Example #1
 void euclidean_module<T1,T2,Tstate1,Tstate2>::
 bprop(Tstate1 &in1, Tstate2 &label, Tstate1 &energy) {
   idx_checkorder1(energy.x, 0); // energy.x must have an order of 0
   idx_sub(in1.x, in2.x, in1.dx); // derivative with respect to in1
   idx_dotc(in1.dx, energy.dx.get(), in1.dx); // multiply by energy derivative
   idx_minus(in1.dx, in2.dx); // derivative with respect to in2
Example #2
 void euclidean_module<T1,T2,Tstate1,Tstate2>::
 fprop(Tstate1 &in1, Tstate2 &label, Tstate1 &energy) {
   idx<T1> target = targets.select(0, label.x.get());
   idx_copy(target, in2.x);
   // squared distance between in1 and target
   idx_sqrdist(in1.x, in2.x, energy.x);
   idx_dotc(energy.x, 0.5, energy.x); // multiply by .5
Example #3
class_answer<T, Tds1, Tds2>::
class_answer(uint nclasses, double target_factor, bool binary_target_,
             t_confidence conf, bool apply_tanh_, const char *name_,
             int force, int single, idxdim *kerd, double sigma_scale)
    : answer_module<T, Tds1, Tds2>(binary_target_ ? 1 : nclasses, name_),
    conf_type(conf), binary_target(binary_target_), resize_output(true),
    apply_tanh(apply_tanh_), tmp(1, 1, 1), force_class(force),
    // create 1-of-n targets with target 1.0 for shown class, -1.0 for the rest
    targets = create_target_matrix<T>(nclasses, (T)1.0);
    // binary target
    if (binary_target)
        if (nclasses != 2)
            eblerror("expecting 2 classes only when binary_target is on");
        targets = idx<T>(2, 1, 1);
        // int neg_id = ds.get_class_id("bg"); // negative class
        // if (neg_id == 0) {
        //      targets.set(-1.0, 0, 0); // negative: -1.0
        //      targets.set( 1.0, 1, 0); // positive:  1.0
        // } else {
        targets.sset((T)1.0, 0); // positive:  1.0
        targets.sset((T)-1.0, 1); // negative: -1.0
        // }
    // target factor
    idx_dotc(targets, target_factor, targets);
    // set min/max of target
    target_min = idx_min(targets);
    target_max = idx_max(targets);
    target_range = target_max - target_min;
    // set confidence parameters
    T max_dist;
    switch (conf_type)
    case confidence_sqrdist:
        max_dist = target_max - target_min;
        conf_ratio = targets.dim(0) * max_dist * max_dist;
        // shift value to be subtracted before dividing by conf_ratio
        conf_shift = target_min;
        eblprint("Using sqrdist confidence formula with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << " and shift value " << conf_shift << std::endl);
    case confidence_single:
        conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
        // shift value to be subtracted before dividing by conf_ratio
        conf_shift = target_min;
        eblprint("Using single output confidence with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << " and shift value " << conf_shift << std::endl);
    case confidence_max:
        if (force >= 0)
            conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
            conf_shift = -conf_ratio;
            conf_ratio *= 2;
            conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
            conf_shift = 0; // no shift needed, the difference min is 0.
        eblprint("Using max confidence formula with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << std::endl);
        eblerror("confidence type " << conf_type << " undefined");

    if (kerd && kerd->order() == 2)
        smoothing_kernel =
            create_mexican_hat2<T>(kerd->dim(0), kerd->dim(1), 1,
        smoothing_kernel =
            create_mexican_hat2<T>(9, 9, 1, sigma_scale);
    eblprint("smoothing kernel:" << std::endl);