record base_asset = _pending_state->get_asset_record( _base_id );
             FC_ASSERT( quote_asset.valid() && base_asset.valid() );

             // The order book is sorted from low to high price. So to get the last item (highest bid),
             // we need to go to the first item in the next market class and then back up one
             const price next_pair = (base_id+1 == quote_id) ? price( 0, quote_id+1, 0 ) : price( 0, quote_id, base_id+1 );
             _bid_itr        = _db_impl._bid_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( next_pair ) );
             _ask_itr        = _db_impl._ask_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( price( 0, quote_id, base_id) ) );
             _short_itr      = _db_impl._short_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( price( 0, quote_id, base_id) ) );
             _collateral_itr = _db_impl._collateral_db.lower_bound( market_index_key( next_pair ) );

             if( !_ask_itr.valid() )
                wlog( "ask iter invalid..." );
                _ask_itr = _db_impl._ask_db.begin();

             if( _bid_itr.valid() )   --_bid_itr;
             else _bid_itr = _db_impl._bid_db.last();

             if( _collateral_itr.valid() )   --_collateral_itr;
             else _collateral_itr = _db_impl._collateral_db.last();

             asset trading_volume(0, base_id);

             // Set initial market status
                 omarket_status market_stat = _pending_state->get_market_status( _quote_id, _base_id );
                 if( !market_stat ) market_stat = market_status( quote_id, base_id, 0, 0 );
                 _market_stat = *market_stat;

             price min_cover_ask;
             price opening_price;
             price closing_price;

             const oprice median_feed_price = _db_impl.self->get_median_delegate_price( quote_id, base_id );
             if( quote_asset->is_market_issued() )
                 // If bootstrapping market for the very first time
                 if( _market_stat.center_price.ratio == fc::uint128_t() )
                     if( median_feed_price.valid() )
                         _market_stat.center_price = *median_feed_price;
                         FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( insufficient_feeds, (quote_id) );

                 min_cover_ask = _market_stat.minimum_ask();

             int last_orders_filled = -1;

             bool order_did_execute = false;

             // prime the pump, to make sure that margin calls (asks) have a bid to check against.
             get_next_bid(); get_next_ask();
             idump( (_current_bid)(_current_ask) );
             while( get_next_bid() && get_next_ask() )
                idump( (_current_bid)(_current_ask) );

                // Make sure that at least one order was matched every time we enter the loop
                FC_ASSERT( _orders_filled != last_orders_filled, "We appear caught in an order matching loop" );
                last_orders_filled = _orders_filled;

                const asset bid_quantity_xts = _current_bid->get_quantity();
                const asset ask_quantity_xts = _current_ask->get_quantity();

                asset current_bid_balance = _current_bid->get_balance();

                // Initialize the market transaction
                market_transaction mtrx;
                mtrx.bid_owner = _current_bid->get_owner();
                mtrx.ask_owner = _current_ask->get_owner();
                // Always execute shorts at the center price
                mtrx.bid_price = (_current_bid->type != short_order) ? _current_bid->get_price() : _market_stat.center_price;
                mtrx.ask_price = _current_ask->get_price();
                mtrx.bid_type  = _current_bid->type;
                mtrx.ask_type  = _current_ask->type;

                if( _current_ask->type == cover_order && _current_bid->type == short_order )
                   FC_ASSERT( quote_asset->is_market_issued() ); 

                   /** don't allow new shorts to execute unless there is a feed, all other
                    * trades are still valid. (we shouldn't stop the market)
                   if( !median_feed_price.valid() )

                   if( mtrx.ask_price < mtrx.bid_price ) // The call price has not been reached

                   if( _current_bid->state.short_price_limit.valid() )
                      if( *_current_bid->state.short_price_limit < mtrx.ask_price )
                         continue; // skip shorts that are over the price limit.
                      mtrx.bid_price = *_current_bid->state.short_price_limit;

                   mtrx.ask_price = mtrx.bid_price;

                   // Bound collateral ratio
                   price collateral_rate = _current_bid->get_price();
                   if( collateral_rate > _market_stat.center_price )
                      collateral_rate = _market_stat.center_price;

                   const asset ask_quantity_usd = _current_ask->get_quote_quantity();
                   const asset short_quantity_usd = _current_bid->get_balance() / collateral_rate;

                   const asset trade_quantity_usd = std::min( short_quantity_usd, ask_quantity_usd );

                   mtrx.ask_received   = trade_quantity_usd;
                   mtrx.bid_paid       = mtrx.ask_received;

                   mtrx.ask_paid       = mtrx.ask_received * mtrx.ask_price;
                   mtrx.bid_received   = mtrx.ask_paid;

                   mtrx.bid_collateral = mtrx.bid_paid / collateral_rate;

                   // Handle rounding errors
                   if( (*mtrx.bid_collateral - _current_bid->get_balance()).amount < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION )
                       mtrx.bid_collateral = _current_bid->get_balance();

                   // If too little collateral at this price
                   if( *mtrx.bid_collateral < mtrx.ask_paid )
                       edump( (mtrx) );

                   pay_current_short( mtrx, *quote_asset );
                   pay_current_cover( mtrx, *quote_asset );

                   _market_stat.bid_depth -= mtrx.bid_collateral->amount;
                   _market_stat.ask_depth += mtrx.bid_collateral->amount;

                   order_did_execute = true;
                else if( _current_ask->type == cover_order && _current_bid->type == bid_order )
                   FC_ASSERT( quote_asset->is_market_issued()  );
                   if( mtrx.ask_price < mtrx.bid_price ) // The call price has not been reached

                    *  Don't allow margin calls to be executed too far below
                    *  the minimum ask, this could lead to an attack where someone
                    *  walks the whole book to steal the collateral.
                   if( mtrx.bid_price < _market_stat.minimum_ask() )

                   mtrx.ask_price = mtrx.bid_price;

                   const asset max_usd_purchase = asset( *_current_ask->collateral, _base_id ) * mtrx.bid_price;
                   asset usd_exchanged = std::min( current_bid_balance, max_usd_purchase );

                   // Bound quote asset amount exchanged
                   const asset required_usd_purchase = _current_ask->get_balance();
                   if( required_usd_purchase < usd_exchanged )
                      usd_exchanged = required_usd_purchase;

                   mtrx.ask_received = usd_exchanged;
                   mtrx.bid_paid     = mtrx.ask_received;

                   // Handle rounding errors
                   if( usd_exchanged == max_usd_purchase )
                      mtrx.ask_paid = asset(*_current_ask->collateral,_base_id);
                      mtrx.ask_paid = usd_exchanged * mtrx.bid_price;

                   mtrx.bid_received = mtrx.ask_paid;

                   pay_current_bid( mtrx, *quote_asset );
                   pay_current_cover( mtrx, *quote_asset );

                   // TODO: Do we need to decrease bid depth as well?
                   _market_stat.ask_depth -= mtrx.ask_paid.amount;

                   order_did_execute = true;
                else if( _current_ask->type == ask_order && _current_bid->type == short_order )
                   FC_ASSERT( quote_asset->is_market_issued() );

                   /** don't allow new shorts to execute unless there is a feed, all other
                    * trades are still valid.
                   if( !median_feed_price.valid() )

                   if( mtrx.bid_price < mtrx.ask_price ) // The ask price hasn't been reached

                   if( _current_bid->state.short_price_limit.valid() )
                      if( *_current_bid->state.short_price_limit < mtrx.ask_price )
                         elog( "short price limit < bid price" );
                         continue; // skip shorts that are over the price limit.
                      mtrx.bid_price = *_current_bid->state.short_price_limit;

                   // Bound collateral ratio
                   price collateral_rate = _current_bid->get_price();
                   if( collateral_rate > _market_stat.center_price )
                      collateral_rate = _market_stat.center_price;

                   const asset ask_quantity_usd = _current_ask->get_quote_quantity();
                   const asset short_quantity_usd = _current_bid->get_balance() / collateral_rate;

                   const asset trade_quantity_usd = std::min( short_quantity_usd, ask_quantity_usd );

                   mtrx.ask_received   = trade_quantity_usd;
                   mtrx.bid_paid       = mtrx.ask_received;

                   mtrx.ask_paid       = mtrx.ask_received * mtrx.ask_price;
                   mtrx.bid_received   = mtrx.ask_paid;

                   mtrx.bid_collateral = mtrx.bid_paid / collateral_rate;

                   // Handle rounding errors
                   if( (*mtrx.bid_collateral - _current_bid->get_balance()).amount < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION )
                       mtrx.bid_collateral = _current_bid->get_balance();

                   // If too little collateral at this price
                   if( *mtrx.bid_collateral < mtrx.ask_paid )
                       edump( (mtrx) );

                   pay_current_short( mtrx, *quote_asset );
                   pay_current_ask( mtrx, *quote_asset );

                   _market_stat.bid_depth -= mtrx.bid_collateral->amount;
                   _market_stat.ask_depth += mtrx.bid_collateral->amount;

                   order_did_execute = true;
                else if( _current_ask->type == ask_order && _current_bid->type == bid_order )
                   if( mtrx.bid_price < mtrx.ask_price ) // The ask price hasn't been reached

                   const asset quantity_xts = std::min( bid_quantity_xts, ask_quantity_xts );

                   // Everyone gets the price they asked for
                   mtrx.ask_received   = quantity_xts * mtrx.ask_price;
                   mtrx.bid_paid       = quantity_xts * mtrx.bid_price;

                   mtrx.ask_paid       = quantity_xts;
                   mtrx.bid_received   = quantity_xts;

                   // Handle rounding errors
                   if( quantity_xts == bid_quantity_xts )
                      mtrx.bid_paid = current_bid_balance;

                   mtrx.fees_collected = mtrx.bid_paid - mtrx.ask_received;

                   pay_current_bid( mtrx, *quote_asset );
                   pay_current_ask( mtrx, *base_asset );

                   // TODO: Do we need to decrease bid depth as well?
                   _market_stat.ask_depth -= mtrx.ask_paid.amount;

                   order_did_execute = true;

                push_market_transaction( mtrx );

                if( mtrx.ask_received.asset_id == 0 )
                  trading_volume += mtrx.ask_received;
                else if( mtrx.bid_received.asset_id == 0 )
                  trading_volume += mtrx.bid_received;
                if( opening_price == price() )
                  opening_price = mtrx.bid_price;
                closing_price = mtrx.bid_price;

                if( mtrx.fees_collected.asset_id == base_asset->id )
                    base_asset->collected_fees += mtrx.fees_collected.amount;
                else if( mtrx.fees_collected.asset_id == quote_asset->id )
                    quote_asset->collected_fees += mtrx.fees_collected.amount;
             } // while( next bid && next ask )

             // update any fees collected
             _pending_state->store_asset_record( *quote_asset );
             _pending_state->store_asset_record( *base_asset );


             // Force at least one center price update every 6 blocks
             order_did_execute |= (pending_block_num % 6) == 0;

             if( _current_bid && _current_ask && order_did_execute )
                if( median_feed_price.valid() )
                   _market_stat.center_price = *median_feed_price;
                else if( _current_bid->type != short_order ) // we cannot use short prices for this
                   _market_stat.center_price.ratio *= (BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCKS_PER_HOUR-1);

                   const price max_bid = _market_stat.maximum_bid();

                   // limit the maximum movement rate of the price.
                   if( _current_bid->get_price() < min_cover_ask )
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += min_cover_ask.ratio;
                   else if( _current_bid->get_price() > max_bid )
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += max_bid.ratio;
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += _current_bid->get_price().ratio;

                   if( _current_ask->get_price() < min_cover_ask )
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += min_cover_ask.ratio;
                   else if( _current_ask->get_price() > max_bid )
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += max_bid.ratio;
                      _market_stat.center_price.ratio += _current_ask->get_price().ratio;

                   _market_stat.center_price.ratio /= (BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCKS_PER_HOUR+1);

             // Update market status and market history
             _pending_state->store_market_status( _market_stat );
             update_market_history( trading_volume, opening_price, closing_price, _market_stat, timestamp );

             wlog( "done matching orders" );
             idump( (_current_bid)(_current_ask) );

        catch( const fc::exception& e )
           wlog( "error executing market ${quote} / ${base}\n ${e}", ("quote",quote_id)("base",base_id)("e",e.to_detail_string()) );
           auto market_state = _prior_state->get_market_status( quote_id, base_id );
           if( !market_state )
              market_state = market_status( quote_id, base_id, 0, 0 );
           market_state->last_error = e;
           _prior_state->store_market_status( *market_state );
      } // execute(...)
Example #12
       * Returns a synopsis of the blockchain used for syncing.  This consists of a list of 
       * block hashes at intervals exponentially increasing towards the genesis block.
       * When syncing to a peer, the peer uses this data to determine if we're on the same
       * fork as they are, and if not, what blocks they need to send us to get us on their
       * fork.
       * In the over-simplified case, this is a straighforward synopsis of our current 
       * preferred blockchain; when we first connect up to a peer, this is what we will be sending.
       * It looks like this:
       *   If the blockchain is empty, it will return the empty list.
       *   If the blockchain has one block, it will return a list containing just that block.
       *   If it contains more than one block:
       *     the first element in the list will be the hash of the highest numbered block that
       *         we cannot undo
       *     the second element will be the hash of an item at the half way point in the undoable
       *         segment of the blockchain
       *     the third will be ~3/4 of the way through the undoable segment of the block chain
       *     the fourth will be at ~7/8...
       *       &c.
       *     the last item in the list will be the hash of the most recent block on our preferred chain
       * so if the blockchain had 26 blocks labeled a - z, the synopsis would be:
       *    a n u x z
       * the idea being that by sending a small (<30) number of block ids, we can summarize a huge 
       * blockchain.  The block ids are more dense near the end of the chain where because we are
       * more likely to be almost in sync when we first connect, and forks are likely to be short.
       * If the peer we're syncing with in our example is on a fork that started at block 'v',
       * then they will reply to our synopsis with a list of all blocks starting from block 'u',
       * the last block they know that we had in common.
       * In the real code, there are several complications.
       * First, as an optimization, we don't usually send a synopsis of the entire blockchain, we
       * send a synopsis of only the segment of the blockchain that we have undo data for.  If their
       * fork doesn't build off of something in our undo history, we would be unable to switch, so there's
       * no reason to fetch the blocks.
       * Second, when a peer replies to our initial synopsis and gives us a list of the blocks they think
       * we are missing, they only send a chunk of a few thousand blocks at once.  After we get those 
       * block ids, we need to request more blocks by sending another synopsis (we can't just say "send me
       * the next 2000 ids" because they may have switched forks themselves and they don't track what
       * they've sent us).  For faster performance, we want to get a fairly long list of block ids first,
       * then start downloading the blocks.
       * The peer doesn't handle these follow-up block id requests any different from the initial request;
       * it treats the synopsis we send as our blockchain and bases its response entirely off that.  So to
       * get the response we want (the next chunk of block ids following the last one they sent us, or, 
       * failing that, the shortest fork off of the last list of block ids they sent), we need to construct
       * a synopsis as if our blockchain was made up of:
       *    1. the blocks in our block chain up to the fork point (if there is a fork) or the head block (if no fork)
       *    2. the blocks we've already pushed from their fork (if there's a fork)
       *    3. the block ids they've previously sent us
       * Segment 3 is handled in the p2p code, it just tells us the number of blocks it has (in 
       * number_of_blocks_after_reference_point) so we can leave space in the synopsis for them.
       * We're responsible for constructing the synopsis of Segments 1 and 2 from our active blockchain and
       * fork database.  The reference_point parameter is the last block from that peer that has been
       * successfully pushed to the blockchain, so that tells us whether the peer is on a fork or on
       * the main chain.
      virtual std::vector<item_hash_t> get_blockchain_synopsis(const item_hash_t& reference_point, 
                                                               uint32_t number_of_blocks_after_reference_point) override
      { try {
          std::vector<item_hash_t> synopsis;
          uint32_t high_block_num;
          uint32_t non_fork_high_block_num;
          uint32_t low_block_num = _chain_db->last_non_undoable_block_num();
          std::vector<block_id_type> fork_history;

          if (reference_point != item_hash_t())
            // the node is asking for a summary of the block chain up to a specified
            // block, which may or may not be on a fork
            // for now, assume it's not on a fork
            if (is_included_block(reference_point))
              // reference_point is a block we know about and is on the main chain
              uint32_t reference_point_block_num = block_header::num_from_id(reference_point);
              assert(reference_point_block_num > 0);
              high_block_num = reference_point_block_num;
              non_fork_high_block_num = high_block_num;

              if (reference_point_block_num < low_block_num)
                // we're on the same fork (at least as far as reference_point) but we've passed 
                // reference point and could no longer undo that far if we diverged after that 
                // block.  This should probably only happen due to a race condition where
                // the network thread calls this function, and then immediately pushes a bunch of blocks, 
                // then the main thread finally processes this function.
                // with the current framework, there's not much we can do to tell the network
                // thread what our current head block is, so we'll just pretend that 
                // our head is actually the reference point.
                // this *may* enable us to fetch blocks that we're unable to push, but that should
                // be a rare case (and correctly handled)
                low_block_num = reference_point_block_num;
              // block is a block we know about, but it is on a fork
                fork_history = _chain_db->get_block_ids_on_fork(reference_point);
                // returns a vector where the last element is the common ancestor with the preferred chain,
                // and the first element is the reference point you passed in
                assert(fork_history.size() >= 2);

                if( fork_history.front() != reference_point )
                   edump( (fork_history)(reference_point) );
                   assert(fork_history.front() == reference_point);
                block_id_type last_non_fork_block = fork_history.back();
                fork_history.pop_back();  // remove the common ancestor

                if (last_non_fork_block == block_id_type()) // if the fork goes all the way back to genesis (does graphene's fork db allow this?)
                  non_fork_high_block_num = 0;
                  non_fork_high_block_num = block_header::num_from_id(last_non_fork_block);

                high_block_num = non_fork_high_block_num + fork_history.size();
                assert(high_block_num == block_header::num_from_id(fork_history.back()));
              catch (const fc::exception& e)
                // unable to get fork history for some reason.  maybe not linked?
                // we can't return a synopsis of its chain
                elog("Unable to construct a blockchain synopsis for reference hash ${hash}: ${exception}", ("hash", reference_point)("exception", e));
              if (non_fork_high_block_num < low_block_num)
                wlog("Unable to generate a usable synopsis because the peer we're generating it for forked too long ago "
                     "(our chains diverge after block #${non_fork_high_block_num} but only undoable to block #${low_block_num})", 
                     ("low_block_num", low_block_num)
                     ("non_fork_high_block_num", non_fork_high_block_num));
                FC_THROW_EXCEPTION(graphene::net::block_older_than_undo_history, "Peer is are on a fork I'm unable to switch to");
            // no reference point specified, summarize the whole block chain
            high_block_num = _chain_db->head_block_num();
            non_fork_high_block_num = high_block_num;
            if (high_block_num == 0)
              return synopsis; // we have no blocks

          // at this point:
          // low_block_num is the block before the first block we can undo, 
          // non_fork_high_block_num is the block before the fork (if the peer is on a fork, or otherwise it is the same as high_block_num)
          // high_block_num is the block number of the reference block, or the end of the chain if no reference provided

          // true_high_block_num is the ending block number after the network code appends any item ids it 
          // knows about that we don't
          uint32_t true_high_block_num = high_block_num + number_of_blocks_after_reference_point;
            // for each block in the synopsis, figure out where to pull the block id from.
            // if it's <= non_fork_high_block_num, we grab it from the main blockchain;
            // if it's not, we pull it from the fork history
            if (low_block_num <= non_fork_high_block_num)
              synopsis.push_back(fork_history[low_block_num - non_fork_high_block_num - 1]);
            low_block_num += (true_high_block_num - low_block_num + 2) / 2;
          while (low_block_num <= high_block_num);

          return synopsis;
Example #13
int main( int argc, char** argv, char** envp )
      //steemit::chain::database db;
      steemit::chain::block_log log;

      fc::temp_directory temp_dir( "." );

      //db.open( temp_dir );
      log.open( temp_dir.path() / "log" );

      idump( (log.head() ) );

      steemit::protocol::signed_block b1;
      b1.witness = "alice";
      b1.previous = steemit::protocol::block_id_type();

      log.append( b1 );
      idump( (b1) );
      idump( ( log.head() ) );
      idump( (fc::raw::pack_size(b1)) );

      steemit::protocol::signed_block b2;
      b2.witness = "bob";
      b2.previous = b1.id();

      log.append( b2 );
      idump( (b2) );
      idump( (log.head() ) );
      idump( (fc::raw::pack_size(b2)) );

      auto r1 = log.read_block( 0 );
      idump( (r1) );
      idump( (fc::raw::pack_size(r1.first)) );

      auto r2 = log.read_block( r1.second );
      idump( (r2) );
      idump( (fc::raw::pack_size(r2.first)) );

      idump( (log.read_head()) );
      idump( (fc::raw::pack_size(log.read_head())));

      auto r3 = log.read_block( r2.second );
      idump( (r3) );
   catch ( const std::exception& e )
      edump( ( std::string( e.what() ) ) );

   return 0;