Example #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called when the mouse pointer is moved within the canvas
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GfxCanvas::onMouseMovement(wxMouseEvent& e)
	bool refresh = false;

	// Check if the mouse is over the image
	int  x        = e.GetPosition().x;
	int  y        = e.GetPosition().y - 2;
	bool on_image = onImage(x, y);
	cursor_pos_   = imageCoords(x, y);
	if (on_image && editing_mode_ != EditMode::None)
		if (cursor_pos_ != prev_pos_)
		prev_pos_ = cursor_pos_;
	if (on_image != image_hilight_)
		image_hilight_ = on_image;
		refresh        = true;

		// Update cursor if drag allowed
		if (on_image)
			if (editing_mode_ != EditMode::None)
			else if (allow_drag_)
		else if (allow_drag_ && !e.LeftIsDown())
	// Drag
	if (e.LeftIsDown())
		if (editing_mode_ != EditMode::None)
			brushCanvas(x, y);
			drag_pos_.set(e.GetPosition().x, e.GetPosition().y);
			refresh = true;
	else if (e.MiddleIsDown())
		offset_ = offset_ + Vec2d(e.GetPosition().x - mouse_prev_.x, e.GetPosition().y - mouse_prev_.y);
		refresh = true;
	// Right mouse down
	if (e.RightIsDown() && on_image)
		pickColour(x, y);

	if (refresh)

	mouse_prev_.set(e.GetPosition().x, e.GetPosition().y);
Example #2
/* GfxCanvas::brushCanvas
 * Finds all the pixels under the brush, and paints them.
void GfxCanvas::brushCanvas(int x, int y)
	if (brush == nullptr) return;
	point2_t coord = imageCoords(x, y);
	for (int i = -4; i < 5; ++i)
		for (int j = -4; j < 5; ++j)
			if (brush->getPixel(i, j))
				paintPixel(coord.x + i, coord.y + j);
Example #3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if the given coordinates are 'on' top of the image
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool GfxCanvas::onImage(int x, int y)
	// Don't disable in editing mode; it can be quite useful
	// to have a live preview of how a graphic will tile.
	if (view_type_ == View::Tiled && editing_mode_ == EditMode::None)
		return false;

	// No need to duplicate the imageCoords code.
	return imageCoords(x, y) != Vec2i{ -1, -1 };
Example #4
/* GfxCanvas::onImage
 * Returns true if the given coordinates are 'on' top of the image
bool GfxCanvas::onImage(int x, int y)
	// Don't disable in editing mode; it can be quite useful 
	// to have a live preview of how a graphic will tile.
	if (view_type == GFXVIEW_TILED && editing_mode == 0)
		return false;

	// No need to duplicate the imageCoords code.
	return imageCoords(x, y) != POINT_OUTSIDE;
Example #5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds the pixel under the cursor, and picks its colour.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GfxCanvas::pickColour(int x, int y)
	// Get the pixel
	auto coord = imageCoords(x, y);

	// Pick its colour
	paint_colour_ = image_.pixelAt(coord.x, coord.y, &palette_);

	// Announce it triumphantly to the world
	wxNotifyEvent e(wxEVT_GFXCANVAS_COLOUR_PICKED, GetId());