/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces(NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>& interfaces) { union SceNetApctlInfo info; int ret = sceNetApctlGetInfo(SCE_NET_APCTL_INFO_IP_ADDRESS, &info); if (ret < 0) { return NPT_FAILURE; } NPT_IpAddress primary_address; if (NPT_FAILED(primary_address.Parse(info.ip_address))) { return NPT_FAILURE; } NPT_IpAddress netmask; if (NPT_FAILED(netmask.Parse(info.netmask))) { return NPT_FAILURE; } NPT_IpAddress broadcast_address; NPT_Flags flags = 0; flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST; flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_MULTICAST; // get mac address SceNetEtherAddr mac_info; ret = sceNetGetLocalEtherAddr(&mac_info); if (ret < 0) { return NPT_FAILURE; } NPT_MacAddress mac(TYPE_IEEE_802_11, mac_info.data, SCE_NET_ETHER_ADDR_LEN); // create an interface object char iface_name[5]; iface_name[0] = 'i'; iface_name[1] = 'f'; iface_name[2] = '0'; iface_name[3] = '0'; iface_name[4] = '\0'; NPT_NetworkInterface* iface = new NPT_NetworkInterface(iface_name, mac, flags); // set the interface address NPT_NetworkInterfaceAddress iface_address( primary_address, broadcast_address, NPT_IpAddress::Any, netmask); iface->AddAddress(iface_address); // add the interface to the list interfaces.Add(iface); return NPT_SUCCESS; }
lisp_addr_t * vpnapi_control_dp_get_default_addr(oor_ctrl_t *ctrl, int afi) { iface_t *iface; lisp_addr_t *addr = NULL; iface = get_any_output_iface(afi); if (iface != NULL){ addr = iface_address(iface, afi); } return (addr); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces(NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>& interfaces) { int net = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); // Try to get the config until we have enough memory for it // According to "Unix Network Programming", some implementations // do not return an error when the supplied buffer is too small // so we need to try, increasing the buffer size every time, // until we get the same size twice. We cannot assume success when // the returned size is smaller than the supplied buffer, because // some implementations can return less that the buffer size if // another structure does not fit. unsigned int buffer_size = 4096; // initial guess unsigned int last_size = 0; struct ifconf config; unsigned char* buffer; for (; buffer_size < 65536;) { buffer = new unsigned char[buffer_size]; config.ifc_len = buffer_size; config.ifc_buf = (char*)buffer; if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFCONF, &config) < 0) { if (errno != EINVAL || last_size != 0) { return NPT_ERROR_BASE_UNIX-errno; } } else { if ((unsigned int)config.ifc_len == last_size) { // same size, we can use the buffer break; } // different size, we need to reallocate last_size = config.ifc_len; } // supply 4096 more bytes more next time around buffer_size += 4096; delete[] buffer; } // iterate over all objects unsigned char *entries; for (entries = buffer; entries < buffer+config.ifc_len;) { struct ifreq* entry = (struct ifreq*)entries; // get the size of the addresses unsigned int address_length; #if defined(NPT_CONFIG_HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN) address_length = sizeof(struct sockaddr) > entry->ifr_addr.sa_len ? sizeof(sockaddr) : entry->ifr_addr.sa_len; #else switch (entry->ifr_addr.sa_family) { #if defined(AF_INET6) case AF_INET6: address_length = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; #endif // defined(AF_INET6) default: address_length = sizeof(struct sockaddr); break; } #endif // point to the next entry entries += address_length + sizeof(entry->ifr_name); // ignore anything except AF_INET and AF_LINK addresses if (entry->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET #if defined(AF_LINK) && entry->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_LINK #endif ) { continue; } // get detailed info about the interface NPT_Flags flags = 0; #if defined(SIOCGIFFLAGS) struct ifreq query = *entry; if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &query) < 0) continue; // process the flags if ((query.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) { // the interface is not up, ignore it continue; } if (query.ifr_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST; } if (query.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_LOOPBACK; } #if defined(IFF_POINTOPOINT) if (query.ifr_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT; } #endif // defined(IFF_POINTOPOINT) if (query.ifr_flags & IFF_PROMISC) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_PROMISCUOUS; } if (query.ifr_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_MULTICAST; } #endif // defined(SIOCGIFFLAGS) // get a pointer to an interface we've looped over before // or create a new one NPT_NetworkInterface* interface = NULL; for (NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>::Iterator iface_iter = interfaces.GetFirstItem(); iface_iter; ++iface_iter) { if ((*iface_iter)->GetName() == (const char*)entry->ifr_name) { interface = *iface_iter; break; } } if (interface == NULL) { // create a new interface object interface = new NPT_NetworkInterface(entry->ifr_name, flags); // add the interface to the list interfaces.Add(interface); // get the mac address #if defined(SIOCGIFHWADDR) if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &query) == 0) { NPT_MacAddress::Type mac_addr_type; unsigned int mac_addr_length = IFHWADDRLEN; switch (query.ifr_addr.sa_family) { #if defined(ARPHRD_ETHER) case ARPHRD_ETHER: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_ETHERNET; break; #endif #if defined(ARPHRD_LOOPBACK) case ARPHRD_LOOPBACK: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_LOOPBACK; length = 0; break; #endif #if defined(ARPHRD_PPP) case ARPHRD_PPP: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_PPP; mac_addr_length = 0; break; #endif #if defined(ARPHRD_IEEE80211) case ARPHRD_IEEE80211: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_IEEE_802_11; break; #endif default: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_UNKNOWN; mac_addr_length = sizeof(query.ifr_addr.sa_data); break; } interface->SetMacAddress(mac_addr_type, (const unsigned char*)query.ifr_addr.sa_data, mac_addr_length); } #endif } switch (entry->ifr_addr.sa_family) { case AF_INET: { // primary address NPT_IpAddress primary_address(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)&entry->ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); // broadcast address NPT_IpAddress broadcast_address; #if defined(SIOCGIFBRDADDR) if (flags & NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST) { if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, &query) == 0) { broadcast_address.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)&query.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } } #endif // point to point address NPT_IpAddress destination_address; #if defined(SIOCGIFDSTADDR) if (flags & NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT) { if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFDSTADDR, &query) == 0) { destination_address.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)&query.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } } #endif // netmask NPT_IpAddress netmask(0xFFFFFFFF); #if defined(SIOCGIFNETMASK) if (ioctl(net, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &query) == 0) { netmask.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)&query.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } #endif // add the address to the interface NPT_NetworkInterfaceAddress iface_address( primary_address, broadcast_address, destination_address, netmask); interface->AddAddress(iface_address); break; } #if defined(AF_LINK) && defined(NPT_CONFIG_HAVE_SOCKADDR_DL) case AF_LINK: { struct sockaddr_dl* mac_addr = (struct sockaddr_dl*)&entry->ifr_addr; NPT_MacAddress::Type mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_UNKNOWN; switch (mac_addr->sdl_type) { #if defined(IFT_LOOP) case IFT_LOOP: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_LOOPBACK; break; #endif #if defined(IFT_ETHER) case IFT_ETHER: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_ETHERNET; break; #endif #if defined(IFT_PPP) case IFT_PPP: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_PPP; break; #endif } interface->SetMacAddress(mac_addr_type, (const unsigned char*)(&mac_addr->sdl_data[mac_addr->sdl_nlen]), mac_addr->sdl_alen); break; } #endif } } // free resources delete[] buffer; close(net); return NPT_SUCCESS; }
int configure_ms(cfg_t *cfg) { char *iface_name; iface_t *iface; lisp_site_prefix_t *site; shash_t *lcaf_ht; int i; lisp_ms_t *ms; mapping_t *mapping; /* create and configure xtr */ if (ctrl_dev_create(MS_MODE, &ctrl_dev) != GOOD) { OOR_LOG(LCRIT, "Failed to create MS. Aborting!"); exit_cleanup(); } ms = CONTAINER_OF(ctrl_dev, lisp_ms_t, super); /* create lcaf hash table */ lcaf_ht = parse_lcafs(cfg); /* CONTROL INTERFACE */ /* TODO: should work with all interfaces in the future */ iface_name = cfg_getstr(cfg, "control-iface"); if (iface_name) { iface = add_interface(iface_name); if (iface == NULL) { return(BAD); } } if (iface_address(iface, AF_INET) == NULL){ iface_setup_addr(iface, AF_INET); data_plane->datap_add_iface_addr(iface,AF_INET); lctrl->control_data_plane->control_dp_add_iface_addr(lctrl,iface,AF_INET); } if (iface_address(iface, AF_INET6) == NULL){ iface_setup_addr(iface, AF_INET6); data_plane->datap_add_iface_addr(iface,AF_INET6); lctrl->control_data_plane->control_dp_add_iface_addr(lctrl,iface,AF_INET6); } /* LISP-SITE CONFIG */ for (i = 0; i < cfg_size(cfg, "lisp-site"); i++) { cfg_t *ls = cfg_getnsec(cfg, "lisp-site", i); site = build_lisp_site_prefix(ms, cfg_getstr(ls, "eid-prefix"), cfg_getint(ls, "iid"), cfg_getint(ls, "key-type"), cfg_getstr(ls, "key"), cfg_getbool(ls, "accept-more-specifics") ? 1:0, cfg_getbool(ls, "proxy-reply") ? 1:0, cfg_getbool(ls, "merge") ? 1 : 0, lcaf_ht); if (site != NULL) { if (mdb_lookup_entry(ms->lisp_sites_db, site->eid_prefix) != NULL){ OOR_LOG(LDBG_1, "Configuration file: Duplicated lisp-site: %s . Discarding...", lisp_addr_to_char(site->eid_prefix)); lisp_site_prefix_del(site); continue; } OOR_LOG(LDBG_1, "Adding lisp site prefix %s to the lisp-sites " "database", lisp_addr_to_char(site->eid_prefix)); ms_add_lisp_site_prefix(ms, site); }else{ OOR_LOG(LERR, "Can't add lisp-site prefix %s. Discarded ...", cfg_getstr(ls, "eid-prefix")); } } /* LISP REGISTERED SITES CONFIG */ for (i = 0; i< cfg_size(cfg, "ms-static-registered-site"); i++ ) { cfg_t *mss = cfg_getnsec(cfg, "ms-static-registered-site", i); mapping = parse_mapping(mss,&(ms->super),lcaf_ht,FALSE); if (mapping == NULL){ OOR_LOG(LERR, "Can't create static register site for %s", cfg_getstr(mss, "eid-prefix")); continue; } /* If the mapping doesn't exist, add it the the database */ if (mdb_lookup_entry_exact(ms->reg_sites_db, mapping_eid(mapping)) == NULL){ if (ms_add_registered_site_prefix(ms, mapping) == GOOD){ OOR_LOG(LDBG_1, "Added static registered site for %s to the registered sites list!", lisp_addr_to_char(mapping_eid(mapping))); }else{ OOR_LOG(LERR, "Failed to add static registered site for %s to the registered sites list!", lisp_addr_to_char(mapping_eid(mapping))); mapping_del(mapping); } }else{ OOR_LOG(LERR, "Configuration file: Duplicated static registered site for %s. Discarded ...", cfg_getstr(mss, "eid-prefix")); mapping_del(mapping); continue; } } /* destroy the hash table */ shash_destroy(lcaf_ht); return(GOOD); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces(NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>& interfaces) { int result = 0; struct ifaddrs * ifaddrsList = NULL; struct ifaddrs * ifaddr = NULL; NPT_Flags flags = 0; result = getifaddrs(&ifaddrsList); if( result != 0 || ifaddrsList == NULL) return NPT_FAILURE; for(ifaddr = ifaddrsList; NULL!= ifaddr; ifaddr = ifaddr->ifa_next) { if(ifaddr->ifa_addr == NULL /*|| ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6*/) continue; // process the flags if ((ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) { // the interface is not up, ignore it continue; } if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST; } if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_LOOPBACK; } #if defined(IFF_POINTOPOINT) if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT; } #endif // defined(IFF_POINTOPOINT) if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_PROMISC) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_PROMISCUOUS; } if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_MULTICAST; } NPT_NetworkInterface* interface = NULL; for (NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>::Iterator iface_iter = interfaces.GetFirstItem(); iface_iter; ++iface_iter) { if ((*iface_iter)->GetName() == (const char*)ifaddr->ifa_name) { interface = *iface_iter; break; } } // create a new interface object if(interface == NULL) interface = new NPT_NetworkInterface(ifaddr->ifa_name, flags); if (interface == NULL) continue; // get the mac address NPT_MacAddress::Type mac_addr_type; unsigned int mac_addr_length = IFHWADDRLEN; switch (ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_family) { case AF_LOCAL: case AF_INET: #if defined(AF_LINK) case AF_LINK: #endif mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_ETHERNET; #if defined(ARPHRD_LOOPBACK) mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_LOOPBACK; length = 0; #endif break; #if defined(AF_PPP) case AF_PPP: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_PPP; mac_addr_length = 0; break; #endif #if defined(AF_IEEE80211) case AF_IEEE80211: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_IEEE_802_11; break; #endif default: mac_addr_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_UNKNOWN; mac_addr_length = sizeof(ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_data); break; } if(interface->GetMacAddress().GetLength() == 0) interface->SetMacAddress(mac_addr_type, (const unsigned char*)ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_data, mac_addr_length); #if defined(NPT_CONFIG_HAVE_NET_IF_DL_H) if (ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) { //Refer to LLADDR struct sockaddr_dl * socket_dl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)ifaddr->ifa_addr; interface->SetMacAddress(mac_addr_type, (const unsigned char*)socket_dl->sdl_data+socket_dl->sdl_nlen, socket_dl->sdl_alen); } #endif switch (ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: { // primary address NPT_IpAddress primary_address( ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)ifaddr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); // broadcast address NPT_IpAddress broadcast_address; if ((flags & NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST) && ifaddr->ifa_dstaddr) { broadcast_address.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } // point to point address NPT_IpAddress destination_address; if ((flags & NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT) && ifaddr->ifa_dstaddr) { destination_address.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } // netmask NPT_IpAddress netmask(0xFFFFFFFF); if(ifaddr->ifa_netmask) netmask.Set(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_netmask)->sin_addr.s_addr)); // add the address to the interface NPT_NetworkInterfaceAddress iface_address(primary_address, broadcast_address, destination_address, netmask); interface->AddAddress(iface_address); break; } } // add the interface to the list interfaces.Add(interface); } freeifaddrs(ifaddrsList); return NPT_SUCCESS; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces(NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>& interfaces) { IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES* iface_list = NULL; ULONG size = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO); // get the interface table for(;;) { iface_list = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES*)malloc(size); DWORD result = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, iface_list, &size); if (result == NO_ERROR) { break; } else { // free and try again free(iface_list); if (result != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { return NPT_FAILURE; } } } // iterate over the interfaces for (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES* iface = iface_list; iface; iface = iface->Next) { // skip this interface if it is not up if (iface->OperStatus != IfOperStatusUp) continue; // get the interface type and mac address NPT_MacAddress::Type mac_type; switch (iface->IfType) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: mac_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_ETHERNET; break; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: mac_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_LOOPBACK; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: mac_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_PPP; break; default: mac_type = NPT_MacAddress::TYPE_UNKNOWN; break; } NPT_MacAddress mac(mac_type, iface->PhysicalAddress, iface->PhysicalAddressLength); // compute interface flags NPT_Flags flags = 0; if (!(iface->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_NO_MULTICAST)) flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_MULTICAST; if (iface->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_LOOPBACK; if (iface->IfType == IF_TYPE_PPP) flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT; // compute the unicast address (only the first one is supported for now) NPT_IpAddress primary_address; if (iface->FirstUnicastAddress) { if (iface->FirstUnicastAddress->Address.lpSockaddr == NULL) continue; if (iface->FirstUnicastAddress->Address.iSockaddrLength != sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)) continue; SOCKADDR_IN* address = (SOCKADDR_IN*)iface->FirstUnicastAddress->Address.lpSockaddr; if (address->sin_family != AF_INET) continue; primary_address.Set(ntohl(address->sin_addr.s_addr)); } NPT_IpAddress broadcast_address; // not supported yet NPT_IpAddress netmask; // not supported yet // convert the interface name to UTF-8 // BUG in Wine: FriendlyName is NULL unsigned int iface_name_length = (unsigned int)iface->FriendlyName?wcslen(iface->FriendlyName):0; char* iface_name = new char[4*iface_name_length+1]; int result = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, iface->FriendlyName, iface_name_length, iface_name, 4*iface_name_length+1, NULL, NULL); if (result > 0) { iface_name[result] = '\0'; } else { iface_name[0] = '\0'; } // create an interface descriptor NPT_NetworkInterface* iface_object = new NPT_NetworkInterface(iface_name, mac, flags); NPT_NetworkInterfaceAddress iface_address( primary_address, broadcast_address, NPT_IpAddress::Any, netmask); iface_object->AddAddress(iface_address); // cleanup delete[] iface_name; // add the interface to the list interfaces.Add(iface_object); } free(iface_list); return NPT_SUCCESS; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result NPT_NetworkInterface::GetNetworkInterfaces(NPT_List<NPT_NetworkInterface*>& interfaces) { // create a socket to talk to the TCP/IP stack SOCKET net; if((net = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, NULL, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { return NPT_FAILURE; } // get a list of interfaces INTERFACE_INFO query[32]; // get up to 32 interfaces DWORD bytes_returned; int io_result = WSAIoctl(net, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, NULL, 0, &query, sizeof(query), &bytes_returned, NULL, NULL); if (io_result == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(net); return NPT_FAILURE; } // we don't need the socket anymore closesocket(net); // Display interface information int interface_count = (bytes_returned/sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO)); unsigned int iface_index = 0; for (int i=0; i<interface_count; i++) { SOCKADDR_IN* address; NPT_Flags flags = 0; // primary address address = (SOCKADDR_IN*)&query[i].iiAddress; NPT_IpAddress primary_address(ntohl(address->sin_addr.s_addr)); // netmask address = (SOCKADDR_IN*)&query[i].iiNetmask; NPT_IpAddress netmask(ntohl(address->sin_addr.s_addr)); // broadcast address address = (SOCKADDR_IN*)&query[i].iiBroadcastAddress; NPT_IpAddress broadcast_address(ntohl(address->sin_addr.s_addr)); { // broadcast address is incorrect unsigned char addr[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { addr[i] = (primary_address.AsBytes()[i] & netmask.AsBytes()[i]) | ~netmask.AsBytes()[i]; } broadcast_address.Set(addr); } // ignore interfaces that are not up if (!(query[i].iiFlags & IFF_UP)) { continue; } if (query[i].iiFlags & IFF_BROADCAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_BROADCAST; } if (query[i].iiFlags & IFF_MULTICAST) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_MULTICAST; } if (query[i].iiFlags & IFF_LOOPBACK) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_LOOPBACK; } if (query[i].iiFlags & IFF_POINTTOPOINT) { flags |= NPT_NETWORK_INTERFACE_FLAG_POINT_TO_POINT; } // mac address (no support for this for now) NPT_MacAddress mac; // create an interface object char iface_name[5]; iface_name[0] = 'i'; iface_name[1] = 'f'; iface_name[2] = '0'+(iface_index/10); iface_name[3] = '0'+(iface_index%10); iface_name[4] = '\0'; NPT_NetworkInterface* iface = new NPT_NetworkInterface(iface_name, mac, flags); // set the interface address NPT_NetworkInterfaceAddress iface_address( primary_address, broadcast_address, NPT_IpAddress::Any, netmask); iface->AddAddress(iface_address); // add the interface to the list interfaces.Add(iface); // increment the index (used for generating the name iface_index++; } return NPT_SUCCESS; }