int multi_getdata(int line, int col, int maxcol, char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int maxline, int clearlabel, int textmode) { int ch, x, y, startx, starty, now, i, j, k, i0, chk, cursorx, cursory; char savebuffer[25][LINELEN*3]; bool init=true; char tmp[1024]; extern int RMSG; /*************stiger************ * textmode 0 : ctrl+q换行,enter发表 * textmode 1 : enter换行,ctrl+w发送 *********************************/ if (uinfo.mode!=MSGING && uinfo.mode != POSTTMPL) ingetdata = true; if (clearlabel == true) { buf[0] = 0; } move(line, col); if (prompt) prints("%s", prompt); getyx(&starty, &startx); now = strlen(buf); for (i=0; i<=24; i++) saveline(i, 0, savebuffer[i]); strncpy(tmp, buf, 1024); tmp[1023]=0; cursory = starty; cursorx = startx; while (1) { y = starty; x = startx; move(y, x); chk = 0; if (now==0) { cursory = y; cursorx = x; } for (i=0; i<strlen(buf); i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; if (chk&&x>=maxcol) x++; if (buf[i]!=13&&buf[i]!=10) { if (x>maxcol) { clrtoeol(); x = 0; y++; if (y>=scr_lns) { scroll(); starty--; cursory--; y--; } move(y, x); } if (init) prints("\x1b[4m"); prints("%c", buf[i]); resetcolor(); x++; } else { clrtoeol(); x = 0; y++; if (y>=scr_lns) { scroll(); starty--; cursory--; y--; } move(y, x); } if (i==now-1) { cursory = y; cursorx = x; } } clrtoeol(); move(cursory, cursorx); ch = igetkey(); if (textmode == 0) { if ((ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')) break; } else { if (ch == Ctrl('W')) break; } for (i=starty; i<=y; i++) saveline(i, 1, savebuffer[i]); if (true == RMSG && (KEY_UP == ch || KEY_DOWN == ch) && (!buf[0])) { ingetdata = false; return -ch; } if (true == UPDOWN && (KEY_UP == ch || KEY_DOWN == ch)) { ingetdata = false; return -ch; } #if 0 //#ifdef NINE_BUILD if (RMSG && (ch == Ctrl('Z')) && (!buf[0])) { ingetdata = false; return -ch; } #endif #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (ch == Ctrl('R')) { init=false; SET_CHANGEDEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR); continue; } #endif switch (ch) { case KEY_ESC: init=true; strncpy(buf, tmp, Min(len,STRLEN)); buf[Min(len,1024-1)]=0; now=strlen(buf); break; case Ctrl('W'): case Ctrl('Q'): case '\n': case '\r': if (init) { init=false; buf[0]=0; now=0; } if (UPDOWN) break; if (y-starty+1<maxline) { for (i=strlen(buf)+1; i>now; i--) buf[i]=buf[i-1]; buf[now++]='\n'; } break; case KEY_UP: init=false; if (cursory>starty) { y = starty; x = startx; chk = 0; if (y==cursory-1&&x<=cursorx) now=0; for (i=0; i<strlen(buf); i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; if (chk&&x>=maxcol) x++; if (buf[i]!=13&&buf[i]!=10) { if (x>maxcol) { x = col; y++; } x++; } else { x = col; y++; } #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (!DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)||!chk) #endif if (y==cursory-1&&x<=cursorx) now=i+1; } } break; case KEY_DOWN: init=false; if (cursory<y) { y = starty; x = startx; chk = 0; if (y==cursory+1&&x<=cursorx) now=0; for (i=0; i<strlen(buf); i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; if (chk&&x>=maxcol) x++; if (buf[i]!=13&&buf[i]!=10) { if (x>maxcol) { x = col; y++; } x++; } else { x = col; y++; } #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (!DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)||!chk) #endif if (y==cursory+1&&x<=cursorx) now=i+1; } } break; case '\177': case Ctrl('H'): if (init) { init=false; buf[0]=0; now=0; } if (now>0) { for (i=now-1; i<strlen(buf); i++) buf[i]=buf[i+1]; now--; #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)) { chk = 0; for (i=0; i<now; i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; } if (chk) { for (i=now-1; i<strlen(buf); i++) buf[i]=buf[i+1]; now--; } } #endif } break; case KEY_DEL: if (init) { init=false; buf[0]=0; now=0; } if (now<strlen(buf)) { #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)) { chk = 0; for (i=0; i<now+1; i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; } if (chk) for (i=now; i<strlen(buf); i++) buf[i]=buf[i+1]; } #endif for (i=now; i<strlen(buf); i++) buf[i]=buf[i+1]; } break; case KEY_LEFT: init=false; if (now>0) { now--; #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)) { chk = 0; for (i=0; i<now; i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; } if (chk) now--; } #endif } break; case KEY_RIGHT: init=false; if (now<strlen(buf)) { now++; #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)) { chk = 0; for (i=0; i<now; i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; } if (chk) now++; } #endif } break; case KEY_HOME: case Ctrl('A'): init=false; now--; while (now>=0&&buf[now]!='\n'&&buf[now]!='\r') now--; now++; break; case KEY_END: case Ctrl('E'): init=false; while (now<strlen(buf)&&buf[now]!='\n'&&buf[now]!='\r') now++; break; case KEY_PGUP: init=false; now=0; break; case KEY_PGDN: init=false; now = strlen(buf); break; case Ctrl('Y'): if (init) { init=false; buf[0]=0; now=0; } i0 = strlen(buf); i=now-1; while (i>=0&&buf[i]!='\n'&&buf[i]!='\r') i--; i++; if (!buf[i]) break; j=now; while (j<i0-1&&buf[j]!='\n'&&buf[j]!='\r') j++; if (j>=i0-1) j=i0-1; j=j-i+1; if (j<0) j=0; for (k=0; k<i0-i-j+1; k++) buf[i+k]=buf[i+j+k]; y = starty; x = startx; chk = 0; if (y==cursory&&x<=cursorx) now=0; for (i=0; i<strlen(buf); i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; if (chk&&x>=maxcol) x++; if (buf[i]!=13&&buf[i]!=10) { if (x>maxcol) { x = col; y++; } x++; } else { x = col; y++; } #ifdef CHINESE_CHARACTER if (!DEFINE(getCurrentUser(), DEF_CHCHAR)||!chk) #endif if (y==cursory&&x<=cursorx) now=i+1; } if (now>strlen(buf)) now=strlen(buf); break; default: if (isprint2(ch)&&strlen(buf)<len-1) { if (init) { init=false; buf[0]=0; now=0; } for (i=strlen(buf)+1; i>now; i--) buf[i]=buf[i-1]; buf[now++]=ch; y = starty; x = startx; chk = 0; for (i=0; i<strlen(buf); i++) { if (chk) chk=0; else if (buf[i]<0) chk=1; if (chk&&x>=maxcol) x++; if (buf[i]!=13&&buf[i]!=10) { if (x>maxcol) { x = col; y++; } x++; } else { x = col; y++; } } if (y-starty+1>maxline) { for (i=now-1; i<strlen(buf); i++) buf[i]=buf[i+1]; now--; } } init=false; break; } } ingetdata = false; return y-starty+1; }
int pip_play_guess() { /* 猜拳程式 */ int com; int pipkey; struct tm *qtime; time_t now; time(&now); qtime = localtime(&now); d.satisfy += (rand() % 3 + 2); count_tired(2, 2, "Y", 100, 1); d.shit += rand() % 3 + 2; do { if (d.death == 1 || d.death == 2 || d.death == 3) return 0; if (pip_mainmenu(0)) return 0; move(b_lines - 2, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines, 0); prints ("\033[1;44;37m 猜拳选单 \033[46m[1]我出剪刀 [2]我出石头 [3]我出布啦 [4]猜拳记录 [Q]跳出: \033[m"); move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); pipkey = igetkey(); switch (pipkey) { #ifdef MAPLE case Ctrl('R'): if (currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid) { show_last_call_in(); my_write(currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid, "水球丢回去:"); } break; #endif // END MAPLE case '4': situ(); break; } } while ((pipkey != '1') && (pipkey != '2') && (pipkey != '3') && (pipkey != 'q') && (pipkey != 'Q')); com = rand() % 3; move(18, 0); clrtobot(); switch (com) { case 0: outs("小鸡:剪刀\n"); break; case 1: outs("小鸡:石头\n"); break; case 2: outs("小鸡:布\n"); break; } move(17, 0); switch (pipkey) { case '1': outs("你 :剪刀\n"); if (com == 0) tie(); else if (com == 1) lose(); else if (com == 2) win(); break; case '2': outs("你 :石头\n"); if (com == 0) win(); else if (com == 1) tie(); else if (com == 2) lose(); break; case '3': outs("你 :布\n"); if (com == 0) lose(); else if (com == 1) win(); else if (com == 2) tie(); break; case 'q': break; } return 0; }
static int myplay(int s, board_t board, board_t tmpbrd) { int ch, start_time; int endgame = 0, endturn = 0; chc_ipass = 0, chc_selected = 0; start_time = time(NULL); chc_lefttime = CHC_TIMEOUT - (time(NULL) - start_time); bell(); while(!endturn) { chc_drawline(board, TIME_ROW); chc_movecur(chc_cursor.r, chc_cursor.c); oflush(); ch = igetkey(); chc_lefttime = CHC_TIMEOUT - (time(NULL) - start_time); if(chc_lefttime < 0) ch = 'q'; switch(ch) { case I_OTHERDATA: if(chc_recvmove(s)) { /* disconnect */ endgame = 1; endturn = 1; } else if(chc_from.r == -1 && chc_ipass) { endgame = 3; endturn = 1; } break; case KEY_UP: chc_cursor.r--; if(chc_cursor.r < 0) chc_cursor.r = BRD_ROW - 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: chc_cursor.r++; if(chc_cursor.r >= BRD_ROW) chc_cursor.r = 0; break; case KEY_LEFT: chc_cursor.c--; if(chc_cursor.c < 0) chc_cursor.c = BRD_COL - 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: chc_cursor.c++; if(chc_cursor.c >= BRD_COL) chc_cursor.c = 0; break; case 'q': endgame = 2; endturn = 1; break; case 'p': chc_ipass = 1; chc_from.r = -1; chc_sendmove(s); strcpy(chc_warnmsg, "\033[1;33m要求和棋!\033[m"); chc_drawline(board, WARN_ROW); bell(); break; case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': if(chc_selected) { if(chc_cursor.r == chc_select.r && chc_cursor.c == chc_select.c) { chc_selected = 0; chc_drawline(board, LTR(chc_cursor.r)); } else if(chc_canmove(board, chc_select, chc_cursor)) { if(CHE_P(board[chc_cursor.r][chc_cursor.c]) == 1) endgame = 1; chc_from = chc_select; chc_to = chc_cursor; if(!endgame) { memcpy(tmpbrd, board, sizeof(board_t)); chc_movechess(tmpbrd); } if(endgame || !chc_iskfk(tmpbrd)) { chc_drawline(board, STEP_ROW); chc_movechess(board); chc_sendmove(s); chc_selected = 0; chc_drawline(board, LTR(chc_from.r)); chc_drawline(board, LTR(chc_to.r)); endturn = 1; } else { strcpy(chc_warnmsg,"\033[1;33m不可以王見王\033[m"); bell(); chc_drawline(board, WARN_ROW); } } } else if(board[chc_cursor.r][chc_cursor.c] && CHE_O(board[chc_cursor.r][chc_cursor.c]) == chc_turn) { chc_selected = 1; chc_select = chc_cursor; chc_drawline(board, LTR(chc_cursor.r)); } break; } } return endgame; }
static int bbs_main(char *argv) { #define BBS_MAIN_EXIT(time) do{local_Net_Sleep(time);shutdown(0,2);close(0);return -1;}while(0) FILE *fp; struct stat st; struct rlimit rl; char buf[256]; #ifndef DEBUG if (strcmp(getSession()->fromhost,"")&&strcmp(getSession()->fromhost,"") &&((fp=fopen("NOLOGIN","r")))) { while (fgets(buf,256,fp)) local_prints("%s",buf); fclose(fp); BBS_MAIN_EXIT(20); } #endif /* ! DEBUG */ #ifdef LOAD_LIMIT if (!stat("NO_LOAD_LIMIT",&st)&&S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { double load,cpu_load[3]; get_load(cpu_load); load=cpu_load[0]; local_prints("CPU 最近 (1,10,15) 分钟的平均负荷分别为 %.2f, %.2f, %.2f (目前上限 = %d)\r\n", cpu_load[0],cpu_load[1],cpu_load[2],max_load); if ((load<0)||(load>max_load)) { local_prints("%s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n", "很抱歉, 目前 CPU 负荷过重, 请稍候再来", "因为重复连接对本站冲击太大, 请您配合, 不要重复多次连接", "请您先休息 10 分钟, 然后再连接本站, 非常感谢!"); BBS_MAIN_EXIT(((time_t)load)); } #ifdef AIX { int free=psdanger(-1); int safe=psdanger(SIGDANGER); int danger=125000; local_prints("RAM 当前空闲页数高出警戒阈值 %d (警戒阈值 = %d)\r\n\r\n",safe,(free-safe)); if (safe<danger) { if ((server_pid!=-1)&&(!heavy_load)) kill(server_pid,SIGUSR1); local_prints("%s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n", "很抱歉, 目前 RAM 被过度使用, 请稍候再来", "因为重复连接对本站冲击太大, 请您配合, 不要重复多次连接", "请您先休息 10 分钟, 然后再连接本站, 非常感谢!"); BBS_MAIN_EXIT(60); } if ((server_pid!=-1)&&heavy_load) kill(server_pid,SIGUSR2); } #endif /* AIX */ } #endif /* LOAD_LIMIT */ #ifdef BBSRF_CHROOT if (chroot(BBSHOME)==-1) { local_prints("Error while chroot to %s, exiting ...\r\n",BBSHOME); return -1; } #endif /* BBSRF_CHROOT */ #ifdef SECONDSITE #define deg(x...) if (!strncmp(getSession()->fromhost, "10.", 3)) { char ipbuf[16]; int len=0; while ((ipbuf[len] = igetkey()) != '\n') { deg("%d:%d\n",getpid(), ipbuf[len]); len++; if (len >= 15) break; } ipbuf[len]='\0'; strcpy(getSession()->fromhost, ipbuf); frommain=1; } #endif /* SECONDSITE */ getSession()->fromhost[IPLEN-1]=0; *buf = 0; if (check_ban_IP(getSession()->fromhost,buf)>0) { local_prints("本站目前不欢迎来自 %s 访问!\r\n原因: %s\r\n\r\n",getSession()->fromhost,buf); BBS_MAIN_EXIT(60); } #ifdef HAVE_REVERSE_DNS getremotehost(getSession()->fromhost,IPLEN); #endif /* HAVE_REVERSE_DNS */ if (stat("core",&st)==-1) { rl.rlim_cur=125829120; /* 120M */ rl.rlim_max=209715200; /* 200M */ setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&rl); } main_bbs(0,argv); return -1; #undef BBS_MAIN_EXIT }
static int fplayer(int race) { int l; while(-1) { gotoxy(48,15); prints("目前位置(%2d,%2d)",m,n); put_box(mm,nn,0); put_box(m,n,race); mm=m; nn=n; l=igetkey(); switch(l) { // case '1': case '2': if(role[l-'1']==1) { role[l-'1']=2; attack[l-'1']=0; } else if(attack[l-'1']==0) attack[l-'1']=1; else role[l-'1']=1; who(l-'1'); break; case 'q': return 2; case 'r': return 1; case 'b': if(sum>2) { int i; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { int x=repent[sum-1][1],y=repent[sum-1][2]; put_chess(x,y,0); move(y+1,x*2); outs("┼"); sum-=2; } for(i=sum;i>=sum-5;i--) { gotoxy(48,i-sum+13); if(i>0) prints("第%d步: %s (%2d,%2d) ",i,(repent[i-1][0]==1)?"●":"○", repent[i-1][1],repent[i-1][2]); else outs(" "); } } break; case ' ': if(!chess[m-1][n-1]) { int hk=put_chess(m,n,race); if(hk) { int dk = show_win(hk); if(dk=='n'||dk=='q') return 2; return 1; } return 0; } break; case KEY_DOWN: //down if(legal(m,n+1)) n++; break; case KEY_UP: //up if(legal(m,n-1)) n--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: //right if(legal(m+1,n)) m++; break; case KEY_LEFT: //left if(legal(m-1,n)) m--; break; } } }
int getdata(int line, int col, char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int echo, char *ans) { register int ch; int clen; int x, y; int off_set = 0; /*add color*/ #define MAXLASTCMD 6 static char lastcmd[MAXLASTCMD][80]; if (prompt) { move(line, col); clrtoeol(); outs(prompt); off_set=offset_count(prompt); /*add color*/ } else clrtoeol(); if (echo == NOECHO) { len--; /* 下面這段程式碼是沒有反白 (!echo) */ clen = 0; while ((ch = igetkey()) != '\r') { if (ch == '\n') break; if (ch == KEY_BKSP || ch == Ctrl('H')) { if (!clen) bell(); else clen--; continue; } #ifdef BIT8 if (!isprint2(ch)) #else if (!isprint(ch)) #endif { continue; } if (clen >= len) continue; buf[clen++] = ch; } buf[clen] = '\0'; outc('\n'); oflush(); } else { int cmdpos = MAXLASTCMD -1; int currchar = 0; int keydown; int dirty, i; getyx(&y, &x); x=x-off_set; /*add color by hialan*/ standout(); for (clen = len; clen; clen--) outc(' '); standend(); if (ans != NULL) { str_ansi(buf, ans, len); move(y, x); edit_outs(buf); clen = currchar = strlen(buf); } /* 因為 buf 有可能會和 ans 相同 , 所以先把初始字串完成後 */ /* 再根據 clen 將字串後面清空 */ memset(buf+clen, 0, len-clen); len--; dirty = 0; while (move(y, x + currchar), (ch = igetkey()) != '\r') { keydown = 0; switch (ch) { case Ctrl('Y'): { if (clen && dirty) { for (i = MAXLASTCMD - 1; i; i--) strcpy(lastcmd[i], lastcmd[i - 1]); strlcpy(lastcmd[0], buf, sizeof(lastcmd[0]) ); } move(y, x); for (clen = len; clen; clen--) outc(' '); memset(buf, '\0', len); clen = currchar = 0; continue; } case KEY_DOWN: case Ctrl('N'): keydown = 1; case Ctrl('P'): case KEY_UP: { if (clen && dirty) { for (i = MAXLASTCMD - 1; i; i--) strcpy(lastcmd[i], lastcmd[i - 1]); strlcpy(lastcmd[0], buf, sizeof(lastcmd[0]) ); } i = cmdpos; do { if (keydown) --cmdpos; else ++cmdpos; if (cmdpos < 0) cmdpos = MAXLASTCMD - 1; else if (cmdpos == MAXLASTCMD) cmdpos = 0; } while (cmdpos != i && (!*lastcmd[cmdpos] || !strncmp(buf, lastcmd[cmdpos], len))); if (cmdpos == i) continue; strncpy(buf, lastcmd[cmdpos], len); buf[len] = 0; move(y, x); /* clrtoeof */ for (i = 0; i <= clen; i++) outc(' '); move(y, x); if (echo == PASS) passwd_outs(buf); else edit_outs(buf); clen = currchar = strlen(buf); dirty = 0; continue; } case KEY_ESC: if(currutmp) { if (KEY_ESC_arg == 'c') capture_screen(); if (KEY_ESC_arg == 'n') edit_note(); } continue; /* yagami.000504 : 游標可到最前或最後 */ case Ctrl('A'): case KEY_HOME: currchar = 0; break; case Ctrl('E'): case KEY_END: currchar = clen; break; case KEY_LEFT: if (currchar) --currchar; continue; case KEY_RIGHT: if (buf[currchar]) ++currchar; continue; case Ctrl('K'): { buf[currchar] = 0; move(y, x + currchar); for (i = currchar; i < clen; i++) outc(' '); clen = currchar; dirty = 1; continue; } case Ctrl('D'): { if (buf[currchar]) { clen--; for (i = currchar; i <= clen; i++) buf[i] = buf[i + 1]; move(y, x + clen); outc(' '); move(y, x); if (echo == PASS) passwd_outs(buf); else edit_outs(buf); dirty = 1; } continue; } case KEY_BKSP: case Ctrl('H'): { if (currchar) { currchar--; clen--; for (i = currchar; i <= clen; i++) buf[i] = buf[i + 1]; move(y, x + clen); outc(' '); move(y, x); if (echo == PASS) passwd_outs(buf); else edit_outs(buf); dirty = 1; } continue; } case Ctrl('I'): if(currstat != IDLE && !(currutmp->mode == 0 && (currutmp->chatid[0] == 2 || currutmp->chatid[0] == 3))) { t_idle(); } continue; } /* switch(ch) */ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') break; if (!(isprint2(ch)) || clen >= len || x + clen >= scr_cols) continue; if (buf[currchar]) { /* insert */ for (i = currchar; buf[i] && i < len && i < 80; i++) ; buf[i + 1] = 0; for (; i > currchar; i--) buf[i] = buf[i - 1]; } else /* append */ buf[currchar + 1] = '\0'; buf[currchar] = ch; move(y, x + currchar); if (echo == PASS) passwd_outs(buf + currchar); else /* shakalaca.990422: 原本只有下面那行, 這是為了輸入 passwd 有反白 */ edit_outs(buf + currchar); currchar++; clen++; dirty = 1; } buf[clen] = '\0'; if (clen > 1 && echo != PASS) /* shaklaaca.990514: ^^^^^^^ 不讓輸入的 password 留下紀錄 */ { for (cmdpos = MAXLASTCMD - 1; cmdpos; cmdpos--) strcpy(lastcmd[cmdpos], lastcmd[cmdpos - 1]); strlcpy(lastcmd[0], buf, sizeof(lastcmd[0]) ); } move(y, x + clen); outc('\n'); refresh(); } if(echo == LCECHO) buf[0] = tolower(buf[0]); return clen; }
char getans2(int line, int col, char *prompt, char **s, int many, char def) { int point = 0; /*指標*/ int i, ch; char bar_color[50], buf2[128]; char *p; /*訊息的指標*/ /*預設值*/ if(!s) s = msg_choose; if(many <= 0) return 0; /* 錯誤: 沒有選項 */ else if(many == 1) return *(s[0]); /* 只有一個選項選什麼? */ for(i = 0;i < many;i++) { p = s[i]; if(def == *p) { point = i; break; } } /* 改用 getdata */ if(!HAVE_HABIT(HABIT_LIGHTBAR)) { char tmp[128],tmp2[2]; buf2[0] = '\0'; tmp2[0] = (char) toupper(*(s[point])); tmp2[1] = '\0'; strcpy(tmp,prompt); for(i = 0; i < many; i++) { p = s[i]; strcat(tmp, p+1); strcat(tmp, " "); } sprintf(tmp,"%s[%c] ", tmp, tmp2[0]); getdata(line, col, tmp, buf2, 4, LCECHO, 0); if(*buf2 == '\0') return *tmp2; else return *buf2; } get_lightbar_color(bar_color); /*清空螢幕*/ move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); do { move(line, col); clrtoeol(); if (prompt) outs(prompt); for(i = 0;i < many;i++) { p = s[i]; if(i == point) prints("\033[1m[\033[m%s%s\033[0;1m]\033[m",bar_color,p+1); else prints(" %s ",p+1); } move(b_lines,0); ch = igetkey(); switch(ch) { case KEY_TAB: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_RIGHT: point++; if(point >= many) point = 0; break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_LEFT: point--; if(point < 0) point = many - 1; break; default: ch = tolower(ch); for(i = 0;i < many;i++) { p = s[i]; if(ch == tolower(*p)) point = i; } break; } }while(ch != '\r'); return *(s[point]); }
int pip_weapon_doing_menu(int variance,int type,const struct weapon *p) { time_t now; register int n = 0; register char *s; char buf[256]; char ans[5]; char shortbuf[100]; const static char menutitle[5][11] = { "头部装备区", "右手装备区", "左手装备区", "身体装备区", "足部装备区" }; int pipkey; char choicekey[5]; int choice; do { clear(); showtitle(menutitle[type], BBS_FULL_NAME); show_weapon_pic(0); /* move(10,2); sprintf(buf,"\033[1;37m现今能力:体力Max:\033[36m%-5d\033[37m 法力Max:\033[36m%-5d\033[37m 攻击:\033[36m%-5d\033[37m 防御:\033[36m%-5d\033[37m 速度:\033[36m%-5d \033[m", d.maxhp,d.maxmp,d.attack,d.resist,d.speed); prints(buf);*/ move(11, 2); sprintf(buf, "\033[1;37;41m [NO] [器具名] [体力] [法力] [速度] [攻击] [防御] [速度] [售 价] \033[m"); prints(buf); move(12, 2); sprintf(buf, " \033[1;31m——\033[37m白色 可以购买\033[31m——\033[32m绿色 拥有装备\033[31m——\033[33m黄色 钱钱不够\033[31m——\033[35m紫色 能力不足\033[31m——\033[m"); prints(buf); n = 0; while ((s = p[n].name)!=0) { move(13 + n, 2); if (variance != 0 && variance == (n)) { /*本身有的 */ sprintf(buf, "\033[1;32m (%2d) %-10s %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %6d\033[m", n, p[n].name, p[n].needmaxhp, p[n].needmaxmp, p[n].needspeed, p[n].attack, p[n].resist, p[n].speed, p[n].cost); } else if (d.maxhp < p[n].needmaxhp || d.maxmp < p[n].needmaxmp || d.speed < p[n].needspeed) { /*能力不足 */ sprintf(buf, "\033[1;35m (%2d) %-10s %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %6d\033[m", n, p[n].name, p[n].needmaxhp, p[n].needmaxmp, p[n].needspeed, p[n].attack, p[n].resist, p[n].speed, p[n].cost); } else if ( < p[n].cost) { /*钱不够的 */ sprintf(buf, "\033[1;33m (%2d) %-10s %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %6d\033[m", n, p[n].name, p[n].needmaxhp, p[n].needmaxmp, p[n].needspeed, p[n].attack, p[n].resist, p[n].speed, p[n].cost); } else { sprintf(buf, "\033[1;37m (%2d) %-10s %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %6d\033[m", n, p[n].name, p[n].needmaxhp, p[n].needmaxmp, p[n].needspeed, p[n].attack, p[n].resist, p[n].speed, p[n].cost); } prints(buf); n++; } move(b_lines, 0); sprintf(buf, "\033[1;44;37m 武器购买选单 \033[46m [B]购买武器 [S]卖掉装备 [W]个人资料 [Q]跳出: \033[m"); prints(buf); now = time(0); pip_time_change(now); pipkey = igetkey(); pip_time_change(now); switch (pipkey) { case 'B': case 'b': move(b_lines - 1, 1); sprintf(shortbuf, "想要购买啥呢? 你的钱钱[%d]元:[数字]",; prints(shortbuf); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, shortbuf, choicekey, 4, LCECHO, "0"); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,shortbuf,choicekey,4,DOECHO,NULL,true); if ((choicekey[0] >= 'A') && (choicekey[0] <= 'Z')) choicekey[0] = choicekey[0] | 32; #endif // END MAPLE choice = atoi(choicekey); if (choice >= 0 && choice <= n) { move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines - 1, 1); if (choice == 0) { /*解除 */ sprintf(shortbuf, "放弃购买..."); temppress(shortbuf); } else if (variance == choice) { /*早已经有啦 */ sprintf(shortbuf, "你早已经有 %s 罗", p[variance].name); temppress(shortbuf); } else if (p[choice].cost >= ( + p[variance].sell)) { /*钱不够 */ sprintf(shortbuf, "这个要 %d 元,你的钱不够啦!", p[choice].cost); temppress(shortbuf); } else if (d.maxhp < p[choice].needmaxhp || d.maxmp < p[choice].needmaxmp || d.speed < p[choice].needspeed) { /*能力不足 */ sprintf(shortbuf, "需要HP %d MP %d SPEED %d 喔", p[choice].needmaxhp, p[choice].needmaxmp, p[choice].needspeed); temppress(shortbuf); } else { /*顺利购买 */ sprintf(shortbuf, "你确定要购买 %s 吗?($%d) [y/N]", p[choice].name, p[choice].cost); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, shortbuf, ans, 2, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,shortbuf,ans,2,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE if (ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y') { sprintf(shortbuf, "小鸡已经装配上 %s 了", p[choice].name); temppress(shortbuf); d.attack += (p[choice].attack - p[variance].attack); d.resist += (p[choice].resist - p[variance].resist); d.speed += (p[choice].speed - p[variance].speed); -= (p[choice].cost - p[variance].sell); variance = choice; } else { sprintf(shortbuf, "放弃购买....."); temppress(shortbuf); } } } break; case 'S': case 's': if (variance != 0) { sprintf(shortbuf, "你确定要卖掉%s吗? 卖价:%d [y/N]", p[variance].name, p[variance].sell); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, shortbuf, ans, 2, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,shortbuf,ans,2,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE if (ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y') { sprintf(shortbuf, "装备 %s 卖了 %d", p[variance].name, p[variance].sell); d.attack -= p[variance].attack; d.resist -= p[variance].resist; d.speed -= p[variance].speed; += p[variance].sell; temppress(shortbuf); variance = 0; } else { sprintf(shortbuf, "ccc..我回心转意了..."); temppress(shortbuf); } } else if (variance == 0) { sprintf(shortbuf, "你本来就没有装备了..."); temppress(shortbuf); variance = 0; } break; case 'W': case 'w': pip_data_list(); break; #ifdef MAPLE case Ctrl('R'): if (currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid) { show_last_call_in(); my_write(currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid, "水球丢回去:"); } break; #endif // END MAPLE } } while ((pipkey != 'Q') && (pipkey != 'q') && (pipkey != KEY_LEFT)); return variance; }
int pip_buy_goods_new(int mode,const struct goodsofpip *p,int *oldnum) { const static char *shopname[4] = { "店名", "便利商店", "星空药铺", "夜里书局" }; char inbuf[256]; char genbuf[20]; long smoney; int oldmoney; int i, pipkey, choice; oldmoney =; do { clrchyiuan(6, 18); move(6, 0); sprintf(inbuf, "\033[1;31m —\033[41;37m 编号 \033[0;1;31m—\033[41;37m 商 品 \033[0;1;31m——\033[41;37m 效 能 \033[0;1;31m——\033[41;37m 价 格 \033[0;1;31m—\033[37;41m 拥有数量 \033[0;1;31m—\033[0m "); prints(inbuf); for (i = 1; i <= oldnum[0]; i++) { move(7 + i, 0); sprintf(inbuf, " \033[1;35m[\033[37m%2d\033[35m] \033[36m%-10s \033[37m%-14s \033[1;33m%-10d \033[1;32m%-9d \033[0m", p[i].num, p[i].name, p[i].msgbuy, p[i].money, oldnum[i]); prints(inbuf); } clrchyiuan(19, 24); move(b_lines, 0); sprintf(inbuf, "\033[1;44;37m %8s选单 \033[46m [B]买入物品 [S]卖出物品 [Q]跳出: \033[m", shopname[mode]); prints(inbuf); pipkey = igetkey(); switch (pipkey) { case 'B': case 'b': move(b_lines - 1, 1); sprintf(inbuf, "想要买入啥呢? [0]放弃买入 [1~%d]物品商号", oldnum[0]); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 3, LCECHO, "0"); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,3,DOECHO,NULL,true); if ((genbuf[0] >= 'A') && (genbuf[0] <= 'Z')) genbuf[0] = genbuf[0] | 32; #endif // END MAPLE choice = atoi(genbuf); if (choice >= 1 && choice <= oldnum[0]) { clrchyiuan(6, 18); if (rand() % 2 > 0) show_buy_pic(p[choice].pic1); else show_buy_pic(p[choice].pic2); move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines - 1, 1); smoney = 0; if (mode == 3) smoney = 1; else { sprintf(inbuf, "你要买入物品 [%s] 多少个呢?(上限 %d)", p[choice].name, / p[choice].money); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 6, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,6,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE smoney = atoi(genbuf); } if (smoney < 0) { temppress("放弃买入..."); } else if ( < smoney * p[choice].money) { temppress("你的钱没有那麽多喔.."); } else { sprintf(inbuf,"确定买入物品 [%s] 数量 %ld 个吗?(店家卖价 %ld) [y/N]:",p[choice].name,smoney,smoney*p[choice].money); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 2, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,2,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE if (genbuf[0] == 'y' || genbuf[0] == 'Y') { oldnum[choice] += smoney; -= smoney * p[choice].money; sprintf(inbuf,"老板给了你%ld个%s",smoney,p[choice].name); temppress(inbuf); temppress(p[choice].msguse); if (mode == 3 && choice == 1) { d.happy += rand() % 10 + 20 * smoney; d.satisfy += rand() % 10 + 20 * smoney; } if (mode == 3 && choice == 2) { d.happy += (rand() % 2 + 2) * smoney; d.wisdom += (2 + 10 / (d.wisdom / 100 + 1)) * smoney; d.character += (rand() % 4 + 2) * smoney; += (rand() % 2 + 1) * smoney; } } else { temppress("放弃买入..."); } } } else { sprintf(inbuf, "放弃买入....."); temppress(inbuf); } break; case 'S': case 's': if (mode == 3) { temppress("这些东西不能卖喔...."); break; } move(b_lines - 1, 1); sprintf(inbuf, "想要卖出啥呢? [0]放弃卖出 [1~%d]物品商号", oldnum[0]); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 3, LCECHO, "0"); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,3,DOECHO,NULL,true); if ((genbuf[0] >= 'A') && (genbuf[0] <= 'Z')) genbuf[0] = genbuf[0] | 32; #endif // END MAPLE choice = atoi(genbuf); if (choice >= 1 && choice <= oldnum[0]) { clrchyiuan(6, 18); if (rand() % 2 > 0) show_buy_pic(p[choice].pic1); else show_buy_pic(p[choice].pic2); move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines - 1, 1); smoney = 0; sprintf(inbuf, "你要卖出物品 [%s] 多少个呢?(上限 %d)", p[choice].name, oldnum[choice]); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 6, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,6,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE smoney = atoi(genbuf); if (smoney < 0) { temppress("放弃卖出..."); } else if (smoney > oldnum[choice]) { sprintf(inbuf, "你的 [%s] 没有那麽多个喔", p[choice].name); temppress(inbuf); } else { sprintf(inbuf,"确定卖出物品 [%s] 数量 %ld 个吗?(店家买价 %ld) [y/N]:", p[choice].name,smoney,smoney*p[choice].money*8/10); #ifdef MAPLE getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, inbuf, genbuf, 2, 1, 0); #else getdata(b_lines-1,1,inbuf,genbuf,2,DOECHO,NULL,true); #endif // END MAPLE if (genbuf[0] == 'y' || genbuf[0] == 'Y') { oldnum[choice] -= smoney; += smoney * p[choice].money * 8 / 10; sprintf(inbuf,"老板拿走了你的%ld个%s",smoney,p[choice].name); temppress(inbuf); } else { temppress("放弃卖出..."); } } } else { sprintf(inbuf, "放弃卖出....."); temppress(inbuf); } break; case 'Q': case 'q': sprintf(inbuf, "金钱交易共 %d 元,离开 %s ", - oldmoney, shopname[mode]); temppress(inbuf); break; #ifdef MAPLE case Ctrl('R'): if (currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid) { show_last_call_in(); my_write(currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid, "水球丢回去:"); } break; #endif // END MAPLE } } while ((pipkey != 'Q') && (pipkey != 'q') && (pipkey != KEY_LEFT)); return 0; }
int scan_register_form(char* regfile) { static char *field[] = {"usernum", "userid", "realname", "dept", "addr", "phone", "regip", NULL }; static char *finfo[] = {"帐号位置", "申请帐号", "真实姓名", "学校系级", "目前住址", "连络电话", "注册ip ", NULL }; static char *reason[] = {"请确实填写真实姓名(不可使用拼音).", "请详填学校院系与年级 (注明系和年级或者工作单位和工作部门).", "请填写完整的住址资料 (完整详细,能够通信).", "请详填连络电话 (固定电话需填写区号).", "请勿穿梭注册.", "请如实详细填写注册申请表.", "请用中文填写申请表.", "同一个用户注册了过多ID.", NULL }; struct userec uinfo; FILE *fn, *fout, *freg; char fdata[7][STRLEN]; char fname[STRLEN], buf[STRLEN]; char ans[5], *ptr, *uid; int n, unum; uid = currentuser.userid; char numofreason[2];//tdhlshx for refuse. int total; int iis; int realnumofrea[8];//add end stand_title("依序设定所有新注册资料"); sprintf(fname, "%s.tmp", regfile); move(2, 0); if (dashf(fname)) { move(1, 0); prints("其他 SYSOP 正在查看注册申请单, 请检查使用者状态.\n"); getdata(2, 0, "你确定没有其他 SYSOP 在审核注册单吗 ? [y/N]: ", ans, 2, DOECHO, YEA); if (ans[0] == 'Y' || ans[0] == 'y') f_cp(fname, regfile, O_APPEND); else { pressreturn(); return -1; } } rename(regfile, fname); if ((fn = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { move(2, 0);//请管理员输入未通过原因: prints("系统错误, 无法读取注册资料档: %s\n", fname); pressreturn(); return -1; } memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) != NULL) { if ((ptr = (char *) strstr(genbuf, ": ")) != NULL) { *ptr = '\0'; for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) { if (strcmp(genbuf, field[n]) == 0) { strcpy(fdata[n], ptr + 2); if ((ptr = (char *) strchr(fdata[n], '\n')) != NULL) *ptr = '\0'; } } } else if ((unum = getuser(fdata[1])) == 0) { move(2, 0); clrtobot(); prints("系统错误, 查无此帐号.\n\n"); for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s : %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); pressreturn(); memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); } else { memcpy(&uinfo, &lookupuser, sizeof(uinfo)); move(1, 0); prints("帐号位置 : %d\n", unum); disply_userinfo(&uinfo); move(15, 0); printdash(NULL); for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s : %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); if (uinfo.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { move(t_lines - 1, 0); prints("此帐号不需再填写注册单.\n"); igetkey(); ans[0] = 'D'; } else { getdata(t_lines - 1, 0, "是否接受此资料 (Y/N/Q/Del/Skip)? [S]: ", ans, 3, DOECHO, YEA); } move(1, 0); clrtobot(); switch (ans[0]) { case 'D': case 'd': break; case 'Y': case 'y': prints("以下使用者资料已经更新:\n"); n = strlen(fdata[5]); if (n + strlen(fdata[3]) > 60) { if (n > 40) fdata[5][n = 40] = '\0'; fdata[3][60 - n] = '\0'; } strncpy(uinfo.realname, fdata[2], NAMELEN); strncpy(uinfo.address, fdata[4], NAMELEN); sprintf(genbuf, "%s$%s@%s", fdata[3], fdata[5], uid); genbuf[STRLEN - 16] = '\0'; strncpy(uinfo.reginfo, genbuf, STRLEN - 17); #ifdef ALLOWGAME = 1000; #endif uinfo.lastjustify = time(0); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); sethomefile(buf, uinfo.userid, "register"); if (dashf(buf)) { sethomefile(genbuf, uinfo.userid, "register.old"); rename(buf, genbuf); } if ((fout = fopen(buf, "w")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(fout, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); n = time(NULL); getdatestring(n,NA); fprintf(fout, "Date: %s\n", datestring); fprintf(fout, "Approved: %s\n", uid); fclose(fout); } mail_file("etc/s_fill", uinfo.userid, "恭禧你,你已经完成注册。"); mail_file("etc/fornewcomers",uinfo.userid,"欢迎加入 [33m"BBSNAME"[m 大家庭");//tdhlshx 新手FAQ信件 sethomefile(buf, uinfo.userid, "mailcheck"); unlink(buf); sprintf(genbuf, "让 %s 通过身份确认.", uinfo.userid); securityreport4(genbuf); break; case 'Q': case 'q': if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) != NULL) fputs(genbuf, freg); fclose(freg); } break; case 'N': case 'n': for(total=0; total<8; total++) realnumofrea[total]=0; for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s: %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); printdash(NULL); move(9, 0); prints("请依次输入退回申请表原因的序号并回车确认,直接回车结束.\n\n"); // prints("请选择/输入退回申请表原因, 按 <enter> 取消.\n\n"); for (n = 0; reason[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%d) %s\n", n, reason[n]); getdata(12+n,0,"退回原因:",numofreason,2,DOECHO,YEA); // getdata(12 + n, 0, "退回原因: ", buf, 60, DOECHO, YEA); if(numofreason[0]!='\0'&&numofreason[0]>='0'&&numofreason[0]<='7') { total=atoi(numofreason); realnumofrea[total]=1; move(14+n,0); prints("您已经选择的理由有:\n%d ",total); } while(numofreason[0]!='\0') { getdata(12+n,0,"退回原因:",numofreason,2,DOECHO,YEA); if(numofreason[0]>='0'&&numofreason[0]<='7') { total=atoi(numofreason); if(realnumofrea[total]==0) realnumofrea[total]=1; else realnumofrea[total]=0; move(14+n,0); clrtobot(); prints("您已经选择的理由有:\n"); for(iis=0; iis<8; iis++) { if(realnumofrea[iis]==1) prints("%d ",iis); } } } system("cp /home/bbs/etc/f_fill /home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); char FL[STRLEN]; sprintf(FL,"/home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); FILE * fail=fopen(FL,"a"); if(fail==NULL) { prints("Error,创建临时文件错误.请与系统维护联系或再次尝试!"); pressanykey(); return -1; } { fprintf(fail,"\n\n您被拒绝注册的原因大概如下:\n"); for(total=0; total<8; total++) { if(realnumofrea[total]==1) { strcpy(buf,reason[total]); fprintf(fail,"\n%s",buf); } } sprintf(genbuf,"很抱歉的告诉您,您这次注册失败.:("); strncpy(uinfo.address, genbuf, NAMELEN); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); fclose(fail); mail_file(FL,uinfo.userid, uinfo.address); system("rm -f /home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); } break; /*if (buf[0] != '\0') { if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] < '0' + n) { strcpy(buf, reason[buf[0] - '0']); } sprintf(genbuf, "<注册失败> - %s", buf); strncpy(uinfo.address, genbuf, NAMELEN); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); mail_file("etc/f_fill", uinfo.userid, uinfo.address);*/ /* user_display( &uinfo, 1 ); */ /* pressreturn(); */ /* break; } move(10, 0); clrtobot(); prints("取消退回此注册申请表.\n");*/ /* run default -- put back to regfile */ default: if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); fclose(freg); } } memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); } } fclose(fn); unlink(fname); return (0); }
static int set_keydefine_key(struct _select_def *conf, int key) { int oldmode; switch (key) { case KEY_TAB: ask_define(); return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; case 'a': /* add new user */ if (keymem_total < MAX_KEY_DEFINE) { int i,j; struct key_struct k; char buf[120]; clear(); move(1, 0); prints("请键入自定义键: "); do { i = igetkey(); get_key_name(i, buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; prints("%s\n", buf); k.key = i; move(2, 0); prints("请输入替换序列(最多10个),按一次ESC结束: "); j=0; do { do { i = igetkey(); get_key_name(i, buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) break; prints("%s ", buf); k.mapped[j] = i; j++; if (j>=10) break; } while (1); if (j<10) k.mapped[j]=0; if (j==0) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; k.status[0] = -1; add_key(&k); return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; } break; case 'e': set_modes(keymem[conf->pos-1].status); return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; case 's': { int i,j,x,y; struct key_struct k; char buf[120]; memmove(&k,keymem+conf->pos-1,sizeof(struct key_struct)); clear(); move(1, 0); prints("请键入自定义键: "); do { i = igetkey(); get_key_name(i, buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; prints("%s\n", buf); k.key = i; move(2, 0); prints("请输入替换序列(最多10个),按一次ESC结束: "); j=0; do { do { i = igetkey(); get_key_name(i, buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) break; getyx(&y,&x); prints((x+strlen(buf)<t_columns-1)?"%s ":"\n%s ",buf); k.mapped[j] = i; j++; if (j>=10) break; } while (1); if (j<10) k.mapped[j]=0; if (j==0) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; memcpy(keymem+conf->pos-1, &k, sizeof(struct key_struct)); return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; } break; case 'x': { struct key_struct k; int i; char buf[128]; memmove(&k,keymem+conf->pos-1,sizeof(struct key_struct)); clear(); move(1,0); prints("请键入自定义键: "); do { i=igetkey(); get_key_name(i,buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; k.key=i; prints("%s",buf); memmove(keymem+conf->pos-1,&k,sizeof(struct key_struct)); prints("\n\n\033[1;33m%s\033[0;33m<Enter>\033[m","已更新!"); WAIT_RETURN; return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; } break; case 't': { struct key_struct k; int i,j,x,y; char buf[128]; memmove(&k,keymem+conf->pos-1,sizeof(struct key_struct)); clear(); move(1,0); prints("请输入替换序列(最多10个), 按一次ESC结束: "); for (j=0; j<10; j++) { do { i=igetkey(); get_key_name(i,buf); } while (!buf[0]&&i!=KEY_ESC); if (i==KEY_ESC) break; getyx(&y,&x); prints((x+strlen(buf)<t_columns-1)?"%s ":"\n%s ",buf); k.mapped[j]=i; } if (!j) return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; if (j<10) k.mapped[j]=0; memmove(keymem+conf->pos-1,&k,sizeof(struct key_struct)); prints("\n\n\033[1;33m%s\033[0;33m<Enter>\033[m","已更新!"); WAIT_RETURN; return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; } break; case 'd': /* delete existed user */ if (keymem_total > 0) { char ans[3]; getdata(t_lines - 1, 0, "确实要删除该定义键吗(Y/N)? [N]: ", ans, sizeof(ans), DOECHO, NULL, true); if (ans[0] == 'Y' || ans[0] == 'y') { remove_key(conf->pos-1); if (keymem_total==0) { struct key_struct key; key.key = 'A'; key.mapped[0] = 'A'; key.mapped[1] = 0; key.status[0] = 0; add_key(&key); } } return SHOW_DIRCHANGE; } break; case 'L': case 'l': oldmode = uinfo.mode; show_allmsgs(); modify_user_mode(oldmode); return SHOW_REFRESH; case 'W': case 'w': oldmode = uinfo.mode; if (!HAS_PERM(getCurrentUser(), PERM_PAGE)) break; s_msg(); modify_user_mode(oldmode); return SHOW_REFRESH; case 'u': oldmode = uinfo.mode; clear(); modify_user_mode(QUERY); t_query(NULL); modify_user_mode(oldmode); clear(); return SHOW_REFRESH; } return SHOW_CONTINUE; }
int pip_results_show() { /*收获季 */ const static char *showname[5] = { " ", "武斗大会", "艺术大展", "皇家舞会", "烹饪大赛" }; char buf[256]; int pipkey, i = 0; int winorlost = 0; int a, b[3][2], c[3]; clear(); move(10, 14); prints("\033[1;33m叮咚叮咚~ 辛苦的邮差帮我们送信来了喔...\033[0m"); temppress("嗯 把信打开看看吧..."); clear(); show_resultshow_pic(0); sprintf(buf, "[A]%s [B]%s [C]%s [D]%s [Q]放弃:", showname[1], showname[2], showname[3], showname[4]); move(b_lines, 0); prints(buf); do { pipkey = igetkey(); } while (pipkey != 'q' && pipkey != 'Q' && pipkey != 'A' && pipkey != 'a' && pipkey != 'B' && pipkey != 'b' && pipkey != 'C' && pipkey != 'c' && pipkey != 'D' && pipkey != 'd'); a = rand() % 4 + 1; b[0][0] = a - 1; b[1][0] = a + 1; b[2][0] = a; switch (pipkey) { case 'A': case 'a': temppress("今年共有四人参赛~现在比赛开始"); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { a = 0; b[i][1] = 0; sprintf(buf, "你的第%d个对手是%s", i + 1, resultmanlist[b[i][0]].name); temppress(buf); a = pip_vs_man(b[i][0], resultmanlist, 2); if (a == 1) b[i][1] = 1; /*对方输了 */ winorlost += a; d.death = 0; } switch (winorlost) { case 3: pip_results_show_ending(3, 1, b[1][0], b[0][0], b[2][0]); d.hexp += rand() % 10 + 50; break; case 2: if (b[0][1] != 1) { c[0] = b[0][0]; c[1] = b[1][0]; c[2] = b[2][0]; } else if (b[1][1] != 1) { c[0] = b[1][0]; c[1] = b[2][0]; c[2] = b[0][0]; } else if (b[2][1] != 1) { c[0] = b[2][0]; c[1] = b[0][0]; c[2] = b[1][0]; } else break; pip_results_show_ending(2, 1, c[0], c[1], c[2]); d.hexp += rand() % 10 + 30; break; case 1: if (b[0][1] == 1) { c[0] = b[2][0]; c[1] = b[1][0]; c[2] = b[0][0]; } else if (b[1][1] == 1) { c[0] = b[0][0]; c[1] = b[2][0]; c[2] = b[1][0]; } else if (b[2][1] == 1) { c[0] = b[1][0]; c[1] = b[0][0]; c[2] = b[2][0]; } else break; pip_results_show_ending(1, 1, c[0], c[1], c[2]); d.hexp += rand() % 10 + 10; break; case 0: pip_results_show_ending(0, 1, b[0][0], b[1][0], b[2][0]); d.hexp -= rand() % 10 + 10; break; } break; case 'B': case 'b': temppress("今年共有四人参赛~现在比赛开始"); show_resultshow_pic(21); temppress("比赛情形"); if (( * 2 + d.character) / 400 >= 5) { winorlost = 3; } else if (( * 2 + d.character) / 400 >= 4) { winorlost = 2; } else if (( * 2 + d.character) / 400 >= 3) { winorlost = 1; } else { winorlost = 0; } pip_results_show_ending(winorlost, 2, rand() % 2, rand() % 2 + 2, rand() % 2 + 4); += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; d.character += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; break; case 'C': case 'c': temppress("今年共有四人参赛~现在比赛开始"); if (( * 2 + d.charm) / 400 >= 5) { winorlost = 3; } else if (( * 2 + d.charm) / 400 >= 4) { winorlost = 2; } else if (( * 2 + d.charm) / 400 >= 3) { winorlost = 1; } else { winorlost = 0; } += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; d.charm += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; pip_results_show_ending(winorlost, 3, rand() % 2, rand() % 2 + 4, rand() % 2 + 2); break; case 'D': case 'd': temppress("今年共有四人参赛~现在比赛开始"); if ((d.affect + d.cookskill * 2) / 200 >= 4) { winorlost = 3; } else if ((d.affect + d.cookskill * 2) / 200 >= 3) { winorlost = 2; } else if ((d.affect + d.cookskill * 2) / 200 >= 2) { winorlost = 1; } else { winorlost = 0; } d.cookskill += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; += rand() % 10 + 20 * winorlost; pip_results_show_ending(winorlost, 4, rand() % 2 + 2, rand() % 2, rand() % 2 + 4); break; case 'Q': case 'q': temppress("今年不参加啦.....:("); d.happy -= rand() % 10 + 10; d.satisfy -= rand() % 10 + 10; d.relation -= rand() % 10; break; } if (pipkey != 'Q' && pipkey != 'q') { d.tired = 0; d.hp = d.maxhp; d.happy += rand() % 20; d.satisfy += rand() % 20; d.relation += rand() % 10; } return 0; }